Bonds of lust

بواسطة AnnStillWrites

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|+18|REQUESTED BOOK| SHORTSTORY| She hated him! He was a bad teacher and a cocky asswhole believing th... المزيد

Introduction & Author Note
Red Ribbon
Forest Shrine
Tormented Blue Eyes
Bath House


42 0 0
بواسطة AnnStillWrites

         The thing is, Giyuú never retaliated against any of Ubuyashiki's wishes. He was very loyal, if he said, Giyuú followed. That was when, to give the other pillars an opportunity for ground work the leader gave the pilar a seemingly simple job. To train new recruits just like his master trained him.  Great so far, right?

Not for Aki! Even if water breathing was considered the most easy style she wasn't the brightest tool in the sheed to say so. She would fail her traing , they would argue and he come right back at her. It seems the water pillar hated her, as much as she hated him. The insults were various, from him calling her a low life pleasant to her snapping back with the usual self centered freak! The among of times he threat to drop and failed her were equal with the amount of times they quarrel. And the numbers add a lot.

“Asshole.” she smiled sweetly as the man took a seat opposite to her whispering a, “Shut up.” that earned an arched brow from her and a twitch from himself.

The only reason he sat even remotely near her was that Ubuyashiki caught wind of their latest fight, and the complaint list seem to grow on his desk from the other people feed up with their constant fighting. So,  he asked  both to meet with him for tea to discuss the matter.

“It’s your fault we are in this mess.” she folded her arms, glaring daggers into the man’s soul.

“No it isn’t. You came at me.” He seemed bored, resting his head on his hand as he refused to break eye contact.

“Because you insulted me first!” she stood slightly, hands bracing on the wooden table as she nearly lunged at him.

“I didnt insult you, I insulted your intelligence. Not my fault you're an idiot, right? ” His statement was so monotone one  couldn’t help but burst out laughing again.

" Yeah, insult me!Very mature!"

It was Giyuú’s turn to look angry, his usually stoic expression changing to a scowl.

“Good morning.” At the sound of his voice both her and Giyu  quieted.

“I hope you two haven’t been waiting long.” Ubuyashiki, along with the guidance of his two daughters, took their seats at the small table as well.

“We haven’t been here long at all. How have you been, master?” Giyuú raised a question as one of the girls began serving tea.

“I’ve been well. Though I must say I’m sad to hear two of my children are fighting.”

Regardless of their dislike for one another, her and Giyuú both shared a look of guilt. Aki didn't know about Tomioka but she did feel a lot of compassion for the leader, he was sick and suffered a lot lately. Knowing that her behavior pours salt on the wound made her feel blameworthy.

He smiled kindly.

“I want to know why you two are fighting. Please.” he brought the cup to his lips, blowing on it slowly.

“I think I can speak for both of us…”Giyuú began articulating. “that Aki is not made for the water breathing technique. I can't teach her! I believe she should be removed from the program.”

  Ubuyashiki set his cup of tea down, “Well, that's new. You never failed any quest I gave you, Giyuú. This one is a first” the water pillar  clenched his jaw after hearing that, noticing out of the corner of his eye that the teacup stopped halfway to Aki’s lips.

" Of course, I dont want to let you down master. If your fate in me is so strong, I will do my best to teach lady Akiko."

“I’m glad to hear that, I know your devotion is golden. To help better your relationship I have a task for the two of you.”

“What is the task, master?”Aki asks  a question regarding the situation that made even Giyúu raise a brow.

“I’m sending the two of you on a mission to the south. I’m hoping this will be a good bonding opportunity and you’ll be able to sort out your differences .” He sipped his tea, waiting for a verbal response.

“Of course. That makes sense, master.” Giyuú’s voice seemed tense even though he couldn’t see it. " I do understand how teamwork unity plays an important role in the success of our goal. "

“I would like the two of you to depart immediately. The village you’ll be traveling to seems to have a demon that is targeting the younger ones. I’d like you to take care of it quickly, "

He smiled sweetly, acting completely unaware of what he essentially just implied.

“Of course master, we will see you in a week.” Aki stood, bowing deeply as Giyuú followed suit.

“Farewell you two.” they both left in silence, not looking or speaking to one another until there was a safe distance.

“This is all your fucking fault! None of this would have happen if you were a good teacher! ” she glared at the man beside her, not backing down even as he looked down at her.

He rolled his eyes when he realized her attempt to act tough.

“Blame me all you want, not my fault you are weak. We are stuck in this together nonetheless.” he looked away, sulking now as he realized the destination they were heading to. It was a quiet village by the ocean. Small isolate  place but really crowded with people, an 'all-you-can-eat buffet' for a demon.

“I know a short cut, I use to go there when I was working at the flower shop” she put her childish anger aside, this was now a business matter and she  refused to let Ubuyashiki down. Especially after disappointing him once. " The faster we finish this mission the faster I get ride of you! "

“Okay.” the hashira answer simply leaving her a bit surprised over the fact that, this was all she got?Expected something more along the lines of " don’t tell me what to do, I am your boss." With that, they set off for what would be a very quiet journey.

“Your calculations, as expected, were wrong.” he blinked boringly," why doesn't that surprise me?"

She snap a glare at the man beside her. It was nine o’clock at night by the time they arrived at the village.

“Well maybe if you didn’t stop every five seconds to point out a flaw in me or the way I did my kimono- ”his jaw clench, looking away from her before changing the subject.

“We may as well get something to eat.” she sighed in agreement,  could only imagine the arguments that would ensue if  both had empty stomachs.

“There is a little inn closer to the water that has seafood.” she took the lead,  heard it from Shinobu that he loved salmon.

Aki may not be able to stand him, but it wouldn’t hurt to make things a little more civil between then. Harboring a guilty conscience over Ubuyashiki’s involvement in their  stupid feud. At last she, unlike him, tried!

“Excuse me?” she stopped in her tracks as a man walked over to them.

“Yes?”a bit confused as to why he was calling out for the two Giyuú crossed his hands.

“I…I just wanted to say you were familiar and seem lovely. Did you use to be a resident here? Or just passing through.” her cheeks heat at the stranger’s compliment.

“Oh! You’re far too kind. I used to work at a flower shop in the middle of the city years back. That's probably why I seem familiar. Unfortunately, I don't come here anymore. ”

He seemed a little sad by the response.

“That’s a shame. I would have loved to get to know you better.”

“No, I rather think you dodged a bullet. She’s not pleasant to be around.”her face turn red, head whipped around to stare at Giyu in shock. What was his deal?

Before she  could even retaliate he grabbed her arm, forcefully dragging  away from the now very confused man.

“What the fuck, Tomioka?!” she shot embarrassment rage bubbling in her stomach. Giyuú on the other hand remained silent, moving down the streets as if he knew where he was going.

She tore her arm out of his grasp earning a growl from him.

“Answer me you fucking asshole! Why did you do that? We are guests here! You can't be rude with the locals!”

He cross his arms veering around to look at her with that same infuriating blank look.

" Answer me!” she felt the urge to strike him, even if she knew he could overpower her easily.

“We are on a mission. I don’t need you running off with some random man you just met.” He turned from her, walking in the opposite direction.

“Well you didn’t have to make a fucking fool out of me!” she  started walking to keep up with him.

“You did that yourself by even entertaining the idea.” That was it, regretful conscience be damned! She quickens her speed, throwing an arm back and swinging it forward to haul off and slap his head.

“Hey!” he leap forward, stumbling to turn back and glare at her. “What the fuck woman?!” His voice bounced off the brick walls, a scowl began crawling up on her face .

“Don’t fucking make me  look bad you idiot!” her hand went to the hilt of her blade, unsheathing it out of anger.

“Are you serious?” He was already unsheathing his own blade, ready to lunge at her," you actualy think  you can take me on?

“It's all you! I’m trying to be civil  and you go and make me look like a damn fool. I work to earn the respect of those people! Are you really that pitty? Do you really hate me that much that you want to humiliate me in front if everyone else?” It was pure rage fueling her words.

“I do! You are a joke! You fucking suck, Aki!” There was a grin crawling up his cheeks.

“I fucking suck? At least the other pillars like me!” Despite drawing  blades, neither would make an attack. Especially not in a small village like this. She knew she can't take him on, it was more  for show.

“Like I care! Don’t start taking Shinobu’s lines. She babies you so much! No wonder you're a weakling!”
Gyiuú sheathed his blade moving to meet her neck halfway. “I hate you! You stupid pushover!” less than a foot apart now, staring down at her. “And that stupid face of yours.”

“What does my face have to do with anything?”

“It’s annoying!” he clutch his blade.

“Well,  so is yours!"

He let out a  laugh.

" Great come back genius!"he was calmer now, a smirk creeping up his lips as he stared at her.

“At least I am trying to be nice to you! You claim you care about master and his wish, but,  you’re nothing but a jerk!” she  moved to walk away, not expecting his hand to grab her arm once more.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Away from you, asshole!"

He rolled his eyes, “cut the fucking dramatics. We have to take care of the demon. I am not wasting time looking for you to!”

She  tried to yank her arm from his grasp, regardless of her attempts  he only tightened it. In pain, she try to shake him off but it wasn’t working.

Her motion  stilled looking at him with a grimace all over her face.

“Good girl.” There was a drawl to his tone that made her heart pick up in speed as he pet her.

“E-excuse me?”

He let go of her arm with a laugh, the grim reaching his ears.

“I never thought that  I would need to lead my student like a hound but so be it.”

What came over him? in that moment, all she wanted — no needed — was to get that smirk off his face! Teach him a lesson to respect her. She reached forward, grabbing the collar of his uniform and pulling him down to her level.

"Who are you calling a dog you moron!? Say that do my face I dare you!"

Faces  inches apart, the shocked expression on his complexion was satisfying enough. She pulled away a second later, ready for the colorful insults he’d throw as they often do. Instead, he pulled her back, crushing her lips to his.

It was her turn to be shocked, but seconds later melt into the kiss. Hands coming up to cup his face and hold him there. Willingly welcoming the feeling of his hands on her, one resting on the back of her neck to keep her in place. The other trailing down to hold her waist. Aki opened her mouth to talk, allowing him to slip his tongue past her lips instead.

“Giyuú…” she  pulled away, a string of saliva connecting their lips.

“I hate you.” His voice was hoarse, his lidded eyes and pink cheeks betrayed his words. “Cute idiot!" His hands roamed her body, the hand on her neck moved down on her chest, the one on her waist to her ass. Her back hit the wall of the building behind as he takes  her with a bit of force, and couldn’t help but wonder when Giyu had shifted their direction.

“Fuck.” He moved from her lips to her neck. “You.” he sunk his teeth into her flesh earning a  whine from her lips, the tension sent her stomach into cartwheels.

“Giyuú I …” she didn’t even know what she wanted to say, she was baffled.

“Shut up.” His fingers began undoing the obijime of her kimono before yanking the haneri off. Her fingers buried in his hair, tugging softly as each layer slide open for him.

“No undergarment? You whore.” he left a bitter comment on the lack of her bra, but could you blame her? It was summer after all. Her eyes flew wide open, staring in shock as the man below began sucking and nibbling at the tender skin. Sneering with satisfaction as her  head backed against the bricks, whines leaving her lips as he kissed and sucked on her breasts.

Feeling  him descending downward with a wet tongue  trail, force her to look  and see what he was doing. He was on his knees, unwarping the obidome  that kept her kimono in place.

“G- what do you think you're doing —“ he slapped her thigh, the sound echoing off the buildings of the alleyway.

“Quiet! I’ll do as I please.” she felt her cheeks turn red  as he pulled the kimono and  undergarments along with it. Now fully exposed to the water pillar her  hands come up to hide her face, there was something thrilling not only about being in public, but being exposed to him. She  let out a shaky gasp as two fingers spread her innocence apart.

“I would prefer to take you somewhere where I can fully see and appreciate you. But I guess this dingy little alleyway will do for now.” she said nothing, thighs quivering as his fingers ran up and down her slit.

“So shameful. Really Aki? You’re all wet just from me kissing you? Have you always been this much of a slut? No wait, I know the answer to that. Considering you were ready to throw yourself at that man earlier.” One finger slipped on her entrance spreading her folds, making her back arch off the wall.


He twisted his finger with perfect precision, rubbing the little exposed skin.

“I told you to shut the fuck up!”

He laughed harshly as her thighs trembled. He began rubbing one digit steadily, enjoying the squelching noises that seemed to fill the whole alleyway.

“I’m going to make a fucking mess out of you! You’d probably love that huh? I’ll fill you up nice and full, maybe then you’ll finally stop running your mouth about me to Shinobu. How embarrassing would that be for you? Huh, Aki? What if the other pillars found out?” His words fueled her anger, tears burning in her eyes as a second finger spread her open.

“You’d be mortified huh? The man you hate is bringing you so much pleasure with just his fingers that you are crying. How fucking pathetic! I bet you want my cock, don’t you? You want me to come in that pretty pussy? Fill you up and get you pregnant, huh?”

She squeeze her eyes in pain, this was embarrassing! Belittling little fucker!

“You wouldn’t be able to hide that, now would you? The man you proclaimed you hated knocked you up with his baby.”

Aki cried out his name when his lips suctioned to her clit, tongue spreading her folds apart, she didn't think he would take this joke so far! All she could focus on was his mouth on her. The bursting feeling continued to build up, so much it had her buckling over.

“C’mon little slut, come for me.” he demand as a warm gush of liquid spilled, dripping down her thighs as all over his fingers.

“So gross.” There was a dark look in his eyes, despite what he just said, he began licking it off her thighs. “How shameful. You made such a mess you pervert! " the last insult had her chest heaving, keeps an eye on him through a clouded vision as he finished licking her clean.

“Well, I may as well satisfy myself," his grim grew,"don't you think?”

Backed on the wall, frightened, watching as he unbuckled his pants and allowed his cock to spring free, it was much bigger than expected. Not that she ever saw a "real one", it was pale and long, a flushed pink tip with veins running down the sides. He had a sizeable girth, one that looked like it would fit snuggly.

She questioned for a moment if she'll be  be able to handle him at all. Clearly her virginity would get tore in seconds, it was what he wanted, wasnt it?

“Bigger than you thought huh?” He hadn’t cleaned his fingers of cum, instead he wrapped the digits around his length and pumped slowly. Using her own release as lubricant.

There was a cocky grin on his face. This Giyuú was far different from the Giyuú she faced nearly daily at training. He was scarry...

“Use your words, dumb slut.” she whimpered at the name-calling, opening her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

“Come on, tell me exactly what you want me to do.”

She already knew his intentions and that made her heart skip.

“I-I want you. Please.”

He seemed surprised that respond, so obediently.

“So you can be good? Excellent!” He moved closer, pressing her  into the wall. “Be a good little whore and put your leg up.”

She lifted one leg as he instructed, allowing him to hook his arm under.

“Other leg.” she obeyed, allowing him to hoist her up. With her back pressed to the wall and  legs held up by Giyuú, she was utterly at his mercy.

“Now be a good girl and tell me where you want my cock.” He thrusted upwards, gliding his length along her slit.

“ Inside...Ah…please…f-fuck me,” she muttered fighting the urge to cover her face after saying such things but that would probably cause her to lose any confidence that she still had. Then again, with her breasts fully exposed and her panties laying next to his feet…Aki wasn't sure what confidence she had left.

“Well…since you asked me so nicely.” she  gasped as she felt his head push past her entrance. The initial thrust left her squirming, it wasn’t that  painful but there was certainly a burn as he bottomed out.

“Bet you've never been this full, eh?” His voice right in her ear nails digging into his shoulders. “How ironic. The man you hate so much, is taking your virginity. I can’t fucking stand you!” he moaned as he pulled out until nearly nothing was left before thrusting harshly back in.

He found a constant rhythm despite the somewhat awkward position he was in. Each thrust  had her wanting to look away from him.

“Keep your eyes on me you brat!” Each time she’d wander his hand was on her face pulling her back. “I don’t want you trying to pretend it’s anyone else making you feel this good. That anyone else takes your purity right now! ” his gaze was fierce, filled with burning torment.

“I…ah…hate you…” he laughed as he thrusted particularly deep.

“I know you do.” He was breathing deeply,  sweat beads dripping down his temple.

Unlike her, the only exposed thing on him was his organ. From behind, he still looked fully dressed. Her on the other hand wasn’t as fortunate, after Giyuú peeled her kimono layers off. Through the haze of lust, she couldn’t help but be worried about someone entering the alleyway. Certainly, she left the village a long-time ago, but people might still recognize her.

“You’re clenching so hard." he watched her breasts wiggle along the rhythm. " Are you close?” she nodded, nails clawing at his haori as he hit the perfect angle.

“How cute. You’re going to look so cute carrying my baby.”

The lower rank whimpered, leaning forward so she  could hug him instead. This allowed the hashira  to go even deeper, his thrusting in a steady rhythm.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you? How embarrassing would that be? You act so tough, fighting back and forth with me only to get pregnant by me.”

She felt the build up in her stomach  begin again, the pressure was there but she  wasn't  sure if it would  actually fall over the edge.

“Let me help.” His voice was a little more compassionate than it had been, one hand leading  her leg around his abdomen . “Don’t you dare let that leg drop,” he ordered as she mumbled some sort of response, locking her ankle around the other to hold herself in place.

His fingers made quick work on her clit, harsh but pleasurable circles timed with each thrust while his mouth suck on the already erect nipple after chewing the other one. The teasing made her gasp loudly, eyes squeezing shut as a second mind-shattering orgasm ripped through her body.

“Good…good… Aren't you a good bitch?” he trailed off, he couldn’t get anything out with how tightly she was holding him.

She  finally relaxed a bit after a moment, allowing him enough space to start moving again.

“Fuck…close…” he whimpered, actually whimpered against her ear, eyes filling with tears at the stimulation of her  already abused purity. Giyuú on the other hand was relentless, his hips never faltered as he tried to reach his own release.

“So close…fuck I’m going to fill you up so fucking good.” tears slipped down her cheeks as his hips finally came to a stop, burying himself deep inside as he came.

“I…hate you. So much.” her words were muffled against his shoulder but he heard her. When he finally composed himself, he began to laugh.

“I hate you too, but damn you were good.” her cheeks felt like someone lit them on fire after being exposed fully to him like that. Not to mention the number of hickeys and bite marks he left on her.

“Are you…going to put me down?” she pulled her head that was resting on his shoulder away to look at him.

“I said I was getting you pregnant didn’t I?” he declared with nonchalance as her eyes went wide, almost losing the balance on her already tired hands.

“You get the hell out of me you idiot!” His laughter filled the alleyway as he pulled out of her, his release trailing after.

“Well, that’s a damn shame.” He watched it trickle down her thighs. “I was enjoying myself to, ” he was trying to act disappointed but one could see the shit-eating grin appear on his face as he tucked himself away.

“Help me get dressed.” she began warping her top as Giyu helped slip back into her panties.

“Well, what's the point in that? I already saw everything .” she felt her brow twitch as she looked at him.

“You truly are a piece of shit.” He rolled his eyes, making his way out of the alleyway.

“Oh give me a fuckin break.We should really focus on finding the demon after we eat.”

She glanced at him with raised eyebrows.

“What? I did most of the work, you only stood there. We’re here all week. I’d like to relax and enjoy it.”

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