Chaotic Empire (Tatsumi X Har...

By FanartFreaks

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Before you read this story : -I am not own Akame Ga Kill. Akame Ga Kill is written by Takahiro, illustrated b... More

Introduction (1)
1. Welcome to the Capital
Introduction (2)
2. A Rich Girl
3. The Darkside of The Empire
4. Going to be A Hero
Introduction (3)
5. The Morning
Introduction (4)
6. The Wild Man
7. Elite Squad's Talk
8. Fight Against Oarburgh
9. Crushing King
10. Looking for the Cruelty again
Introduction (5)
12. Knowing about Assassination Group
13. Memory of Family
Introduction (6.1)
Introduction (6.2)
14. Fight Against Oarburgh Again
15. Oarburgh Clan
16. Be Proud
17. Curiousity
Introduction (7)
18. Hunt the Hunter
Rewrite Chapter 19
19. New Weapons and Preparation
20. Combination Attack (Part 1 : Kill The Gunner and The Noble)

11. Spies from Revolutionary Army

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By FanartFreaks

There are two spies from Revolutionary Army who are in the city alley. First is a young girl with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. Her name is Pais. Second is a tall, muscular young man with short, black hair and narrow eyes. His name is Ritone.

He is with another spies from Revolutionary Army and they tell them something. After that, they leave to continue their mission leaving Pais and Ritone there.

"Damn. I can't believe that they managed to wiped the Sabatini Show." Ritone is surprised.

"And even worse, Mashiro decided to quit from Revolutionary Army because his lover died." Pais looks sad.

"What do we do now?" Asks Ritone to Pais.

"All we can do right now is tell Najenda about this." Answers Pais.

Then Pais looks outside the alley. She doesn't see Imperial Police around. Ritone looks behind them. Ritone sees nobody means that they're not being followed. Then they get out from the alley.

Later, Ritone can feel his stomach growling.

"Hey. Pais. I don't want to interrupt you but...I think that I need to eat something." Says Ritone with embarassment.

"Really? In this time? But I guess that you're right. We should eat something. But we need to quick okay?" Replies Pais.

"I see. Then what about that cafe?" Asks Ritone when he looks at cafe named 'Asgard'. Pais nods at him and they are going to 'Asgard' Cafe.

They go inside and they sit on their chairs. The waitress comes to Pais and Ritone.

"Welcome to Asgard Cafe. Is there anything that you want?" Asks the waitress.

"French fries and two cups of tea." Answers Pais.

"I see. Be patient. Those will coming for you." The waitress writes his menu and leaves.

After that, two girls open the door and enter the cafe. Pais and Ritone are surprised to see two of them. They are Poney and Cornelia.

"Be careful. Those are from Assassination Group." Whispers Pais to Ritone.

"Okay." Ritone nods.

"Remember. We don't have much money so don't buy anything expensive okay?" Says Cornelia to Poney.

"Leave it to me." Says Poney to Cornelia.

Poney and Cornelia decide to sit nears Pais and Ritone.

"Hi." Greets Poney and Cornelia to Pais and Ritone.

"H...Hi..." Greets Ritone to two of them.

The waitress then comes to see Poney and Cornelia.

"Welcome to Asgard Cafe. Is there anything that you want?" Asks the waitress.

"We are waiting for our friends." Answers Poney when she looks at the Cafe's door.

Later, there are three people who enter the cafe. They are Kurome, Tatsumi, and Taeko.

"They are my friends." Says Cornelia.

Three of them sit with Poney and Cornelia.

"I see. Welcome to Asgard Cafe. Is there anything that you want?" Asks the waitress again.

"I want beef sandwich and hot chocolate." Answers Tatsumi.

"Hmmm...Butter cookies and tea." Answers Kurome.

"Gyoza and tea." Answers Taeko.

"Tempura set and hot chocolate." Answers Poney.

"I think I want cheesecake with hot milk." Answers Cornelia.

"I see. Be patient. Those will coming for you." The waitress writes their menu and leaves.

"Taeko is...with them?" Whispers Ritone to Pais.

"Oh. Hi there. Sorry but right now I need your help." Says Taeko to Ritone and Pais.

Pais and Ritone looks at Poney, Cornelia, Kurome, and Tatsumi.

"You can't be serious." Pais is disbelieved.

"Listen. I already know the truth of the Empire and We realize that what we have done so far is a mistake." Says Kurome.

"That's why we all defected from the Empire." Says Cornelia.

"For real? You can't be serious." Pais is still disbelieved.

"We are serious about this." Says Kurome.

Then Pais and Ritone looks at Tatsumi.

"And...who are you?" Asks Ritone.

"My name is Tatsumi. I help them in saving their friends from the Empire." Answers Tatsumi.

"That's why we are here. We need your help." Begs Taeko.

Pais and Ritone are confused to hear what they said to them. And at the same time, a waitress comes to serve them French fries and two cups of tea.

"I'd like to help you...but can you please tell me why did you defect from Oarburgh Clan?" Asks Pais.

"There was an accident. You can say that something unexpected happened. It doesn't matter. Can you be our informers for all of us?" Answers Taeko.

"Look. I'd like to help all of you but...I'm afraid that you're no longer from Revolutionary Army." Says Pais to Taeko. "Look. I'm glad that you decided to defect the Empire and save your friends from the Empire but we cannot just give this information to those who are not the Revolutionary Army." Says Pais to Kurome, Poney, and Cornelia.

"Please, just for today and I won't ask anything." Begs Taeko.

"I understand but we cannot do that. Sorry." Apologizes Pais.

"I believe that you know about Prime Minister Stars." Says Tatsumi to Pais and Ritone making both of them shocked.

"What? Prime Minister Stars? How did you know about that?" Asks Pais.

"I told them." Answers Taeko.

"Me and Kurome killed the leader of Prime Minister Stars Rauska. At the first time, we don't know until Taeko told us." Continues Tatsumi.

"Hold you were the one who killed Rauska?" Asks Ritone to Tatsumi and Kurome and two of them nods at Ritone making Ritone shocked. "I wonder that we heard the news about the death of Rauska but we didn't do anything to him." Ritone understands.

"Rauska? Who is he? And what is Prime Minister Stars?" Asks Poney.

Taeko then looks at Pais and Ritone and she smiles at them.

"Can I...tell them about Prime Minister Stars?" Asks Taeko.

Pais and Ritone look at each other then they look at Taeko. Pais nods at Taeko means that she allows her.

"Okay, Prime Minister Stars is an organization formed by Prime Minister Honest. Their objective is to defend the Empire. However, they loves stealing, abusing, and even worse torturing and killing. All members of Prime Minister Stars actually thieves, thugs, and criminals. There were eight members but now become seven. Anyway Prime Minister Honest formed that group secretly." Explains Taeko.

"Oh. I see." Poney understands.

"Okay. Let's start with the first. His name was Rauska. He was a thug who rob money from people. Nobody couldn't stop him and he was well known as 'Unstoppable Beast'. Prime Minister Honest then hired him. Rauska was killed by Tatsumi and Kurome." Taeko looks at Tatsumi and Kurome.

"Tatsumi almost died back then." Says Kurome and she looks at Tatsumi worriedly.

"Kurome...I'm fine. You don't have to worry about that." Says Tatsumi to Kurome.

"Second is Zenek. He was a thief who loved stealing money and killed innocent life. One day he was captured by Imperial Police but Prime Minister Honest hired him." Says Taeko.

"Now he becomes an elite police but he keeps stealing money from people and killing innocent life. Be careful, he is fast and he is a professional knife thrower even guns cannot compare to his skill." Continues Pais.

"Third is Haoku..." Says Taeko.

"What? Haoku? You mean Haoku the Blood Bath?" Kurome knows.

"Who was Haoku?" Asks Tatsumi.

"Haoku was a ronin who killed a lot of people for pleasure and joy. Rumors said that he drank his victim's blood like a dog." Cornelia Knows.

"I heard that he was also a cannibal." Says Poney.

"The part of 'cannibal' sounds exaggerated but the part of 'drinking blood' is true." Replies Pais.

"I though that he was executed?" Kurome is confused.

"He was until Prime Minister Honest came and hired him. After that, news of his death had spread all over the Empire but he is still alive. Now he becomes the Elite Soldier who will kill anyone in front of him just for pleasure." Continues Pais.

"Elite Soldier? Oh dear." Poney is scared.

"Fourth is Howard..." Says Taeko.

"Howard? Howard the Friendly Fire Man?" Cornelia knows. 

"A war criminal who loved killing his own teammate and about to be executed?" Poney knows.

"Bingo." Says Pais and Taeko.

"Like Haoku, Prime Minister Honest came and hired him before the execution. News of his death had spread all over the Empire but he is still alive. He becomes the Elite Soldier who will kill his own teammate. He is known for not knowing the meaning of pain. One thing, he loves to say fuck." Continues Pais.

"Fifth is Rogas. He was an Imperial Police until Prime Minister Honest came and hired him. He loves girl, stealing, and accepting bribes. However, he has a good accuracy. He can even shoot even from faraway using handgun." Says Taeko.

"Sixth is Barlett, aka the 'gentleman' thug. One day Prime Minister Honest came and hired him. Now he becomes the member of Prime Minister Stars. He also works as an official and also an extortionist. But be careful, he is fast." Says Pais.

"Seventh is Kierf..." Says Taeko.

"Are we talking about psychopath? Because I know who he was. Kierf was a famous killer in the Empire. Everyone knows about him. He is famous for using traps and poison as his weapon. Kierf claimed that he was controlled by Roberto. I guess that I know what will happened next. He was about to be executed. But let me guess, Prime Minister Honest came and hired him. After that news of his death had spread all over the Empire but he is still alive. Am I right?" Guesses Poney.

"Yep. You're right." Says Pais.

"Now he becomes a doctor who kills all of his patient. Sometimes he makes his patient hallucinate." Says Taeko.

"And the last one is Blanc. He was a criminal who loves stealing money and killed people. One day, he was captured by Imperial Polices but Prime Minister Honest came and hired him. Now he becomes a trader who keeps stealing and killing. He has a Staff which is a Shingu named Replica. He can create a black clone of his enemy including the weapon. He only able to create five black clones. To be honest, Blanc can be somehow mysterious. I even don't know if he sided with Empire or not." Says Pais.

"Wow. Prime Minister Stars are filled with freaks." Tatsumi is shocked.

"We aren't surprised. We know something always wrong when Honest create something." Says Pais.

"I see." Tatsumi is understand.

After that, Pais and Ritone eat french fries and then they drink cups of tea. Tatsumi, Kurome, Poney, Cornelia, and Taeko are waiting for their foods and drinks.

"Okay. I guess that I need to tell what happened." Says Pais.

"Are you sure about that?" Ritone is worried.

"I don't know to be honest...but I guess that it will be fine..." Pais is worried to but she wants to tell it anyway. "I got an information form our spies and they told me that all assassins from Assassination Group successfully finished the Sabatini Show." Says Pais to them.

"I see." Taeko looks sad.

"Sabatini Show?" Asks Poney.

"Sabatini Show was a group of Revolutionary Army spies. They used their disguise as a traveling circus to collect information around the Empire. But they're wiped out by...your friends." Answers Taeko making Kurome, Cornelia, and Poney feel guilty.

"Kouga was killed by them making Mashiro quit from Revolutionary Army." Continues Ritone.

"I see. I'm sorry for your loss." Apologizes Kurome.

"Glad to hear that but judging from the situation right now, I understand. I cannot blame you. Your friends don't know what they have done." Says Pais.

"And that's why we are here. To save our friends from the Empire's lies. We need to be quick before something bad happened to them." Says Tatsumi.

"I see. Speaking of your friends, after the mission, they, your friends were looking for someone. Possibly, you." Says Pais to Kurome, Poney, and Cornelia.

"Oh. I see." Kurome is embarassed.

"Ooooh." Responds Poney.

"I see." Responds Cornelia.

"Now everyone wants to kill your friends and right now they are forming a new group so if you want to save your friends you need to be quick." Warns Pais.

'You're right. Thank you for the information." Says Tatsumi to Pais.

Pais takes a long inhale and exhale.

"Do you have a hideout?" Asks Pais. Tatsumi, Taeko, Kurome, Poney, and Cornelia shake their heads. "I see. Then I guess that I will help you in looking for the hideout." Says Pais.

"Pais? What? Wait..." Ritone is worried.

"And I can provide you with an information form Revolutionary Army." Pais continues.

"Really? Thank you so much." Says Taeko to Pais.

"Pais. Are you sure about that?" Asks Ritone to Pais.

"I don't know to be honest but...I guess that I have a good feeling about this." Answers Pais.

Later, a waitress comes with a plate of beef sandwich, a plate of butter cookies, a plate of gyozas, a plate of tempura set, a plate of cheesecake, two cups of hot chocolate, two cups of tea, and a glass of hot milk.

They take a first bite to their own food.

"Hey. This food is delicious. Do you want to try it?" Asks Tatsumi to Kurome, Taeko, Poney, and Cornelia.

"Tatsumi. This butter cookies are delicious? Do you want to have a bite?" Kurome offers Tatsumi her butter cookies.

"Tatsumi. Do you want gyoza?" Taeko offers Tatsumi her gyoza.

"This tempura is delicious. Do you want my Tempura?" Poney offers Tatsumi her Tempura.

"Try my cheescake." Cornelia offers Tatsumi her cheescake.

"Aa...aaahh..." Tatsumi is confused in choosing which food he wants to try.

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