A glimpse of dawn~ connor x r...

By connors_pookiebear

177 11 0

when you love the unlovable. "perhaps it is the greater grief after all to be left on earth when the other is... More



5 0 0
By connors_pookiebear

„to the ends of the earth,
would you follow me?
theres a world that was meant for our eyes to see. „
-lord huron

Y/n POV-

We finish off our dinner, light hearted conversations slowly floating back up to the surface. Me and Hank get a few drinks, Chris being the only noble person here. I don't even know if Connor can drink.

By the time I finish my last bite of food, I enter the weird drunken stage of euphoria. Although a little woozy, a new sense of confidence rushes through my bones. Chris talks about his wife, his homelife.

Mid sentence, I interrupt him. „How's it been lately? You know, with your wife. New hobbies, you know. Maybe a new baby?" My words slur slightly, making Hank giggle dramatically. Chris groans, „No. Y/N, you really need to go home and get some sleep." I let out my own little giggle, „Why, so you can go home and sleep with your wife? Shucks, I ain't got noooo one to sleep with. Ha. Ha."

My head slumps over, hitting the edge of the booth seat. „Ow."

I see Connor's light flicker yellow, his body stiff. „Your embarrassing me. Go. Home." Chris sighs, his hands rubbing deep into his temples.

I reach out to grab his hand, „Ooh, lookie here. You have some nice hands..." Chris jumps , trying to pry my fingers off of his hand. I continue, anyway, „The veins are niiice. Bet your wife likes those too-„ „OKAY." Chris yells, thrusting his arm away from me. „Your done. Let's get you home."

I groan, bored already. You know, I get the appeal of a sex robot now. I could say these things and the robot wouldn't care, he wouldn't pull away like I was some physco for thinking hands are hot.

Maybe thats what I should do after this. Get a nice, classical, deep-

Hank interrupts my thoughts, „I'm tired. Take me home." I plop my head onto the table, not wanting to get up. The silverware bounces, hitting me against my head. I can feel my hair sprawl out everywhere, food probably getting mixed in through the strands. Hank tries his best to push my out of the booth, but I subconsciously groan loudly and moan from discomfort.

Quickly realizing what I did, I laugh. Normally, I might be embarrassed, but all I feel is my cheeks flush and a smirk enter my face.

I feel an arm pull me, and when I look up, it is Chris, dragging my from out of the booth. Connor stands behind him, his eyes seemingly bewildered. „Come on, get up."

Hank slithers around me, stumbling out of the seat. He just walks to the front door, waving bye. His feet don't walk straight, and Chris runs to make sure he gets to his car okay. Chris frantically turns to me and yells out, „Ill try to be back in a minute... I might have to drive him. J-Just stay here a second!"

I stretch my arms out slightly, giving him a thumbs up. Stumbling, Connor catches me from faceplanting onto the floor. I land with my face inbetween his arm and chest, his other arm holding my back so I don't fall the other way. I laugh, „Ha. Ha- Ni-Nice catch there bud." My voice muffles through his clothes, his height too tall for me to be able to talk past his shoulder.

When I lean back, trying to face him, I fall backwards, despite his arm shielding me. He catches me, barely. Standing over me, he counts. „Okay, up on 3. 1, 2-„ Before he even hits three, I feel a rush of air pass my face. I groan, barely able to process my surroundings.

When I have a lack of a response, he asks, „Would you like to go home?" I nod, my eyes drooping. If I tried to form a cohearent sentence right now, I would only end up embarrassing myself.

His low, airy voice tries to comfort me. „Would you like me to call a cab?" I shutter, mumbling out what I can, „No. I need to.. Car. My car." He sighs, patting my back slightly. When he pulls me back, I feel his stray tuffs of hair brush against my own. „Y/N, you cannot drive home like this. You'll hurt yourself and others."

I don't lift my head up to him, only my eyes. „Pleaaaase?"

He only stares at me for a moment, the corners of his eyes folding. Creases form, his light pink lips parting in thought. „I'm sorry, Officer, but you can't." I hear a little heartbreak in his voice, vibrating in the air between us. His voice, forward, programmed. Straight yet caring, makes  my heart rush slightly, my brain fumbling thoughts together. I chalk it up to the alcohol.

Next thing I know, his hands pull me towards the door, one hand on my side to make sure I don't tumble and one on my arm to guide me. His own arm stretches behind me to reach my side, and every once in awhile I feel his jacket brush against my spine.

He kicks out his leg to open the door, using his legs to keep the door open for us. His grip on me doesn't loosen, it only tightens. I feel guys glaring at me, disgusted. Every time though, I feel his fingers grip my body slightly more. My drunken state is probably imagining it, though.

As we push our way through the door, the cold evening air greets me. It mocks me, making my skin flush even more then before.

Wind pushes against my body, making me tumble. Connor mumbles, „Oh, hey there." I chuckle, both from embarrassment and surprise. I stumble to the bench that sits outside of the restaurant, Connor slowly taking a seat next to me. I see his light flicker yellow, and I turn my head to him. He speaks, „I would like to call a cab. Okay, thank you." His light returns to normal. „What was that about?" I ask, sniffling through the cold air.

„I just made a call, a cab is on the way." „You can do that? Without even picking up a phone?" He only looks at me, and lets out a smile. His eyes soften from their normal, dense state. „I can."

I nod my head, yawning, turning  to face the road. Tired, it takes me a few seconds to realize small snow flakes hit me.

Connors pov-

The cold air surrounds us, brisk. Tiny drops of snow slowly fall through the air. Landing against her skin, and my own. She seems in a daze, but the feeling of the cold ice brings her back.

She shivers, abruptly looking up to the sky. Her hair slides down from her face, the messy strands flattening from the slight dampness of the melted snowflakes. Her nose, her ears, her whole face has a rose tint to it. She looks more pale then she normally does, clearly not adjusted to the cold.

She slowly reaches her hand out, the other arm wrapping against her chest in an attempt to keep herself warm. Her leather jacket and skirt don't exactly suffice.

I watch, droplets slowly increasing on her hands. The white dissipates into water, dripping between her fingertips. When I look back to her face, she only stares out into the distance. Her silly, drunken demeanor seems to have vanished. She's only left with a hollow, confused, still drunk mind.

Her lips part, the corners drooping. Shadows cross against her jawline, her under eyes, and her cheekbones. Perfectly contorted, the dim lantern lights shining slightly against the high points of her face. A small snow drop lands on her eyelashes, causing her to blink multiple times. By the time she rubs her eye, she has turned to me. Instinctively, I keep my gaze.

A part of me sees this moment as tense, trying to take care of a drunken coworker. But another part of me thinks of this as her friend. She's been mean to me, laughed at me, confided in me, even though I've only known her for a few weeks. Maybe we aren't so different after all, both unwanted. Left outside, sitting on a bench in the cold winter.

I remember, that I am just an android following my task to make sure my boss gets home safe.

When we lock eyes, I look away. I straighten my back, and try my best to return to my old mood. The one that wasn't filled with these confusing thoughts.

When I glance back, her eyes soften at me. Puppy dog eyes, almost. „Did I do something? Are you alright?" The words hit me. I quickly turn to face her, „No, of course not. Y/N you did nothing. I just... was trying my best to remain formal."

She frowns, disappointed, „Why?"



„Because thats my job."
„And my job is to be working on criminal cases, not to be drunk and hanging out with an android on a very late evening, yet here I am."

I furrow my eyebrows, „But your human. You get to disobey." My words settle within me, and within her. She turns away from me, digesting. She stays silent for a moment before asking me a question. „Why did you call me a cab?"

I tilt my head in confusion, „Because you would be unsafe driving home influenced by alcohol." My head splits between two reasonings, 1. because she could have gotten hurt and 2. because I need her to complete my job, my mission.

She laughs slightly, her arms tightening around her body. Her chest rises, her stomach moving inward. „Mhm," She mumbles, „Ive done it before, Connor. I could have done it again." I sigh, „Doesn't mean you should."

I notice her body stiffen, practically frozen. Her hands shake slightly, and she blows out cold frost. More snowflakes land on her, making her face more pink. Her eyes flicker to me, a serious undertone in her voice „Do you feel the cold?" Confused, I only look at her. What does she mean? I mean, I understand what she means, but... what?

I can only mutter a few words, „Yes, I can. It does not hurt me, or bother me like it might bother you, but I can feel it." Her eyes narrow, her legs turning to face me more. I notice her head tilt, like she is analyzing my answer. I feel.. uncomfortable. Is this how humans feel when I scan them?

„Connor, touch my hand." She reaches her palm out, her movements smooth. Shocked, I only stay still. She groans, „Are you gonna make this awkward or just follow suite?"

Quickly snapping back to reality, I move my hand to hers. I rest it over her own, and I feel her frozen finger clench over my own.

„Your not..." Y/N thinks for a moment, „I can't feel if your cold. You feel warm, actually." She chuckles. When I don't say anything, she continues. „Normally, every other time I've touched you, you feel cold. But.. not now. Is your body like, self regulating?"

Although cold, the warmth of her hands leave my own and I am left feeling empty. She hastily leans back, her head swinging slightly. Still not sobered up, I assume. „I wish I could do that. I would give anything to be an android." She mumbles, closing her eyes. I ask, „But you don't seem like a huge android activist, I am, after all, just a machine."

„And I am just a human." The silence afterwards is what settles within me, but she quickly finishes her statement. „The past few days, Connor, I have changed. Actually, the past month. We are both here for a limited amount of time, so I don't see a reason with wasting my time and harassing androids. It doesn't benefit me."

I can only smile at her, and the silly demeanor seems to take over her again. „You have dimples." She giggles, pointing to my face. I let my smile down, but she immediately yells at me. „No, smile again! That's when you had dimples!"

I can feel my system falter.

When I have no response except maybe a slight eyebrow raise, she sighs. Giving up, she collapses back into the bench. Only a few moment pass before I hear a car pulling up to the road in front of us. The bright yellow cab, with no human in it to drive it, honks. She giggles, mumbling ‚goose' under her breath.

By the time I get Y/N to the car, she only plops into the backseat. One hand resting on top of the car, and the other on the car window, I make sure she is settled in. Her eyes flicker to me, „Thank you, Connor." I hear the car engine start back up, so I lean away.

„Anytime, Officer."

Totally off topic, but author here.

I wrote a poem, and I thought it might be nice to share it. It's about love, the beautiful way of love, but the scars it leaves.

Shooting star

The stars float below the dark sky,
Singing the songs of a sweet siren
Sparkles drip down like a small babies cry.

I told the stars about you,
They glow when they hear your name
And the moon hangs above my head.

Icarus loved the sun,
the beautiful brightness
But you shine even more
A candle in the dark night sky.

I reach my hand up,
My fingertips grazing the cold dark moon
Your love falling into my palms cup
Glitter running down my wrist.

Your eyes sparkle
Like a shooting star
Chilling my spine,
Leaving a mark in my heart, a beautiful blue scar.

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