|| Bhanupriyaa : The Rule of...

Nakshatra012m tarafından

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Book Ӡ in PandavaNandini Trilogy " Our love would remain forever, eternally going beyond the elixir of heave... Daha Fazla

1 | A Night of Ghosts
2 | The Labyrinth of Despair
3 | Celestial whispers
4 | Remains of Hastinapura
5 | Shattered Reflections
7 | Embers of Revelation
8 | Flames Turn Cold
9 | Scars of the Past
10 | When Virtue Ascends
11 | The Power of Belonging
12 | Moments that Matter
13 | United Hearts
14 | Heartfelt Connections
15 | The Throne's Call
16 | Stardust Gatherings
17 | Before the Mahotsavam
18 | Maharaja Patta-Abhisheka
19 | Whispered Goodbyes
20 | Miles of Love
21 | Societal Chessboard
22 | Duality's Canvas
23 | Velvet Dreams
24 | Stars Aligned
25 | In the Shadow's Wake
26 | Timeless Beginnings
27 | The Golden Hour
28 | Vivaha Utsavam
29 | Kalyana Vaibhavam
30 | In the Heart's Embrace
31 | Within Lotus Heartbeats
32 | Inside Their Hearts
33 | Heartstrings Attached
34 | Glow of Krishna's Plumes
35 | Progression with Reforms
36 | Moonlit Melodies
37 | Lands of Vrindavan
38 | The Immortal Bond
39 | Poisoned Roots
40 | Scattered Ashes
41 | Our Divine Eternity

6 | Dead End

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Nakshatra012m tarafından

-|| Dead End ||-

"At the crossroads of fate's cruel design, when the haunting silence of the dead end's sign comes into vision " .


Amidst the tempestuous symphony of thunder that rent the heavens asunder, Suthanu lifted her gaze skyward, her eyes beseeching the heavens for solace. With arms outstretched, she welcomed the cascading raindrops, their gentle touch offering respite from the searing flames of her destiny. For within the storm's deluge of water, perhaps lay the key to quell the inferno that had engulfed her very being." I was waiting for you only, Dhruv " , Suthanu voiced to a shadow that came to her vision who slowly materialized.

" No wonder that you have taken the form of Bharatvarsha's princess " , Dhruv remarked, his hands reaching out to shelter Suthanu beneath a humble banana leaf.

"Whose words do you speak?" Suthanu inquired, her lips curved into a knowing smile. "And how is he?".

" Just like he was in your presence , he stands strong, shouldering his responsibilities with grace but there is no light in his eyes without you", Dhruv saw the changing shades of Suthanu before she smiled softly, "Like deep sadness that covered your eyes momentarily".

" We can't run away from this without marking a closure", Suthanu voiced though her tone measured. Dhruv cared for her no less and she didn't want him to carry the weight of sadness that was even hers.

"But when will that closure come?" he questioned, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Nagarseth is the architect of this web," Suthanu's eyes darkened, a shade deeper with resolute determination. "He has ensnared the landlords, like a predator luring its prey, and thus wrought widespread havoc."

"But why?" Dhruv's confusion etched lines upon his face.

"Under my father's rule, they no longer have the freedom to pillage the treasury as they once did in the days of Duryodhana. Their intent is to sow seeds of dissent against our governance, while safeguarding their own lives," Suthanu unraveled the hidden truth.

"But without the support of the people, how can you unveil this truth?" Dhruv voiced his concerns, acutely aware of the perilous path Suthanu was treading.

"No weapon exists that can erase the indomitable presence of truth, my brother," Suthanu's voice cut through the air like a gleaming blade. Dhruv breathed deeply, his eyes fixed upon the unwavering resolve of the fire-born princess.

" Mouring of ashes won't be heard longer", Suthanu's eyes met Dhruv who broke into a small smile for her sake. He was distressed considering the enemy's jaws she was walking into , it was time to let his friend know.

The rain had soaked her, Suthanu felt quite odd walking through the streets with clothes sticking to her skin. Dhruv had handed over her a blanket sorts that she wrapped around her,feeling a little better.

She knew she had to end it sooner,this news wouldn't take long to reach her man and once he knows - he wouldn't back off without a battle. The battle that she didn't choose for him,it was hers and she will deal with it. He had already a lot running through, she knew.

" Can't you understand or has my words turned inaudible to you?", the scream of a man turned Suthanu's attention. The women to whom he apparently was speaking started to shiver , her hands slipping to the sides trying to hide the tremor.

"All I need is one chance", the lady was almost in the verge of a breakdown,"Let me do sales for a living". Suthanu noticed the pots filled with arts lie beside the lady. It was such an open area that people passing by looked on with sympathy.

"A woman in this realm of men? This territory belongs to us," the man retorted with a tone steeped in arrogance and chauvinism.

"And where is it written that it is yours?" Suthanu's voice rang out, cutting through the tension like a sword forged in truth. The people around her, and even the man himself, were taken aback by her audacity and unyielding spirit.

"Who are you to intervene?" the man growled, his features contorted with anger, his eyes fixed upon her.

The princess of this very land,Suthanu was tempted to scream for a moment.

"Who I am should be of no concern to you," Suthanu snapped back, her words laced with determination. "But as for this land, I believed it belonged to the king, our rightful sovereign."

"The king who is not a king", the man shot back.Suthanu was sure, if at all any of her brother's were at her place now - a dagger would be lying at the man's neck.

" The truth is Dharmaraja is our king, it's a truth that cannot be eliminated", a women spoke up.

The man was taken aback to hear the sudden voice especially from a lady. The commoners had been against the royalty for quite a long time but this sudden spark of change spelled disaster to them if it spread.

"Men, what do your eyes behold? Shall we allow women to encroach upon our marketing domain?" The man's words rushed forth, tinged with desperation. Some of the men rallied to his side, while others threatened the women in their households, coercing them into silence.

Suthanu noticed that the surrounding hadn't changed but even that little change from the lady ignited the spark of hope in her heart. The lady who was fighting for her survival now sobbed as Suthanu went to her side holding her palm.

" Strong females of this land,listen she is not the only one who has to fight for her survival. I am sure there are many more who need a living and the means to survival is to work. Why do you have to be deprived of the same by people who have no authority?", Suthanu's words fuelled the men. They were on the verge of rebellion when the sound of hooves brought them to a standstill.

' Adi ' , Suthanu didn't have to turn to see him. She knew it was him,his presence was known to her like the back of her hand now. Suthanu brought her veil, close to her face.

"Satyabhamanandan," the man whispered reverently, and the people bowed in respect as Bhanu dismounted his horse, folding his palms in greeting.

"What is the cause of this commotion?" Bhanu inquired with gentle concern.

"I can explain, Rajakumara," Suthanu replied, her voice carefully composed beneath her veil. Bhanu listened attentively, his eyes scanning the crowd and fixing upon the woman who had been wronged.

"Rajkumar," the man attempted to interject, but Bhanu raised his hand, halting the man's words with a commanding gesture.

"Devi, please continue," Bhanu spoke with compassion that emanated from his very being. Suthanu hoped her altered voice had successfully concealed her true identity, allowing her the freedom to speak her heart.

Bhanu turned his attention to the men who were poised to speak, yet he silenced them with a commanding glance.

"People, hear me out. I may not be the prince of this land, but I have been working diligently for your Emperor in recent days. I believe some of your burdens have already begun to ease. If you have ever wondered how, I stand here today to reveal the truth-our beloved emperor is behind these changes. We continue to work tirelessly, yet we chose not to seek recognition under our own names, for our aim is not personal glory but the restoration of prosperity and well-being in your lives," Bhanu spoke with the regal air of a prince, and Suthanu observed the changing expressions in the crowd, a few now burdened by guilt.

"However, I will not force you to accept my words. Seek the truth for yourselves," Bhanu continued, his voice ringing with conviction.

Surprise registered on some faces, while fear clouded the vision of others.

" About this issue, according to the norms - any person wanting to sale will have to pay a specific amount for setting up their shop in the land. There won't be bias with respect to gender " , Bhanu halted the man who was about to speak as he looked up with a glare , " I haven't finished. I myself shall give the money that is a requirement for you Devi ".

The lady turned to Bhanu as she folded her hands with tears. Bhanu stopped her midway as she was about to touch his feet.

" Women who want to set up sales for their living , I will send one of the royal men - make sure to ink your names in the scroll tomorrow. I will talk with Samrat about this once I visit him back now".

The man who had confronted Suthanu dared to challenge Bhanu's authority.

"You cannot decide for us," the man trembled with trepidation. The crowd turned their gaze toward him, shocked by his audacity.

"Your Emperor can, though," Bhanu replied, his smile unwavering, untouched by the man's words. "You will receive a royal-sealed scroll soon, bearing the decree of Dharmaraja. I have no doubt that Samrat will not allow any harm to befall his people."

Suthanu smiled inwardly as she heard the cheers and praises bestowed upon Bhanu's name. He went by his horse to get a pouch of coins. Suthanu extended her hand to receive the coins.

" Devi , if you think light shall not find it's way - it will always. Even if darkness itself consumes all of it's path " , Bhanu whispered as Suthanu's eyes brimmed.

He had realized her presence. ' How are you, Adi keeping yourself away from me even after knowing my truth? ' , Suthanu thought within her mind sadly.

' I can't let my feelings overpower and destroy your goal, Thanu. Though I am happy that atleast I could be with you after a long time ' , Bhanu smiled holding back his emotions but the sight of her palm tore his heart. The palm he had held was strong to wield a sword but yet it was the soft as the petals.

He was tempted to hold her palm and cure all the bruises it held.

" Devi , the hands that tend to help others shouldn't remain bruised itself. This does not only apply to warriors but also to female like you " , Bhanu spoke as Suthanu who had tears composed herself.

"Rajakumara, I express my deepest gratitude for resolving the issue here. I will remember your words," Suthanu spoke, her voice steady as she folded her hands, clutching the pouch of coins.

"It was my duty, Devi," Bhanu replied, turning to leave as he mounted his horse once more.

Suthanu gazed at Bhanu, who now surveyed the people before him. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she fought the urge to stop him. Nonetheless, a small smile played upon her lips as he rode away.

It was well that Bhanu came on a round about today to Hastinapura. It would take him time to reach back to Dhruv and she would get sufficient time to mark a closure to her work.

" Some plans are being hatched behind my back ".

In the dimly lit chamber, the Nagarseth played with the dagger, passing it through the flickering flames of the lamp as he whispered. Every flicker mirrored the bitterness that permeated his blood, soaked into the very essence of his being.

"Too late to realize," a voice emerged from the shadows, and Suthanu stepped forward, her presence shrouded by a veil, her hair pulled back into a bun secured by a cloth turban. Her eyes, piercing and determined, were the only glimpse of her unveiled countenance, and within her clothing, she concealed an armor that belied any hint of her gender.

"Who are you? ", Nagarseth rose to his feet.

" Your dead end", Suthanu dogged the dagger that flew towards her.

" None can end it, cannot end", the Nagarseth snapped - his features rigid.

" Your end has already come. The way you robbed essentials and pushed it on Pandu Vamsha's head , you won't find even a coin back in your treasury " , Suthanu saw that the dagger thrown in her way was heated with fire.

" Are you that Dharmaraja's spy?", the Nagarseth walked towards Suthanu with heated gaze.

"Don't take his name. The poison in your blood will never able to recognise his greatness " , Suthanu stood unflinching in her place , " I am not his spy ".

The Nagarseth now laughed out loudly.

" You are my dead-end? Look around you young man ".

Suthanu's brows curved momentarily as she turned to see men in all four directions. She was weaponless.

The only weapon she could possibly make use of was the dagger lying at her feet. But they were about 30 men and she can't kill each of them thereby causing more harm. But if she doesn't kill them , she would face death certainly. Yet she would try her best to only defeat them and give them a fatal blow.

She was fast to pick up the dagger before the sword slashed her arm. Disarming him quickly by striking his head,she wielded his sword in her hand.

It was dark , men were surrounding her from all sides and she had a constraint to not kill them. It was becoming harder as swords clashed , her arms were already slashed by swords and so was her knee slightly. The warm blood gripping from her arm didn't not let her know for how long she would be able to put up a fight. It was getting harder to take a breath when it was veiled.

" Ah " , Suthanu winced as the sword fell off her hands as a man had struck her from behind on her head. Her eyes rolled back with her vision turning blurry. But before succumbing, she felt a pair of strong arms enveloping her, holding her close. In that moment, Bhanu, her one true love, witnessed her vulnerability. A profound ache consumed his heart as he cradled her, his grip unwavering, as if she were his very breath, his weapon, and the embodiment of his strength.

Bhanu's eyes turned dark and burning when they met the gaze of the men. Dhruv had to admit he had never seen the warrior that Bhanu was , the fire of fury in his eyes that would burn everything down. His heart was no longer his , it was icy cold that disarmed anyone who dared approach, for in his embrace lay the love of his life.

Dhruv had to almost scream when Bhanu raised his sword to kill as he kicked the Nagarseth on his chest. Dhruv almost closed his eyes believing the sword could have ran into the man's chest and his life would be out.

But the stumbling words that echoed through the silence other than a raging breath of his friend , made Dhruv open his eyes.

" Pardon " , Nagarseth cried as the tip of the sword rested on his neck , " I beg your pardon , Rajakumar ".

Dhruv came to stand beside Bhanu.

" We have one urgent work at hand, the man in your arms is gravely injured" , Dhruv knew Suthanu wouldn't have liked her identity unmasked.

Bhanu's eyes softened as he handed the sword to Dhruv who had placed the sword on the Nagarseth's neck.

Bhanu carried Suthanu out from the den as he placed her gently on the chariot.

" Neer,you know what has to be done", Bhanu looked at Neerja who nodded as she directed for the soldier to take off the chariot.

Bhanu returned as he took the sword from Dhruv's hands bringing it to his side as the Nagarseth relaxed.

"Nagarseth,it's not that I cannot rip your life apart this moment. I don't want to cause more bloodshed on this land" , Bhanu's voice carried the weight of iron," If you want your life safe,I have a deal for you".

"Anything", the Nagarseth knew it was the only way to escape with his life.

"How much do you want?".

Nagarseth was shocked. It wasn't a question he expected.

" I am sorry , you mean..".

" I don't have time to waste,Nagarseth" , Bhanu gripped his sword pushing it into its place, " You heard me right".

" I...give me about 500 gold coins", Nagarseth kept his tone measured but he gasped when Bhanu placed his neck jewel which was worth much more studded with diamonds in Nagarseth's hand. He should have quoted more , Nagarseth thought.

Dhruv looked on with surprise.

When the Nagarseth turned to leave , Bhanu's words halted him.

" I said it is a deal and a deal comes with agreement " , Bhanu's regal voice left Dhruv in awe of his friend's authority. Unleashed , was it ?

" What is that ?".

" You walk out of Hastinapura for your lifetime resigning your position after confessing what Samrat had arranged for the common people", Bhanu declared as cool as cucumber.

" What do you mean?" , the Nagarseth protested.

Bhanu's tone turned deadly calm, demanding obedience, "Tread carefully. I possess intriguing information that you may find of interest before providing an answer. I hold evidence of your theft from the royal treasury. Your own men have sided with me, acting as witnesses. Furthermore, your wife stands as a key witness, and there are records documenting your oppression of the common people, seizing their property and money under the guise of royal orders. Most interestingly, you attempted murder today, raising your weapon against me."

Nagarseth was covered in sweat. It was a one time settlement he realised as Bhanu spoke.

" You..." , the Nagarseth was about to hurl words when Bhanu in a flash dropped the sword and grabbed his neck, chocking him to death - bit by bit.

" Mind your words " , Bhanu's eyes blazed with the intensity of a thousand suns, his grip unyielding., " What do you think , you taint my family's reputation - show them as black and live in heaven? Do not forget any blemish upon my family's honor is a stain upon my soul. Hastinapura is not different from my Dwarka. A scratch on them , I will unleash hell". Bhanu's hand closed tighter.

The Nagarseth gasped for a breath , the fear had to spread through every pore of him. It was not the compassionate prince he had known , it was like Krishna himself in his entire form of destruction. The fire in his eyes was lethal , it was as if his death warrant wasn't far away. The gravity of his situation was slowly sinking in.

" If I see you in Hastinapura again, I will make sure it's the end of you " , Bhanu pushed him as the Nagarseth burst into coughs and gasped for breath , " I will ensure that you never see light in your life ".

Nagarseth realized, mess with his people and death was written for your name.

" Give me 2 days to settle and leave forever " , the Nagarseth felt defeated at the hands of a prince he had never known so far. He left with stumbling steps.

"I never knew you possessed such prowess, Bhanu," Dhruv playfully remarked, though his admiration was evident.

"Do not forget, Dhruv, whose son I am," Bhanu replied with a soft smile, his eyes filled with the combined wisdom of his father and the valor of his mother. "My father's diplomacy and my mother's courage flow within me."

In the depths of Dhruv's confusion, he questioned the worthiness of the diamond neck-piece bestowed upon the man.

"Dhruv, my dear friend," Bhanu spoke with a gentle smile, "You perceive it merely as an asset, but its purpose is to kindle the realization that even wealth can morph into a relentless curse if not cherished with reverence. For the one who has lost everything within his treasury, this jewel becomes the sole tether to survival, a fragile lifeline. Yet, it shall not remain hidden, for its presence will unravel the tapestry of his deceit. When his own children come face to face with his truth, he shall lose not only his material possessions but also his family."

Bhanu paused, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom. "His wife, blessed with a virtuous soul, will cast aside the jewel, understanding the true worth lies not in earthly treasures but in fidelity and integrity. Stripped of all that was once by his side, he will be left with naught but emptiness-a moment where the stark reality of his folly pierces his conscience. And it is in this desolate abyss that the seeds of redemption shall find root. The purpose of a royal's punishment, you see, is not to condemn them outright but to guide them towards the path of transformation and salvation. In this, I have fulfilled my duty."

Overwhelmed by Bhanu's profound insight, Dhruv whispered in awe, "Bhanu, though you may not wear a crown upon your brow, your thoughts and actions resonate with the majesty of a true king. You sit not upon a physical throne, but within the hearts of your people-a sovereign of compassion, empathy, and profound understanding."

" I was never born to rule , Dhruv nor do I wish " , Bhanu shook his head placing his hand on Dhruv's shoulder with a smile , " I am happy being my Jyeshtha's weapon ".

Dhruv didn't say anything but choose silence. 'Today, a hidden facet of your noble character has been unveiled before me, forever etching you into the annals of greatness Bhanu. It is a new beginning perhaps ' , Dhruv thought.

It was in the midway back to the Pandavas tents, Dhruv reached out to Bhanu, revealing the path Suthanu had bravely tread and Bhanu sped to the place instantly thus reaching here on time.

Bhanu surveyed the scene in front of him, witnessing the aftermath of Suthanu's valiant struggle against twenty assailants. Her command and valor shone brightly, captivating his heart.

Together , they had given a dead-end to a pile of Adharma freeing the land of Hastinapura from its clutches !

To be continued...

A/N : Well , I didn't want to stretch this more given we have lot more to see in this book and I personally felt you would be bored since it was extending to upto 4000 words so I had to cut short.

I want to explore the life of the Pandavas and Yadavas after the war on a personal note as well as carrying forth the love life of Suthanu and Bhanu.

How is it going so far ?

Please do leave your votes and comments!

Okumaya devam et

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