His Multiple Personality Diso...

By KookfilmFiction

270K 17.4K 3.6K

"You should stay away from me, I-I can hurt you" Taehyung whispered almost at the verge of crying. "You can n... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
New story 😀
New story (2)😀😀
MPD Season 2??

Chapter 54

2.6K 216 54
By KookfilmFiction

Warning ⚠️
- Has minute fat-shaming (not that severe)
- Can also degrade your self-esteem.
Read at your own risk:)


Y/n laid on the bed of the guestroom. She started to sniff her body. Her eyes teared up.

'I can't take this.. I-I can't!'

She cried curling into a ball, there was no one to her now. For one moment, she thought of just running out of the house, but after coming so far, how could she give up on her love?

The love who protected her through all her bad times how can she go and just push him back in darkness, then there'll be absolutely no difference between her and her sister.

She sighed heavily and convinced herself.

"Let's just fight it off.. just hold up for few days y/n.. for your love"
Saying that to herself, she closed her eyes.

Next Morning.

Y/n woke up. She rubbed her eyes.

"I'm hungry, Taehyungie"
She muttered but once blurry vision cleared and realisation hit her.

She sighed sadly.

'Unfortunately, that wasn't a dream..'

For the first time in life, she hesitated to open the door and just go out. She feared this personality, who degraded her in every way possible.

She stood up and walked inside the restroom to freshen up. Once she was done with it, she came out.

She stared at the closed door.

'Maybe he's still sleeping.. I must go and take something for myself to eat, then I'll run back and lock the door'

She planned in her mind and with a determination she opened the door and tried to ran out, only to run into the figure, who stood just outside her room and fall down on her bum.

She hissed and looked up. Her expression paled when she noticed Jack standing with his usual grin.

Jack: "Why are you running? I was waiting for you.. it's been a long already"
He chuckled.

I crawled back, until my stomach growled. I startled as I looked down.

Jack: "Hungry, aren't you?"
He crouched down at my level, since I was still on the floor.

I nodded looking everywhere but him.

Jack: "Didn't you had dinner last night?"
He asked softly.

Y/n clenched her jaw.
"Did you let me?"

Jack smirked.
"Bold huh?"

He grabbed her throat, pinning her down on the wall as he hovered over her.

Jack: "Keep your boldness to yourself. Remember, you're just my pet! You're no wife to me, to talk like that, okay?"

Y/n gasped for air. Jack tightened the hold.


Y/n felt her insides blocking. She tried to speak but his hold didn't let her.

She made a thumbs up sign. Jack loosened his hold around her neck. She coughed out, trying to breathe in as much air as she could.

Jack who was still hovering her, watched her expressions closely. His gaze didn't waver from her paled up face, that was gaining some colour.

Jack: "Can I help you with breathing, wifey?"
He smirked but it dropped soon as she held her chest. She was nowhere close to breath in. Jack held her in place.

Jack: "Hey! Breath in you stupid! How weak lungs do you have?!"
It was for a while when she suddenly stopped struggling.

He squinted his eyebrows. Until, she stuck out her tongue.

Y/n: "I scared you, didn't I?"
Something churned inside his stomach, but he couldn't point out what that was.

He looked away and stood up.

Jack: "Go and cook food!"
He spat and walked away. Y/n sighed.

Y/n: "I survived.."
She stood up and caressed her throat as she made it downstairs.

Y/n was just making some good breakfast, until her vitals gave up.

She was hungry as heck. Absolutely having nothing since a day already, she felt sick.

She looked around and upon finding no Jack watching she decided to shove bread in her mouth.

She took a small bun and shoved it all inside her mouth, biting on it rapidly.

She froze once she heard footsteps again. She munched on the bread as her life was dependent on it.

She tried to gulp in, only to choke. She hit her chest rapidly.  Jack had no idea what was going on, he leaned in to look at her fearful expression, only to frown.

Jack: "What the heck is happening to you?!"
He yelled.

Jack: "Such a careless stupid you're under the name of an adult!"

He grabbed a glass and filling it with water he handed it to her.

Y/n took big sips, pushing down the lump of bread, finally breathing. She didn't look up to see Jack's expression, but she could notice his stare on her.

Jack: "Eating without my permission, right?"
There comes his smile again.

Y/n: "I-I was just hungry.."

Jack: "You're always hungry! Are you a pig?"
She looked down and continued with the cooking.

Jack: "Why did you even marry me? Go and look at the other girls. They care about their figure more than you do. Here eating like a pig! For once pig will be satisfied but you.. you would never stop eating!"

(A/N: pigs are cute tho ;))

He stated calmly, but the words held poison themselves, enough to break her self-esteem.

Y/n looked at him with her glossy eyes.

she yelled and placed the cooked egg on the plate.

Jack grabbed her wrist tightly and pinned her against the wall.

Jack: "I don't really know where you are getting that confidence from, am I not punishing you enough? Huh? Aren't you afraid of me?"
He grabbed her cheeks, squeezing them.

Y/n hissed in pain.

Y/n: "I-I'm not used to it"
And it just made him angrier than he already was.

Jack: "I feel like killing you right at this moment but--"
He took a deep breath and gripped her hand dragging her towards the bedroom with absolutely no words.

Y/n panicked when he did that.

Y/n: "J-- M-master.. master leave me! W-where are you dragging me?"

Jack: "Dragging where you belong!"

Y/n: "M-master.. spare me"
She hated it, hated it to call her own husband master.. the same person who have loved and protected her like the gem she was.

Now here she was, unknown with the fact of what punishment she was about to go through. Was he going beat her? Or lock her again?

Jack: "No! I'm not gonna spare you anymore, you need to know what wrong are you doing!"
He grabbed her inside the bedroom and shut close the door behind, pushing her down.

Y/n crawled back, looking at him with fear filled eyes.

Y/n: "I-I'm sorry.. p-please this last chance master.. I-I beg you"

Jack: "Ugh! How desperate and disgusting are you sounding! So soothing."
He asked placing himself on the chair just in front of her, as he watched her.

He paused.
Jack: "You don't want any punishment, right?"

Y/n shook her head.

Jack: "So answer my questions correctly okay? Once you do, you'll be spared and if you cannot you'll take the punishment as a good girl you're, okay?"

Y/n gripped on the floor.

Jack: "Okay! Starting with the very first question.. Do you think I'm merciful?"
He asked stretching his voice this time.

Y/n was literally sweating yet she shook her head in denial. Jack smirked.

Jack: "Wrong answer! Come on y/n-ah, I show mercy just like I'm showing to you now by asking questions just so you'll get saved from my punishment"
He pouted, feeling disappointed.

Y/n gulped, her eyes were cast on the floor.

Jack: "Next question! Umm.. Do you think you're beautiful?"

Y/n shook her head again.

Jack: "Correct! Very good girl!"

Y/n teared up.

Jack: "Third question! Do you think I'll punish you?"
He whispered, now crouching down, looking at her intently.

Y/n: "P-please--"

He yelled. Y/n flinched and held her ears.

He took a deep breath.

Jack: "Answer me, my baby.. come on."

Y/n sobbed. Jack sighed and sat back on the chair, now he was manspreading as he stared at her worthlessly.

Jack: "I did try to give you a chance but since you're not obeying me even now, I have to punish you.. it's for your betterment okay?"
He said in concern.

Jack: "I want you to get up first.. do it quickly"

Y/n looked up, and noticing his stern expression, she stood up with wobbly feet.

Jack: "Apologize to me.."
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

'Didn't I do that already?'

She was about to apologise when he butted in, looking at her in menace.

Jack: "Apologize to me properly.."
He emphasised the word 'properly'

Y/n looked at him. 'W-what is she supposed to do?' She was startled by the loud laugh.

She stared at him in horror as he continued to laugh out. He wiped his fake tears, his laughs dying down.

Jack: "Okay! Since you're dumb from birth, let me tell you how to apologise properly.."
He smirked.

Jack: "Kneel down"
He demanded. Y/n tilted her head.

Jack: "Kneel down baby.. I'm just teaching you how to apologise. Get on your knees now."

Y/n bit on her lip in humiliation. She pleaded with her eyes only to get a menacing look in return. Chills ran down her spine, just not to make it any worse for herself, she knelt down.

Jack's eyes shone in excitement and authority.

Jack: "Now go on and apologise.."
He said sweetly.

Y/n looked down, as tears of humiliation ran down her cheeks.

Y/n: "I-I'm really sorry.. please forgive me.."
She whispered. Jack squinted his eyebrows.

He leaned towards her confusedly.
"What did you say? I couldn't hear you. Say it again?"

Y/n: "P-please.. forgive me.. I'm sorry"

Jack: "Forgive me what?"

Y/n: "Please.. forgive m-me Master"
She sobbed later, now crying covering her face behind those palms. She cried out pathetically infront of him.

Jack felt satisfaction. He felt indescribable pleasure surging through his veins. He loved it.

Jack: "I forgive you.. you're a very good girl"
He muttered. Y/n continued to cry. She felt as if she had no self-respect. Her respect was completely crushed down under his feet.

Jack stared at her, he stood and caressed her hair bending down.

"Such a good pet of mine, aren't you?"
Y/n didn't reply him. Jack wasn't having any of it. He grabbed a handful of her hair.

Jack: "Did you get your punishment?"

Y/n: "Yes m-master.."
She whispered back, out for Jack's content.

He crouched down and wiped away her tears.

Jack: "Go ahead and hug me."
He himself didn't know why he said that.

Y/n looked at him as she shook her head crying and crying harder. Jack clenched his jaw and hugged her himself.

Y/n didn't hug him back but yet she couldn't resist, it held the same warmth as Taehyung and all his alters held, she snake her arms around him shakily and hugged him back, not tight enough but still to cry her heart out.

Jack: "Just be obedient.. you won't be crying this much later."
He said it softly.

Time Skip.

Y/n sighed heavily as she tried her best to get some sleep. She was inside the guestroom, she had no heart to go and look for him, to know what he's doing.

She just wanted to sleep, she was tired, tired after cooking with absolutely nothing eaten. She didn't try to take bite, she just kept her head hung low and went on accepting whatever orders he gave.

Her eyes slowly closed on themselves, as she knew she was drifted to her dreamland.

On the other hand..

Jack was looking at the plate, that was served by him. He couldn't afford her getting sick or something. He's a very good husband, in front of the world after all.

'But why should I take it for her? Anyways, once I'll ask her to eat she'll have to eat it anyways, I don't think she would dare to disobey me.'

He thought to himself and walked upstairs into the guestroom, he slightly peeked in and found her sleeping soundly. He cursed underneath his breath.

Jack: "Y/n! Wake up"
He budged her. Almost going deep in slumber, y/n opened her droopy eyes.

Jack: "Go and eat food. You always worry your husband. Get up and eat your dinner before sleeping"

Y/n slightly smiled and nodded sitting up. Finally she'll eat food. Thinking that to herself she stood up only to stumble and collapse herself on him, unintentionally.

Jack startled, but he held her instinctly. He gulped when he felt how soft her touch was, even though she was gripping his arm.

Again, after a moment of realisation he pushed her away. Y/n was wide awake by now. Jack just wanted to slap her face but he forbid himself to do so.

Jack: "Why do you go and just start sticking yourself to me huh? Disgusting!"
He spat and walked out of the room.

Y/n wasn't in her state of mind to listen to him. She dragged her weak body towards the kitchen and with no thoughts, she started digging the food placed on the plate.

She teared up in happiness as she munched on it happily. Her heart was blooming in content.

Jack watched her from upstairs. Something tugged his heart, he scoffed at the feeling and went inside his room, closing the door after.

It was for a while after when he heard a knock at the door. He stood up lazily and opened the door. There stood y/n fiddling with her fingers.

Y/n: "C-Can I call my sister in law?"

Jack smirked.
"Such a good pet.. just one punishment made you this obedient."

Y/n was waiting for an answer.

Jack: "You can't call her"
He denied straight away and was about to close the door saying that, when y/n spoke up.

Y/n: "W-why?"
She really wanted to talk to Mia. She felt like he would say yes, but he just kept her hopes shattering into smaller and smaller pieces.

Jack: "You're not supposed to question me! I don't allow you that means I don't!"
He yelled sternly and shut close the door.

Y/n stared at the closed door in despair. She sighed out shakily.

Y/n: "You don't make me feel like I'm a human, Jack. Why are you doing this to me? Please.. hand me the phone. I won't say anything.. I just want to talk.. please"
She whispered sliding against the door, down on the floor and continued to cry.

Her teary gaze fell on the main door. She gulped and stood up. Slowly and steadily she walked until the main door. She tried to open it but to her dismay, she couldn't.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

'Keys? W-where are the keys?'

She thought to herself searching for the keys.

Jack: "Are you searching for this?"
He asked. Y/n froze. She gazed up with her hooded eyes only to find Jack, showing off the door key.

Jack smiled.
Jack: "Take it.. and go"

He placed the key on his palm and stretched it towards her. Y/n licked her dry lips, her forehead was sweating in anxiety. She shook her head.

Y/n: "I-I don't want that"

Y/n flinched, backing away. Jack took a deep breath and smiled yet again.

Jack: "Take it, now"
He scowled. With tiny steps, she walked over to him. Her hands were trembling as she tried to take the key.

Jack's smirk was getting wider, once he found how hard she was trembling, because of him..

Once she touched the key, Jack grabbed her hand. Y/n shivered.

Jack: "Thinking of running away? Am I not treating you, well?"
He sulked. Y/n struggled to get off from his hold.

Jack: "I'm very disappointed. You're leaving me when I care for you this much"
He muttered caressing her face softly.

Jack: "Just because I didn't let you talk with your sister, you're angry on me?"
He pouted now cupping her cheeks.

Y/n: "I'm sorry--"

Jack: "Ugh! I'm not angry at you. Not at all. It was my fault that I didn't allow. What's wrong with that right?"
He said and fished out his phone.

Y/n's eyes lit up, and she was about to hold it until he pulled it back.

Jack: "No.. you want this right?"

Y/n nodded.

Jack: "Then how does a good pet asks for something?"
Y/n clenched her fist when he smiled softly at her.

Her smile was always something she loved to see, but his gaze.. it didn't give her homely vibes.

She backed away.

Y/n: "I don't w-want the phone.. anymore"
She muttered softly.

Jack: "Oh really? Okay, but that doesn't mean you're free from the punishment. Since you tried to run away"
He whispered leaning towards. Y/n gulped.

Jack: "I don't like abusing my wife.. I can't do that so go ahead and slap yourself."

Y/n looked down at her feet.

Jack: "Didn't you hear what I say? SLAP YOURSELF!"

Y/n jumped and slapped herself softly. Jack clicked his tongue.

Jack: "Harder!"
She slapped herself again.

Jack: "I should hear that click sound, SLAP!"

Y/n finally cried out and slapped herself harder. Jack smirked and examined her cheek that was red with her fingerprints marked on her cheeks.

Jack: "See.. you made it red. Why are you hurting yourself?"
He smiled.

Jack: "Now let me call Mia. Don't you dare speak anything.. since you've disobeyed me many times.. not anymore, got it?"
Saying that, he searched for Mia.

He smiled looking at y/n who was nowhere in a state of mind to look at him.

"Mia.. nice name, isn't it? Much better than yours"
He spat and put the phone on the speaker.

"Hello? Mia?"

"Hey Taehyung! How are you and y/n?"

Y/n's eyes slightly lit up to hear her voice, she wanted to talk to her but she was afraid.

"We both are very good. Y/n slept early, I thought of calling you."

"Did you both have your first night?"
Jack took a pause and looked up at y/n.

"We didn't. I want her to get comfortable with me first."

Mia on the other side smiled softly.
"I'm glad Tae.. you're such a good husband to her.."

Y/n clamped her mouth crying softly.

Mia: "Okay, you know what it's late. Go back to sleep, okay!"

"Ok.. bye"
He said that and hung up.

Jack: "Hey, don't cry. See your Mia is fine, and she talked to me as well. Didn't you hear her? Okay, wait. To cheer you up, I'll take you on a date tomorrow"

Y/n shivered under the name of the date.

Y/n: "D-date?"

Jack: "Mhm.. let me show you, how other girls are better and more beautiful than you.. piece of shit."

Y/n looked away. Jack stood up ready to leave, but his attention was caught by the figure behind him, who was sitting on the floor, staring at void.

Jack: "Get back to your room! Wait.. Don't. Sleep where you are, right on the floor that's what you deserve"

He stomped and went towards his bedroom. Y/n sat on the floor helplessly.

Her mind and heart both were shaken by the mention of date. Date with him?

The next chapter will be quite of toxic than this. 

What do you guys think? 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

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