[EN] All of Barcode (and Jeff...

By suhsunakha

30.7K 983 183

When Barcode reads a kissing scene in the script for Wuju Bakery, he hates the idea that his first experience... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Extra #1 - 'Cause my love is mine, all mine

Chapter 6

1.7K 47 24
By suhsunakha

First Time | Bottom Jeff | Explicit Sexual Content | Smut | Dirty Talk | They communicate a lot 

Translator's note

We swear we're giving you guys a break on all the sex in (the beginning of) next chapter. Haha. We also swear there is a plot to this they-have-a-lot-of-sex story 💜 they are just very bent on experimenting and exploring and having the time of their lives while in Korea🥹Also, Barcode has made me go and find the word philtrum. It's not on the story, but that just says a lot about what this ship has made me become. And we love Barcode's little cute philtrum 🤏🏾Gentle reminder that English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.Enjoy!


Jeff wakes up feeling the weight of Barcode's arm around his waist and it still takes a while for him to be completely awake. Without moving much, he reaches for his cell phone on the edge of the bed and checks that there is still some time left before they need to get up. Still, he decides he's too awake to go back to sleep, so he takes the time to check social media and emails.

"Oi!" Distracted on Twitter, Jeff is startled when he receives a kiss on the back of the neck.

Jeff hears the lazy chuckle behind him as he's pulled up against Barcode's chest.

"Why is P'Jeff already awake?" Barcode asks, his voice hoarse with sleep.

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep."

With a shiver running down his arms, Jeff slowly turns over in bed and finds Barcode with small eyes and disheveled hair, but a slight smile on his lips. The desire rising through his body makes him think that he is actually the one behaving like an insatiable young man, but he can't control how Barcode suddenly makes him feel. So sensitive. So responsive. As he gets even closer, he takes a deep breath against Barcode's face, moving slowly down to his neck. Barcode has a good smell that is a mixture of his own scent, Jeff's and the bed they share.

"It's too early?" Barcode asks as he gives room for Jeff to savor his neck.

"Just enough." Jeff says softly in his ear.

Barcode lets out a very low moan, almost whimpering as he shudders.

"P'Jeff..." He mutters, but he doesn't pull away. "I haven't even woken up yet."

"Uhmm." He growls into his neck where he leaves an open-mouthed kiss. Under the duvet, Jeff slides his hand down Barcode's stomach straight into his pajama shorts and underwear, and cups his half-hard cock. "Well, you seem pretty awake to me."

The nervous chuckle that leaves Barcode's lips comes along with a gentle rocking of his hips against the older man's hand. Jeff holds him firmly, but the movement is slow, he's too busy kissing his neck thoroughly.

"Lesson number whatever: morning sex is good." Jeff says in his ear.

Barcode laughs heartily and slowly pulls Jeff away from his neck by the hair, slowly and with intent. They look at each other for a few seconds before their lips meet in a lazy but ardent kiss, Jeff always too busy relishing the younger's mouth.

Barcode's hand finally comes to his waist under his tank top, touching the skin with just the right amount of pressure. Jeff brings their bodies even closer, his hand massaging him unhurriedly, although he already feels him getting harder.

Jeff pulls away from the kiss a few minutes later, also removing his hand from inside Barcode's pajama pants. With a lopsided smile, Jeff holds the younger man's hand under his watchful gaze.

"Can Nong do something for me?" He asks as he plants a soft kiss on the back of his hand.

Without taking his eyes from his, Jeff watches Barcode's jaw drop slightly as he places his index and middle fingers into his mouth. Using his tongue thoroughly, Jeff sucks eagerly, drenching them.

It's visible when the younger swallows hard before deciding to be the one moving his fingers in Jeff's mouth, deliberately, while licking his own lips, looking eager. As Jeff moves away once more, he now turns his back to him again, lying on his side. And from then on he doesn't need to guide him anymore, Barcode immediately connects his body to Jeff's and reaches into his pajama pants.

With one leg bent in front of him, Jeff can't tell what's more sensual, the sound of Barcode's breathing in his ear or his fingers teasing his rim.

"We're doing it this time." Barcode declares in his ear, pushing one finger inside.

Far from arguing, Jeff moans low and pushes his hips further against him. Then he feels the other's lips on his neck, breathing hot on the skin that he licks passionately.

"Put one more." Jeff asks in the middle of a breath.


"You don't have to be so gentle with me." Jeff interrupts, too eager, craving for more.

Barcode no longer hesitates to grant him and slowly inserts the second finger. Even with the discomfort — which Jeff suddenly finds out he enjoys — he is already so desperately hard he has to clumsily take off his pants to free himself, breathing heavily in relief. Barcode moves his fingers so slowly it's painfully good. He can't even imagine what it will be like when it's his cock inside him.

"How does P'Jeff like it?" Barcode whispers in his ear.

Not even all the self-control in the world could keep Jeff contained when the other starts talking, especially with the intention to know how to make Jeff feel good. Jeff presses his body further against Barcode's and holds him by the back of the neck, almost lying on his shoulder at the same time he sinks his hips down his fingers.

"How does Nong think I like it?" He questions breathlessly.

When Barcode finally finds the right spot and starts to provoke him, Jeff shudders several times. He sucks in air through his teeth, his face showing pleasure. Jeff can't contain himself when he pulls Barcode's hair where he's grabbing him by the back of his neck and he likes the moan he hears.

"I think Phi likes it slow at first, to feel good." He says right into his ear.

Barcode threatens to insert the third finger, rubbing the rim just to tease and Jeff shudders even more, panting loudly and clutching the sheets.

"Yeah, do it." Jeff demands, trying to bend his leg even more to make room for him.

"It's going to hurt Phi..." Barcode hesitates.

Jeff grunts and pulls back for a moment, in a rush to grab the bottle of lube still on the bedside table to hand it to the other, but not long enough for Barcode to have to remove his fingers out of him. Within seconds he feels the sticky and cold texture run between his cheeks and then the third finger is pushed inside.


He moans his name loudly, a little desperate, letting himself close his eyes and dig his fingers into the pillow. Jeff then feels him pull him impossibly closer again and the sound of his heavy breathing is incredible.

"I think Phi likes it slow at first." He repeats what he said earlier. "Then faster." Barcode's lips touch Jeff's ear, and doing as he just said, increases the pace. The urgent, desperate sound that escapes Jeff's lips as he presses hard against his prostate, now with all three fingers, is something between a moan and a cry. "And then hard, until it hurts."

Jeff never thought he would feel so aroused with something the other would say, his words so erotic it makes his body vibrate and his stomach clench with emotion. He has to hold back not to come right then and the lewd noises that escape are painful, his brow furrowed like he might collapse at any moment.

"The condom. Put the condom on." He says, lost in desire and breathing heavily, his body sticky with sweat. "Fuck me already, please. Please."

The words come out without Jeff really thinking about what he's saying. As Barcode moves away to do as he's asked, Jeff fingers himself, as if he's not quite ready to let go of the sensation yet. Writhing and moaning alone on the bed, he can see Barcode getting rid of his clothes and putting a condom on, but his eyes never stray from what the older one is doing.

"Come here already, Code." He moans again, taking his fingers away from him and lying on his side again.

When he comes back, Barcode spreads his cheeks with one hand and applies more lube before positioning his cock between them. Jeff clutches the sheet with the way Barcode is teasing him as he starts to rub himself between his cheeks. Then he feels the pressure around his rim as Barcode puts in only the head, hard and several times. Jeff is in a trance and he moans with the teasing and the idea of Barcode really enjoying himself and testing the sensations on his own body.

"Please, Code." Jeff doesn't remember ever begging in his life and begins to doubt that the other has never done that because of the evident pleasure he has in denying him.

Barcode finally starts pushing himself in and Jeff covers his mouth with the back of his hand to keep from screaming. He feels his insides stretching to receive him, so slowly and painfully he's sure it's the biggest cock that's ever been there. And as he imagined, it feels impossibly good.

"If Phi feels any—"

"Shut up." He ends up letting out a gasp. His hand goes back to the nape of his neck and he turns his face as best he can to look at Barcode until their foreheads are touching. "Just keep going, please, I can't take it anymore."

Barcode kisses him clumsily but with passion, finally burying himself on the other, eliciting another moan from Jeff. He feels Jeff rolling his hips and it's like his cock has gained all the space inside him.

"Good." Barcode murmurs against his lips and Jeff realizes he's not the only one completely lost. "This feels so good, Phi."

Barcode starts to move slowly, as he had stated, and indeed Jeff feels every inch of him, out and in again. They kiss one more time as Jeff nods encouragingly, tongues intertwining sloppily.

Jeff is so delirious with all those sensations that he allows him to do whatever he wants, Barcode's moans sounding as good as their skin colliding, his whole body connected to Jeff's.

Then Jeff feel his body start to shudder and that's when the younger man finally increases the pace for the first time, eliciting a loud noise from Jeff, who tries to muffle his moans on the pillow.

"No." With one hand, the younger one turns his face. "I want to listen."

He wants to drive him crazy, Jeff is sure of it. Barcode holds him tightly by the hip and starts thrusting hard. Jeff even arches his body, desperate to give him the best angle and he ends up cursing a few times.

It's only when he's very close that Jeff wraps his own hand around his cock, trying to find a rhythm with Barcode's as he thrusts in and out of him. In between moans it is inevitable to say his name over and over again, completely lost.

Finally, Jeff lets go while in a trance and then he shudders when he feels his orgasm coming. Barcode moves his hand from his hip to his neck as Jeff clenches around him and the grip, even though a light pressure, only heightens the intensity of the older man's orgasm.

It takes a while until Jeff gets his senses working again. His body is still being slightly jerked as Barcode continues to thrust him. He suddenly goes deep inside and stops for a moment and the moans Jeff hears are from someone who has had an orgasm just as intense as his. Gradually, Barcode lets go of his neck to hold him in an embrace.

"So good, Phi." Barcode's voice is soft, drunk.

Jeff smiles with his eyes closed, his toes still numb from his orgasm. It takes some time for their breathing to normalize and for Barcode to leave his body. Jeff shudders again with the sensation, turning his face to look at the younger man.

Barcode is sweaty and flushed. He looks beautiful. After he gets rid of the condom, Jeff rolls onto his back and pulls him in for a kiss. Kissing that mouth is definitely among his favorite things, no matter what's yet to come.

"Is P'Jeff okay?" He whispers, pecking his lips gently.

"I couldn't be better." Jeff answers while nuzzling him.

Barcode slides his mouth into the kiss to suck his lower lip, eliciting a sigh from the older man.

"Phi likes to feel pain." Barcode whispers, but it doesn't sound like a question.

Jeff lets out a light chuckle, sliding his thumb between their joined lips to touch his.

"I think I'm also experiencing first times with you, Barcode." Jeff looks at him intently. "The pain? That's on you." Jeff says with a smile when he pulls back a little to look at what he's doing, tracing the cute, sexy groove on his upper lip. "You drive me so crazy that I have to control myself not to go too fast". Jeff gets closer and bites the skin he just caressed. "Because everything feels so good with you, even pain."

Jeff watches when Barcode slides his own tongue across his freshly bitten upper lip as he lets a low moan echo from the back of his throat. He leans closer again and pecks his lips tightly.

"I don't want Phi to feel like he has to control himself." He pulls back and looks Jeff in the eyes. "With nothing."

Immediately controlling himself not to attack him again, Jeff nods.

"But what about you? Are you ok?

"I couldn't be better." He repeats Jeff's answer with a smile that reflects on the older man's face.

Jeff caresses Barcode's jaw with the back of his fingers, sliding them to his lips and smiling wider when he feels the soft kiss that the other places on them.

"I should have asked you if this was how you wanted your first time to be like." Suddenly the idea crosses his mind and, even though nothing they did seemed wrong or uncomfortable for either of them, Jeff decides to say it. "I'm sorry, I—"

"Phi." Barcode mutters into his lips when he interrupts. "It was amazing, stop that."

Jeff slowly pulls him away, looking at him closely.

"Are you sure?"

"I am." He nods. "I'll let you know if I'm ever not comfortable, okay?" Then Barcode shrugs. "And we still have a lot of first times to try, don't we?"

The mischievous smile he has on his lips elicits another moan from Jeff in the middle of a lazy laugh. He pulls Barcode close again and gives him a peck.

"Many first times." They share another kiss. "Many."

Jeff closes his eyes as he feels Barcode grab him by the sides of his face, smoothing the hair out of his face. Then he kisses his forehead, face and lips again. Barcode is so affectionate that Jeff laughs a little at the care he is more used to offering.

That's when the sound of his cell phone vibrating catches both their attention.

With a grunt, Jeff rolls over in bed and is wide-eyed as he picks it up.

"Barcode, we lost track of time!" The first reaction is to quickly sit up, but he falls back down again when he feels sore. "Ugh, you—" Jeff holds back a curse as he punches Barcode's thigh.

With the tranquility of someone who doesn't care about anything, Barcode just laughs. He jumps over his body as he leaves the bed and helps him up then, giving him a smooch.

"Let's have a shower together, it needs to be quick."

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