oeyä tìyawn ~ neteyam sully

By grapefruitkat

79.1K 1.8K 228

a broken girl trying to live meets a boy trying to prove himself all characters aged up neteyam x oc More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twentyone
chapter twentytwo
chapter twentythree
chapter twentyfour
chapter twentyfive
chapter twentysix
chapter twentyseven
chapter twentyeight
chapter twentynine
chapter thirty
chapter thirtyone
chapter thirtytwo
chapter thirtythree
chapter thirtyfour
chapter thirtyfive
chapter thirtysix
chapter thirtyseven
chapter thirtyeight
authors note
book two
alternate ending

chapter fourteen

2.1K 56 2
By grapefruitkat

After a few days of Beatrice and Neteyam being inseparable, Neteyam teaching Beatrice as much as he could of Na'vi, how to shoot, and beginning to learn how to track, Jake had to pull Neteyam away for a war run. Beatrice was also impressed by Lo'ak being asked to join as well, messing with his braids excited for him. The three men left early that morning, Beatrice and Kiri weaving baskets outside of the tent as they chatted on. Kiri also helped with Beatrices Na'vi, making it so she understood it like English.

The two girls were interrupted by Spider joining them, causing Beatrice to wiggle her eyebrows at Kiri subtly. He asked if he could steal Kiri away, wanting her help in mixing paint for his stripes. Beatrice happily shooed them away, smiling to herself as she finished her basket. She got to work on a bracelet she had been planning to make herself to match her necklace, weaving the material together tightly. Her loose hair kept falling into her face, making her groan out in annoyance. She continued to weave the bracelet, adding in small beads she had been working on. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Tuk yelling out that the war party had returned, making Beatrice look up and smile, shoving the half made bracelet into her pouch and running over to the ledge the ikrans would perch on. Her tail flicked around anxiously as she searched for Neteyam, Jakes loud voice catching her attention.

She followed after it, her heart sinking when she caught sight of Jake scorning his kids, Neteyam with scrapes all over his body. Beatrice rushed over, checking over Lo'ak and giving him a small peck on his head before rushing over to Neteyam, circling him as she inspected the scrapes. She listened as Jake yelled at them, frowning as she watched both of the boys ducking their heads. Kiri ran up to her, inspecting the cuts with her as Neteyam tried to take responsibility for the mistake.

"Yeah you do, thats right, because youre the older brother! You gotta act like it." Beatrice frowned at his words, trying to catch Neteyams eyes, but he wouldnt meet them.

"Ma'Jake, your son is actually wounded." Neytiri stepped in, Beatrice lowering her ears at how upset Neytiri looked at Jake.

"Mother, i-its fine." Neteyam stuttered out, his voice low. He finally looked at Beatrice, sadness filling his face. Beatrice looked back at Jake, a stern look on her face as Jake sighed heavily.

"Lets go, get patched up. Go on, dismissed." Jake said, waving his hand to get Neteyam moving. Beatrice followed after him, looking back sadly at Lo'ak to which Lo'ak only shook his head, giving her a tough smile. She turned her head back around to Neteyam, his tail finding hers and intertwining them as they walked to Mo'ats tent.

"Tey, what happened?" Neteyam sighed, reaching over and grabbing Beatrices hand tightly.

"Well, you know how we were supposed to stay in the air and keep watch?" He asked, only continuing after Beatrice nodded, "well, we went down to the ground. I tried to get Lo'ak to listen, but then a bogie came flying in and started shooting. We ran, but they sent something big and i just remember flying into the air." Neteyam explained, flattening his ears against his head. Beatrice slapped his arm, getting ready to launch into a yell, before realizing she slapped him on a cut and he was wincing now. She sighed, rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand, letting out a soft apology. He only shook his head, leaning over and kissing her on the forehead.

They walked into the tent, Kiri behind them and immediately joining in with her grandmother to mix herbs together. As Neteyam sat, Beatrice helped crush some of the herbs Kiri needed, placing them in her bowl as she mixed. She then sat next to Neteyam, watching as Mo'at took over and started working on the cuts. Tuk ran in, sitting in front of Neteyam and Beatrice, starting a conversation with her older brother. Beatrice watched as Lo'ak walked in, looking down, followed by Spider. Beatrice met Lo'aks eyes, silently asking if he was okay. He forced a smile on his face, nodding. Beatrice gave him a look, making him sigh and walk over to sit next to her.

"Want me to kiss it better, Teyam?" Spider teased, giving him a kissing face before Neteyam shoved him softly. Beatrice listened as Kiri spoke with her grandmother, smiling at their exchange. She turned her attention back to Lo'ak, placing her hand on his shoulder gently.

"What happened?" She asked softly, making Lo'ak sigh loudly.

"I just wanted to be brave like him. But he always yells at me." Lo'ak admitted softly, Beatrice sighing and rubbing his shoulder.

"One day, he'll understand. I promise." She assured, giving him a gentle smile. Lo'ak only nodded in response, looking down at his hands.

Beatrices attention turned back to Neteyam after hearing his hisses of pain, taking his hand and rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb. He looked over at her, giving her a painful smile, squeezing her hand as he felt more stinging.

After a while, and what felt like forever for Neteyam, Mo'at finished patching him up. Neteyam rolled his shoulders, groaning softly. Beatrice smiled sadly at Neteyam, helping him stand.

"Lets go somewhere?" She asked quietly, minding his siblings around them still. Neteyam smiled, nodding his head as he grabbed her hand, running back to the ledge where the ikran landed. He called out, Beatrice looking over the edge and scrunching her nose. She had always had a fear of falling, but enjoyed being high up. She took a step back as she saw his ikran incoming, smiling wildly at the beast who chirped at her. The two climbed on, Neteyam sitting in front this time. Beatrice wrapped her arms around Neteyams waist, resting her head on his shoulder blade as she watched them fly over the world around them. Neteyam held onto the saddle with one hand, his other hand coming to hold Beatrices thigh, rubbing his thumb over her skin. Beatrice blushed at his action, stroking her fingers over his stomach softly causing his muscles to twitch before they flexed, a laugh escaping his lips.

"You are ticklish?!" Beatrice screamed excitedly, Neteyam groaning loudly knowing he was screwed. Beatrice laughed evilly, screaming as the ikran suddenly dived thanks to Neteyam. Her grip around his waist tightened, not relaxing once they leveled out again. Neteyam let out an evil laugh in return, rubbing Beatrices thigh as she pouted.

Once they landed, Neteyam took off running knowing Beatrice would try to tickle him again. Beatrice chased after him, the air filling with both of their laughs.

Beatrice was only able to grab Neteyam after he tripped over a small root, Beatrice jumping onto him immediately. The two fell to the floor, Beatrice coming out on top and sitting on Neteyams waist, immediately starting to tickle his stomach and sides. Neteyams laughs were maniacal, causing Beatrice to laugh at him as she continued.

"Y-you win! You win-n! My love, let me go!" Neteyam stuttered out between laughs, Beatrice giggling as she stopped. She watched as the Na'vi caught his breath, his arms laying by his head. He stared up at Beatrice, looking her up and down which caused her to blush, starting to climb off of his waist. Neteyam quickly grabbed her waist, keeping her there. "I like the view." He whispered, raising one of his hands and tucking her hair behind her ear. Beatrice smiled shyly, rolling her eyes. Neteyam kept his hands on her waist, circling his thumbs over her hips.

"I like when you call me that.." Beatrice whispered out, her hands resting on Neteyams chest. He smiled cockily up at her, sliding one of his hands down to her thigh.

"My love." He spoke softly, causing Beatrice to smile again. She chewed on her lip, causing Neteyam to scrunch his eyebrows together. "What is the matter, baby?"

"How would you define.. us?" Beatrice asked softly, avoiding his eyes and looking down at her hands on his chest. Neteyam smiled to himself, cupping her cheek gently.

"I am yours if you are mine." Neteyam murmured confidently, tracing her lips with his thumb. Beatrice finally looked back into his eyes, smiling against his finger.

"I have always been yours, Tey." She whispered, lowering her ears slightly. Neteyam sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her sitting on his lap. Beatrice grinned at him, holding onto his waist.

"One day, if you will still have me, i will ask you to forever be mine." Neteyam promised, whispering as he looked down at Beatrices lips. Beatrice nodded softly, too nervous to speak.

Neteyam cupped her cheek once again, continuing to stare at her lips. Beatrices breath hitched in her throat as she watched him move closer, her eyes fluttering close as she moved to meet him halfway. Neteyam connected their lips, letting out a groan, kissing her passionately. Beatrice wrapped her arms around his neck, panting against his lips as they deepened the kiss. Neteyams hand slid up from her cheek into her hair, bunching his fist full of her hair. He flicked his tongue over her bottom lip, Beatrice parting her lips and meeting his tongue before allowing him in. Neteyam let out another groan, his hand on her waist sliding down, down, down until it rested on her ass, gripping it softly causing a whine to escape from Beatrices lips.

Neteyam pulled back from the kiss, kissing along Beatrices jaw and down her neck slowly, nipping every so often. He finally pulled away, knowing if he didnt stop now, they wouldnt. He rested his forehead against hers, panting against each others lips as they both caught their breath. Neteyam licked his lips softly, placing a gentle kiss against Beatrices, unable to help himself. He smoothed out her hair gently, Beatrice smiling as she opened her eyes to meet his.

"I love you." Neteyam whispered, causing Beatrices heart to sing. She played with one of his braids at the back of his head, sighing happily.

"I love you." Neteyam grinned at her words, leaning forward and kissing her sweetly once again. The two broke away, Beatrice leaning against him tucking her head under his head. Neteyam slowly laid back, keeping Beatrice close, the two intertwining their legs and tails as they cuddled on the forest floor.

"My parents and i are going to be out for a while tomorrow." Neteyam spoke softly, twisting Beatrices hair around his fingers. Beatrice hummed softly in response, tracing shapes on Neteyams chest.

"I will just hang out with your siblings and work on something i have been making." Beatrice murmured, spiking Neteyams interest.

"What have you been working on, Ma'Bea?"

Beatrice couldnt help but smile at his words. "You will find out soon, do not worry." She listened as he huffed, giggling softly before raising her head, resting her chin on his chest. "We should get back, Nete."

Neteyam groaned, sending her a pout. Beatrice sat up, pulling him with her, causing a loud whine to leave his lips. The two made it back to where they originally landed, Neteyam calling for his ikran.

"You know, you will be ready to choose your own ikran soon." Neteyam spoke as they flew back to home, one arm wrapped around her waist as Beatrice sat in front.

"You shush!" Beatrice scolded, leaning forward and petting Neteyams ikran lovingly. "Do not listen to him, i would never betray you." Neteyams ikran chirped loudly, causing Beatrice to laugh as she sat back up, Neteyam rolling his eyes. Beatrice turned her head slightly, grinning at her Neteyam, him unable to prevent the smile from growing on his face before he leaned forward and kissed her.

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