Chapter 14

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"So Alfie, are you available for some more Quidditch practice tomorrow morning as well? Same time?" Imelda asked as they reached the Slytherin common room.

Alfie hesitated for a moment, contemplating his response. "I'm sorry, Imelda. I have other plans, so I won't be able to make it," he replied, his mind already filled with thoughts of his upcoming rendezvous with Poppy.

Imelda's brow furrowed, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "You won't make the Quidditch team if you slack off like that," she remarked, her concern for his commitment evident.

Alfie scoffed, "You didn't mention anything about tomorrow ahead of time! Besides, I did pretty well today, didn't I?"

"Beginner's luck," she remarked dismissively. "What do you have going on tomorrow anyway that's so important? Quidditch tryouts are in a few weeks, you know."

Alfie raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her sudden desire to monopolize his free time. "You know, not everything revolves around Quidditch, Imelda," he quipped.

"It does for me!" she retorted sharply.

Alfie felt a wave of frustration wash over him. "Well, if I'm being honest, Quidditch isn't too high up on my priority list right now. I'm only doing it because you asked me to."

"Oh, so you can't think for yourself?" she remarked, her words laced with stinging accusation.

"Excuse me? What has gotten into you?!" Alfie asked incredulously, his patience wearing thin. The once enjoyable Quidditch lessons and excursion to Hogsmeade were now tainted by their escalating argument.

"Ugh! Just never mind. Whatever," Imelda muttered before storming off towards her dorm room. Alfie watched her retreat, a perplexed expression on his face. He took a seat by the comforting warmth and gentle crackling of the fireplace and closed his eyes, feeling the exhaustion seep into his bones after a long day.

The sound of approaching footsteps caught Alfie's attention, and soon enough, Sebastian approached him, promptly taking the seat opposite. "I reckon she likes you, and she's upset that you won't spend more time with her," he suggested with a mischievous smirk.

Rolling his eyes at the remark, Alfie dismissed it with a shake of his head. "I think her mind is more focused on winning the Quidditch cup this year. She wouldn't stop talking about it at the Three Broomsticks today. If anything, she just wants me on the team to improve Slytherin's chances."

Sebastian smirked, sensing Alfie's confidence. "Cocky, are we?"

Alfie shrugged. "I'm actually pretty decent at throwing a Quaffle, you know. But even if I decide not to try out for the Quidditch team this year, I had fun practicing today. It was a good mental exercise for me," he admitted, reflecting on the enjoyment he had derived from the sport.

"Fair enough. So, what's on the agenda for tomorrow that's preventing you from enjoying your exclusive and private Quidditch lessons with Imelda?" Sebastian inquired with genuine interest.

"I'll be meeting with Poppy. We have a lot to discuss," Alfie replied, his voice carrying a hint of sadness.

"She told me about what happened... with her parents."

Alfie's eyes widened, puzzled by the revelation. "Why would she confide in you?"

"You weren't present at Crossed Wands yesterday, and we ended up having a conversation. She seemed upset that you weren't there," Sebastian explained.

Mixed emotions surged within Alfie—a flicker of relief that she had noticed his absence, coupled with a pang of guilt for causing her distress.

"I suggested that she talk to you because I know that sometimes we do terrible things for the people we care about, even when we don't mean to, " he added.

The Badger and the Snakes || A Poppy Sweeting Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang