|| Bhanupriyaa : The Rule of...

By Nakshatra012m

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Book Ӡ in PandavaNandini Trilogy " Our love would remain forever, eternally going beyond the elixir of heave... More

1 | A Night of Ghosts
2 | The Labyrinth of Despair
3 | Celestial whispers
4 | Remains of Hastinapura
5 | Shattered Reflections
6 | Dead End
8 | Flames Turn Cold
9 | Scars of the Past
10 | When Virtue Ascends
11 | The Power of Belonging
12 | Moments that Matter
13 | United Hearts
14 | Heartfelt Connections
15 | The Throne's Call
16 | Stardust Gatherings
17 | Before the Mahotsavam
18 | Maharaja Patta-Abhisheka
19 | Whispered Goodbyes
20 | Miles of Love
21 | Societal Chessboard
22 | Duality's Canvas
23 | Velvet Dreams
24 | Stars Aligned
25 | In the Shadow's Wake
26 | Timeless Beginnings
27 | The Golden Hour
28 | Vivaha Utsavam
29 | Kalyana Vaibhavam
30 | In the Heart's Embrace
31 | Within Lotus Heartbeats
32 | Inside Their Hearts
33 | Heartstrings Attached
34 | Glow of Krishna's Plumes
35 | Progression with Reforms
36 | Moonlit Melodies
37 | Lands of Vrindavan
38 | The Immortal Bond
39 | Poisoned Roots
40 | Scattered Ashes
41 | Our Divine Eternity

7 | Embers of Revelation

319 43 40
By Nakshatra012m

- ||  Embers of revealation ||-

"In the fading glow of whispered secrets, the embers of revelation ignite, unveiling the truth's bittersweet light."


As Bhanu stepped into one of the nearby tents, a space carefully arranged for Suthanu amidst the sheltering embrace of the surrounding forests, he did not anticipate the letter that awaited him there. Neerja, her eyes brimming with tears, stood before him, her trembling hands holding a scroll, the weight of its contents palpable.

With a mixture of trepidation and longing, Bhanu accepted the scroll from Neerja, its delicate surface containing the essence of Suthanu's thoughts and emotions. The inked words seemed to hold a universe of unspoken truths, a testament to the depth of their connection.

"Adi, thank you for saving me," Suthanu's words echoed within Bhanu's heart, resounding with gratitude. "But my journey is not yet complete. Though my father's name is now cleared, my mother's legacy remains clouded. The question lingers, why did the war unfold? Until the people truly understand, until the shadows of assumed revenge are dispelled, I cannot rest. And as her daughter, I am committed to leaving no stone unturned."

A bittersweet ache tugged at Bhanu's soul as he absorbed Suthanu's plea. Her determination, her unwavering loyalty to her family that he was well aware of, reverberated through his being. She implored him with a promise, a promise of patience and trust. "Promise me," she wrote, "that you will not follow in my footsteps until the moment I call out to you. Do not send anyone to find me. Trust in your Thanu."

The weight of her love enveloped him, anchoring him in the tempest of emotions. Suthanu's heartfelt confession spilled onto the page, words drenched in affection and vulnerability. "I love you, Adi, more profoundly than words can express. Thank you for being by my side during the darkest of times. Take care of my precious man, my life-breath, with the same tenderness and love that you bestow upon me. You are the beat of my heart, and though this distance rends my soul, together we shall navigate these uncharted waters, just as we have triumphed over other battles."

Bhanu's grip faltered, the scroll slipping from his trembling hands. As he watched it fall, time seemed to suspend, allowing the weight of his emotions to wash over him in a torrent of pain and longing. The tendrils of anguish, carried silently within him for far too long, now wrapped around his heart, squeezing and constricting.

"Thanu," he whispered, the name escaping his lips as if forged from the deepest recesses of his soul.

" Adi" ,Suthanu breathed as if her name was carried on a gentle breeze, reaching out to her from him. She just knew at heart , there was no sense of logic behind. 

The bond between them, forged through trials and tribulations, echoed across the expanse that separated them, connecting their souls.

Suthanu tried to open her eyes as blood dripped from her one eye-brow. Her back ached with a pain terrible as she was tied to a wooden stick nearby a man holding a sharp axe in his hand. The turn of events aftermath her escape from the tents had riled her up. 

It was the news of a girl going missing at first , it took all her efforts to rescue the captured girl from men who adorned authority as a priveledge rather than responsibility. Her blood boiled to reduce them to ashes but she was in a guise of a commoner and she had not no rights to punish them. Also , that the girl herself was scared and silenced by her family to not take the name of her culprit who had abducted her or reveal the fact that she was abducted. 

The men terrified at the out of their truth had captured her and declared her as the hand behind helping someone for abduction and had failed since she was caught at the right instant. It was then , they joint hands with the Nagarseth who hadn't left and tied her for a death penalty. Now , she was hanging in the fragile threads of life and death. 

"My didi, my sister, she could never harm a soul, let alone be involved in such a heinous crime," Satyavan cried out, his tears mingling with those of Narmada, who held him close. "She nurtured me as a mother, selflessly, without ever expecting anything in return. She embodied virtue in every aspect of her life, bringing beauty and solace to my grandmother's weary existence."

"Do not condemn an innocent soul," Narmada pleaded through her own tears, her words soft but resolute, striving to quiet Satyavan, lest he become a pawn in the presence of these men.

A feeble smile graced Suthanu's lips as she weakly locked eyes with Satyavan, his tear-filled gaze piercing her very being.

"This kanya, this daughter, she could never be party to such a malicious act," a man who had offered Suthanu employment stepped forward, his voice resonating with sincerity. "She has toiled alongside me for days, never seeking remuneration, even when burdened with arduous tasks that left her with calloused hands and battered feet. Not a word of complaint escaped her lips, despite the blisters and bruises she endured, all for the sake of shouldering burdens."

Suthanu's gaze lifted to meet the man who stood before her, his palms pressed together in humble supplication.

"I am sorry, Devi," he implored, his eyes filled with regret. "I recognized your talent, your indomitable spirit, but my heart failed to embrace the prowess of a woman. Today, I humbly acknowledge your triumph! Your perseverance has conquered my narrow-mindedness."

The women whom Suthanu had aided during her sojourn approached her now, standing by her side, voices quivering with emotion.

"Save the life of Aarunya," one of the women cried, her plea echoing through the air.

"Do you not care for your own survival?" the men retorted, their words laced with fear, as the women hesitated, taking a step back.

Hiding behind her mother's protective pallu, the victimized girl trembled, her heart aflutter, as Suthanu's gentle gaze embraced her.

Suthanu's attention then shifted to approaching footsteps, her eyes widening at the sight of Neerja, who gazed upon her with tear-filled eyes. Before Neerja could reveal her true identity, Suthanu hastened to speak.

"The dusk approaches, fulfill my punishment," Suthanu's words caught Neerja off guard, suppressing any protest that lingered on her tongue, her intentions silenced by Suthanu's resolute gesture.

The mother of the victim felt her heart seethe with indignation as the very men who had abducted her daughter now attempted to besmirch the reputation of the girl who had saved her. Silenced by her husband's fear of the men who wielded authority, she had concealed the truth. Yet, when the axe hovered above Suthanu's vulnerable neck, her own daughter's words startled her.

"Cease this at once," the victimized girl intervened, her voice trembling, tears streaming down her face. "I was the one who was abducted. Aarunya , this girl is innocent of any wrongdoing. She risked everything to rescue me—she is my savior, and this is the truth!"

Her declaration reverberated through the crowd, igniting a buzz among the common folk, while her mother enfolded her in a protective embrace. Suthanu offered a soft smile, for today, if it be the will of Mahadeva, her hidden purpose would be revealed.

" What are you saying ?" , the men who were the culprit spoke in hurry fearing revealation of their deeds. " This girl has lost her senses in trauma. Is the trauma because that her intergrity is no more ?" , other man accompanying him spoke. 

In the face of desperate attempts by the culprits to discredit the girl and diminish her integrity, their words fell upon the impassioned ears of a mother who refused to let her daughter's honor be tarnished any further. With a fierce determination burning in her eyes, she turned her gaze to her husband, the lord of their house, demanding justice for their beloved child.

"The silence we have maintained out of fear and societal pressure does not equate to weakness," the lady declared, her voice resolute. "These men are the abductors of our daughter, and it is through seeking punishment for their sins that we can restore the honor she deserves. I care not if our own standing in society diminishes in the process. Let it be known that this is not an act of revenge but a pursuit of justice for our daughter, a resounding proclamation that her integrity shall never be questioned and no girl would be sudued by these men."

Suthanu, witnessing this display of unwavering maternal love and the fierce spirit of justice, smiled to herself. The depth of her purpose was gradually being revealed to the common people, and she knew that Neerja had caught on to her hidden intentions. Neerja, in an act of solidarity and understanding, took the reins of the unfolding narrative, ensuring that Suthanu's true identity remained veiled.

"I pose a question to you all," Suthanu's voice rang out, her words carrying the weight of truth. "Is justice  different for the empress?" The question struck the gathered crowd like a bolt of lightning, jolting them out of their preconceived notions. Neerja, ever perceptive, blinked her eyes at Suthanu, acknowledging her subtle guidance.

"How can the pursuit of justice by our empress be twisted into an act of revenge?" Neerja continued, her voice steady and resolute. "How can her voice, which championed the cause of all females, be misconstrued as selfish? How can we overlook the immense sacrifices she made, losing her own family and children in the horrors of war? How can we turn a blind eye to the harsh penance she embraced, retreating to the depths of the forest long before the battle even commenced?"

The realization dawned upon the common people like a blinding sun, their hearts heavy with remorse for misjudging their empress so gravely. Voices of regret and repentance filled the air as they grappled with the consequences of their actions.

"What can we do to atone for our grave transgressions?" a voice cried out, echoing the sentiments shared by many.

As the abductors lunged forward, fueled by their desperation, the girl's father swiftly disarmed them, seizing their weapons and effectively thwarting their violent intentions killing them in the process.

"This war was just, fought in the pursuit of righteousness," the man sobbed, his voice laden with emotion as he collapsed upon the ground. "May our benevolent king and queen ascend the throne, bestowing their blessings upon our land."

Neerja hurriedly untied Suthanu's binds, and with unsteady feet, Suthanu rose, supported by Neerja. The winds of change she had longed to witness were finally blowing, for on this day, the people who had once stood against her family now stood with them, yearning for their presence. It was a testament to the enduring power of truth and justice, an affirmation that morality never loses. 

From the depths of remorse, our anguished voices ascend, 

Yearning for solace in the embrace of the virtuous lineage, embodiment of righteousness. 

Oh, thou who embodies virtue itself, a titan of boundless strength, 

As vast as the horizons that span the four corners, a resplendent beacon of hope. 

United in seamless harmony, the quintessence of valor, striking fear in foes, 

Ever steadfast, by the side of each suffering soul, a bastion of support.

Hail, Dharmaraja Ajatashatru, sovereign of justice, 

Salutations to the celestial lineage of Pandu—hail the illustrious Pandavas!

Oh, illuminator of our darkest depths, whose grandeur eludes grasp, 

Thou who, selflessly, relinquished thy throne with unwavering resolve, 

Roaming through sylvan realms, thy heart rent with agony, for thirteen lunar cycles, 

In sacrifice, kin and offspring lost, fortifying the edifice of moral rectitude. 

Bhratvarsha, hallowed land, blessed by thy reign, 

Thy divine grace, as monarch, enshrined in eternity's embrace.

Hail, Dharmaraja Ajatashatru, sovereign of justice, 

Salutations to the celestial lineage of Pandu—hail the illustrious Pandavas!

Attend, and heed the hymn that exalts feminine divinity,

 In reverent rapture, we extol the pinnacle of womanhood's grace. 

From her birth, vengeance's veils lifted, joy's ebullience surging forth, 

Panchala's dormant spirit rekindled, vibrant life ablaze once more. 

Sacred as the pious Ganga, she, epitome of resplendent radiance, 

Personification of opulence, surpassing all worldly treasures. 

Without her, the Pandavas stand incomplete, bereft of wholeness, 

A million prostrations, we offer at thy blessed feet, O noble queen.

Ever at thy feet, O Pandavas and revered Queens, 

A ceaseless chorus of obeisance, repeated a millionfold,

 In a sacred symphony of devotion, resounding through time's expanse.

In eternal submission, Pandavas and regal Queens, 

Our souls humbly prostrate, a millionfold adoration, forever bestowed,

 In an unending dance of reverence and devotion, 

we bow, oh noble Pandavas and cherished Queens, 

A resounding symphony of love, cascading through the depths of our being.

As the poignant melody of the hymn reached their ears, sung by a man , a collective reverence washed over the crowd. Hands folded in utmost respect, even Suthanu and Neerja found themselves unable to resist the instinctual gesture of submission. The profound love and devotion of the citizens resonated through the air, touching the depths of their souls. They began to disperse slowly, returning to their homes, carrying with them the lingering essence of an extraordinary moment and guilt-ridden.

Turning to Neerja with a gentle smile, Suthanu spoke, her voice infused with both satisfaction and melancholy.

"The time has come,  Neer. I must return to the camps. I have fulfilled my task, and as promised, I must not delay further."

But Suthanu's joy was fleeting, shattered by Neerja's sudden outpouring of tears, a haunting revelation that struck fear into her heart.

"What troubles you, Neer?" Suthanu questioned, her own heart pounding in her chest, a foreboding sense of dread seeping into her very being.

"Rajakumari, Samrat—the revered emperor—desires to abandon us once more," Neerja's words trembled, tears streaming down her face, threatening to engulf her fragile composure. "He wishes to relinquish his rule, to retire to the unforgiving depths of the forest."

Neerja's anguish pierced Suthanu's soul, an unbearable weight settling upon her fragile frame as she took Neerja in her embrace. In that moment, her world shattered into a thousand pieces once more by fate. Agonizing pain surged through her veins, her wounded flesh burning as if ignited by an inferno, and darkness threatened to consume her entire being. No, this could not be true. Her father, her pillar of strength, could not abandon her once again. She was not out of the treachrous thirteen years , she cannot take it this time. This time, it would be her undoing into pieces that might never be back. 

"Pita!" Suthanu's anguished cry pierced the air, the sound a mournful melody of despair as tears finally spilled from her eyes, cascading down her cheeks like a torrential rain. Every fiber of her being screamed out in agony, the raw ache of impending separation tearing at her fragile heart.

She could defy the very heavens themselves to keep her father by her side but will her Pita let go of his decision ? For to lose him again would surely mean the demise of her spirit, a fate she could not bear to face.

As the merciless hand of fate closed around her, Suthanu felt herself torn asunder, her very essence fractured by the cruel whims of destiny. Thirteen long years of agonizing separation, eighteen days embroiled in the harrowing chaos of war, and now, once more, a life without her cherished parents. What purpose did her existence serve? Why had she been granted the gift of life when death's embrace seemed a kinder fate in this moment? Suthanu, the princess forged in the fires of resilience, now found herself thrust into the depths of a fatal blow delivered by the relentless march of time.

In this tragic hour, as sorrow's tide washed over her, Suthanu found herself stripped of the will to fight. The flames that once burned fiercely within her now waned, suffocated by the relentless tempest of sorrow. The relentless march of time had dealt its final blow, plunging her into a chasm of desolation from which there seemed no escape.

To be continued...

A/N : Not to promote , defeat to fate but then , it was humane that moment of weakness when everything seemed to end. Well the poem is written by me duely , I loved this little segment of last  3-4 chapters. 

Hope it was interesting as well. The next segment will deal with Pandava family and Suthanu majorly along with Bhanu as well offcourse. 

Please do leave your votes and comments ! 

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