
By lailasxe

3.1K 103 5

Second Generation of Devil's Night. Xeraphina Zerafi is a newcomer at Thunder Bay fighting to keep her secre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

274 9 1
By lailasxe


It had been years and not a single piece of information whether they were coming back to attack us. I had to stay prepared and keep Tavi safe.

"Empty your mind," My grandfather said slamming me to the ground. I groan in pain watching him dance around me. I tried sweeping him off his feet just to be kicked in the face. "EMPTY MIND" He yelled again. We had been at it for four hours not a single drop of sweat on him. The only thing I had in my mind was protecting those I loved and me between Xera's thighs. I could have easily had her yesterday. "You are becoming as sloppy as your father," He said leaving me inside the dojo. As the door closed I got up to text Indie. It had been days since I had seen Xera, and I needed insight into her

M: I need your help.
I: I'm busy.
M: Did I ask?
I: She doesn't want you.
M: Indie...
I: Fine, I saw her at the Cathedral.

I showered taking out my freshly pressed suit. I comb back each hair in place making sure everything was in the right spot. "Come in," I said hearing a knock.

"You look handsome" My mother smiled squeezing my cheek. I groan earning a kiss from her.

"Mom, come on" I sigh wiping her lipstick off my cheek. "What?" I ask eying her down I wasn't always going to be her little boy forever. She could ask Aunt Rika for Aaron if she had a motherly calling.

"Who is she?" She asked crossing her arms. We stood in silence not either of us breaking eye contact. "Madden Fox Mori, tell me," She tilt her head to the side making it known she was serious business.

"No one," I said leaving her by my door frame.

"No car or bike as punishment" I placed my keys back into their slot leaving through the front door. She couldn't keep me her little boy for so long. I walk my way to the Cathedral going through the forest was the shortest way to arrive. I didn't mind it, the bird was always above singing to me. Making myself there I spotted the Torrance's car no surprise they would be here. Roaming the place I look around for a brunette shouldn't be hard with the way she dresses as a man. "Madden, are you here confess?" The priest asked seeing me come alone this time.

"N—" I spot the brunette entering the confession box. "Yes, I'll find my way. Thank you," I left him behind entering the opposite door of hers.

"Why are you following me?"

"I'm here confessing"

"You are on the priest's side"

"What makes you think I'm not one?" She laughs at my joke. God, how I wish I could have her on my lap. Just a day of us without me fucking it up.

"Madden Mori a priest? Your parents would never approve of it" Even the way she said my name had me hard.

"I don't need their approval. Why are you here?"

"To confess"

"Go on"

"Why would I to you?" She had a point, I wouldn't either. "Besides, what fun would there be without a mystery?"


"You know the one. The chords of the heart need..."

" to be touched to be played" I finished it off. "How do you know?" I demanded answers. Only I knew of the riddle not even Tavi.

"We're both fuck in the head remember" She recites my saying from a few nights ago. "Meet me here at midnight, don't be late" The door opened and closed informing me she had gone out. I need to know how she knew and where she heard it from.



We were at the beginning of October. I had to figure out a way to sneak out of my house undetected without transport. Keep in mind the millions of dogs my mother refuses to let go. Grabbing my hoodie I went out the window. I texted Jett letting her know what to do if my parents came looking for me. I slid down the roof onto the ground wiping away any grass off my pants. I opted for jeans, sneakers, and a shirt to not ruin my good suits. Grabbing my bike out of the garage I pedal to Cathedral. Spotting a figure near the entrance I knew it was her. She had black leggings, oversize hoodies, and her hair tied up. Parking my bike on the side I walk over to her.

"Ready?" I nod following behind her lead. I wasn't sure what she was planning but I needed answers. We walk around the church reaching a corner of a cracked window. "Push me up. I'll come around and open the door for you" She instructed having me lift her to the top. I watch her wiggle her way inside the small window hearing a loud thump. "I'm okay" She groan in pain, I bit my lips to prevent myself from laughing seeing her appear near the gate. "Shut up Mads" I smirk seeing her dusting off dirt she pick up from the fall. Locking the door behind us we went inside checking each corner before entering. "It's empty don't worry" She sounded so sure of herself has she done this before?

"What are we looking for?"

"Clues. The chords of the heart need to be touched to be played. I assume it refers to David's playing to Jesus yet the Harp had been replaced with a newer one. Any theories you have?" She asked me to check around the place for signs of misplaced items or something to show us a lever. She was smarter than I thought. I assume the thuribles were the chords, not the harp. "What's running through your mind, Mads?" Lots of things. The riddle. Her. Tavi's safety. Her.

I walk away inspecting the place. I knew she would follow behind. Leading to the basement I spot a door that had been shut out. "Help me move this" We lifted the table to the side ripping the dry wallpaper off of it.

"A door to where," She asked seeing it needed a key. "Do you know how to pick a lock?" She asked waiting on my next move. I shook my head not seeing her scan around the room. She grabs a bobby pin out of her hair getting to work. There was no way she could pick a rusty door lock. Wiggling the pin around we heard it unlock. "Come on," She grabbed my hand leading us inside. Dark, wet, and cold we felt the room disappear the further we went in. I listen to our breathing trying to focus away from her scent being so close to me. "Do you hear that?" She stared at me waiting for me to listen. Water. We went deeper inside following the sound. We would either get trapped here or walk straight into our death. Stopping in our step I heard a sound. I took hold of her covering her mouth, whispering into her ear to stay still.

"We can't let them know Michael" Aunt Rika.

"Athos has shown to respond to this well. They should be just as informed." Michael replies. They were pacing around a table, a meeting of some sort.

"I can't have her out there putting herself constantly in danger. She deserves a life of doing whatever she wants, and so do they!" She was frustrated, I had never seen her this stress unless it was election time. Michael wrapped his arm around her consoling her. "There there Little Monster our Madden and Athos have proven themselves worthy of fighting back. We can't keep them under constant protection. They are our bloodline, they contain the same brain of wanting a change. Would you prevent Athos or any one of them from the adrenaline we had?" She shook her head no while he wipe her tears away. "Come on, we have a meeting to attend before we put each of them into training," He grabbed Rika's hand guiding her out of the room.

I let go of Xera when we heard the door lock and a car engine start. I allow her to explore around as I have been in this room before. The night of the incident my father brought me down here to get our story straight. He was worried about me being sent away to jail. What did he even know about it? All his life he has been under my grandfather's shield.

"What is this" She had a blueprint in her hand laying it out on the table. "This is our town?" Running her fingers along we spotted our familiar shops, historical buildings, homes, and our school. "What is this? Deadlow Island," She looks up at our faces being close to one another.

"It restricted. My Uncles have been spying on them since they threatened to take one of us away. Why?" I look at her eyes move around. She was thinking of something I wasn't sure of but it had to be serious. "Xera?"

"To be touched to be played. Is there a coordination that the island was once a part of us? Maybe the Harp is there?" She was insane to offer even go there. Athos tried once before my Uncle Michael dragged her home. It was too risky, the men who attack Tavi and I came from there. "What are you hiding from me?"

"I would ask the same of you"

"I have nothing"

"Me neither"

She rolled her eyes snapping photos of the map. I shouldn't have brought her here, "I'm going alone whether you like it or not" She rolled up the map placing it back. I grabbed her wrist pulling her towards my chest. "You don't scare me," our lips inches away. I could kiss her right now and have her wide open on this desk.

"You should be," closing the distance in our breath we heard footsteps coming back. I quickly grabbed her hiding us back into the wall. Covering her mouth with my hand I check to see who.

"Men always seem to forget," Rika groans taking the blueprint with her. She inspected the place around feeling us around her. Shit

I felt her eying us through the wall. Xera's breathing grew as Rika's eyes looked around to see if anything was out of place. Wrapping my hand with Xera I squeezed it to let her know I was here.


"GOING MICHAEL," She closed the door leaving us in the dark this time. Turning my feet I dragged Xera and I out of there. We shouldn't be out this late we had class in five hours and I, my game.

"Where's your bike?" She asked seeing me get my bike

"I'm on punishment. Get on and I'll drop you off," she looked at me as if I was offering to bang her on the floor. "Don't tell me you're picky," I was exhausted and in deep need of sleep.

"Not sure where to sit dumbass"

"Here now get on," I pat to the front of the bike. She sat herself down securely in her position. "Hold on," I started to pedal letting the wind take us. Now and then I would catch a small glimpse of her smile. She looks amazing tonight I only saw her legs but she is hot. I don't know why she hid in baggy clothing that did no justice to her. I slow down seeing her house appeared she lived in the opposite town from me. It wasn't bad but also not the best.

"Thank you," She jumped off ready to walk to the front door. I cleared my throat getting her attention. "What?"

"No, good night kiss?" I motion to my lips

"You don't seem the type"

"You have no idea what my type is"

"Oh really?" She places her hands on her hips showing off her curves. God, if I didn't give a shit I would take her out here in the front of her yard until they ripped us apart.

"I like mine to be submissive"

"I don't pity myself for the male gaze. I go by my own rules, good night Mads," she started walking then stopped "For every shot tomorrow and I'll grant it" Fuck, I'll make it 40 shots.

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