STEVEN UNIVERSE - "the off co...

By Rubeedude111

95.7K 2.5K 1.7K

you, the reader, are an off colour Male gem, a turquoise, to be exact. This story is kind of a ship story. Tu... More

0. About Turquoise
1. the new gem
2. welcome to beach city!
3. catch an release!
4. when it rains...
5. back to the barn
7. The answer
8. It could have been so great
9. Message received
10. Log date: 7 15 2
11. Super Watermelon Island
12. Gem Drill
13. same old world
14. Barn mates
15. Hit the Diamond
16. Clean slate
17. Too short to ride
18. Alone at sea
19. Videocall / gem hunt!
20. Return to roots
21. Bismuth
22. Beta
23. Earthlings
24. Back to the moon
25. bubbled
26. Kindergarten Kid
27. Last one out of beach city
28. gem harvest
29. Steven's Dream
30. Adventures in Light distortion
31. The new Crystal gems
32. Room for Ruby
33. Raising the Barn
34. Back to the Kindergarten
35. your mother and mine
36. can't go back
37. a single pale rose
38. Now were only falling apart
39. whats your problem
40. The question/Ruby Rider
41. Made of honor
42. Reunited
43. legs from here to homeworld
44. Familiar
45. Together alone
46. Escapism
47. Change your mind PT.1
48. Change your mind PT.2
49.Change your mind PT.3
50. Change your mind PT.4

6. Too far

3K 90 120
By Rubeedude111

The gems all decided to call it a day as Steven needed sleep and recharge for tomorrow.

"Pearl. Can you stay here and rearrange the barn to make it easier to dismantle the items for the drill tomorrow?" Garnet asks

"I can do that!" Peridot shouts

"You can't be trusted to be alone." Garnet says

"Then I will stay with her" Turquoise says putting his hand on Peridots head as all the gems look at him "we can follow your orders better and more effectively if there are two of us here"

"Turquoise, are you sure? Don't you want to go back to the bathroom?" Steven asks Turquoise

"I'm sure, Steven. The bathroom may be comfortable it doesn't feel like home to me, I'm afraid, " Turquoise says, kneeling down to pat Steven's shoulder

"Garnet?" Pearl asks

Garnet stands for a moment, seemingly looking into the distance for a moment. Turquoise stands up and waves his hand I front of her face

"Does this happen often?" Turquoise asks

"You'll be fine," Garnet replies. "We'll return tomorrow,"

"Well, alright...?" Pearl replies, still unsure

Steven says goodbye to Turquoise and Peridot before he and the other gems warp back to the temple

Turquoise turns to look at Peridot now

"Shall we get started?" He asked her

"That would be adequate," she replies

Peridot pulls up a strange looking device to her mouth. "log date 7-11-1. The turquoise and I have been assigned to the barn for cataloguing resources. The male gem is surprisingly less intimidating than I was led to believe, although they remain no less useful to our mission against the Cluster. " Peridot clicks a button

"What is that device, Peridot?" Turquoise asks as he leans down, looking at it

"Steven calls it a tape recorder. Since the crystal gems minus you have destroyed my limb enhancers, I have been forced to use this primitive earth device to log my observations. "

"I see..." Turquoise thinks to earlier when he asked Steven to find a way to make Peridot more comfortable with working together. The tape recorder is the result. Turquoise didn't stop Peridot's logs he was quick to understand that it was a coping mechanism with her new surroundings and situation. Then he would admit he had learned several new ways to say 'clod' that night.

It was the next day, and the gems had returned to the barn.

"Log date 7-11-2. It's the third rotation of the Earth since commencements of a..." Inhales deeply "...collaborative approach to stopping The Cluster." Peridot frustrates into her recorder

"I've finished drawing out the blueprints for the drill head. Peridot, if you could come take a look at this." Pearl says Peridot stops recording on her recorder.

"Remind me again why I should listen to you? Oh, right." Peridot rewinds her tape recorder.

Peridot then plays the previous recording. "...The Pearl here has exhibited an aptitude for engineering that I begrudgingly respect, though that doesn't explain the spontaneous singing, crying, singing while crying."

Amethyst snickers.

"Why did you give her that?" Pearl asks Steven

"Actually, it was my idea," Turquoise answers

"Well, we did destroy all her stuff. Turquoise thought it might make her feel a little better if we gave her somethingto recordher thoughts, ao i found that recorder, " Steven says with a smile looking at Turquoise

Peridot's voice in Tape Recorder "Clods!" fast-forwards "Muddy clods!" fast-forwards "- running out of ways to say "clods!"

"Alright, I chased away those cows. Let's get to work." Garnet says, walking up to the group

Peridot clears her throat. "Before we begin... would you mind un-fusing? It's making me incredibly uncomfortable."

Everyone breaks into an uncomfortable silence as Steven, Amethyst, and Pearl look at Garnet while Turquoise looks at Peridot.

"Oh Peridot, you were doing so well..." He says, covering his eye with his hand embarrassed

Garnet then ties Peridot to a fence with a child leash and leaves her be.

"What?! ... what'd I say?!" Peridot cries out

"Do we really have to do that?" Steven asks

"Her having free reign of the place made me incredibly uncomfortable." Garnet answers

"What about Turquoise?" Steven asks, looking at Turquoise, who was coming out the barn with a bunch of parts in hand and walking towards Peridot

"...I trust Turquoise just now, his gem seems to be in the right place," Garnet replies, walking towards the barn.

Peridot then attempts to reach for a nearby microwave, but the leash holds her back, forcing her to struggle to reach it.

"Do you want some help?" Turquoise can be heard saying to Peridot

"...that would be...favourable..." Peridot says, annoyed, still holding the leash before she sits down

Turquoise smiles and picks up the microwave and looks at it for a second and then places it in front of her where she can reach it

"You're welcome," Turquoise says before sitting beside Peridot

"T...thanks," Peridot stammers, blushing as she grabs the microwave to distract herself

Meanwhile, Steven and Amethyst brings a bunch of spare parts to Pearl, who is cutting a turbine with a blowtorch.

"Here you go, Pearl!" Steven says

"Oh, good. Hmm..." Pearl says as she inspects the parts."No... No, no, no, no, I said I needed tungsten. Tungsten?"

"... what does "tungsten" look like?" Steven asked

"Tongue-sten." Amethyst sticks out her tongue "ahh"

"Ugh... Never mind. I'll just do it. " Pearl walks off annoyed

Amethyst shrugs with her tongue still out. "Meh.."
Peridot can be heard grunting while working with the microwave. " I just need some sort of leverage optimizer."

"Do you wish for me to grab it for you?" Turquoise can be heard asking

"No, I can do it myself..." Peridot says back

"Leverage optimizer?" Amethyst asks, walking up to Peridot and Turquoise

"That's what I said." Peridot states

"Ooooh! Ha, you mean you want a screwdriver?" Amethyst laughs

"What a bizarre name for a tool," Turquoise thinks out loud

"Uh.... why don't you just use this one?" Steven picks up a nearby screwdriver on the ground and hands it to Peridot

"Because it was outside her radius." Turquoise states

"He-hey, hey Peridot, TQ, what do you call this?" Amethyst says as she points at her nose

"A scent sponge." Peridot says as Turquoise nods

"Huh?" Steven says

Amethyst laughs while Steven looks at and touches his own nose.

"Okay, Turquoise, what's this?" Amethyst holds open one of her eyes

"Vision sphere." Both Peridot and Turquoise say

"Guys... that's" Steven starts

"Wait, wait, Steven. Peridot, these?" Amethyst wiggles her fingers

Peridot slightly annoyed "Touch stumps..."

"This!?" Amethyst points at her foot

Peridot angered "Gravity connectors!"

This!? she points at her butt

"THAT'S YOUR BUTT!" Peridot shouts

Steven and Amethyst both laugh hysterically, but Turquoise shakes his head, putting his hand on top of Peridot's hand
"Oh man, Peridot, you're killing me!" Steven says as he slaps the top of the microwave

"I am not! That would violate our truce agreement!" Peridot shouts

"No, no, no- you're funny!" Amethyst says

"Funny?" Peridot asks, looking up at Turquoise, wondering if he knew the meaning

"Peridot, if you can get the magnetron out of that microwave, we'll have everything we need... except for the drill head." Pearl says, walking over.

"Why don't I just get an injectors drill head from the kindergarten?" Peridot suggests

"... Oh, well, I guess that's something you could try." Pearl says, thinking

"She's not going to the Kindergarten without a chaperone!" Garnet interrupts

"What? You've got to be joking!" Peridot says

Garnet drops a stack of tires she is carrying. "You'll know when I'm joking."

"Nyahhh..." Peridot, let's out

"Me and Steven can go with her!" Amethyst says, standing up

"Yeah, we'll keep an eye on her." Steven says

Garnet looks at the two of them. "Approved. Keep her in line, Amethyst."

"You got it!" Amethyst replies

Peridot groans at the proposal."I'm only going if the Turquoise comes!" She cries out,"

All the gems look at Turquoise, who looks scared and slightly embarrassed everyone is looking at him

"It's up to Turquoise," Garnet says

"No, I need Turquoise here to help me with the Tungsten," Pearl suddenly says

"Pearl, I can help you when we get return," Turquoise suggests calmly

Pearl rubs her eyes and sighs "fine...but be quick. I really need you here."

Turquoise nods, looking at Pearl. "You have my word."

Turquoise, Amethyst, Steven, and Peridot all make their way to the warp pad near the barn. Peridot takes hold of Turquoise's hand

"P. Why are you holding Turquoise's hand? Amethyst asks

"That was the condition I agreed to last time i went to the kindergarten with the Turquoise and the Steven. Have the conditions changed?" Peridot asks

"You don't have to hold Turquoise's hand if you don't want too Peridot," Steven says

"I don't mind it's her decision," Turquoise says, looking away

"" Peridot's hand stays gripped onto Turquoise's for a moment before she let's go

The four step onto the Warp Pad and Steven warps them to the Prime Kindergarten.

Peridot is logging on her tape recorder, while Turquoise watches Steven and Amethyst dismantle a broken injector.

"Log date 7-11-2. The Amethyst and the Steven and the Turquoise have volunteered to help me dismantle this Era 1 drill. How stylistically displeasing. The newer ones have a nicer finish."

Turquoise raises an eyebrow at the word "volunteer

"You making more nerd notes?" Amethyst calls out to Peridot

Peridot stops the recording "What is... nerd?" She asks as Amethyst snickers. "Can you use it in a sentence?"

"Ahem. 'Nerd'. You are a nerd." Amethyst laughs

Steven jumps down from the injector. "Amethyst! Cut that out!"

Peridot speaks to her tape recorder "As you can see, this planet is annoying and everything is annoying." Peridot looks up at Turquoise, who is stood looking at the drill reminded of the ones in the Arctic,"though perhaps not some things. Amongst its... transgressions is the need for the Amethyst to ask permission from the perma-fusion."

"'Perma-fusion'? Is that what you call Garnet?" Amethyst asks

"I could call her lots of things." pulls down her tape recorder."I could call her two things! Two clods!" She laughs."Walking around like she's... one clod!" Peridot snickers

"What's wrong with that?" Turquoise interupts

"She's not even fighting! She's, you know, she's just, y-you know like the..." Peridot pounds her fists together,"you know!" Trying to explain

Amethyst laughs hysterically while Steven pounds his fists together, too, in confusion. Turquoise also looks to be as confused as Steven

"You're a real gem, Peri." Amethyst laughs

"Yes, I am... a Gem." Peridot states

"Okay, okay. Do Steven next. What's weird about Steven?" Amethyst asks

"Where do I even begin?! He's some sort of hybrid abomination, I don't even understand how he functions! His organic half consumes so much energy that he has to constantly feed, and he spends so much time expelling that he has a whole room dedicated to it!"

Steven blushes in embarrassment. "Ah, no, something else! Talk about something else!"

Amethyst continues laughing hysterically, and Peridot decides to keep indulging her.

Peridot laughs. "The strangest thing is, Amethyst, you think you have to listen to them!" Peridot laughs."If it wasn't for the turquoise, you're the one who should be in charge!"

"Ha, that's your best joke yet." Amethyst says

"No, really. Pearl is a pearl, Garnet is a fusion, I don't even know what he's supposed to be!" Peridot points at Steven.

"Hey!" Steven says
"You're the only Crystal Gem. That's actually a gem! Apart from the turquoise, of course!" Peridot states

Turquoise looks down at Peridot

"Uhm... Amethyst laughs nervously. "What?"

"You outrank everyone on your team. They should be listening to you and Turquoise he's an era1 or even pre era gem! You're a strong, singular, fully-functional soldier, despite the fact you're defective."

Amethyst's face drops. "Defective?"

"Well, sure! You're small!" Peridot states

"So?" Turquoise asks

"Well, you're not supposed to be! Hold on, wait, wait. Let me guess. This! This is the hole you came out of! Too small, too low. The exit marks look 500 years newer than every other hole. Hmm, this place must have been empty when you came out. No wonder you have no idea what you're supposed to look like!"

Turqupise notices that Amethyst grows increasingly more irritated.

"Peridot..." Turquoise warns her

Amethyst halts Turquoise by placing her hand on his leg. "What was I supposed to look like?"

"Well, you're a quartz. They're huge, loyal soldiers. You should be twice your size. Broad shouldered, intimidating. But you simply stayed in the ground too long."

Amethyst angered, "Are you saying I'm wrong?!"

Peridot laughs. "Gemetically speaking, yes. When you think about it, it's all so..." she Snickers "...funny!"

Peridot chuckles while Turquoise and Amethyst look upset and angry.

"What about me?" Turquoise asks angrily, picking her up by her collar."Am i wrong, too!?" He shouts ice blasting from under his feet freezing the ground.

"Turquoise?" Steven asks, worried

", you're not wrong! I don't even know the standard of what a Turquoise should or shouldn't be. By all means, you could be perfect!" she whimpers, grabbing onto Turquoise's arm, it still grabbing her collar

"Fine." He drops her

"Hey, soldier. Maybe you can help me get this hunk of drill off -" Peridot starts, but Amethyst summons her whip and violently severes the drill head off the injector in one clean cut. Turquoise catches it with a large hand made of ice

"See, look at that! You can do everything a normal quartz can do, and with Turquoise cryocanisis, this just makes the job easier, Let's head back and shove this thing in Pearl's face!" Peridot says

"Amethyst? Turquoise? Are you okay?" Steven asks

"Don't worry about it." Amethyst says, walking off

"I think so, Steven. I have forgiven her. She made a good point. we don't exactly know what I am or am supposed to be," Turquoise says, smiling

Turquoise catches up to Peridot

"Peridot, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I forgive you," he says, walking with his hand on her shoulder. He uses his powers to make the drill head move with his ice power with his other hand.

Peridot admires Turquoise's demonstration of his powers as the four make their way back to the warp pad.

Nothing us said as the four warp back to the barn.

Pearl is inspecting the drill head that Turquoise, Steven, Amethyst, and Peridot brought back, while Steven and Peridot are separating the nails and screws, Turquoise can be seen freezing then cutting tungsten

"Oh, it's lovely! To think we'd be using the same technology that started all this to fix it! This drill is pure irony!" Pearl chimes

"Actually, it's mostly carbonite." Peridot corrects her

"Would that make it... 'carbony' ?" Steven jokes

"That's not correct, Steven," Turquoise says, walking over to them, informing Pearl about the Tungsten

Peridot groans at Steven's joke when Amethyst walks past.

"Oh oh oh oh, Amethyst!" Peridot cries out to her

Amethyst, still irritated, pauses and turns to look at Peridot.

"Check out this..." she picks up a hammer from the ground."Hmm... Rhythmatic pulverizer!?" She says, falling backwards on the ground laughing."That's funny, I'm so funny!"

"Whatever, dude." Amethyst walks away

Peridot looks confused. "That was the incorrect response. Hey, Amethyst isn't laughing when I do these things. Why isn't she laughing?!" She asks

"Peridot, you really hurt her feelings, i tried to warn you." Turquoise says, crouching down to her level

"What?" She asks, looking up at Turquoise, not understanding

"You were pretty mean to her at the kindergarten." Steven adds

"Mean? No way! I was being... "cool". Amethyst loved it. She's probably telling the Pearl how much fun she had now. " she sees Amethyst looking at her and waves at her."Amethyst, hi, hi, hi, Amethyst"

Amethyst turns away and walks into the barn.
"She... she won't even look at me. It's making me feel... smaller." Peridot says, sounding slightly sad

"You feel bad! That's how you made her feel." Steven says

Peridot snorts, "Who cares about how she feels? Who cares about any of you?! You're all just rocks! Ruddy, muddy clumps beneath my gravity connectors!" She grunts, kicks into the air, and falls over "Uh but not you, Turquoise, of course!" Peridot quickly corrects herself

"Ugh, another one of her temper tantrums. I'm surprised you two made it back from the kindergarten without driving each other crazy!" Pearl says, watching Peridot

"Yeah..." Amethyst says annoyed
Time passes by, and Peridot is working on the drill alone, grunting in frustration, while Steven is holding onto her leash.

"This little thing..." Peridot grunts loudly

Peridot then sees Amethyst walking past, without even turning to look at her. She grunts and returns back to working on the drill.

"How's everything going up there?" Steven asks

"Fine... ! There's nothing wrong, everything's fine!" Peridot pushes a button, which accidentally turns on the drill."Ah! No, no, no, no, NO, STOP!"

"Peridot?" Steven asks

The drill starts spinning, causing Peridot to fall off of it.

Peridot coughs. "The panel...!"

Steven jumps onto the drill as it begins to spin out of control.

"Wait!" Peridot tries to chase after Steven, but her leash gets caught on a piece of rock, tugging her back and causing her to fall to the ground. She then gasps in horror as Steven clings onto the drill.

"It's okay, I got it!" Steven shouts

The drill spins out of control around the yard with Steven inside it. Unsuspecting, Amethyst comes around the corner of the barn, only to be faced with the drill heading towards her.

"What the- GAAHHH?!" Amethyst cries out in surprise

"Amethyst!" Peridot shouts

Peridot pushes forward against her leash, causing it to rip, and manages to push Amethyst out of the way of the drill just in time. Turquoise, hearing the commotion, runs out the barn. He freezes the ground, sliding around spraying icy powder to keep the drill in place.

Steven manages to climb abroad the drill and rips out the control panel, successfully stopping it.

Steven dizzy with spirals in his eyes. "It's okay, everything's okay! It was just a drill!" He laughs and collapses against the side of the drill

Peridot coughs, as dust clouds caused by the drill subside down, ice everywhere, and looks down to see that she is sitting on top of Amethyst, who is surprised that Peridot had saved her from the drill.

"Uh... Peridot?" Amethyst asks

"Ah!" Peridot jumps off quickly."It was an accident, I swear!"

"Hey, don't worry about it." Steven walks towards Peridot and Amethyst."We know you didn't mean to start the drill."

Turquoise begins to make his way over as well

"Uh... yeah. That was an accident, too..." Peridot says

Amethyst looks at Peridot in shock and confusion. Time passes by, and Pearl and Garnet return to observe the havoc.

Pearl horrified. "We leave for one second, and everything goes off the rails!"

"I blame the cows." Garnet says bluntly

"No, it's fine, it's fine. We'll rebuild it! Stronger, better. We'll add seat belts!" Pearl says, determined

Amethyst and Steven are seen cleaning up after the drill, digging and pulling out items buried in the drill's rampage. Turquoise uses his ice powers to move the larger objects. Amethyst then pulls out an unicycle from the ground.
"Hey, are you alright? That was a close one. It's a good thing Peridot was there to save you, " Steven says to Amethyst

Amethyst rolls her eyes and throws the unicycle away.

Peridot walks up from behind with Turquoise besideher to encourage her to do something. "Yes, it is a good thing." She pauses and stares at Amethyst for a bit."Listen, I... uhm..."

"Just spit it out." Amethyst says

"Ughh!" She facepalms."Why are you earthlings so difficult!?" Peridot asks, annoyed

Peridot slams the playback button on her tape recorder and holds it out to Amethyst.

"Log date 7-11-2. This entire planet is backwards. There hasn't been one instance of correct behaviour exhibited by any one of these "Crystal Gems." I have concluded that they are all defective. But I am no better. I failed my mission, and now I'm working with the enemy. And I can't even get that right. I have apparently "hurt" Amethyst's "feelings," which was not my intent. If I've damaged my standing with the best Gem here, then I've made a serious mistake. I'm still learning. I hope you understand. I want to understand. I'm sorry. Peridot. Facet 5. End log."

Peridot stops the tape recorder "As you can see-"

Steven touched. "Oh, Peridot."

Peridot looks away, making an odd, angry noise.

"Peridot..." Peridot looks at Amethyst"... Thanks." Amethyst smiles

Peridot smiles awkwardly at her.

"But you're still a nerd." She walks off

Peridot is slightly annoyed. "I'll be sure to add that to my notes."

"How do you feel?" Turquoise asks

Peridot pauses "...big..."

Turquoise smiles

"Garnet...? What's a cow...?" Turquoise asks.

That's chapter 6 done!!! See you in chapter 7. "The answer" Remember to give your thoughts and any questions in the comments!!


INSTAGRAM: Rubeedude_Turquoise

TWITTER: OmegaRedArts1

ALL DRAWINGS WILL BE ON MY INSTAGRAM if you have any fan art send it to me there!!!

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