Being Mrs Dantata

By Latifahefua

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Book two in the Dantata Series: a sequel to Architect and Mrs Dantata. Hanan Sufyan is a foreign trained grad... More

From Latifah, With Love
Book 3: Mrs Mahmud, Mrs Mas'ood
Bonus Chapter 01
Bonus Chapter 02


1.4K 150 2
By Latifahefua

Zayd travelled at the end of the first week of April. No matter how many times Hanan asked, he wouldn't let her know where he had gone.

"He does that from time to time." Amal said when she pulled Hanan along for Ramadan shopping. "He just waits until you're busy and then he'll call to innocently say 'Oh, Amal, I'm currently on a flight. I'll be back soon'. Or 'I forgot to tell you, I'm in so and so place and I won't be coming back today so please don't stay up waiting for me.'" She rolled her eyes. "He just likes disappearing and giving someone a heart attack." She sighed. "We still love him either way so..."

Hanan said nothing. She tried to imagine being married and waking up on mornings to not see Zayd. As they moved to the next aisle, Amal suddenly stopped and turned to face her, excitement written all over her face.

"Well, since Zayd is out of town and he wouldn't be back for a few days, why don't you come and sleep over?"

Hanan immediately shook her head. "Nah, that's a very unplanned and I don't –"

Amal, who would always be a perfect emotional manipulator, pouted and put on her cutest look. She let of the trolley and linked her arm with Hanan's.

"Come on, Hanan. We'll have fun. Besides, we can get used to staying together so it doesn't seem new when you and Zayd get married." She smiled warmly. "That's if you decide you want to live with Zayd and I. I know you are still considering it."

"You're too observant."

Amal grinned. "I am! It helps a lot and it got me up to this point with you." She leaned in, still smiling. "So, what do you say? Is it a yes or is it a yes?"

Hanan laughed. She could never say no to her. It was too hard. "It's a yes, Amal. You didn't give me any other choice."

Amal squealed, totally forgetting the fact that they were in an extremely busy shopping complex. "Thank you!"

Hanan's cheeks burned when people turned and she pushed the trolley forward, quietly replying. "You're welcome."


Zayd and Amal's home was one Hanan could never get tired of even though she'd only explored the ground floor the first time she came over; on the day she and Zayd decided they wanted to be together. So far, her favourite feature was the terrace that nearly went round the length of the ground floor and then there was the turaren wuta that lingered in every corner. Amal explained that Stephanie burned it for hours each day so the scent hung around the house even on the days they did not burn the traditional incense.

She loved the photo of Amal and Zayd in the living room too. She could stand for hours and never stop looking at it. She loved it that much.

Both of them dumped all they had purchased in the kitchen. Stephanie had closed for the day. Amal then took Hanan's hand and smiled widely.

"Come on, I finally get to take you upstairs." Excitement rolled off her in waves. "You didn't want to go up when I asked the last time."

Hanan laughed, allowing the other woman lead her back to where the staircase was. "I was shy. I'm always shy."

"And it's an adorable trait you have, Hanan, trust me."

There were five bedrooms in total on the first floor; the master bedroom that Zayd and Amal shared, a smaller master's that was Amal's personal room and then three regular ensuite bedrooms; one of which had been converted to a home office. There was a cosy family lounge too and Hanan loved the floral paintings of Amal and Zayd which hung on the wall.

Only the master bedroom and Amal's personal room had terraces and Hanan loved the view. Amal was like a giddy school kid as she took Hanan from one point of the house to another, explaining how every space came to be. Hanan loved all of it and there were so many things that crossed her mind at once.

"This was the room I always thought of you in." Amal said with a small smile when they stepped into the last room. "It's a bit basic but in my head, it was a lot different."

Hanan looked around, colours and complimenting pieces already coming together in her head. She swallowed softly and fully faced Amal. "So, if I decide to stay here, I'll take this one or the other one?"

Amal immediately nodded. "Yes. Anyone you like."

Hanan swallowed again. With slight discomfort, she asked "What if I don't want to stay?"

Amal's reply was sincere. She and Zayd had considered it that week. "That's alright too." She then pouted. "Just don't go too far. I really, really like having you around."

Hanan laughed, relaxing. "I won't, I promise." She couldn't even dream of it. She loved being with them or close to them. "Besides, the last time I came over, you said there were a number of unoccupied buildings in the estate."

Amal's face lit up and warm hope bloomed in her chest. "I did!"

"The estate's nice so if I decide I don't want to stay here in this house, I'll choose to stay within the estate. Who knows?" She smiled at the mental image she had. "I might be next door or a few blocks away."

Amal squealed in excitement. It happened a lot when she was around Hanan. She put her hands together. "Please just get married to Zayd soon, I beg you!"

Hanan laughed again. "We'll get there In Shaa Allah." She looked between the doors when they stepped out of the room. "So where am I going to sleep tonight?"

"My room! Come, let's get you settled."

Hanan did not plan on staying for more than two days but she did because Zayd kept postponing his return and Amal won't let her leave so easily. Both of them had fun.

When they weren't at work, they spoke about everything and anything. They watched countless movies and got started on series that they dropped halfway for various reasons. They ate a lot too. Hanan did most of the cooking when Stephanie wasn't around, completely fine with the fact that Amal wasn't much of a kitchen person. Amal was more than happy to stuff her stomach because Hanan cooked well and she was also more than happy to dreamily watch Hanan fit into every part of the house.

They learnt a lot about each other. Amal realized soon enough that Hanan was the female version of a side of Zayd. She kept to herself more than half the time to work on something and when she wasn't doing that, she just listened to what Amal was saying. She also had sudden bursts of energy. Hanan, on the other hand, learned that Amal's energy burned out quite easily and when it did, she would cling onto someone like a little baby until she fell asleep.

Hanan stayed until the first day of Ramadan which fell on Tuesday, April 13th. While she got ready to return to Lugbe so she could drop her things, get changed into her khaki and head to Area 1 for CDS, Amal looked ready to cry.

Hanan laughed at the other woman's expression. "Amal, I really need to go."

"But you can come back." Amal did not want her to leave. "Come on, Hanan, you can't just leave me alone after we've been so close all week."

"We can do this again In Shaa Allah." Hanan couldn't bring herself to stay one more day even though she really wanted to. "I haven't worked so much on the estate all week."

"That's because you always closed early to come back and meet me." Amal stomped her feet like a child. "I'm more important!"

Hanan smiled and nodded. "Yes, you are more important." She sighed and draped her veil over her head. "Unfortunately, I have clients to meet so I'm going to have to get back to my usual schedule. We can do this again soon, I promise."

"I'm going to hold you to that."

"Feel free."

"And I'm taking you with me to every Iftar I'm invited for."

Hanan made a face. She buttoned the cuffs of her sleeves. "I'm not so sure I'll be comfortable with that..."

Amal unlocked her phone. "I won't push it if you aren't, I promise...Let me call Sa'ed. He should better start coming home. He's been away for long enough."

Nearly an hour after Hanan left, Zayd walked into the house. Amal made a face at him, her arms folded across her chest. "I hope you enjoyed your trip, Architect Dantata."

He smiled at her and let go of his box's hand. "I did!" He quickly looked around. "Hanan's gone?"

Amal's sigh was heavy. "Yes, she is. I tried to get her to stay but she's like you, always busy."

"You know that's not true."

Amal rolled her eyes and closed the space between them so she could hug him. "It's true." She tightened her arms around him when he hugged her back. She closed her eyes. "God, I missed you."

"Me too, Amal," He kissed her forehead. "I missed you too."

She pulled back to look at him and her smile started out slowly. "So, how was Edo?"

Zayd smiled back. He reached up to untangle her hair. "It was really nice. We should go together soon. Her family wants to meet you. They're the nicest people."

"Seeing how you stayed there for a while, I can guess they are." She laughed. "If Hanan finds out that this was planned behind her back, she's going to murder both of us."

"I'll gladly let her do it." He kept his hand in her hair and his eyes on hers. "I met every important person in her family. A few weren't so nice but we can do without them. I got their permission to come and ask for her hand after Ramadan."

She gasped. "Are you serious?!"

He nodded. "I am. Her father was worried that we seemed to be moving really, really quickly but her mother and sister were so excited. According to Hauwa, it's better to settle quickly than drag the entire relationship and get tired. I have a feeling both of you will get along really, really well."

He then made a face at the tangled nest on her head. "Did you comb your hair this morning, Amal?"

She shook her head with the most innocent expression. "I did not. I washed it last night with Hanan and we were too lazy to do anything about it." She smiled at him. "You'll help me comb it out koh?"

His expression fell flat. He should have known. "I just got home."

She smiled wider, knowing she just had to pull a few more strings to get him to yield. "Come on, Sa'ed. Please..."

He did not bat a lid. "No."

"Zayd, come on." She did not want to pout but he was leaving her with no other choice. "Please."

"No, I won't. You should have –"

She decided to change tactics. "Then I won't tell you what Hanan plans for the both of you in the nearest future."

He cleared his throat immediately. "Just this once, Amal. I'm combing this tangled nest just this once."

She grinned. "Of course." She stepped back and took his hand in hers. "You can tell me all about your trip as you're doing so."

"So what did Hanan tell you?"

She laughed as they ascended the stairs. "Calm down, Sa'ed. Patience is a virtue."

"Mine is currently wearing thin."

She smirked. "Better make it thick."

"I hate you right now."

She laughed again. "I love you too, Sa'ed. I always will."


Hanan knew Zayd was back but she did not get the chance to see him until he appeared beside her on Thursday when she spoke with one of the new house owners at the estate. They – the new house owners – were moving in and needed advice on how to utilize the space.

She had not heard Zayd approach, thanks to the noise of things being moved about. When she finally felt his presence beside her, she turned and nearly screamed.

Zayd smiled amusedly. "Calm down, Hanan. It's just me."

She put a hand on her chest in an attempt to calm her racing heart. "God, you scared me."

"I'm sorry." He turned to smile at the couple she had been talking to; a middle aged man and his wife. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr and Mrs Hamma. I hope you love the place."

"We do!" The woman said, overflowing with warmth. "The interior is so beautiful. I heard someone from your company did it."

Zayd nodded. "She's standing right beside me."

Hanan was tempted to step on Zayd's foot. She and Jane's allocated area of the estate turned out better than the others so there were a lot of people asking about her as they already knew Jane. Hanan was determined to stay low but Zayd had other plans. The couple gushed about the entire place and commended her humility, leaving her a flustered mess.

When they were done and goodbyes were said after congratulations, Zayd and Hanan walked out side by side.

"Wherever you went did you good." She said, coming to stop outside the building. They faced each other and she squinted underneath the harsh sun. "You look good. Way better than I remembered."

"So do you." She looked absolutely stunning and it did things to his heart. "Are you sure you're fasting?"

She nodded, an amused expression on her face. "I am. Why is everyone asking me that?"

He raised a brow. "Someone else asked?"

She nodded again. "My neighbours have been asking that question since I returned home. They say I'm too energetic for a fasting person and that I'm looking prettier when others seem to be losing weight although it's only day three."

His brow shot up higher and his jealous raised its green head. "Are these so called neighbours men?"

"Are you jealous, Sa'ed?" She cocked her head, smiling at him. "You know I live in a male dominated compound."

He did not smile back. "We should get you out of there soon. I don't think anyone else should call you pretty."

"Including my family?"

"They are an exception, but only them." His eyes narrowed when she laughed. "I'm serious, Hanan."

It made her laugh harder and he pursed his lips, putting his hands in the pockets of his loose trousers. He was casually dressed, something she still wasn't used to. The same way she still wasn't used to him in babanrigas. She was used to him to suits but did it still mess with her heart? More than anything. She was a goner.

She spoke when she sobered. "I'm sorry. It's just so funny."

"Glad to be of comical service." He said flatly. She burst out laughing again and he sighed heavily. "You are going to be the death of me, Hanan."

She calmed down minutes later and they walked forward, no clear destination in mind. She then asked "So how was your trip?"

"It was really nice. I enjoyed it."

"Are you still not going to tell me where you travelled to?"

He shook his head, his smile small. "Not now. I'll tell you soon, I promise."

"How soon?"

"Before Ramadan ends." He stopped and faced her, both of them standing between two of the houses she had worked on. "I'll tell you before Ramadan ends, I promise."

"I'll hold onto that."

His smile widened. "You can do that." He admitted a moment later. "I missed you, Hanan. I missed you a lot."

Her smile was bashfully beautiful. "I missed you a lot too."

His eyes narrowed. "Even though you were cheating on me with Amal?"

She laughed. "God, you're such a character."

"Amal told me all about it. Sleep overs, movie nights and even karaoke! Don't get me started on your spa sessions and kitchen dates." He had been pained when Amal went on about it the night of his arrival. "You even left work early each day just to meet up with the activity you two had scheduled."

She turned and continued walking, her smile refusing to leave. "It's not my fault. She's nice to be around. We're best friends now."

Zayd could not believe his ears. He went after her. "And I'm not nice to be around?"

"You're jealous of Amal now?"

"No, I'm not!" He sounded like a spoilt child. "I also want to do all those with you. Amal's living my dream life and she's rubbing it in my face."

Her cheeks were on fire and her heart felt like it was going to burst. "We'll get to do them soon. Just hang in there, Zayd."

That made him smile proudly. "And I'm going to rub it in Amal's face."

She nodded, laughing lightly. "Sure, you do that."

She could already see Amal sticking out her tongue at him, telling him that at least she got to hang out with Hanan first. The mental image made her smile wider. They walked on and then turned around to walk back to the house they had left because their cars were parked there.

They were close when he suddenly asked "Are you free on Saturday?"

She nodded. "Yes, I am. Why?"

He stopped and so did she. She faced him and he exhaled slowly. He held her gaze as he replied. "My parents want you to come for Iftar."

Her heart dropped and her throat closed up. He offered her a small smile.

"I know it's sudden but I don't think I can say no to them anymore. We have been together for nearly three months now and they found out about you since January." His chest squeezed when colour drained from her face. "Are you okay?"

She nodded before letting out a shaky breath. "Y-Yeah, I just need a moment." She exhaled again, her voice strained when she spoke. "Your family wants to meet me. I'm definitely not scared."

He chuckled. "They'll love you."

That did not make her feel any better. "You don't know that."

He so badly wanted to reach out and put his hands on her shoulders but he could not so he kept them in his pockets instead.

"I know that, Hanan. You're an amazing person and I'll personally take offense if they don't see that."

Even her laugh was shaky. "That doesn't make me feel better."

He took a small step forward, way taller than she was. "They will like you, Hanan. I'm sure of it." She stared at him and he had to keep his hands in his pockets. The urge to hold her shoulders was getting overwhelming. "You'll be okay. We'll be okay."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded. "I am."

She held onto his words to keep her sanity. She had no other choice.

Friday ended quicker than she expected and the hours flew by on Saturday. She told her parents via phone call about meeting his family and they assured her that she would be fine. She just had to be herself and everything else would fall into place.

After Asr, she took her bath and hard a hard time deciding what to wear. She finally settled for the black dress with a peach sash that Linda had bought for her after her graduation and a matching crinkled fabric veil. She put her wallet and her phone in the black sling bag she chose to take with her and then proceeded to wrap the fruit basket she had gotten for the Dantatas. She had it at the back of her mind that Zayd would object; he had asked her to not bother about getting anything.

Amal and Zayd arrived to pick her up at exactly 5:45PM and both their smiles dimmed when they saw the fruit basket. Hanan smiled nervously. "I couldn't stop myself."

Zayd could only sigh. "Let's go, Hanan."

Amal told her that she looked pretty and Zayd seconded the statement. They engaged in little conversations and she was grateful as it eased her nerves a little bit. The Dantatas lived on Damaturu Crescent in Garki 2 and the nervousness returned in full force when they drove into the secure compound.

Amal took note of the cars already parked. "Mas'ood's around."

Zayd unbuckled his seatbelt. "So are Aliyah and Zafeenah. They're early." He opened the car door. "We're walking into a full house."

Hanan considered bolting just so she did not have to face them but it would be a futile attempt so she sucked it up. Zayd carried the fruit basket for her while Amal linked her arm with hers, assuring the nervous female the Iftar would go well. Zayd rang the doorbell and the double doors went open a minute later, knocking breath out of Hanan's lungs.

Zainab Dantata looked elegantly simple in an Ankara printed gown, a matching veil draped over her head. She smiled at them, focusing on Zayd first. "You're late."

He smiled back, his smile warmer than Hanan had ever seen. "Lugbe traffic can be annoying, Mama. You know that."

Zainab turned to greet Amal who excitedly responded. Then her eyes fell on Hanan and her gaze softened. "Masha Allah. You must be Hanan."

Hanan nodded. Her smile was nervously tight. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Dantata."

Zainab stepped forward. She took Hanan's hand in hers. "It's more of a pleasure to meet you." She reached up to pat Hanan's cheek. "You're so pretty." She then faced her son and shot him a dirty look. "Why haven't you brought this beautiful woman since?"

Zayd rolled his eyes. "Mama, let's not start."

Zainab eyed him and turned back to Hanan, her smile wider than it had been. "Come on in, my dear." She gently took Hanan away from Amal and Zayd. "This dress of yours is so lovely. Christopher, bring a pair of slippers here!"

As both women disappeared into the house, husband and wife faced each other with matching smiles on their faces. They bumped fists and Amal's smile widened as she said "One down, four more to go."

Mas'ood Dantata already knew Hanan but it felt as though they were meeting for the first time. He made her laugh and Zainab softly hit him, telling him to not make Hanan laugh too much. Aliyah Dantata had come with her daughter and she was so pleased to see Hanan. Zafeenah Dantata, who was visibly pregnant, had the same reaction.

Hanan eased up slowly. Umar Dantata was the last to join them. She held her breath when he regarded her for a long moment with an impassive face. Then he smiled and stepped forward to ask "Do you like apples or pineapples?"

Clearly puzzled, Hanan slowly nodded. "I love both."

Umar grinned while the others had different reactions. He faced Zayd. "I approve." He then looked from one person to the other. "All of you are demoted. This is my new favourite person."

Mas'ood groaned. "Baba, you have to be the only one in this world who likes eating pineapple and apples with yoghurt."

Hanan gasped. "It's a beautiful combination, especially when frozen."

Umar cheer was loud for a man his age. "Yes! Finally, someone understands me!" He had to stop himself from hugging her. "You slice it bah?"

She nodded, all nerves gone. He loved her secret obsession. "Yes! I usually peel the pineapple first before I put it in the fridge with the apples. Then I cut them into tiny chunks and put them in a big bowl. The yoghurt comes last and then I put it in the freezer until I'm ready to eat it."

Umar wanted to shed happy tears. "You are my new favourite person, Hanan. Just wait until we finish eating. I will specially share my bowl of our favourite food with you. Just you and me, Hanan."

She nodded. It took a lot of effort to not bounce on the heels of her feet. "I can't wait."

Zayd sighed defeatedly. "I guess I'm going to have to get used to that."

Pineapples and apples, Hanan found out, were two fruits the Dantatas did not like eating together. Umar said each time he did it with yoghurt, they treated him like he was committing an atrocity. It was the only flaw Amal had, according to him. She preferred apples and grapes and he did not like grapes so much.

They all had to pull him away from her minutes to the Maghrib Adhan so they could collectively make Dua. It was then Zayd brought their attention to the fruit basket Hanan had gotten even after he told her not to.

Zafeenah snickered, her hand on her bump. "You got another stubborn woman, Ya Zayd."

Zayd shook his head, looking dejected. "I got another one, Feenah. I got another one."

They thanked her for the fruits and Umar sternly told them to stay clear of the pineapple because his "future daughter-in-law got it for him". They broke their fasts together and prayed Maghrib right after. Dinner was a hearty affair with a lot of food options to choose from and fruit juices made with so much love.

They asked Hanan various questions which she replied to, smiling the entire time. It was easy for them to like her and it was easier to notice how Zayd got bewitched each time she spoke. At one point, Zainab had to get back his attention which made them laugh, Hanan's cheeks a deep shade of pink.

They cleaned up together and a short while later, Hanan was left in the kitchen with Zainab and their male help, Christopher who Zayd explained was now the unofficial son of the family because of how long he'd been with them.

Zainab handed Hanan another glass of tamarind juice with a smile. "I noticed that you liked it earlier."

Hanan took the glass from her, smiling back. "It's better than all the ones I've tasted. Thank you."

Zainab shook her head. "No, I should be the one thanking you."

"I haven't done anything."

"That's what you think but the happiness radiating off Amal and Zayd says otherwise. Zayd in particular." Her smile was so warm and beautiful. "Thank you for coming into their lives, Hanan."

Hanan bashfully lowered her head. "It's not a big deal."

"To be very honest," Zainab began, "when Zayd first spoke about his feelings for another woman, I got scared because I didn't know how Amal had taken it. They tell each other everything so all I could think was whether or not Amal knew about it."

Her smile did not waver and she held Hanan's gaze when the latter raised her head.

"When he told us that Amal had been the one to introduce you two, I calmed down a little. He had always said it from the start that he didn't want to have a polygamous marriage. But I guess we have to learn that Allah knows what's best for us, right?"

Hanan nodded. Her voice was nearly a whisper. "Right."

"I told him it was up to him. We were going to support him no matter what." Her smile widened. "I'm glad we did. He met an amazing woman."

Hanan was moved to tears. Zainab stepped forward and placed a hand on Hanan's shoulder, smiling a bit wider. "It's our first time meeting, Hanan, but it feels like I've known you my whole life. And that is a long time by the way."

Hanan blinked back her tears and let out a small laugh. Zainab continued. "You and Zayd have my full support. Just keep committing that atrocity with my husband alone because I can never understand how you two enjoy that abomination."

Hanan laughed hard at that and so did Zainab. When they sobered, the older woman spoke again. "I just want you to keep being true to yourself. I know you and Zayd are going to be okay. Only a few people are blessed with the relationship you have with the both of them and I pray Allah strengthens the relationship for you all."

"Ameen." A tear slipped and slid down Hanan's cheek.

"And please allow us meet your family soon. I'm all for this."

Hanan sniffled and nodded. "Soon In Shaa Allah."

Zainab's facial expression was so soft it melted Hanan's heart. "If you ever need anything, Hanan, do not hesitate to come over. You're always going to be welcome here, okay?"

Hanan nodded again. "Okay." Another sniffle. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Please don't cry. It'll break my heart."

Hanan knew then where Zayd had learnt that line from. Zainab stayed with her in the kitchen until she was much calmer before they joined the others in the living room. Zayd's smile dimmed when he noticed she had cried. She smiled at him and told him she was okay.

Umar asked her to come with him and she could not say no. He took to his study which doubled as his home office and she took in everything, awed at the wall that was filled with medals, framed certificates and trophies for each member of the family. Zayd had the highest number of awards. Umar's words were similar to Zainab's but for a reason she could not understand, they hit harder.

"Let me start exercising my bones." He said and she laughed when he began to stretch. "They said Edo roads can be very unpredictable."

She nodded. "Whoever told you that was right."

"I hope your people like our favourite fruits."

She nodded again, smiling wider. "Yes, they do. My sister and mother love them but not more than I do."

"Ah, then we should hurry up and visit them. I will rub it in everyone's face."

They laughed about it and he then said they should go back down to pray Isha and Taraweeh. Before they left the study, he told her "You're a part of my family now, Hanan, so never hesitate to come if you need anything, no matter what it is."

She nodded, tears threatening to resurface. "I will In Shaa Allah."

"And maybe we can draw up a blueprint together. Sa'ed said you don't like dealing with blueprints but be rest assured that I am a very funny man and also be rest assured that there will more than enough pineapples and apples for you to snack on. I can get you cartons of yoghurt too."

She laughed as they made their way downs. "I'll keep that in mind. I'll look forward to it."

He grinned, clearly satisfied. "Good. I'll look forward to it too."

After praying, she and Umar sat to eat the promised pineapple and apple in yoghurt while the others avoided them; Zainab clicking her tongue when she came to get water from the kitchen. Aliyah and Zafeenah alongside Mas'ood forced themselves into Hanan's schedule while Amal warned them to steal Hanan from her. Hanan laughed the entire time while Zayd watched everything with a fond smile.

When Zainab came to stand beside Amal, she spoke quietly so the others wouldn't hear. "I'm guessing polygamy ended up being the option that worked out for you two."

Recalling their conversation back when she brought up the issue, Amal smiled softly. "It did." She faced the older woman. "I promise it was all the most genuine reasons, Mama."

Zainab smiled back just as softly. "I'll never doubt that, Amal. You have no idea how strong you are."

Colour stained Amal's cheeks. "I'm just trying my best. It's all Allah."

"May He continue to make things easy. May He continue to grant you three the best too."

"Ameen...Thank you so much, Mama."

"You're welcome."

When it was time to say goodbye, Zafeenah asked Hanan to spend the night and Zayd sternly said no. Amal sided with him and Hanan promised to visit soon.

As they made their way to the parking space, Umar quietly told his son. "Call your grandparents. We should get you two engaged and set to wed as soon as possible."

Zayd nodded. He smiled as he watched Amal push Mas'ood away from Hanan. "I will, Baba. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Hanan smiled throughout the drive back to Lugbe and Zayd kept glancing at her through the rear view mirror. Amal discreetly took videos of the both of them, making wedding plans in her head. She just had to find the right time to introduce Hanan to her friends.

She just hoped they loved her as much as she did.

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