Fourth Year 1975

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Chapter Thirty

Valentine's Day was amazing. Amos had planned the whole day and I had enjoyed every minute of it. In the end, the four boys did end up having quite an eventful bachelors night with James beign bat bogey hexed by my sister at yet another attempt to woo her.

March came pretty quickly bringing with it James's and Remus's birthdays and warm weather. Our evenings were spent out in the castle grounds by our tree near the lake. As soon as we would settle under the tree's shade we did nothing but relax after a long day of school, taking off our robes and shoes. Eventually we each ended up doing our own thing to keep the boredom at bay. Like for example Remus would read a muggle book he brought from home, while James would convince Peter to act as keeper to help him practise. He wasn't bad, but James was an exceptional quidditch player. Sirius and I would turn into our animagus running around the castle grounds, playfully chasing each other. He sometimes got distracted by a squirrel or butterfly passing by.

For the following months our late nights, excluding the ones of the full moon, consisted in making the map, or expertly parking someone new each time. Most, if not all of them, were mainly orchestrated by Remus, he is the real daredevil, yet none of our teachers thought he could be. They say and I quote: "Mr. Lupin could never do such things, he's very well behaved." or "No he already has too much on his plate." Meaning to his furry little problem, or even "Look at him, he's always so quiet in class and paying attention. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up as a prefect." Just to be clear he never paid attention. The little shit would only grin and nod.

We spent hours meticulously crafting the map trying to complete and perfect it. We first had spent many hours scouting and exploring the castle trying to find every little hideout and secret passage. If a secret path existed from the Whomping Willow then there must have been others. Our theory was proved right when we discovered another six. Like one on the fourth floor behind a big mirror, another behind a statue on the fifth floor, and my personal favourite, the one behind the one eyed witch hump's on the third floor that led directly to Honeydukes's cellar in Hogsmeade.

Peter and Sirius were able to carefully sketch and draw every last corner in Hogwarts, which would have taken a lot longer had it not been for James's uncanny ability to memorise down to the very last detail. A skill that proves to be annoying when describing my sister and her 'angel kiss' freckles.

Lastly we had to work our way through an intricate set of spells so that every person who ever steps foot on the castle will show up with their full name. I'm not going to lie, that was the hardest part, but yours truly, along with Remus's help, we managed.

As a finishing touch, we chose to put our nicknames on the map instead of our names at the risk of being caught and expelled. Not wanting anyone else to use it we had to find a way to hide its content unless you know how to open it while simultaneously mocking anyone who gets it wrong because let's face it we're the Marauders.


Another summer, another year gone. It felt like only yesterday this new magical world filled with wonders, and new friendships had opened up, yet it had been four years since I started this adventure. We are already halfway through our school years, but there is still so much to learn, to see, choices to make, pranks to be done, so many things to try and experience, so much to live for.

The final weeks of the term as always were spent studying and trying to cram one year's worth of knowledge into one evening. Thankfully, despite our recklessness, each one of us excels in a different subject -like Peter in Herbology, Sirius in astronomy, James in transfiguration, Remus in DADA or me in Charms- hence why we always study together. To help each other with the subjects that aren't our best.

The train back to London as always was filled with noise, laughter and jokes. As soon as we reached King Cross station it was time to say our goodbyes. The usual promises to write and keep each other updated were made. "Why can't I just go with you? We can celebrate your birthday and I can eat your mum's cookies every day." Peter laughed as I was clinging to his arm with Remus trying to pull me away. "We should go Prim, our parents are waiting. Merlin, you need to stop being so dramatic." Remus huffed, finally tugging hard enough on my wrist to pull me away. "What am I supposed to do this summer? With you gone and Lily barely even talking to me." Remus rolled his eyes. "I will only be gone for two weeks, and maybe you should use that time to reconcile with your sister." I rolled my eyes. It's not like I don't want to, or haven't tried before, but lately it seems like it is a subject we will never agree on.

"Unless she can see that Snivellous is some slimy obsessed git then I don't think so. Also she hates it when I mention it but thinks she has the right to insult James, Sirius and Peter!" Remus was the only one of the four who she liked. "I mean look at them, they are harmless." In sync the three of them turned to look at us smiling. "See!" I said turning to Remus. He quietly laughed. "We both know none of them are harmless, not even you." I huffed. "Alright, I'll try but I won't make any promises."

"Come on Prim, you have to, then you could help me to actually woo her." I roll my eyes walking up to James. "You know Prongs I don't think even that would work." He laughed. "There's no harm in trying." He said smiling. I shake my head and hug him. "Goodbye James. See you in September." "Until then Prim."

I turned to look at Sirius. "Last but not least." I said walking up to him. He offered me a small smile and opened his arms for a hug, which I happily accepted. For some reason this hug felt different, as if he didn't want to let go. "Don't be a stranger okay." I said in a whisper. He didn't reply, just hugged me tighter. "Primrose!" I heard my father yell. Reluctantly I pulled back. "I have to go." I said, picking up my trunk. "See you in a few months." "Goodbye Prim."


From the moment he stepped on the train Sirius watched his friends with fondness trying to hold on to his last happy and blissful moments before going back home. Merlin knew how much he had been dreading it. He had known things would only grow worse over time. The howlers and hateful letters he got became even more harshful when his mother somehow found out about his friendship with Remus and Prim. More than once she called his friends bloodtraitros, or mudbloods, and probably every insult she could think of. That, though it made him mad, he could ignore. He knew what kind of people his friends really were and that was enough.

But when she would call him a disgrace, a disappointment to the most Ancient and Noble House of Black, worthless, useless, a traitor, each and every one of those words stuck with him, plagued his thoughts and haunted his dreams. Her words always left a deeper scar than the ones he had on his pale skin. Was he enough?

"Where are your parents, Pads?" James asked. "Probably somewhere with Reggie, waiting." He knew his parents wouldn't be waiting for him, they couldn't be bothered. James seemed satisfied with his answer. He turned his head and smiled at the scene of Remus trying to pull Prim away from Peter. He felt a pat on his shoulder. It was James. "Don't forget to write this summer alright." He nodded, and hugged him patting his back.

He didn't say it but James felt like something was different. Though he tried to hide it Sirius's liveliness had died down when they arrived. He wanted to ask but didn't want to intrude so he decided to wait for Sirius to tell him whenever he was ready.

They finished saying their goodbyes, and Sirius waited, watching as each of his friends walked away with their parents. He then grabbed his trunk and with a final sigh took the floo network to 12 Grimmauld Place.


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Stay tuned messer and don't forget the mischief is not yet managed.

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