The Badger and the Snakes ||...

Por snootysnidget

7K 248 125

Alfie Scamander chose to harness the power of ancient magic, refusing to be a pawn in anyone's game. When he... Más

Intro to Alfie Scamander
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19

Chapter 12

261 12 5
Por snootysnidget

"I had a feeling it was you," Ominis whispered, the gentle glow of his wand casting a soft, warm light that revealed a smile tugging at his lips.

Poppy exhaled with relief, her focus shifting back to the array of treats on the shelves. "I'm glad it's you and not a prefect," she replied. "What brings you here?"

Ominis paused for a moment, contemplating his response. "I couldn't sleep, so I figured a light snack might do the trick. Have you stumbled upon anything particularly delicious?" he inquired.

"There are slices of apple pie on this shelf, pastries over here, and some of that chocolate pudding," she mentioned, indicating the assortment of treats available.

"Could you please get me some of the pudding?" Ominis requested.

"Certainly," Poppy replied, fetching a couple of bowls to serve the pudding. She joined Ominis at a nearby table and handed him a bowl.

"Thank you," Ominis said, a gentle smile adorning his face.

"You're welcome," Poppy responded softly.

They sat in quiet companionship, savoring the creamy pudding. Each spoonful offered a moment of respite from the nightmarish thoughts that had plagued Poppy's mind.

"What has been keeping you awake at night?" Ominis inquired, breaking the silence.

"Pardon?" Poppy replied, her voice tinged with surprise that he's noticed.

"You've seemed different lately," Ominis clarified. "Something has been troubling you."

Poppy paused, her spoon suspended mid-air above the bowl of pudding. She directed her gaze towards the dessert, her appetite suddenly waning. "I've been... experiencing vivid dreams from my childhood," she admitted cautiously.

Ominis, sensing her hesitation, leaned in with a gentle expression. "Are these dreams, or rather nightmares?"

Poppy took a deep breath, contemplating how much to disclose. She had never shared the extent of the horrifying trauma she had endured, not even with her Gran. "Nightmares," she finally admitted, her voice laced with weariness. She stole a glance at Ominis, observing his typically stoic demeanor transform into one of genuine concern.

"To be haunted by one's past is an agonizing burden," he said, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I understand that feeling all too well. You need not say another word if you're not ready."

Poppy was exhausted, not just physically but mentally as well. The nightmares had persisted since her encounter with her parents, and the weight of her unspoken trauma was becoming unbearable. She felt as though, at any given moment, she would crumble.

Was she shouldering too much on her own? Poppy wasn't entirely certain, but at this moment, sitting in the dimly lit room with Ominis Gaunt, she had a growing sense of trust and felt that he would listen without judgment.

"My parents forced me to carry out terrible acts against magical creatures when I was a child," she began, her voice filled with a mix of pain and vulnerability. "It started with small tasks, like casting Silencio on Fwoopers or plucking the whiskers from Kneazles."

Pausing briefly, Poppy observed Ominis, his attentive gaze giving her the encouragement to continue.

"My father soon realized the immense profitability of Unicorns through their hair, horns, and blood. The first time I had to harm a Unicorn, I..." Her voice trailed off, the memories still hauntingly vivid. "I couldn't bring myself to do it again after that initial instance. In response to my defiance, my parents resorted to repeatedly subjecting me to the Imperius Curse, forcing me to cause excruciating pain to countless creatures."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she shared her story. Although recounting the painful memories was difficult, there was a sense of catharsis that accompanied the act of opening up.

A gentle touch brushed against her cheek as Ominis met her gaze, offering her a handkerchief to wipe away the tears. "You were just a child. You mustn't blame yourself," he assured her, his voice filled with empathy.

"I've come to accept and forgive myself for what happened. It's just the ongoing struggle of dealing with the memories. Some days, I wish someone would obliviate me and rid me of these awful flashbacks," Poppy admitted, as she took the handkerchief from his hand, dabbing the tears from her cheeks.

"If it's any consolation, the challenges you've faced have shaped you into an incredible person. You are nothing like your parents. In fact, I've never met anyone as genuine and kind as you," he expressed, his heartfelt words reflecting a profound admiration for her true character.

His kind words caught her off guard, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and appreciation. Prior to this spontaneous meeting, she had never paid much attention to Ominis. Unlike his Slytherin counterparts, he always seemed to carry an air of quiet mystery around him.

But at that moment, as they sat together in the dimly lit kitchen, she saw a different side of Ominis. There was depth and vulnerability in his hazy eyes that she had never noticed before.

"Thank you, Ominis," she said softly. "I'll admit, I never expected to find support from someone like you. You seemed so, "she paused, calculating her next word carefully. Unapproachable? Stand-offish?  Intimidating? "... Reserved," she finally settled on.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Ominis' lips as he met her gaze. "Sometimes, the quiet ones carry the weight of the deepest emotions," he replied, his voice laced with melancholy. "We all have our struggles."

"What do you struggle with?" she asked.

He paused, his gaze shifting slightly as he contemplated her question. "That's a story for another time," he replied cryptically. "I don't want this to become too much of a pity party."

"Ah, ever so mysterious," she remarked playfully, though a small part of her felt a tinge of disappointment that he wasn't ready to share as openly as she had. Perhaps he needed more time to feel comfortable opening up to her.

They finished up the last of their pudding in silence.

"It's getting late. I should take my leave. This has been an unexpected but pleasant encounter," he said with a faint but genuine smile as he rose from his seat.

"Yes, you're right," she said reluctantly as she wished they could prolong their conversation a little while longer. She had no desire to face her nightmares so soon.

As they made their way toward their respective common rooms, Poppy noticed that she still held Ominis's handkerchief in her hand. "Oh, I still have this!" she exclaimed, extending her hand to return it.

"Keep it as a memento of our friendship," he insisted, placing his hand on top of hers, enclosing the handkerchief with his icy yet gentle touch.

"If you ever find yourself in need of someone to talk to, remember that I understand you, and I'm here for you. I promise. You and I... we aren't so different after all," he mused, his thumb gently caressing the back of her hand, offering a glimmer of comfort for the delicate girl.

Without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around Ominis, cherishing the warmth of his chest. The tender embrace filled her with a deep sense of comfort, erasing the feelings of loneliness and isolation. As she listened to the rapid rhythm of his heartbeat, a profound realization washed over her—the weight of her struggles was no longer hers to bear alone.

"Thank you, Ominis. I'll treasure it always," she expressed, her words filled with gratitude, as she gently released herself from the embrace, leaving the boy slightly flustered.

"Goodnight, Poppy. I'll see you tomorrow," he managed to say, his voice carrying a mix of emotions.

"Goodnight, Ominis," she replied softly, a warm smile gracing her lips as she made her way toward her dormitory.

As she settled into her bed, a sense of lightness enveloped her heart as she thought of Ominis's unexpected kindness.  The knowledge that he genuinely comprehended her pain brought her solace, giving her a renewed sense of hope. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, embracing the tranquility that had eluded her for so long. It was the best sleep she had experienced in quite some time.

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