Marauders & their Evans

By EmmaBarnes03

19.5K 530 47

Primrose Evans lived alongside her family and best friend in the simple town of Bakewell, England. She though... More

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First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971
First Year 1971-1972
First Year 1972
Second Year 1972
Second Year 1972
Second Year 1972-1973
Second Year 1973
Summer 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973
Third Year 1973-1974
Third Year 1974
Third Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Forth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974
Fourth Year 1974-1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fourth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
Fifth Year 1975
December 1975
December 1975
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Fifth Year 1976
Summer 1976
Sixth Year 1976
Sixth Year 1976
Sixth Year 1976

December 1975

100 7 1
By EmmaBarnes03

Chapter Thirty Nine

Walburga and Orion had offered to host in their manor. After all, it was their favourite niece's wedding anniversary, and what better place than theirs to remind everyone once again of the wealth and influence of the most Ancient and Noble House of Black. The manor was every bit grand on the inside as it was on the outside.It was vastly decorated with flowers hanging from the stairs railing, arrangements at every every door, perfectly lit grand crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling to give the room a tint of a golden glow, polished marble floors you could even see your own reflection. It was as if everything had been plucked out of a movie.

I stood there marvelling at the beautiful house I suddenly found myself in. "Sirius. I see you managed for once to be on time." I looked to see who had spoken. It was Narcissa. Same striking blue eyes, and blonde hair from the girl I had met on the train first year. Only this girl now looked older, somehow more mature. "Cissy." Sirius greeted her. I could feel her eyes on me. "You're either very brave or very stupid to have brought her here." So she did remember me.

I truly didn't know what to say, but so far I'm starting to believe it is better not talk unless being addressed directly. "Come on Cissy, half of the dumb wits here don't even know who she really is." Sirius knew he was insulting his, and Narcissa's new family, but he didn't care. She gave him a pointed look. "If you could for once behave. I don't want your wild actions and rebel tantrums to ruin my night." Her voice was cold and harsh and I could see Sirius flinch a little. Honestly she had scared me as well.

Just then a couple walked over to us. Tall, elegant, regal, definitely Sirius's parents. He stood up a little bit straighter and all hints of a smile left his face. "Father, mother." He greeted them. Orion only let out a huff and Walburga instantly turned to look at me. "And who might she be?

"My name is Primrose, Primrose Evans ma'am." She looked at me. "Can't say I recognize the name." Before I could say anything else Sirius spoke. "Her family is from Wales, moved to Scotland only after she got accepted into Hogwarts. She is an only child, the only heir to a long line of wizards and witches." That was a complete and utter lie. I don't know how Sirius managed to come up with it on the spot. Yet despite not mentioning anything about my blood status, nothing could ever escape Walburga Black when it came to it. "She's not from the sacred twenty eight?" His mother inquired, but Sirius knew what she meant. He could practically hear her voice 'Oh so you mean she's not pure. When are you going to learn Sirius we don't mix with the ton'. Although Sirius couldn't care less.

I could feel Walburga's judging stare, assessing me from head to toe before she gave me a fake saccharine smile. "Well I guess she's a good distraction until you find yourself a respectable wife." With that she left, leaving me speechless at her rude imply and and a fuming Sirius. "Don't cause a scene Sirius." His cousin said from his left before she left to mingle with the rest of her guests.

The rest of the night was manageable, not pleasant but manageable. Like Sirius had predicted, half the women there were very keen, and very obvious, to make deals and offers to marry off their daughters to the heir of the House of Black. I found it rather repulsive to be honest. What kind of parent would sell their child to a loveless marriage and therefore miserable life?

I wasn't oblivious to the stares and whispers that would follow where we stood. Even though Sirius and I mostly kept to ourselves and avoided the rest of the guests, a few of them often walked up to talk to him, barely even glancing my way. It was exhausting, honestly. Keeping a fake smile and trying to be polite to people who clearly didn't return the favour and had absolutely no remorse in the words that fell off their mouths.

Sirius had long ago learned to ignore whatever they said about him. He knew everyone in this room deemed him as the black sheep of the family, and he somewhat found satisfaction in it. The knowledge that despite his family's effort to uphold the facade of 'the perfect pure blood family' it was slowly starting to crack. First with Andromeda running away and marrying that Ted Tonks boy, followed by him being sorted into none other than Gryffindor house, and now he had brought a nobody, a simple girl into his family house. Oh how Sirius revelled in the gossip and rumours. He loved nothing more than watching his parents struggle to maintain composure in the eyes of everyone.

After a few hours I was starting to feel overwhelmed. I needed some time to breathe. "Sirius." I said looking up at him. "I need to leave you alone for a while. Will you be okay?" He looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry about me Prim. I can survive on my own for a few minutes, I have been doing it for years now." I rolled my eyes at him and left.

Somehow on my way to find the restroom I found myself lost. I was clearly away from the party since all that could be heard were the faint sounds of the band playing and people in conversation. Suddenly I found myself standing in the middle of a drawing room.

Something told me I shouldn't be here, but as I looked around the room I was captivated by the ornate tapestry that hung from one of the walls in the room. I walked closer to inspect it and discovered it was some sort of family tree. My eyes scanned the intricate patterns of the tree's branches finally setting over the one name I was looking for. Sirius O. Black The small portrait over his name looked a lot like him yet at the same time it didn't. The black curls, the high cheekbones, even the slightly crooked mouth was all him, but the eyes were nothing like his. The black eyes, looking unforgivable and cold were nothing compared to Sirius's beautiful grey eyes and warm gaze.

Letting my eyes wander a little bit more, scanning the names and remembering learning about them back at Hogwarts, I halted when I saw a black blotch over one of them. I let my fingers trace the tapestry, it looked like it was burned. "Andromeda" I said barely above a whisper, the name sounded familiar.

"I see you found the family tree." I jumped back startled by the voice, and scared that I had been caught. Turning around I saw Sirius leaning in the doorway, and I let out a sigh of relief, at least it had been him. "What happened?" I turned my eyes back to the tapestry and heard Sirius's footsteps until he stopped beside me.

"They disowned her, burned her off the family tree for running away and marrying a mud blood." I turned my head to the side to look at him. He had his gaze fixed on the black mark. "In my opinion, I'm glad Andy left." So she was the cousin he always talked about. "At least she got to marry someone she loved and get to be happy, instead of being trapped in an unhappy, loveless marriage."

"The worst part is that everywhere I go there is a reminder that I will never see my favourite person ever again." I looked at him confused. "How so?" He finally turned to look at me. "This tapestry is enchanted, which means that every single house, estate, manor, or property that belongs to a Black has a wall with my family tree in it. Whatever you do in one of them, like for example burning someone out of it, it will show in all of them."

I turned back to look at the wall. What was I supposed to say? Every time I learned something new about Sirius's childhood and family my heart broke a little. I just took his hand and gave it a small squeeze. It was a wordless exchange. After a few more seconds he finally turned to look at me, and gave me a small smile. "Come, we have to go back before someone notices we're gone."

We quietly made our way back to the main room. It was almost nearing midnight, so now the number of guests had dwindled and the room was almost empty. Yet Sirius was deterred from making his final request of the night. "Will you give me a final dance?" I turned to look at him. How could I ever deny him? "Of course." He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. I started to feel a little anxious as all eyes turned to look at us and the whispers started once again.

Sensing my uneasiness, Sirius gently grabbed my chin making me look at him. "Hey, it's just you and me alright? No one else matters." He said barely above a whisper, and I felt some of the tension leave my body.

Though never aloud, and not willingly, every single witness of this final dance had to acknowledge how marvellous the couple looked dancing. They both glided across the room in perfect sync. Not once did she make a mistake and he graciously led her step by step in tempo with the music. Most of all, they only looked at each other as if they were the only ones in the room.

Once the song had finished Sirius stepped back, slightly bowing as it was customary before he took my hand and led me out of the room as it was time for me to leave. This time the journey back home would be a lot shorter since I could use one of the many fireplaces here to travel back home through the floo network back to Remus's house.

"Thank you Prim. You can't possibly imagine how much I needed you tonight." His eyes were full with nothing but sincerity. I gave him a small smile. "Anytime Padfoot." We only looked at each other before he pulled me into a hug. After a few seconds he pulled back a little. His face was inches away from mine, our noses almost touching, I could feel his breath fanning my face.

My heart picked up a little and I could do nothing but stare unabashedly at his lips. Just as quickly Sirius pulled back as if being burned and cleared his throat. "You must go. It's getting late." Pulled out of my daze, I shook my head. "Yes of course." I said, stepping into the fireplace.

"See you back at Hogwarts Sirius." "Until then Paws." He stood there smiling as my figure disappeared into the flames and I travelled back home.


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Stay tuned messer and don't forget the mischief is not yet managed.

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