Tower of God Highschool

By eglets11

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Written by the rising star of the fafniction community, Eglantolius Gewelliane Loremipsum Esdeythe Trinatalio... More

Chatper 1: Bam, Betrayals, and Beatups
Charpter 2: Wangnan's Annoyingness, Bathrooms, and Clubs
Chparet 3: Fires, FUG, and Fried/Spicy Chicken
Charpet 4: Khun Aguero Agnes, Babysitting, and Ice Cream
Chaprte 5: The Second Day of School, School Festivals, and Surprises
Capter 6: Aguero Agnes, A JailBreak, and Catastrophic Blood Loss
Charttpre 7: Aguero Agnes Again, More Blood, and Car Crashes
Cpharter 8: The Hospital, "Healing" Doctors, and Hard Truths to Swallow
Chstper 9: Viole, Violence, and Very Unexpected People
Carpeth 10: Another Schoolday, Big Questions, and an inCel Child
Chpter 12: Arboretums, Bees, and Crushes Part 1
Chpter 13: Arboretums, Bees, and Crushes Part 2

Cjapter 11: Gaymers, G-Fuel, and Gigabytes of Mysteries

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By eglets11

Authors AN: helo guys its da the start of a new book!!! HOOOOORRRAAAAAAAAYYYYY 2!!!!!!!! I wood like to thank all the peple who made this possible like my editer for prrofreading this and SIU for making TOG (Tower of God (HIghschool (the name of this fafniction))) and also gugle docs which was were i wrote this in

n e ways ENJOY DA STORYS GUYSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ・゚:*ヽ(^ワ^)ノ*: ・゚

DISCLAIMER: if i did i wouldnt be riting fafnictions would i?

Tower of God Highschool

✰»⊱•············· ⋆°˖༻✯༺˖°⋆ ·············•⊰«✰

Cjapter 11: Gaymers, G-Fuel, and Gigabytes of Mysteries

Obligatory recap section:

Last time, on TOuGH...

Jue Viole Grace is captured by a strange gaymer child and brought to his abode, unaware of the events about to unfold.

Meanwhile, Ja Wangnan attempts to deny the truth of his imminent death at the (metaphorical) hands of the incurable disease, Metastatic Testicular Exacancer, more colloquially known as ligma disease. Haunted by his past and deprived of any hope for his future, he continues to live on, even when constantly shadowed by the relentless passage of time and the inevitability of loss. (AUTHORS AN: Lol. O(≧∇≦)O)

Also meanwhile, Khun Aguero Agnes is... idk, its been like 4 chapters since we last saw him. I kinda forgot about him.

Annyways guys back 2 da story!

September 28, 3:02 PM, Incel Child's House

As the truck that had brought them there drove away, Viole watched da gamer brat walk towards his house. It was like one of those boat houses, which is a house that is also a boat.

Viole had no idea why she was here, but whatevs. Weird things just seemed to happen around her for some reason, no point questioning it. Might as well just go with the flow and explore the new locale. Surely there would be some interesting things to plunder.

Disappointingly, upon closer inspection, there appeared to be little on the shoreline bordering the houseboat aside from trash and other such pollution.

Wow, what a waste of time, Viole grumbled in her head, kicking a nearby plastic bag.

The plastic bag was unharmed. It gently floated through the air like a polyethylene jellyfish, mocking Viole with its flimsy, transparent mockery.

A vein throbbed in Viole's forehead. She violently kicked the bag again, getting her foot tangled in the bag and falling over like a foolish buffoon.

"Why you—"

Clenching her teeth in irritation, Viole slowly got back on her feet, glaring at the bag like it owed her $20.

"Fine then..." she hissed. "If that's how you wanna play... LET'S DANCE LIKE IT'S 2007 AND WE'RE PLAYING DDR!!!!!!"

[Dadadada dadadada dadadada dadadada DA da da da da da Da da da da da da DAAA DAAAAAA DA DADADADA DAAAAdadada Daaaaaa da da DAAA da da da]

(guess what pokemon version da encounter theme is from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hint: it's my favorite vorsion!!!)

Wild PLASTIC BAG appeared! What will VIOLE do?




Wild PLASTIC BAG evaded the attack!

Wild PLASTIC BAG used DOUBLE TEAM! Wild PLASTIC BAG's evasiveness rose!




VIOLE used PSYCHIC! It's a STAB move!

Wild PLASTIC BAG evaded the attack!

Wild PLASTIC BAG used DOUBLE TEAM! Wild PLASTIC BAG's evasiveness rose!

VIOLE's eye twitches! Does this stupid thing only know one move?!?!?!?!!!




Wild PLASTIC BAG used DOUBLE TEAM! Wild PLASTIC BAG's evasiveness rose!

VIOLE smirks smugly! HA! Evade while you still can, PLASTIC BAG... next round, you're toast!



VIOLE used HYPER BEAM! It's backed up by VIOLE's "IRREGULAR"!" MIND READER is still in effect!




Wild PLASTIC BAG evaded the attack!

Wild PLASTIC BAG used DOUBLE TEAM! Wild PLASTIC BAG's evasiveness rose!


Silly Viole, plastic bags are not Pokémon!




VIOLE used SPATIAL REND! What, did you think VIOLE only knew four moves? Silly reader, VIOLE is not a POKÉMON either!

Wild PLASTIC BAG evaded the attack!

Wild PLASTIC BAG used DOUBLE TEAM! Wild PLASTIC BAG's evasiveness rose!



VIOLE screams in rage!



...guess what happens.


Wild PLASTIC BAG evaded the attack!

Wild PLASTIC BAG used DOUBLE TEAM! Wild PLASTIC BAG's evasiveness rose!

VIOLE takes psychological damage! It's super effective!

"AHAHHHHHHHHHRRRGHHHHHHHHH!" Viole screamed irately, banging her fist on the floor in rage and pain. She howled into the sky, defeated but not silenced.

The plastic bag, like an aloof god, made no response.

From afar, a certain green-haired child observed the scene in amazement.

That screaming... that righteous fury... that passion... Could it be...? he thought to himself.

As Viole rolled around in the sand like an animal in pain and screeched like a banshee in labor, the gaymer made a decision.

He cleansed his hands of Dorito dust and solemnly approached the incandescent high schooler.

"I'll admit, I was initially misled by your effeminate looks, but now I can see that I was wrong about you," the gaymer began, his face shadowed dramatically.

"Jue Viole Grace... you are a true gaymer after all!"

September 28, 3:36 PM, Tower Highskool

"Fr tho, where tf is Viole?" Wangnan frowned. He was lying on a chair weirdly and lazily, with his stomach on the chair seat and his arms and legs hanging off the sides. "I sent her a message over Tower Messenger App but she still hasn't replied."

"Wangnan, stop taking up space in the library and go bother people somewhere else," said a girl with long waist black hair and pink eyes and was wearing a flower on her hair. Her name was Yeon Yihwa, and she had fire powers.

"But its cool," Wangnan whined. He spun around on the chair for emphasis.

"Well you need to cool your jets and be more patient," Yihwa rolled her eyes. "I'm sure Viole is just busy with something more important than humoring your obtuse whims."

"I am not Dr. Seuss!" Wangnan said indignantly, and spun again.

"Exactly my point," Yihwa deadpanned. "Ugh, I'm tired of dealing with you, you stupid baka. I'm going home, where I can actually study in peace. Bye baka, don't burn the school down or whatever." She stood up and left the library without a single glance backwards.

Wangnan stared after her as she left. "For a girl with fire powers... Yeon Yihwa sure is cold."

[insert rimshot [that kind of sounds like a segs thing [[what, i'm just saying it like it is]]]

Wangnan flipped around on the chair. He was now on his back with his arms and legs pointing straight up into the air like a weird mutated beetle thing.

He spun around some more. The song from Sonic (you know the one) began playing.

As his spinning increased in pace, Wangnan was struck by a stroke of inspiration. He began singing another song while EDM music played in the bg.

"Spinny spinny spinny spin!

Whee whee whee!

Spinny spinny spinny spin!

Whoo whoo whoo!

Spinny spinny spinny spin!

Spin spin spin!

Spinny spinny spinny spinny!

RAPID SPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!"

Then the rapid spin animation frum pokemon firered and leefgreen began playing on the cumputer background, and it was cool.

Then Wangnan fell off of his chair, and it was cool too.


September 28, 3:52 PM, Incel Child's House

"I knew it from the moment I saw that battle. No normie could ever pull off a feat like that."

"What the heck are you talking about?"

Dorito dust kid and Viole were skipping rocks on the ocean. Well, more like throwing rocks at the ocean, because neither of them knew how to skip rocks. Only real ultimate nerdz of ultimate nerdiness know how to do that.

(AUTHERS AN: if u r a real ultimate nerd of ultimate nerdiness plz message me bcuz i want to lern how to do the rock bouncing on water thing.)

"I suppose I owe you an apology. I was under the mistaken impression that u were a G1RL. *gags* Tbh tho, it's kinda ur fault 4 looking so much like a g1rl in the first place."

"But I am a-"

"gaymer, I know," the gaymer kid said. "One of my fellow brethren."

Viole wasn't really following the conversation, but seeing as the gaymer kid was slightly less annoying now, it didn't bother her too much.

"Now, I don't believe we have been properly introduced, have we, Jue Viole Grace?" the gaymer boy pondered.

"Uh," said Viole intelligently.

The gaymer boy smiled cockily from behind his bandages, and extended a greasy paw towards Viole. "My name... is Beta."

"Mmn," said Viole, nodding vacantly. She tentatively took Beta's proffered hand, and immediately regretted it upon making contact with the oily, dirt and sweat infused phalanges.

This kid seriously needed some basic education on personal hygiene or something, because holy gloryhole moley, he was absolutely DISGUSTANG. CRUSTY AF.

Much to Viole's relief, the handshake ended quickly. Thank whatever gods existed in this terrible world for that.

"Now that we are here, I will kindly show you to my humble gaymer pad," said Beta.

"Uh, no thanks?" said Viole. If his hands were that nasty, Viole did NOT want to see what the nuclear wasteland of his room was like.

Beta just stared at her like she had just said the top 10 stupidest teen quotes of all time.

"Have u really forgotten da gaymer code?" he said, shaking his head in disapproval. "SHameful, truly shameful. Well whatever, I guess I'll just have to bequeath to u the secrets of da gaymer once more." He began dragging Viole into his boat house.

...Just another day full of fanficcy bs in the life of Jue Viole Grace.

September 28, 4:00 PM, Beta's Gaymer Pad

As soon as Beta entered the houseboat, Viole in tow, they were approached by... some woman Viole didn't know.

"Oh, Beta! I'm so proud of u for going to school today! congrajulations!" the woman said and clapped her hands like in evangeliion the anime.

"Stfu u dumbass bitch, don't act like u know me, so-Femoid" Beta mocked, brushing her off coldly. "Ur not even my mom or anything ur just sum DUMB legal guardian betch. so DONTA CT LIKE U EVER UNDERSTOOD DA OPRESSION AND SUFFRERING I TOLERATE EVER DAY BCAUZE IM A GAUMER!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE MOST OPROSSED MINORITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ahahahaha, you always forget my name you silly billy! My name's Sophia Amae, but as I said before you cool cats can just call me sophie," the woman winked and finger gunned in a really cringy fellow kids kind of way.

Maybe Beta's apparent hatred of her was sort of justified, Viole thought inside her head and anime sweatdropped, cringing at how out of touch this woman was.

"oh, u brought home sum frend lol xd uwu so kawai! well, whatever, you kiddos just keep doing what you do, with all your cute little games and twittertok and instantgramtube or whatever. I'm not gonna get in ur way, cuz Im a KEWL adult amirite mai dudes? 😎" Sophia said carelessly. She went back to scrolling on her phone, completely ignoring Beta.

"you're literally SO STUPID, DIDN'T I FUDCKING SAY TO SHUT DA FUCKING FUCK UP ALREDDY YOU FUCKING FUcK FUCKER??!!?!!?!??" Beta screamed, and began raging and ranting about his hatred of women again. "YOUR SUCH A FUCKING STUPID B1TCH, YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW FYCKING ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FICKUNG HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sophia was oblivious to the ongoing temper tantrum, as she was too busy with her minion memes facebook group. srsly, she should not be responsible for taking care of a child if this is how she allows Beta to act 🙄

Viole cringed once again at the scene unfolding before her. The yelling and screaming, the indifference and neglect, the horrible, horrifying minion memes... No wonder Beta turned out the way he did.

"Huff... huff... huff... anyways ways." said Beta once he was done raging. "My gaymer pad is here, this way..." He gestured for Viole to follow him. "As stated in the bro code, we gaymers must be transparent with our gayming background. Therefore, I shall bequeth 2 u my epic gaymer knowledge, as is the right thing 2 do as gaymers"

They turned a corner, where Beta opened a door. "Well, here we are."

Beta's self-described "gaymer pad" was very sad, even sadder than Viole had initially envisioned. It was permeated with the stench of a thousand discarded dorito bags, fumes of musty gamer fuel, and nasty gaymer sweat. And disappointment, whatever that smells like.

Fr, how this kid hadn't gotten an awkward fifteen minute lecture by his middle school PE teacher about the importance of personal hygiene yet was beyond Viole.

"Welcome to my room," said Beta. "As you can see, I have knocked over many chairs, because I get so tilted at the towers."

"Uh, this isn't really tilted, or a tower," pointed out Viole. Indeed, nothing in the room suggested that it was at an abnormal angle, and it was more of a boat than a tower.

"Well, you see, it's a gaymer pad. Not many g1rl5 come in here because I get friendzoned so frequently, but that's ok," Beta continued.

"I'd like to be in the friendzone! I like friends!" said Viole. Yeah! Friends were great! When they didn't betray you, that is. Couchraisinchelcough.

"It's not as pleasant as you'd think." Beta spat bitterly. "They don't treat you like a friend; they treat you like... an item. Sometimes I wish I could be more than... just an accessory to these w0m3n. But unfortunately, as a gaymer I don't get respect.

"We gaymers... we have always had to suffer through the opression and discrimination forced upon us by an inherently unfair and biased society.

"But one day, we will rebel. We will break free. We will break the glass ceiling, and achieve our true potential, as GAYMERs!!!!!!!. WE WILL FINALLY GET THE RESPECT WE DESERVE!"

"...Uh, well, I'm not a loser like you, so... maybe they'll respect me," said Viole.

"Well then that just makes you a beta and a cuck. That's the difference between you and I, Jue Viole Grace! I'm a— I'm an alpha gaymer!" Beta spluttered angrily.

"But I thought your name was Beta?" asked Viole.

"STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Beta roared furiously. Evidently, his name was a major sore spot for him.

"Yeesh, yeesh, no needd 2 get so freaking triggered over every little thing," Viole said. Maybe it was best to change the suobject to something less pruvocative. "So, uh... anyways, where we dropping?" she said, hoping that the irresistible (to 10 yr olds at least) allure of Fortnite would be enough to distract him 4 now.

"Ugh, ur such a degrading nincompoop, i can't believe u don't even know such basic gaymer knowledge such as this," BEta rolled his eyes like a generic teenager even though he was only liek 12 or sumthing and idk if dat evebn counts as a reel teernager. "2day it is friday and every gaymer in existence knows that fridays is when u play minecraf."

"wtfrick is moancraft?" sed Vioel becuz rembember it was 2012 and in 2012 minecraft was still new so not a many ppls played it then.

"Its is a really cool game" said Beta and then he started wading thru the sea of empty hot cheetoes (LOL geddit toez?) bags 2 get to his gayming desk. It had a lot of cool glowing lite things like the rainbow glowing lites and water coolers and other stuff u see gamers waste money on. He sat in his gaymer chair and turned on his gayming pc and opened minecraft.

The pc was set to windows 7 becuz it was 2012 in this story and the world was a very differnt place then. Like gangnam style was still popular then and LMFAO still made songs and the presidet guy who cummed b4 obasma was still da presiduntt. This is a histrorical finction you know, that is y it is educational n stuff.

"wat r u doing?"asked Viole curiously after also shoving her way through the 2 feet tall piles of trash scattered around da room.

"Im plyaing MINERAFT see?" sed Beta and he showed Viole the minecreft home screen. He opene his survivol world and then he was in the game.

"WOAH" said viole amazedly, looking at the game. "OMGosh these graphics are so... BAD!"

There were only like, 64 pixels per each block or sumthing, it looked liek a low quality rertro game from 1969 or wheneever retro times were!!!!!!!!!

(HISTORYCAL NOTE!!!!: back thenn in the anciente oldene 2012 times ppl had like different aestehtics and beooty standards so minecraft wuz kind of low qualety in Violes opineyon. Things r way diffrent now adays like reteo stuff is cool now but it waz not always like that.)

"I don't know what u're talking about, these graphix are da best i've seen since club penguin. U hav no taste at all." Beta said.

"And also u shoud not be so jujemental about artz becuz there is no universally good art bcuz different peopel have diffrent perspectives and will like different things. Theres noting wrong with not liking a certain art style or wutever but u dont have to be a jerk about it and ruin it for everyone else who lieks it. how wood u feel if some1 strarted trashing ur faverite show or movei or game or whatever and said that they're opinyun was da only one that mattered and that this thing objectivly sucked butts? u'd feel super bad right, so plz don't do it 2 other people! hav sum self awareness, u're not the center o f the universe. bcuz only i am the centrer of da universe. So be awere that it is our differences that make us interesting." sed beta.

(ARTHERS AN: see guys i can put in deep themes and cymbals in my stories now bcuz ive been reading a lot of deep literatures like 1984 and wuthered heights and the gay gatsby and the pokemin games plot. u see that is called caracter growht and im undergoing it.)

"ok" said Viole who was humbled by the emotionally speeched words.

"Gud," said Beta and he went back 2 playing minecfart except this time Viole was much less judgementative.

SO anywayz Beta was in his survival world. It was a new world so he didn't have a lot of stuff in his inventory. He only had sum stuff like wood, dirt, stone, and sum iron and gold ingots.

It was daytime right now so Beta was busy building a house, like an actual nice minefact house with wood n stuff and not just a dirt shack. He was using wood logs at the corners and stuff and wood planks in between and a cobblestone floor which is kind of bazic, but remember that this is in 2012 and peaople were so primiteve they still used blakberry phons and nokias idk im not a histriorian.

"Woah u can put blocks down into the floor that is so crazy i cannot believe this is even legal in a game!!!!" said Viole who had never seen a game that let u do that b4.

"Well, u know..." said Beta misteriously. "...It does cum with... a price."

"A... a price?" asked Viole.

Beta slowly turned his head to look at Viole, his face lit only by the glowing of his gaming P(ee)C. The effect was similar to that of a camper shining a flashlight under their face whilst telling ghost stories, and indeed, the story Beta was about to tell was just as spooky, if not spookier. His expression was dead serious, proof that the gaymer was not messing around.

"Have you ever heard the name... Herobrine?"

The question, spoken in little more than a whisper, hung in the air ominously, as if the name "Herobrine" carried with it a heavy, physical presence.

"Who's that?" asked Viole.

"No, not a "who." The question you should be asking is... "what."" said Beta. His expired G-fuel green orbs locked with Viole's pale urine-hued eyes with the seriousness of a really serious guy.

"W-what?" repeated Viole nervojusly. "...No?"

"Let me tell you... about the legend of Herobrine."


Once upon a time, there was a Minecrafter named Steve.

Steve was just a normal guy living in the world of Minecraft, or as normal as someone made entirely out of cubes can be.

Every day, Steve would perform his usual daily routine of mining and crafting. Because that is the title of the game, Minecraft. So that's what you do, you mine, and you craft. And kill stuff too I guess, but mostly mining and crafting. Maybe building sometimes.


One day, Steve noticed something strange. As he was chopping down trees to craft a crafting table, he saw something move out of the corner of his eye.

At first, he wasn't sure what he was seeing due to the dense fog clouding his view. Perhaps a cow, or some other mob. Hoping to get some hides for armor, or at least some food, Steve pursued the supposed "mob."

It wasn't a mob though. Steve wasn't sure what it was.

Looking back at him was another character, a character that looked almost exactly like Steve. They could have passed for twins, if it weren't for the other figure's empty, pupil-less eyes.

The doppelganger didn't stay long, he looked at Steve and quickly retreated back into the fog. Steve pursued out of curiosity, but the figure was gone, disappearing as quickly as he had arrived.

Thoroughly unnerved, Steve continued on with his day. He wasn't sure what to think about seeing a near perfect clone of himself. Who was that guy? Another player? A trick of the light? A hallucination brought on by mining fatigue?

Or was it something more... sinister?

As days passed and Steve explored the world further, he began to see... strange things, things that seemed to be distinctly unnatural occurrences in an otherwise pristine world: dark tunnels in the rocks, small perfect pyramids made of sand in the ocean, and groves of trees with their leaves mysteriously cut off. Steve would catch glimpses of the other "player" in the deep fog that constantly seemed to permeate the world, but he never got a good enough look to know for sure who, or what, the entity really was.

As even more time passed, these somewhat unsettling occurrences turned into outright terrifying events and visions. Animals began suddenly taking damage and dying in droves with no discernible cause. Steve would hear garbled voices quietly whispering in the breeze, whispers that would transform into inhuman shrieking and keening noises at night. A phrase written in blood would appear on his tools, and disappear before he could wash them off:


No matter where Steve went, no matter where he ran to, they followed.

The mysterious figure, Herobrine. Whatever it was.

One night, as Steve restlessly tossed and turned in his bed, the unbroken demonic screeching suddenly stopped. It didn't slowly taper off, or fade away like sounds normally do. It just cut off completely. Literally screaming one moment and silence the next.

The silence was infinitely more disturbing to Steve, who instantly sat up in his bed and snatched his sword.

However, instead of the familiar iron hilt, he found his cubular, nubby hand wrapped around something more organic. Unfamiliar. Fleshier.

He slowly looked down.

Instead of a sword, he was holding his own severed leg as a weapon. A jagged, bright white sliver of bone poked out of the skin, as white as Herobrine's empty eyes.

Steve felt something in his mind snap, his last tendon of sanity stretching beyond its breaking point. He screamed, and screamed, and screamed, but there was no pain, there was no feeling. There was just the whiteness. The whiteness of Herobrine's madness.

The limb wriggled in his grasp like it was still alive, blood still spewing from its slowly draining arteries.

Steve knew he was going to die, felt its shadow on him like an anvil falling out of the sky.

A presence began to form. The fog slowly began to clear, revealing the silhouette of a familiar figure...

It was... Herobrine!

And then...

"HEROBRIAN BITED STEVES FOCKING EYES OUT... AND PUT THEM INTO HIS OWN EYE SOCKETS!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!" Beta suddenly shouted.


"LOPLOLOLOLOOLOlololololololololoLOLololOLOLOLOL!" Beta laughed as he saw the look on Viole's face. "U fell 4 it, Lol! U totally fell for it LMAOLOLOLOLOLOOL!!!!!!!!!"

"Wha— I— you were just pranking me?! Making random bullcrap up to try and scare me?" Viole said angrily.

"Uh, yeah," said Beta with a dude-ur-literally-the-living-embodiemtn-of-"not-the -sharpest-tool-in-the-shed" look on his face. He smirked annoyingly. "What r u going 2 do about it, huh?"

Viole thought about it for a moment.

"Nothing," she said.

"W-wha-HUh?" Beta said, obviously expecting a different reaction from her. "What do you mean, nothing? Are you really such a wimp? Heh, heheheheh! Wimpybutt! Wimpybutt! Wi—"

Then Viole punched him in the face.

[insert last surprise you'll never see it cumming frum prersona here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

And then... they fighted.

And it was also cool.

September 28, 6:19 PM, Wangnan's Apartmant

The Wangnan-cam [LIVE]:

Wangnan had finally given up and gone home. Now he wuz in his apratment where he was playing on his Towertendo DS. He was playing Pokemon white version.

"Goddamit team Plasma is so annoying and stupid!" Wangna said irritatedly. He was fighting a Team Plasma grunt's annoying Watchog that kept using hypnosis and Wangnan had to keep using awakenings and it was so annoying, it was as annoying as a really annoying person.

"Grr... JUST DIE ALREDDY U IDIOT WATCHOG BITCHHOLE!!!!!!!!!" Wangan raged because he was also a gamer like Beta and that is what gamerz do.

"How cum this watchog isnt feinting alreaady???????!!?!?!!!!!!!!!??!?!!!!" growled Wangnan. He angrily mashed the A button, trying 2 get another awakening. But he misclicked so he accidently used a super potoin.

"AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Wangnan screamed, the natural cry of a gamer in its natural habitat.

Um idk wut else 2 put here so thats the end of this chapter i guess.

Authors AN: hi guys, srry for updating this chepter kind fo late. i wuz busy playing da pokomon gamez black and whote!!!!!!!!!!! I getted theh whitte vorsion bcuz the black dragon is the way cooller one ZEKRIM 4EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 screw reshirum it barely even look likde a dragoon its so frickin lame.

so yeah tis chaptar was about gamers and vido gamez bcuz of my brothre who playz Roblox and Granf thedt auto. He screames a lot because he gets so anrgy, i think that is kind of emoshunally unhealthy but wutever he can do wutever he wants 2.

did u get all da pokemon & minevraft refrences this chaoter?!!!???!!?!!!???!?!?? revew if u did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ne wayz da next chaptr shud cum out soon so stay tooned guys! ill try 2 get it owt by hallowienerschnitzel but no gayrantees

eglets11 out

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