Reborn As Error's Mom

By DancingAce1

59.8K 3K 2.8K

Well to start off, I'm just a teenager and I died in my sleep and was reborn as a skeleton, who is supposed t... More

Reborn As Error's Mom
Gaster Blaster And Trouble
Important- Read It Please
Strings affects
Friendship Tacos!
The Misunderstanding.
Nice Of You To Drop In?
Call me Ink!...Or not?
The Nightmare
Back With A Friend.
Always Watching
Angry and Chaos.
Red Chains
Foul Mood

Where Are We Now?

2.9K 166 415
By DancingAce1

(In another Multiverse-)

"Error! Your reign of terror has come to an end!" Ink shouted as they stood with their trusty broomie in hand, glaring down with red target eye lights at a battered skeleton who was struggling to get up despite all the wounds they carried. "..." Not saying anything, error glares at ink and then at all the others who stood a distance behind ink with delight as they saw that he was severely wounded. The only ones who didn't seem delighted was blue, dream, outer, and hearts, who looked at him in guilt. They wanted to do something but how does one defeat a creator who is immortal, stronger than them, and has a deity backing them?

Frowning, error sighs before meeting ink's gaze. "ʟᴇт's נusт ԍᴇт тнιs ᴅoɴᴇ wιтн. ʏou wᴀɴт мᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴅoɴ'т ʏou? wᴇʟʟ ɴow's тнᴇ тιмᴇ тo ᴅo ιт. ᴘʟus, ʏou'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴅoιɴԍ мᴇ ᴀ ғᴀvoʀ." Error said as the ones behind ink flinched slightly at how emotionless his voice sounded. Heck, even ink flinched slightly from the tone since it reminded of him when he was off his paints for too long. "Well since you asked so nicely, fine." Ink said while gaining back their composure, twirling broomie in their hand, ink starts to slam it downwards to smash error's skull in only to be stopped by a smooth black tendril stopping them by getting a tight hold on broomie.

Looking to the side, ink is met with nightmare and his gang standing behind him with anger and hate clear in their gaze as they stared at him and the others. "Oh come on, couldn't you have waited your turn?" Ink complained while harshly tugging broomie out of the tendril's grip. "Lıke hell I ɯould do thαt αnd let чou hαrm error even more!" Nightmare snarled as their eye light turned into a slit, tendrils furiously swaying behind him showing how he was currently feeling. "Well since you want to die so badly, I won't stall anymore." Ink said as they turned towards nightmare and his group, making sure to kick error to the side as a bonus just to anger nightmare and his gang and to his utter delight, it worked.

Tendrils aiming at him, ink just grinned as they dodged the sharp tendrils that had the intent to kill him. "Hey, be useful and help out will you?" Ink asked while looking at the au copies before looking at the originals that were forced to join. "Originals, make sure to not hold back." Ink said before sidestepping as a knife zipped past him. Following what he said, the copies and originals attacked the others in nightmare's gang meanwhile nightmare and ink fought one on one with each other.

As the battle raged on, error was watching the battle with despair before gritting his teeth and forcing himself to stand. He didn't want this, he didn't want his family to get hurt because of him! But as error took a step towards ink and nightmare who were battling a far distance away, his legs buckled and his body gave out. Falling to the ground, error tried to stand again only for nothing to happen. His body refused to get up and tears of frustration started to appear as he tried to stand only for it to be futile as nothing happened. Looking at the battle, error felt furious when he saw multiple copies jumping killer, dust, and horror with no rest. They were relentless with they're attacks and he could see that it was wearing them down slowly but surely.

Wanting to help in some way, error tried to use his strings only for them to fall to the ground uselessly as his magic and body were worn out to the limit. "ғuɴκ." Error cursed only to stop when he realized that his cursing was censored. Glancing to the side, error was met by fresh staring down at him with a frown. "You don't look too good error brah." Fresh said while only using their lingo at the end. "oн? ι ᴅιᴅɴ'т ɴoтιcᴇ." Error snapped back sarcastically before grunting in annoyance when his ribs creaked in pain when he tried to move. "I would try helping ya but that means breaking off the deal me and inky brah made..." Fresh said as error sighed. He knew what fresh was talking about. Ink had offered to help create him a host that wouldn't need replacing so he didn't have to keep taking others bodies. In return though, fresh was to not help error and not interfere with matters concerning him so the only thing fresh could do was keep him some company right now since ink was busy with nightmare.

"Error!" Someone shouted as they headed towards him and what do you know? It's cross and hate coming towards him but before they made it, two blue arrows zipped pass their skulls, forcing them to stop. Standing in front of error with a bow in hand was dream and it was obvious he wasn't gonna let them get to error since ink would be upset if error got away and if dream didn't participate in some way to stop the others. "Dream..." Cross said as they stared at dream with a sad look. Dream only glared at them while getting into a fighting stance, bow changing into two dual blades coated in positivity while appearing in his hands.

Before a fight could happen though, fresh went beside dream and took out a bat while aiming it at cross and hate. "No hard feelings." Fresh said as they teleported behind cross and swung at their head. Dodging, cross started to fight fresh while hate was left with dream which was bad considering how hate is weak against positivity even more so then nightmare. As hate was about to attack, someone stood in front of him and realized it was blue.

Looking at blue, a look of understanding and realization crossed dream's face as he saw what blue was doing. Smiling sadly at blue, dream speaks, "You've made your choice and I have made mine. I'm sorry about this." Dream said while running towards blue and clashing with him. As dream fought blue who had his war hammer out, hate tried to move towards error only to be stopped by a ball mixed with paint and positivity almost hitting him. Looking in the direction the attack came from, hate is met with dream and ink's accidental offspring glaring at him. "Palette." Hate greeted while frowning at how he almost got hit. "Hate." Palette greeted back except there wasn't any friendliness in it, quite the opposite actually. Palette was looking at him with a look of displeasure and hostility, it was quite obvious how much he has changed over the years. Palette used to be such a bright child, seeing the best in everyone but that disappeared over the years and who was the one to blame? Ink.

"As much as I would love to chat, I'm gonna have to stop you. Dad's orders." Palette said as they pointed their paint roller at hate. "Of course, when have you ever NOT listened to your dearest dad's orders." Hate said while rolling his eye lights before sighing. "Let's just get this over with. The sooner, the better." Palette said, ignoring what hate said. "Suit yourself." Hate said while shrugging before teleporting above palette and sending a kick downwards. Sensing a attack from above, palette used his roller to block before rolling away a good distance from hate. Standing back up, the determined look to stop hate was clear in palette's gaze.

As everyone fought they're own opponent, error felt something in the multiverse start to shift. Before he could figure out what, he felt someone approaching behind him. Before error could try and do something to defend himself, he could hear yells and sounds of surprise and confusion sound out everywhere. If error could see clearly, he would see that everyone was tied up in glowing purple strings and a female skeleton glaring at everyone with a frown, a look of disapproval on their face as they looked at everyone.

Not being able to move anymore since his body was too numb, error could only hear footsteps approach him and then without warning, something was set beside him but he couldn't see what due to his crappy vision and the blood and dust that worsened what he could see. As error tried to figure out what to do, he felt his glitches act up when he felt someone gently touch his skull and then a little body clinging to his side. Hesitantly touching the one clinging to him, his glitching calmed when the others touch doesn't burn him and when he senses the one clinging to him is a baby bone by feeling it's code, but that's when realization hit him. 'What the heck, what is a baby bone doing here?!' Error thought, panic settling in as realization hit him.

Before he could panic any more, error remembered there was someone else here. Before error could question who the one touching his skull was, he felt healing magic being directed into his body and immediately he felt sadness knowing it wasn't going to work but to his shock his body absorbed it! Not only that, his body seemed to greedily absorb the healing magic and slowly but surely he could feel his vision getting better and his severe wounds were healing. As error healed, he could hear the one helping him speak, "Faultless, watch over error here, okay?" A feminine voice said to who error assumed was the baby bone clinging onto him since they made a noise in response.

(Before this all happened with Lapse and Faultless-)

(Lapse POV)

I was currently wandering around with faultless in my arms, we were in a au called OceanTale and Faultless seemed to like it so far seeing how they squealed in delight at the sight of the ocean and boats. "The view is wonderful isn't it swap?" I ask while turning towards swap who accompanied us. "It's Gorgeous!" Swap agreed before looking at the seagulls flying around. "Ooh, I'm Gonna Name That Seagull Bella And That Other Seagull Cloud." Swap said excitedly while pointing at two seagulls who landed near us.

"Those are lovely names swap. I'm sure the two seagulls love it." I said with a smile and as if to prove my point, the two seagulls flew up and one landed on top of swap's skull meanwhile the other went on his shoulder. "Oh- Your Right. They Do Like The Names!" Swap said surprised at first before grinning happily as the sea gull on his skull laid on him and the other on his shoulder bumped it's head against his cheek. As swap petted the seagull, me and Faultless continued to gaze out at the ocean before stopping when we heard someone's phone start ringing. Looking in swap's direction, I notice it's his phone going off and he seemed to be looking at the one calling with a frown.

Answering the phone, swap speaks to someone before hanging up and turning towards me with an apologetic look. "Sorry Lapse and Faultless, dream needs help restraining ink since he ate too much sugar." Swap said while gently shooing away the seagulls on him. Flying off, the seagulls go elsewhere as swap starts to open a portal. "It's fine swap." I say before chuckling when Faultless tries to cling onto swap who's eye light soften at the baby bone. Rubbing Faultless's skull, swap smiles at him before nodding to me and jumping into his portal that he made but not before yelling "Bye!" To me and Faultless. Saying goodbye back while Faultless waves bye to swap, the portal then closes shut.

Once swap was gone, me and Faultless continued to roam around the island we were on before stopping when a pure black portal appeared and then with no warning, we got pulled in by some invisible force. Immediately pulling Faultless into a protective hug, I could feel as my codes started to burn and rip. Luckily the terrible feeling didn't last long and I was spit out of the portal. Looking in my arms, I let out a sound of relief when I see Faultless was fine and just passed out.

Looking around, I notice that everything is destroyed around me and there wasn't any signs of life around here. As I was gonna check the codes, I hear yells, gaster blaster's firing off, and what sounded like bone attacks zipping through the air. Heading towards the noise with faultless in my hold, I still at the scene before me. There was multiple sans au copies and I could see there was even originals in there. The thing that stilled me wasn't that though, it was that I could see they were all attacking a small group of skeletons and a distance away from the fight I could see the destroyer severely injured and battered.

Seeing the scene of the small group trying to advance to the destroyer only to get pushed back, it was clear that they were trying to help but the copies and originals weren't allowing it...And that really pissed me off. Reaching for my strings, I send them towards everyone fighting and capture them in my strings causing them to let out yells, curses, and yelps of surprise and confusion. Approaching closer to the destroyer, I kneel down beside them and frown when I sense how low their magic is.

Shifting Faultless in my arms, I place him beside error and right when I placed him down, Faultless crawled by error's side and cuddled into his rib cage to which error seemed to freeze before slowly and hesitantly touching Faultless's skull and sensing that Faultless was just a baby bone through the codes, error relaxed. If there was one thing the destroyer loved, it was children. While error was unable to physically have kids himself due to his messed up codes and fear of touch, that didn't mean he couldn't adopt. As error was distracted with Faultless, I gently touch their skull and could feel them freeze up before relaxing when they didn't feel me hurting them. They're glitches were slightly acting up though due to the touch but it seemed to be calming down.

Leading healing magic into my hand and towards the destroyer, It spreads throughout error's body and for the first time in centuries for error, error's body didn't reject the healing magic and actually greedily absorbed it like a starved animal. As the destroyer healed, I watched as error kept his hand on Faultless who seemed pleased by the touch. Continuing to heal error who's eye lights seemed to slowly but surely get brighter and less glassy looking, I also heal up error's more severe injuries.

As I healed error, I could feel the ones in my strings struggling, especially the creator so I tightened my hold on them and made sure to burn the creator a little with my strings. Letting out a cry of pain, ink stopped struggling and stayed silent and so did the others when they saw how ink's bones looked like they were gonna start melting. Looking at ink, I remove my hand from error and stand up and look towards Faultless for a moment. "Faultless, watch over error here, okay?" I say and smile when Faultless makes a noise in confirmation, clinging even closer to error as if to protect them with their little body.

"Now then, time for a little question game. Don't answer me truthfully and you get hurt. Understand?" I say while making sure to stay a good distance away from error so he doesn't feel unsafe and so these copies didn't get near my baby, Faultless. Nodding frantically, the copies and originals were ready to comply and so was ink. The only ones who didn't nod was nightmare and his gang but I didn't care since I wasn't planning to ask them any questions unless the others weren't giving me the full truth. "Let's start with you first, Creator." I say while grinning, a dangerous gleam in my eye lights that reminded ink and nightmare of error back when he was truly insane and gone. Shuddering at the look, ink nodded and that was the start of the question game.

Have a fantastic day and night!

I updated :D


In this multiverse, hate is in nightmare's group and this ink is more of a jerk than quill who's more of a lovable idiot.

The reason as to why error could touch Faultless without being too scared is because of how Faultless is a glitch so his touch doesn't burn him. Same goes for lapse.

This dream doesn't want to hurt error but can't help due to the fear of ink getting upset and possibly hurting him.

Ink hurt dream when he was off his paints before and dream never wanted to fight or get hurt by his friend again. That fight was actually the whole reason palette was accidentally born. Due to their magic mixing when fighting, palette was born.

Dream is aware ink is soulless but palette isn't aware of that.

Nightmare badly wants to kill ink.

Error hates ink but he can't do much against him when fate is protecting him.

Error used to be half blind but due to Lapse's strong healing magic, his vision is healed.

Get near Error and Faultless, Lapse will rip your soul into pieces.

Faultless finds error's scarf very comfortable.

Faultless is doing his best to protect error.

Blue isn't about to let his friends get hurt and will protect them even if it costs his life.

Palette wants to make ink proud.

Lapse is aware she is in a different multiverse due to the shift in codes and the foreign feeling of the multiverse being different from the one she was last at.

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