𝙰 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚎 (w...

By Kailaniarcher

15.6K 1K 935

The town of Obscure was notorious for its many myths, folklores and lawless affairs but none as intriguing an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty- One
Chapter Twenty- Two
Chapter Twenty- Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty- Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Twenty- Eight
Author's Note

Chapter Thirteen

427 38 19
By Kailaniarcher

"You look confused, do you need me to elaborate on how such relations work?" Questioned Anastasia, alluding to what she did with the men's wives. She asked intentionally, watching as Emese's reaction was nothing short of amusing.

Turning her face away, the brunette blushed at the suggestive response the vampire gave her. She wasn't completely unaware of how certain encounters worked but she also didn't know too much either.

"That's alright," the woman replied to her guest to which Anastasía chuckled at the nervousness she smelled coming from her.

"I must admit, I never expected a woman as yourself to be familiar with such unholy ways,"

"Unholy to whose standard exactly?" Emese quipped earning a look of admiration from the mystifying presence across from her. 

"Isn't this Mother of yours whom you worship against certain relations like every other rigid god in this universe?"

"No. Teachings from Ehia do not prosecute nor condemn inclination. Remember she is the mother of nature and in nature, well, love, attraction and—" Emese paused. She was going to say copulation but was too ashamed to mention it.

"Go on," said Ana causing Emese to blush yet again.

Once more the brunette took up her wine and drank. "Those are all natural parts of life and whomever one chooses to love is accepted, condemning it would be speaking against nature. It doesn't go to say that there aren't extremists in my religion who speak against people like you and the lives they live, but they are so little that their voices do not impact anything really,"

"I suppose that's lovely,"

"It is and to answer your initial question I'm not familiar with sapphic relations, but aware," The woman, after uttering those words was embarrassed at herself. She wondered why she needed to explain her answer, it only made her seem naive.

"Ah, I stand corrected then,"

Emese contemplated whether or not she should entertain a conversation of that sort with her guest but she wasn't one to shy away from much even if it was lewd or outside of her experiences. Also, there was something about the woman that drew her in and every second they sat there facing each other, she felt as if she drifted across still water to this shore that although filled with an aura of peril was somehow equally welcoming and innocuous.

Taking a careful sip from her wine, Anastasía subtly twirled the red substance around as she studied her hostess. The contents swirled like a tiny, watery tornado, never a drop had spilt from the cup even as she stopped twirling.

"In Emera, laws were put in place to hinder people like yourself from committing the act," Emese inevitably shared and the vampire quirked a brow at the unexpected fact.

"Is that so?"

"Mhm. The only people who don't condemn it are mostly followers of the Mother but against the majority our voice is insignificant. With that said, you could imagine my surprise when I learned that Asheans are so causal about their indulgence with homoerotic relations."

"We have our royal family to thank for that," retorted the slender woman. "A few prominent figures within their bloodline were or are a part of that society," she added.

"Really?" Emese questioned, intrigue tingling up the spirals of her mind like wild vines.

"Yes, of course. Have you never heard?"

"I heard plenty of rumours but never that,"

Placing her cup down, Anastasía leaned even closer to her hostess, enough where she saw the veins in her neck bulge and swell as blood pumped through them. The sound of this blood rushing to her heart caused a reaction, again her pupils dilated, appearing as big as the moon in her eyes. Her senses dulled as she sat there intoxicated not by the wine but by the musk that drifted from the woman in her wake.

Blinking rapidly to ease the haziness that came over her, Ana also cleared her throat.

"There's always a bit of truth in everything you hear in Ashea, particularly in Obscure: misogynistic and predatory men in power and their equally condemnable wives, thieving council members, witches, werewolves, celestial beings masquerading in our presence, apparitions—"

"Vampires?" Emese interposed causing Ana to smile.

"And yes, vampires," she drawled.

Nodding, the brunette's mind raced off with many questions. "Were you close with the royal family? I suspect so because you speak as if you know them personally, if not I would like to think you're close with nobles who in turn are close with them,"

"I am close with them," she replied ambiguously with a smile. "See when you've lived as long as I have you tend to build a network of friends and associates," she answered. Although this was true, as she'd done before, Ana intentionally left out that she was a noblewoman related directly to the crown.

"I suppose. Were you ever in a position of power before your captivity?"

The vampire grinned; her plump, wine-stained lips pulled back exposing pearly white teeth with slightly larger than normal canines. "You ask a lot of questions, my lady," the mystifying figure drawled. 

"And you evade so many of them, my lady," Emese replied matching her energy. "Enough for me to conclude,"

"Conclude what?"

"How you might be an older noblewoman, how else could you afford all these fancy things you bring for my brother and me? You've made no mention of having a job and even if you did have one, the cost for all this," Emese gestured to the boxes and bags against the wall. "You couldn't afford in the little time you've been free,"

"You don't know that, I'll have you know I'm an ambitious woman."

"I bet you are,"

Anastasía laughed and it was strange hearing the feathery sound for it contrasted her usually strident voice.

"But that's a lie. I have wealthy friends, Emese, it's how I can afford to treat you and Tamas."

"I don't doubt it but the biggest conclusion to my theory about your background stems from your captivity," said Emese and her words made the smile on Ana's face falter.

"Go on," the raven head willed.

"I don't believe your captors would've kept you alive and for so long unless you were priceless to them. I do not believe you were merely kept as their prisoner for a century simply because they could. And the thought that they might probably still be looking for you adds to that suspicion that you are important,"

"Let's say you're right and I am of a wealthy class, would that frighten you? I ask this because I remember you saying once that money attracts problems and for that very reason you'd want nothing to do with me,"

"If it is true that you are a wealthy woman, I would try to be weary around you. I would be concerned, as it is right to feel when thrust into a situation where someone of your ilk is on the run and their adversaries are equally powerful and dangerous people. I would also want to know what it was that made them so hostile toward said person; did they wrong these people in any way?"

The questions left the room quiet. The tension that was once there at the beginning of their acquaintance resurfaced and again Emese felt that dread crawl in her stomach as if were alive. It was even worse due to the alcohol that seeped into her bloodstream. 

"I want you to know that I am not in the wrong,"

"How can I be certain that you're telling the truth?"

The vampire frowned. "You wait now to question my integrity?"

"No, I'm simply asking again,"

"If your suspicion about me being the nefarious one is correct, do you think I would be here and not somewhere else gathering a small army to cut down my captors?"

"I think that's something you should be doing either way, plotting some form of retaliation. Don't you want to live without having to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life?" Said Emese and her reply shocked Ana.

The vampire never expected the woman of all people to share thoughts that aligned with Sylvia's. Because of this, Ana had a moment of rumination where she questioned what she intended to do. Since captivity, she'd spoken once of exacting revenge but ever since that she never dwelled on the topic of going after Dorin and Inaya. All she wanted was to be left alone, all she wanted was peace, to live and enjoy life not fight and cause carnage but what if she had? That was the last thing she thought before shutting out those dreadful things from her mind.

"Truthfully, I don't think you'd be here if you'd been the one in the wrong, but it doesn't mean I can't question you on your motives,"

"I.." The vampire fumbled for words. "I do not want you to feel as though I'm some horrid individual, I'm not and it's not a matter of what I did to the people after me but what they're after. So yes, you are right to some extent, to my captors I am priceless and I am cognizant of the fact that not only am I priceless to them but to myself also and it is why I'm afraid to risk my life,"

"Of course, I want to see them burn for hurting me. I want them to suffer just as much as I but I do not have the strength as yet to make them meet their fate. I'm tired, I've been tired and all I want is to rest," said Ana, her eyes, glistening beneath the light.

"So tell me why they are after you? Tell me why they kept you as a prisoner?" Emese pleaded, her brown gaze dotted with the yellow reflection from the candles hung on the wall or resting in their holder. In the reflection, they looked like orbs floating around.

Although they'd just started imbibing the wine, the vampire could tell it was beginning to have effects on the human. Ever so slowly her guard was lowered, it showed in the way her shoulders were no longer rigid but slumped almost rounded.

"Who are you and why were they after you—"

Interrupted by Tamas dashing into the room, the two women's gaze followed the boy who sauntered up to the vampire. "Will you play with me?" He asked looking at his sister. He was aware she needed to speak to Ana before she understood him.

"Tamas wants you to play with him," the older sibling translated and offering an affable expression, Ana nodded. She carefully took the wooden horse from the boy's grasp, studying its smoothed curves and ridges.

Before she allowed herself to be whisked away, Ana remembered the last time she was there Emese revealed she worked with a woodcarver and the thought that all along she was the one who made her brother's toy evoked adulation.

"I like your work," The vampire said, meeting the woman's gaze.

"Thank you,"

"I wonder why you didn't choose to continue on that trade here in Ashea, it would've paid far more than selling in the market,"

Emese stood up from the table, downing the last of her wine only to cradle the cup in her hand.

"I did or at least I tried but no one would hire me and by no one I mean men. Here, the skill and trade industries are heavily controlled by them and they're quite hostile when it comes to a woman in their presence trying to earn an honest dollar. They fear she will suddenly outshine them or take away what little they have which is absurd,"

"You could've started something on your own,"

"With what? The money I came here with I put towards buying this place. And the little I've been earning is put towards keeping food on our table. Plus, I needed a network. People wouldn't come to me unless they heard good things. No one knew me,"

"I could help with that, just so you know," offered the vampire.

Emese didn't respond to what she said but chose to speak to her brother directly. "Play nicely with our guest, although I'll be in the kitchen I will listen out, so no misbehaving,"

"I'll behave," answered the boy.

During the siblings' short exchange of words, Anastasía observed them only to watch as her hostess, her rescuer left the vicinity. Her back remained to them and although it was so for she busied herself with chores. This was a common thing for the woman the vampire noticed but said nothing.

Playing with Tamas without his sister's presence to translate for them was always an interesting experience. They often resort to communicating nonverbally the vampire found, pointing their fingers and nodding their heads and offering smiles when the other understood them. And it wasn't so much her playing with the boy but watching him play with his horse, rambling on now and then about nothing she understood.

Eventually, Ana decided to show him a few tricks to impress him. Unhooking an earring from her earlobe, the slender figure showed the boy it as it lay in her palm before closing it only to open revealing that it had vanished. Tamas' jaw dropped, to him it was as if he'd seen the most epic thing of his life.

Chuckling, the vampire pretended to reach behind his ear, resurfacing her earring and if he hadn't lost his mind before, the second act of the trick mesmerized him.

At a loss for words, the boy could only glare between the jewellery in the woman's hand and her amused face.
He attempted to take the earring but gasped when his hand came into contact with the coldness that perpetually lived in the vampire's body.

Noticing this, Anastasía offered the earring from an angle the boy didn't have to touch her. Once it was in his grasp, Tamas tried to emulate what he saw but each time he closed and open his hand the earring was still there.

"It doesn't work like that," she uttered in her tongue and somehow the boy seemed to understand for he replied with, "Teach me how," pointing to the earring in his tiny palm.

Despite her back turned to the two, their conversation was not lost on Emese. She listened to them and couldn't help but find intrigue in the way they spoke to each other through the language barrier.

Subsequently, she moved over to them, watching as the woman showed her little brother that the jewellery didn't disappear but was hidden. Anastasía showed him how to hide it and up until he was told it was time for bed Tamas practised shielding the earring, almost getting it right each try.

"That'll have him up all night," said his sister. She sent the boy to change into his sleeping apparel and watched as he refused to return the gem-infused earring to Ana, instead trying desperately to get the trick right.

"Good, then he'll perfect it by morning,"

"How funny," said the brunette before calling out to her brother. "You need to put that away when you get to bed, you can continue tomorrow but not tonight,"

When the boy was no longer in sight, Ana studied his sister. "Do you ever let him play with other children?"

"Sometimes. At the market, there are a few women I know who, on occasions would bring some of their children along and when they did come I'd let him play,"

"What about you, do you play with the women too?" Asked the vampire causing Emese to chuckle.

"A jester, this one, who would've known,"

"Oh, I am a lot of things, my lady, you're yet to discover that," drawled Anastasía in a suggestive tone.

The two fell silent for a moment and while they were, the vampire didn't want their time to come to an end too soon so she strummed up a suggestion.

"Have more wine with me and let us talk about whatever comes to our minds,"

"Some of those things you would evade,"

"Ask me other questions, you're a smart, curious woman, I'm sure you have tons of things to ask or share,"

"It would be your turn to get the wine if I agree, which I do," answered Emese, sealing that as they've done before, she was willing to stay up into the wee hours of the morning conversing with their stranger.

"It would be my pleasure,"

Anastasía got up thereafter. Using her impeccable sight, she spotted the small barrel sitting on the floor. Carefully she hoisted it into her grasp, taking it back to the shaky table where she sat it down.

Filling each of their cups using the ladle, the vampire served the wine to Emese.

Once seated, the brunette questioned. "Are vampires affected by alcohol the way it does humans?"

"It can but not if we consume it by itself. There's a herb that we crush adding it to whatever we're imbibing,"

"What is the name of the herb? I might know it,"

"Why, do you plan on intoxicating me? How naughty,"

"A splendid idea, I just might,"

The two women tittered. They knew that what they said were merely jokes and not meant to be taken seriously so no hard feelings came about.

"No, but the herb is Tesherice. Colloquially you might know it as the Weeper."

Utterly impressed that vampires could consume something that causes irritation and pain to humans when consumed, the brunette couldn't hide her admiration. "That is a powerful herb and to think your kind uses it to make your bodies susceptible to alcohol is insane,"

"It is but anything to have some semblance of humanity, right?" Ana questioned rhetorically. "Do you grow the Weeper anywhere about?"

"Not at all but I know someone who does. You'd like to feel the effects of the wine?"

Smiling devilishly, Ana witted. "Perhaps,"

"I can tell you where they live and mayhaps you could venture out and get it, if that is your desire,"

"I didn't want you to be alone in the event you got intoxicated, but tonight I'll pass on the opportunity,"

Emese raised her hand, brushing it in the air as she playfully pushed Anastasía's response to the side. "Next time you come around I'll collect some for you,"

"How are you so sure there's a next time?"

"I'm not, I'm merely hoping." Answered the brunette.

"Well I hope I'm not mistaken Lady Emese, but it sounds like you've grown accustomed to me being here," replied Ana, a cockiness imbued in her tone and mannerisms.

"I'm no Lady and don't let it get to your head. I only find your character to be mystifying," Emese lied. She also thought the vampire was mind-numbingly beautiful but she'd never say that bit aloud.

"What do you mean you're not a lady? Every woman is a lady, I believe but you, you have qualities about you that are similar to a woman who would've been brought up well. You're graceful, intelligent and have an esoteric humour that I understand,"

"If you're trying to flatter me..." Emese trailed off, hiding her face in her cup.

"I only hope it works?"

She shrugged but the dark-haired woman across from her knew that it did. Anastasía didn't want to toot her own horn but she wasn't known as an eminent romancer amongst the ladies for no reason. Not only was it her looks, but it had always been her charms and coquettish phrases that glued women to her. There with Emese, she was able to witness those effects in full swing, but there was also something she wasn't admitting— Emese was just as alluring except she was oblivious of her effects on the vampire.

"Since you've asked your first question, it is my turn. I've always considered myself a deep thinker and because of that, I want my questions to follow suit. In your nearly five and twenty years on this earth, have you ever loved anyone besides your brother and parents? If yes what made you fall out of love with them?"

"That's not fair," the hostess vented. "It's not fair that you get to ask such ardent questions,"

"You'll get your turn but for now answer or take a drink," said the vampire.

Emese was torn between wanting to drink and answering the question. The reason for that was because she felt if she answered she'd be seen as even more of a naive person— she'd never loved anyone outside of her family and in comparison to Anastasía she knew that would make her seem like a child. But for the sake of not having to keep up with a lie, she told the truth.

"I'm afraid my answer will be very disappointing. I've never loved anyone nor have I experienced love from another in the romantic sense,"

Saddened by this, the vampire's demeanour changed as pity for the human amassed her. "That's quite sad,"

"I don't think it is but for someone like you I understand why you'd say that,"

The woman kept her gaze to her cup and no further but she felt the stranger's intense gaze on her. "Have you ever loved anyone?"

With a smile, Ana replied— "Plenty, I've loved plenty of women, and they all loved me back,"

"That sounds quite nice,"

"And who knows, mayhaps one day you too might be amongst the women I would've loved,"

Unable to respond to Ana's brazen remark, Emese sat in her seat wondering why all so suddenly she had a particular interest in the stranger. What was even more perplexing and scandalous was how she didn't mind being another woman the vampire loved. It wasn't something she was proud of, contemplating being one of the vampire's women but the thought of it was exhilarating enough.

As they continued to imbibe, one playful banter led to another and the two only stopped their witty, anecdotal conversation when Emese attempted to get up from the table only to stumble back into her seat.

For a moment Anastasía had forgotten that the woman wasn't like her and that humans, without the aid of the Weeper would get drunk off of any wine or ale they consumed.

"I'm so sorry, let me help you," offered the vampire.

"I'm fine, I swear it," the brunette giggled. "I jus..." She trailed off. "I just haven't had that many cups of wine in such a long time. It feels good,"

"No doubt but the sun shall be rising soon and it would be best if you were asleep before it does, so let me take you to your quarters,"

"You're chasing me away, that's not nice," Emese slurred a bit. "I'm enjoying our talk. Who knew that the stern-looking woman I recused was so wonderful to be around,"

Realizing that it was the wine talking, Anastasía tried not to feel offended or gladdened.

"Thank you but you still need to head off to bed, so come."

Rounding the table, the vampire loomed over the brunette for a bit before reaching out and grabbing her hand. With a single but gentle pull, Emese came flying out of the chair, her body pressing against Anastasía's.

The way their bodies fitted snuggly against the other left them at a loss for words. Ana's lungs were tormented by the sweetness that was Emese to the point where she held her breath to keep the scent away. This closeness affected her so much more; the warmth she felt cradling the human to her left her immobile and afraid to move. Although the feel of her was soothing, it also made her nervous.

Emese's reaction was nearly similar except she found herself gazing into the vampire's delectable visage, admiring the paleness of her irises. Up close she was sure now that Ana's eyes were a very light grey but the longer she gazed into them the darker they turned.

"Your eyes, they..." She trailed off. She also gasped when she felt the vampire's heavy hand nestle at her lower back.

"What about them?" Anastasía whispered, no stranger to the way Emese's pupils had dilated too.

The words were snatched off the brunette's tongue and she stood there gazing up into the woman's face, feeling this magnetic sorta pull that frightened and excited her. She felt so safe in that formidable hold, a contrast to what she felt in the beginning.

Sadly, just as quickly as they snapped into that haze, they snapped out of it. Without any help, Emese pushed away from Ana, stumbling off to her room where she closed the door, putting distance between them. Anastasía remained at the table, but her gaze pinned to the direction the brunette had bustled to.

Both women felt the buzz that coursed through them, the vampire recognized it all too well while the human was unfamiliar and afraid.

With her back pressed against the door, Emese's chest rapidly rose and fell. "Shit," she mumbled when her heart quickened even more at the thought of the woman she walked away from.

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