«Star Shadows» A Night Angel...

By xStar_Barnesx

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Sophia Dumont lost a piece of her soul when a terrorist organization took away from her the man she loved. N... More

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By xStar_Barnesx

April 2012. 15:12. Manhattan, New York City. NY.

Sophia's POV

We looked around us to the creatures and aliens that seemed to multiply by the second. Every corner of almost every building was filled with these outsiders and for a moment it seemed like we were fighting a losing battle.

A part of me knew that this was too much even for us, the group of remarkable people who were supposed to fight against all evil that threatens our world. It was too much even for us because despite having a Hulk, the God of Thunder, three master assassins, a man in a suit of armour and a super soldier from the 1940's, this was beyond what any of us were trained for, what any of us had prepared for, what any of us had envisioned ourselves fighting against.

Am I afraid? I'd be lying if I said no. I am.

I've faced too many things in my life, bad people, bad people who could make anyone's blood turn cold, people who send shivers down your spine just by looking at them, bad people who might actually kill you just with the snap of their fingers.

None of them have ever scared me. I was trained to fight them, to end them.

But this? This was a whole different level. This is something I never imagined or even dreamed of fighting.

I don't only fear for me, because I don't fear for me. I fear for all the people in New York who are losing their lives, the lives of loved ones, I fear for everyone who is running away right now to protect their kids, their husbands, wives, their families. I fear for the 8 million people in here who are losing their homes, their jobs, their families.

I fear for my own family. The group of six people who are standing beside me today.

I don't want to die, at least not yet. But if I have to in order to protect what is the most precious treasure in my life, then I will. Gladly.

I turned to look at the sky and the moment I did, the leviathans, the large creatures with sharp teeth, started to come out. More than before.

-Uh, guys...- I called and everyone turned to look at the sky.

-Call it, Captain.- Tony said as we all waited for Steve to say the order.

Steve walked a few steps ahead and without taking his eyes away, he started talking.

-All right, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment.- Steve said and we nodded in unison. -Barton, I want you on that roof.- Steve pointed Clint to the building. -Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays.- Clint nodded and Steve continued. -Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash.- Steve said, pointing at my brother.

Tony nodded and with his mask on, he turned to look at me. I gave him a small smile and a nod, telling him I was going to be fine if he left. He knew it.

-Wanna give me a lift?.- Clint asked, turning to Tony.

-Right. Better clench up, Legolas.- Tony said as he stepped behind Clint, grabbing him and then flying away. A small smile graced my lips once again at Tony's nickname for Clint.

Ah, he never ceases to amaze me.

-Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lighting. Light the bastards up.- Steve said and Thor nodded, swirling his hammer and flying into the skies.

Steve turned to look at me and Natasha as we were the only ones left along with the Hulk. -You and me, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here.- He said and Natasha and I nodded.

Finally, turning to the last member, Steve spoke. -And Hulk...- He turned to look at the Captain with enraged eyes and a snarl. -Smash.- Steve said and just as if the words were a happy song, Hulk smiled.

Seeing the Hulk jump into the skies and land in the building effortlessly, made me realize how wrong Bruce was about it.

I'm not saying it's something easy to live with, I'm not saying it's easy not having control over when you turn into a green rage creature and destroy everything in your path. I know it's not easy, I know he must've struggled with this day and night and I know what it feels like to sometimes hate who you are.

But now, seeing him like that, destroying those things, defending our city, our world, made me realize that behind all of that destruction and anger, there has always been a greater purpose for the Hulk.

Turning to my right, I saw the creatures coming out of the portal get fried by Thor's thunder as he tried to slow them down and use the same energy to close the portal or prevent more things from coming out.

Steve left to fight some of the creatures on the other side of the boulevard, leaving Nat and me to fight together. Creatures were coming out from every place we laid our eyes on. Cars, rubble, doors, buildings, everywhere. Turning to look at each other, we nodded and turned to the creatures, ready to fight the fight of our lives.

When one of the things was running at me, I ran towards it and just as I was close enough, I slid on the floor, right between its legs and with the impulse, I turned around, while he had his back to me and stabbed him with one of my batons. The creature dropped dead and I saw his spear land on the floor.

Taking it in my hands, I heard hurried footsteps behind me and turning with a knee still on the floor, I sliced the creature in its middle.

Standing up, I saw Natasha struggling with one that seemed to want to cut her head off, so I ran and with a kick, I sent him backwards, away from my friend and then stabbed him with the same weapon.

Natasha breathed and looked at me, thanking me. Then, her eyes widened and then warned me. -Sophie!.- But before I knew what was going on, I was sent flying to the other side of the bridge. My back crashed into a car and then I fell to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of those creatures run towards me and a few meters away, Natasha being smashed into a car by one of the things. Grabbing the spear that had only landed a few feet away from me, I turned it in my hands and shot the creature with its own laser.

I stood up and went to shoot one of the things, when it hit me across the face, making my head turn to the right. Sharp pain spread on my cheek and I had to move my jaw to make sure it was not broken. A new anger rises in me as I turn to the thing and kick it away, to then have an almost hand in hand combat with it (if those things have hands at all) and before I can land another punch, I feel one of his claws on my shoulder, making me hiss in pain. Turning only the spear, I stab the thing in the abdomen and fire the laser, making him drop dead.

Breathing heavily, I pull out the spear and just as I hear footsteps, I turn, aiming the gun at the new threat, but I instantly drop it at the sight of Natasha and Steve.

Natasha leans against a car as she heaves heavily and I stand in front of her and Steve. She has a cut on the line of her hair that has a single droplet of blood dripping on her forehead, her face is covered in dust and she has a busted lip. Even beaten up, my best friend still looks gorgeous. She has taken quite some hits so I wonder how I must look as well.

-Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal.- Natasha says as she turns to look at the building behind us. We all turn to look up at the hole in the sky and sigh.

-Our biggest guns couldn't touch it.- Steve says and I blink in thought.

-Maybe it's not about guns.- I say, and Natasha and I turn to look at each other. There is no need for us to communicate with words as she nods at me and I nod back, knowing what she's thinking.

We've known each other for so many years now that communicating like this is second nature to us. Like a code no one will ever be able to crack or decipher, a code that is only made for us, to us.

As Steve shares a quick glance in our direction, his head instantly snaps to the direction of the growling sound that is coming from meters away from us.

-If you want to get up there, you're gonna need a ride.- Steve says and I snort.

-Oh, she has a ride.- I say and Natasha nods, standing up from the car and walking to the other side of the bridge. I step aside, knowing what she's about to do.

-I could use a boost, though.- She says and Steve instantly turns to me to see if she is serious. When I just smile and shrug, he steps back until he is further from her and his back is pressing against the wall.

Lifting his shield, as I look at him, I know he knows this is not a good idea, or a smart one at that, but if he hesitates, he doesn't show it. That is until he actually asks.

-Are you sure about this?.- Steve asks Nat and after sparing a glance to me and then back to him, she nods.

-Yeah. It's gonna be fun.- Natasha says and before she can even take a step, I stop her.

-I swear to God, if you die on me, I'm gonna hunt your spirit down, revive you and then kill you myself.- I say and she smirks at me.

-I don't doubt it.- It's the last thing she says as she then sprints towards the car, jumps in it with one foot and then with both feet in the shield that Steve was holding, he pushes her up, his strength causing the motion to be a hundred times stronger, making her fly in the air as a carriage flies by and she holds onto it.

Both of us watch as she now flies in the sky in the carriage and then Steve's gaze lands on me.

-You're not thinking of doing the same, are ya?.- Steve asks and I laugh.

-Don't worry, Cap. Unfortunately for you, you're stuck with me.- I say as I walk closer to where he is and he shrugs nonchalantly.

-I actually consider that very fortunate.- He says and I feel my cheeks instantly flush. Before I can even say anything, Steve lifts his shield, covering us from the debris of an explosion.

Steve and I start fighting the things that come towards us, left and right. Blasts of their laser spears fly around us and we try to make the best we can so we don't get hit by them. Along the fight, I don't feel fear or nerves of being stricken by those things, I don't feel uneasiness eating me away as I fight them, because I'm not fighting them on my own, Steve has my back, just like I have his.

While I'm on top of one of the cars, I see Steve a few feet away from me and I see that while he is fighting two of the chitauri, one creeps from behind, ready to strike. Before it can even think of it, I jump on the roofs of the cars, making my way towards him and when he's finally taken down the things, he turns, seeing the chitauri, but it is faster than Steve's reflexes in that second, and just as he tries to kill the Captain, I jump on his back, stabbing him with one of my knives. The chitauri and I fall to the ground but I manage to land on my feet.

Steve looks at me and then at the thing. -Thanks.- He says out of breath and I wave my hand dismissively.

With one more nod, we keep on fighting together, side by side, until the familiar sound of repulsors and a flying suit make an appearance just three feet away from me.

-Am I late to the party?.- Tony asks, as he helps Steve and I with the chitauri. I smile and fight some of them while my brother and Steve work together. A moment I have now to remember forever in my life is that at some point in the fight, Tony fired one of his lasers and Steve, without warning, lifted the shield, making the laser ricochet in it and land on some of the creatures around.

I smile, despite the situation we're in, because this is the first time I've seen them work without a single word of communication but being in perfect symphony with each other. Those are friendship goals if you ask me. 

Tony then flies away, ready to keep on fighting any flying alien that comes to us and Steve and I stay on the ground. Just when it seems to have cleared, Clint calls me over.

-Sophie, we have a situation in a store down the street, some people are inside and they can't go through the chitauri.- Clint says and just as I'm about to run, I turn to look at Steve. A chitauri approaches him and I hesitate in my steps.

I know he can handle himself, but I don't want to leave him, I want to stay and help.

After fighting the thing, Steve sees my hesitation and shakes his head. -Go, I'll be fine.- He says and with one last encouraging nod, I run towards the store.

Arriving, I see three of the chitauri standing in front of the people, almost ready to kill them, or eat them, whatever they do. I silently sneak up behind them, trying to be as silent as possible so they don't notice me.

Taking out my baton, I slide it down and press my fingertips in the sensors, making it spark with electricity. -Hey, assholes!.- I yell at them as they turn to look at me. They growl and a cynical smile plays on my face. -Come get me.- I say and just as I finish, the three of them launch towards me.

One of them tries to tackle me, but I move to the side and with my left arm, I stab him with my weapon. As he falls to the ground, one of them grabs me in a chokehold from behind and pulls me towards it. I walk backwards until I feel he hits the wall with his back.

Turning to the people that are still in the store, I wave my hand towards the door. -Move! Get out!.- I manage to say as I feel myself running out of air. The metal armour of the thing embeds in my neck and I hiss in pain at the contact. That is definitely leaving bruises.

The other chitauri comes to me with his spear pointed at my chest and I start to panic. With a small jump, I place my feet on its chest as it keeps walking towards me, trying to move my legs. Just when it is close enough and I feel like I got enough strength, I push him with my legs away from me, I jump to the front and make the other chitauri fall into me.

With my baton in hand, I turn in my place and stab him with it and just when the other thing tries to come at me as well, I use the body of its friend as a shield when he tries to kill me and instead I kill him.

Once the three things are dead on the ground, I stand up, and as I remove the dust from my suit, I hear an explosion on the other side of the street. Running out of the store I was in, I see a body flying out of a window and landing into a car, denting the roof with its weight.

I know I know that body because of the blue, white and red colours adorning it, so without a second to waste, I let my feet carry me to where Steve is laying on.

-Steve!.- I scream as I reach his side. He's sliding down the car and I went to stand beside him. Just as his feet were on solid ground, I didn't hesitate to take one of my hands to his face, examining it. He's zoned out, his eyes are staring blankly at the floor. My hand caresses his cheek while the other goes to see the cut he has on his right arm. Upon the feeling of my hand on his face, he seems to come back to reality as his eyes dart towards me in a second.

He looks at me with a look I don't think I've ever seen before. He looks at me as if I was the pond of refreshing water in the middle of the burning dry desert. As if I had been the ray of sunshine illuminating the bleak skies on a rainy day.

-Sophie...- He trails off as he looks at me. His eyes ran me over, trying to see if I was hurt or if there had been any damage. I know he finds it the moment his eyes stay still on my neck.

-It's nothing, I'm okay.- I say to him as I shake my head and he looks at me with uncertainly. -Come on, we need to take these things out.- I say as I grab his hand and both of us start running towards our next target.


Third Person POV

The battle seemed to be never ending. Chitauris were coming from left and right, up and down and Steve, Thor and Sophia made an amazing team trying to finish them, they were starting to get too much to handle.

Fighting side by side with these people, with these amazing humans never felt so right as it did for Sophia now as she knew that from that moment on, they were a team. A team that was going to do everything in their power to save everyone they could.

While fighting the chitauris, Sophia turned around to shoot at one of them, when she heard a grunt from Steve and saw his body falling to the floor. All the air was knocked out of her lungs as she ran towards the Captain and before she could shoot the creatures that had harmed him, Thor sent a car flying to their side, knocking them off.

-Hey, you okay?.- Sophia asked Steve as he tried to stand up from the blow he had taken. Thor offered his hand and he took it gladly while Sophia held his side, helping him stand up.

-Yeah.- He said and just as he stood up, Thor turned to him.

-Are you ready for another bout?.- Thor asked as he looked at Steve and then at Sophia.

-Never been readier.- Sophia said scoffing and Steve held his side.

-What, you getting sleepy?.- He asked mockingly and Sophia smiled. Despite that, she was glad to see that Steve's humour was still intact.

Before any of the three could say anything, Natasha's voice stopped them.

-I can close it. Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down.- Natasha said and suddenly it was like a whole weight lifted off Sophia's shoulders. She felt like sighing in relief.

-Do it!.- Steve exclaimed in a heartbeat and Sophia and Thor turned to look at each other.

They could end this once and for all. Closing the portal would mean the instant fall and potential death of the chitauris and the creatures that had been destroying New York. This was the miracle some of them had been waiting for since the battle started.

There was no more time to waste.

Sophia could practically feel the victory in her fingers.

Or at least she did, before Tony spoke.

-No, wait.-Tony said and Sophia's eyes widened.

-Wait? What do you mean "wait", Tony?! We can't wait!- Sophia exclaimed, her heart starting to beat faster at what her brother said.

-Stark, these things are still coming.- Steve said as the three of them turned to look at the portal from which creatures were still pouring out from.

-I got a nuke coming in. It's gonna blow in less than a minute.- Tony said and Sophia's blood ran cold. Her heart stopped abruptly and her knees felt like jello.

There was no need for her to hear anymore, because she knew what her brother was planning to do.

-Anthony.- She said sternly and Thor and Steve turned to look at her curiously.

-And I know just where to put it.- He said and Sophia's eyes widened.

-Tony, no. Stop that.- Sophia asked her brother, but when he didn't respond, Sophia's heart seemed to fall deeper into her stomach.

Steve turned to look at Sophia who was staring blankly at the floor. Her eyes were still and her breathing was slow and heavy. He knew also what Tony was going to do and it was at times like this that he actually wished to never had dared him put on the suit.

Steve's chest tightened at the sight of Sophia. There was as much chance for Tony to succeed as there was for him to fail. And he knew that if he did, indeed, fail, there was going to be one person who's heart was going to be broken beyond repair.

A person he cared too much about to see her suffer.

-Stark, you know that's a one way trip.- Steve said, never removing his eyes from Sophia.

Tony didn't answer. Instead, he asked Jarvis to save the energy for his return. Energy that might not even be enough to get him to the portal and back.

-T.- Sophia's voice came barely above a whisper, but everyone heard her through the comms. -T, please. Don't.- Sophia asked, begging her brother, but he knew that if he didn't do that, not only were the people from Manhattan going to die, but his little sister as well among them.

And he couldn't afford that.

While on his flight and mission to get the bogey into the space hole, Tony was listening to his sister beg him not to do it, and it broke his heart. In a million pieces, but he had to.

-Sir, shall I try Miss Potts?.- Jarvis asked and Tony nodded.

-Might as well.- He said as he waited for the call to latch.

Sophia's heart was beating so fast in her chest that she was sure it was going to burst out at any moment. She knew that her brother was doing this for the greater good and to save people but as cruel as this sounds, she didn't care about that if her brother was dead.

Looking into the sky, she saw her brother flying towards the tower and then with a final push, him entering the hole in the sky. The three of them, Thor, Steve and Sophia, stood there looking at the billionaire entering a dimension no one was familiar with.

-Tony.- Tony heard his little sister's voice over his comms. His eyes watched Pepper's picture as the call tried to latch, but it didn't, his lungs running out of air, his chest feeling like it was being squeezed by an elephant's foot. -T, can you hear me?.- Sophia called again. -T, please come back, please.- It was the last thing Tony heard before his sister's voice fainted into the immensity of space, leaving just a murmur in his ears, the whisper of her sweet voice asking him to come back.

Sophia watched the sky, expectantly, waiting for her brother to come out of the hole and fly to the ground where he would meet with them. The waiting seemed to extend for what seemed minutes, hours, and there was still no sign of Tony.

Steve turned to look at Sophia and then at the chitauris falling to the floor around them. The mothership had been destroyed and the creatures were dropping dead. Looking at the sky with hope still hanging in his chest, Steve hoped for Tony to come out just as Sophia was wishing for that. But the longer they waited, the longer it seemed to never happen.

When the explosion was reaching the border of the hole from the inside, Steve knew there was nothing else to do. Thor turned to him and then to Sophia. The girl with the shiny big brown eyes that were looking expectantly at the sky in hopes of her brother coming back.

The heart of the god of thunder cracked at the sight of her. Her eyes were starting to gloss and her jaw was clenched, trying to swallow the salty tears that threatened to come out at any moment if her brother didn't come back. He had a slight idea of what Steve was about to ask and he was wondering what to do with the woman beside him after Steve asked what he needed to. It wasn't until the Captain spoke, that he knew what to do.

Turning to look at the woman in his right, Steve's heart clenched in his chest and with remorse and guilt eating him alive, he sighed.

-Close it.- Sophia's head snapped into his direction just as the phrase left his lips.

-What the hell, Steve?.- Sophia asked angrily and then spoke in her comms. -Natasha, don't. Don't you dare to close it, Tony's not back yet.- Sophia said and waited for Natasha to answer.

-Sophie...- Natasha trailed off, not knowing what to say to her best friend.

If she closed the portal, the things were going to be gone forever and they would be okay, but also, if she closed those doors, Tony Stark might never come back.

-Close it.- Steve called again and Sophia's blood started to boil in her veins.

-You son of a– Sophia said and just as she was about to launch at Steve, Thor acted quicker and grabbed her by the waist, wrapping his arms around her and keeping her arms at her sides. -Don't close it, dammit! Don't fucking close it!.- Sophia exclaimed angrily as she tried to fight against Thor, but she couldn't.

He was much too strong for her and she couldn't move.

-Sophia, calm down.- Thor said close to her ear and Steve looked at her with sorry eyes, his heart breaking into a million pieces that he knew would take time to glue back again.

Sophia stopped struggling and decided to let herself fall into Thor's arms. Her body went limp in his hold. Her knees buckled below her and if it hadn't been for Thor's grip on her, she might as well have hit the ground. Her ears heard how Natasha closed the portal and her heart stopped beating, dropping hard like a rock to her feet, the tears never came down though.

Just as the portal started closing, Sophia's eyes travelled up, just in time to see a body falling at a fast speed from the skies and it was as if life and air had suddenly filled her lungs again.

-Son of a gun.- Steve said as the three of them looked at the sky, watching Tony free falling.

As Sophia watched him, she knew he was coming way too fast and if her calculations were correct, there was no way for him to survive the fall at the speed he was coming.

-He's not slowing down.- She said and Thor started to spin his hammer after letting go of the small brunette, ready to go up to catch Tony, when a green mass flew out of nowhere and catched Tony mid-fall. Hulk gripped onto the side of a building and slid down as he held Tony's unconscious body in his arms.

After crashing body first into the pavement and some cars, Hulk took Tony's body and placed it not so gently on the floor beside him.

Sophia ran towards her brother and with all of her strength and might, she placed his head on her lap.

-Is he breathing?.- Steve asked Sophia and she shook her head, not knowing the answer.

Thor leaned down and grabbed Tony's mask, ripping it from the suit and throwing it away. Sophia placed a hand on his cheek and slapped him gently, trying to wake him up.

-Tony.- She called, but his eyes remained closed. Her heart was almost ready to go into cardiac arrest. -T.- She said but no answer came from her brother. Steve placed his head close to Tony's nose, trying to check if he was breathing, but when he didn't feel anything, he ran his hand down the armour, right where the arc reactor was.

His brows furrowed and Sophia wanted to scream. Steve turned to look at her and shook his head. Sophia's breath hitched on her throat and she started hyperventilating. Swallowing the lump on her throat, she tried to talk.

-Tony.- She croaked and Steve, Thor and even the Hulk's heart broke at the sound. In the past few days none of them had seen the woman in front of them break. After Phil had died earlier that day, she cried on her own, in front of Steve, yes, but after that, it was as if nothing had happened.

Now, she was breaking into pieces because her brother was not responding.

Sophia had lost her friend hours before, she had lost Phil and now, she was probably losing her brother as well.

-Tony, please.- She whispered as she took his face in her hands. Running her small, delicate fingers in his cheek, a stray tear made its way down and fell into Tony's face. She quickly removed it with her thumb. -Don't leave me. Not you.- She whispered, a sound barely audible for the people standing with her.

Or at least she thought so. Thor was a god, his hearing was immaculate and Steve had heightened senses, he heard every word.

Sophia's tears were starting to run down her cheeks and she did nothing to stop them. Steve gave a resigned sigh as he leaned back on the heels of his feet in his crouched position. Thor looked down at Tony and then at Sophia, his heart hurting for the young agent.

And just as silence and pain started to fill the atmosphere, coating it in sorrow and sadness, a loud roar made them all jump, startled and it wasn't until a gasp was heard that everyone's breathing slowed. Steve's eyes snapped up as he was met with a pair of brown eyes that looked so much like the ones from the girl he cared about so much.

Tony had opened his eyes and he was breathing heavily, trying to regain air in his lungs. Sophia let out a small sob as she looked at her brother's eyes open and darted everywhere they could, finally landing on the people standing beside and above him. The Hulk roared as if it was in victory and everyone looked at Tony.

-What the hell?.- Was the first thing he asked and Sophia smiled. -What just happened?.- He asked, confused and startled. As he looked around and saw Thor, Steve, Hulk and Sophia, he turned to his sister. -Star, please tell me nobody kissed me.- He said and Sophia laughed.

-No, T. Nobody kissed you. Not like you're their type anyways.- Sophia said with a small smile as she turned to look at her friends and they smirked at her.

And Steve couldn't have agreed more. His type was more like the woman right in front of him, he thought, but after the thought crossed his mind, he quickly shook his head, trying to remove that from his brain. What was he thinking?

As he decided to stare into the now destroyed street and not into a pair of eyes he knew he'd get lost in, he sighed.

-We won.- He said and everyone nodded slowly, still not actually believing everything they had done.

Tony sighed as he leaned his head back into his sister's lap. -All right, yay!.- He exclaimed and Sophia huffed in amusement. Aaaand he was back. -Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day.- He said, moving his arm around and Sophia laughed at her brother's antics. -Have you ever tried shawarma?- Tony asked as he turned to look at everyone. Steve smiled and Sophia caught his eye, her eyes instantly lighting up at the sight.

She enjoyed watching Steve smile. It was like his smile could light up a whole city, a whole town, like in that Taylor Swift song she had heard. Her heart jumped when he smiled slightly at her, his white pearl teeth shining and a small laugh escaping his lips. She moved her eyes first when she felt heat rising to her cheeks.

-There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it.- Tony rambled and Sophia laughed.

-Okay big guy, you're in shock right now, so just take it easy, alright?.- She said and Tony nodded.

-Yeah, okay. Sounds like it.- He said, leaning his head back one more time.

-We're not finished yet.- Thor said and everyone turned to look at him. They knew what he was referring to. There was still one more mission to take care of and it had to be done quickly.

After five seconds of silence, like always, Tony broke it.

-And then shawarma after?.- He asked and Sophia snorted.

-Yes, Tony. Shawarma after.- She reassured her brother with a smile.

It was at that moment that Sophia thanked the actual Jesus Christ that her brother was alive and well. 


Small funfact, when I was 11 and the movie was about to be released in my country, they were doing promo EVERYWHERE, and one day while I was at the mall with my family, they were handing out small official posters of the movie (like the one on top) and my whole family got one each, like, my grandpa, my grandma, my aunt, my sister and my mum and me of course, and I was so excited about the movie and watching it that my grandpa gave me his because I was SO HYPED. 

Then my aunt, for children's day (a celebration we do in my country every April 30th) as my gift, took me to watch it and I had the best time of my life because I loved the movie. I had loved Iron Man 1 & 2, Captain America, Thor and pretty much what the MCU was starting back then. I loved it ever since I watched it and I never expected this Cinematic Universe to be my comfort place as much as it is now and still is, 15 years later (counting from Iron Man 1). 

One of the memories I hold dearest and closest to my heart about my grandpa is that that day, when we watched the movie, at the end we were commenting on it and he told me his favourite scene was the one where Tony and Loki are confronting each other and then when Hulk literally smashes Loki on the floor like a rag doll. He told me it was his favourite part and that Loki was his favourite character the whole movie (aside from Steve) and I guess that is why also I hold a special place for Loki in my heart, because my grandpa liked him. :')

Anyway, this is long as hell. Sorry for spiling my feelings here. 

Next chapter coming in 5!


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