Danmachi my way: Volume 2

By TheWolfsFury1420

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this is volume 2 of Danmachi My Way: volume 1 like in volume 1, this is my version of Danmachi, at least how... More

Chapter 1: After Sex
Chapter 2: Training and Magic
Chapter 3: Hermes
Chapter 4 Love or Affection
Ova: Herme's report
Ova: Night of Intimacy 1
Chapter 5: Allies
Ova: Fryea Familia's Last Straw
Chapter 6: Preparation
Ova: sex talk
Chapter 7: Calm Before The Storm
Ova: People VS Food
Chapter 8: Dungeon Detective
Chapter 9: Darkness
Ais's level-up status
Chapter 11: Minotaur Vs Kids
Chapter 12: Bell's Adventure
Ova: Xenos Questioning
Chapter 13: 2 Cats 1 man
Bell's level up status
Skills and Development Abilities
Chapter 14 After the Storm
Chapter 15 Armor Shopping
Chapter 16 Denatus
Ova Twisted vs Honest Love
Chapter 17 Interest
Chapter 18 blacksmithing
Chapter 19 Depths
Ova: Fall of the Greats
Ova: Family Talk
Ova: Apollo's Interest
Chapter 20 Revived Spirit
Chapter 21 Spirit Battle Climax
Chapter 22 Making it out alive
Ova: why Bell was a Hunter
Chapter 23 How We Got Here
Chapter 24 End of a Long Journey
Chapter 25 The Rescue Party
Chapter 26 Coming Down
Chapter 27 Rest and Relaxation
Ova: Vestal Virgins
Chapter 28 Bathing in the Dungeon
Chapter 29 sex at the lake
Ova: what is magic
Chapter 30 One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 31 Strength
Chapter 32 Black Goliath
Medical break

Chapter 10: No Other Choice

251 11 0
By TheWolfsFury1420

Loki called for everyone to a meeting with Aiss's room shut tight for her not to escape to discuss about Ais and a new problem that arises that they need to address.

Loki:" As I'm sure all of you are aware, Ais leveled up"

Raul:" Can I change Familia"

Loki:" No"

Raul:" (sniveling and crying)"

Loki:" There is a problem we can't ignore that came up, now before I tell you, you know how some skills and Development abilities... evolve based on certain conditions being meet"

Finn:"... oh god's and goddesses no, did avenger-"

Loki:" Here, I'll just show you all with the whiteboard"

(see next chapter)

Finn:"... this... this explains a lot, and now we have everything to worry about"

Riveria:" I think we need to level up"

Gareth:" Agreed, after that battle with Vennea, you are close to 4 of your Parameters being at S rank now, with the others either at or near A rank right Riveria"

Riviera:" Yeah, it was good for that massive jump"

Loki:" Your defense jumped up 2 whole ranks from all those hits, it was awesome"

Finn:" I can only imagine what it would be like to face Mero now"

Gareth:" She literally backhanded Ottar and won"

Finn:" nevermind, it's more likely we'll die than increase our status, I feel the only reason she spared Riveria is because she was her daughter and pupal before"

Raul:" Pupal"

Gareth:" Oh yeah, youngsters probably don't know, Riveria was actually only supposed to be in the Loki Familia till she reached level 5 as instructed by her master at the time, Vaneea, originally, when Riveria reached Level 5, she would transfer to the Hera Familia alongside her Vannea and the likes of Mero and Alfia, however, when they were kicked out, that plan went down the drain"

Raul:" Was that also why Riveria didn't attack them alongside the Loki Familia"

Riveria:" That was just one of the many reasons I didn't attack the Hera and Zeus Familia, but the main reason was that I didn't wish to betray my mentor and hero at the time"

Lefiya:" You saw mom as your hero at a time before"

Rivieria:" Yo- our mother had quite the reputation of heroism and bravery, wait how do you now see her as someone to look up to"

Lefiya:" I always looked up to Mom, but she was nothing like a hero, at least not the fighting monsters kind"

Finn:" I think this is the case of seeing something so often you think it's normal, for Lefiya, she saw her mother act the way she did for as long as she can remember, so it doesn't even register to her as bravery or heroism compared to how we see it"

Raul:" Isn't that also called privilege-"

both Lefiya and Riveria punched Raul in the gut, making him spit blood with 4 of his ribs broken, if there was one word they hated above all, it was "privilege", The word itself made both of them disgusted more than if they were forced to work in a manure farm where they had to mix animal feces to make fertilizer for plants.

Riveria:" Say that accursed word again and we will break more of your bones"

Lefiya:" And also see how far you bend before we hear a snap as well"

Anakitty:" (whispering) How could he say that after last time"

Luna:" (whispering) This is why I think before I say anything in front of any elf, even one's I'm on friendly terms with, those guys hold a grudge, Lefiya still hasn't forgiven me for 5 years ago"

Lefiya:" YOU TOOK MY MONEY FOR THE CURRO I WANTED, it would have been delicious"

Luna:" I said Sorry a thousand times, can't you let it go"

Lefiya:" (muttering)"

Loki:" I would say something, but I am just as petty, so I won't stab myself in the foot and just get back on topic, concerning Ais, we have to make even more measures, but not only on her neck, in fact, I think it's time we buy... the suit"

Riveria:"... I feared this day for as soon as we knew she was an avenger"

Lefiya:" What's... "the suit", it sound's normal, but since we're talking about Ais, I can only guess it's not at all what I think it is"

Finn:" It's a suit that works in a similar fashion to the collar Ais always wears, but instead, it would target every joint, vital organ, and bone in her body, with as she is now, this won't kill her, but even if she were to remove the part around her neck, she will still have her body destroyed beyond what could be manageable to use... at least until she regrows everything"

Gareth:" The suit also regenerates, so it's a one-time buy"

Tiona:" If it's this amazing, why did we rely on the colors we can only use once and need to replace every time"

Loki:" Cost, the thing cost as much as a small kingdom, however, the guild has agreed to help buy it for us since, well, Ais is a walking disaster comparable to the 3 great quests"

Lefiya:" Oh thank the gods and goddesses, we might actually have money of our own now"

Loki:" And if we add into the money we were able to get back at minimum for the destruction Ais caused and the money we will get from selling the colors we have in stock back, we could pay back Artemis and still have a bit of money left over"

Riveria:" Finally, after 16 years, we'll actually HAVE money of our own again... assuming we don't fuck it up like always"

Riveria was looking at everyone in the Familia who looked away as they got their plan in motion, Ais being like a motionless doll didn't struggle to put this suit on her, it was a black full-body suit with an opening around her crotch and butthole area, it had an odd outlying design that was able to be compared to if you tie someone in bondage gear, however, these odd marks were actually the explosion points, meant to target and destroy bone and organ alike, while it also had cuffs on the wrist, ankles, neck, and waist in a similar design to the old collar she had to wear.

Lefiya:" You sure this will work"

Rose:" We can assure for its quality and authenticity, Fels made it himself due to how important this is and what could happen should it fail"

Lefiya:" I just hope thing's don't go wrong"

as they were getting Ais ready to be transferred to the entrance to the dungeon for their Familia's dungeon exploration, Bell and Liliruca were heading to the dungeon themselves as they were having a serious talk after finding out contraceptives are ineffective on Liliruca.

Bell:" So... you could have easily gotten pregnant all that time"

Liliruca:" Yeah... so... how we do this from now on is..."

Bell:" Do... do we need to get mar-"

Liliruca:" STOP, look, we are fuck buddies, no more, if we have a kid, we'll be common law, there is no more than that in the future if it's to come, look, we're close with other people now, so let's stop talking about this for now"

as they were about to head in, they spotted Anya and Chloe along with what looked like members of the Artemis Familia.

Artemis:" Now remember, you push yourself, but support one another, whatever happens in there is anyone's guess, and with Evilus, we need to be extra careful, don't do anything stupid unless you have no other options"

Armetis Familia:" YES MA'AM"

Anya:" Oh, bell, you're here too"

Bell:" A dungeon exploration"

Anya:" Yep, we're going to a dungeon dive to see how far down we can go this time, Rose is participating to so we are at full strength"

Rose:" You're level 5 as well, don't rely solely on me"

Anya:" Yeah yeah, I'll pull my weight"

Rose:" And Bell, make sure you don't go soft while I'm gone, your training won't be over just because I'm gone, I expect you AND Liliruca to train the same on your own"

Liliruca:" You're a demon alright"

Artemis:" If it's any consolation, I could train them in your absence, not like I have much to do anyway, and I can't go out to hunt for another 6 months with what happened recently"

Rose:" That would be wonderful"

Artemis:" And since the Loki Familia owe me so much, they are going to be quiet for a while so-"

Loki:" WAIT, (huff huff) I really should have had someone carry this for me, here, this is all the money we owe you"

Artemis:" Plus interest'

Loki:" Especially interest"

Artemis:" I hope you don't mind me counting this myself to be sure"

Loki:" No, please, go ahead, take your time, I want to savor every moment of us now having money"

Bell and Liliruca walk past the Artemis Fmailia, they head into the dungeon to the 10th floor as both of them continue to talk on the way there.

Bell:" So... do we keep having sex from now on without contraceptives"

Liliruca:" Hestia said it wouldn't be a problem so long as I don't want a child, so we should be fine for now, but you're banned from whispering in my ear to have your child like before, even if it's in the heat of the moment"

Bell:"(nervous giggling)"

Liliruca and Bell look around on the 9th floor, things were quiet, but not the normal quiet, while it was normal for monsters to hide for an ambush, this quiet was unsettling, and the air was thick.

Bell:" Lili"

Liliruca:" Yeah... no monsters are here"

Bell:"... Lili, what are the odds that a high-level monster from the middle floors came up here, the last time this happened to me, I jumped on the back of a minotaur to save a party of adventures"

Liliruca:" Highly unlikely on its own but not completely impossible, the odds of someone taking and making that monster travel up though"

Bell:" We pissed off a lot of people, and if Monsterphelia is anything to go by..."

Liliruca:"... we need to head back, now"

as both were heading out, they heard a loud stomping, this was, by all accounts, bad, a mutated Minotaur with steel dragon traits, and to make matters worse, it was wielding a large sword with runes on them, and Bell had a terrified look on his face as he then held a hand to block Liliruca.

Bell:" Lili, run, run as fast as you can"

Liliruca:" BELL I-"

Bell:" LISTEN TO ME, run, get help from the Artemis Familia close by and I will do my best to distract it, I can survive till then, and even if I get injured, I can regenerate, of the 2 of us, who has the better chance at dealing with this monster"

Liliruca:"... umm, Bell"

Bell:" Yeah"

Liliruca:" You know how the dungeon was so empty"

Bell:"... ambush"

Liliruca:" Yep"

then, dozens and dozens of monsters came and completely blocked their escape route, apparently, the Minotaur was ordering them around, one thing about powerful monsters is the fact they can telepathically force dominance over other monsters and make them act as an army with no gap in communication, one thing about these monsters is their teamwork rivaling the best of the best, so now, Bell and Liliruca were pinned on both sides by an army and a powerful general.

Bell:"... I'll take on the Minotaur and you take on the monsters behind"

Liliruca:" Killer ants, Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds, the works, and the army is the easy enemy... yeah, this is going to be a bloody battle"

Bell:" We survive this, we're going to get the head of whoever, this sh#t couldn't have been a coincidence, that sword and this set up"

Liliruca:" Oh yeah, headhunting tonight"

then as both charge to face their opponent, an onlooker with an orb of observation looks as well with Freya watching what comes from the feedback.

Ottar:" My lady, the army was-"

Freya:" I expected my Odr to throw the bitch to momentarily distract the Minotaur, than to kill the army in front of him and cut them to pieces or use his magic to help, but this... this might be better, if he is able to beat that thing... the fight will be wonderful, I'm already wet from watching"

Ottar's thoughts:" Yep, this didn't go as planned, but if he wins, he would prove he has on some level earned my goddess's attention Bell Cranel"

Freya's plan went as expected, while not in the way she wanted, the army Liliruca was facing, at least by estimation, numbered a little around 265 in total, Liliruca would be overwhelmed, and the battle Bell was having with the Minotaur, it would be a grand skeptical, to say the least, as she would orgasm every so often from the battle, all hoping that Liliruca would die as well

Authors Notes

it's here, the battle all of you were expecting, I plan to give justice to what is arguably one of the best anime battles with grounded battling of skill, determination, and earnestness to win, and don't worry, it might take 1 or 2 whole chapters to tell, I'll make sure if it, and just a heads up when Bell is thinking, don't think he's staying still, he's likely dodging attacks while thinking

part of this intense battle will also involve Liliruca, with how I had Bell and Liliruca in my story, Bell Freezing up from the Minotaur is far more unlikely since my version is likely more mature than that, sure, the dungeon will F with his mind, but Bell, as he was, won't freeze, so I had to make another reason for them to do what they did in the canon somehow

this fight chapter will take a while to release, but I promise, it's going to be amazing all the way though 

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