Our Time Together // Jihyo X...

By WritingRey

89K 5.9K 1.9K

Jihyo and Y/N are a married couple with two kids. Y/N is a manager in a big company while Jihyo is a rookie j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
New Book!

Chapter 48

1.1K 99 25
By WritingRey

Two years later

For the past two years Y/N and Jihyo have been doing very well. Jihyo worked really hard to gain Y/N's trust back and she succeeded in that one. They're back the happy, loving couple that they were before. Jihyo's relationship with the kids got much better as well. Jihyo has spend so much time with them in the past two years that it seems like the kids forgot that Jihyo was absent for a while before that.

Jihyo's parents kept their word and they have stopped harassing the couple. Jihyo brings Yewon to her family's house once a week and they treat her very well. They feed her, play with her and they give her gifts and money as well. Even though they really love Yewon, they still hate Jihyo's marriage and they don't want to accept Jihyo back which Jihyo doesn't mind at all. As long as Y/N and the kids are by her side, she doesn't care.

Although Jihyo's parents don't want to speak to her, her younger sister has been trying to talk to her. Every time Jihyo takes Yewon to their house, Dahyun is the one to approach her. So naturally they build up a relationship again. They're not as close as when they were kids, but at least they contact each other now and then.

Jihyo has found a job at a clothing store shortly after she resigned from her previous job. Her current job is way different than being a journalist, but it's actually way more peaceful. No one is looking down on her, no one is bothering her and people aren't looking at her like she is the worst person to ever exist. She doesn't have long working hours either so she has lots of time to spend with her family.

She does get sad sometimes that she couldn't fulfil her dream of becoming a journalist, but seems like it was never meant to be. She's happy now and that's all that matters.

As for Y/N, she has been attending business classes for the past two years, which Jihyo found odd. Y/N never told her why she was doing it but she figured that it must be because she doesn't have a college degree. But it's still odd because Y/N has already lots of experience in business and Mr. Minatozaki had taught her a lot, so why is she taking business classes? She knows Y/N well enough to tell that Y/N is planning something but she has no idea what. 

"Mom, didn't I tell you to not carry Minseok all the time? He's heavy." Nayeon scolded her mother. Minseok is Nayeon's one year old son. She and Jeongyeon decided to have a kid after a long discussion. Both Jeongyeon and Nayeon are successful in their careers so having a kid wasn't something they wanted at first but after a while they both started to feel like they were missing something in their lives which happened to be Minseok.

"Yah, why do you keep acting as if I'm old and weak? I can hold him perfectly." 

"Mom, you're not as healthy as before. The doctor said you need to be careful." Jeongyeon reminded her.

"I can't see him, let me at least hold him. He's not heavy." This made both of them keep quiet. Although the woman lost her vision completely, she's doing fine. She still has her restaurant that she's running with her brother and Chaeyoung is now working with them full time. Since her mother lost her vision, she can't work like before so Chaeyoung decided to take over. They were all worried at first because Chaeyoung is lazy and doesn't like to work but to their surprise she's running the restaurant well. It seems like seeing her mother in a state like this made her realise how she can't keep living off of her sick mother.

"Today was so crazy busy at the restaurant. Mom, how could you handle all of that?"

"I guess it's a talent." She chuckled. "I was lucky to have your uncle by my side. Without him it would've been really hard."

"Yeah, thank you uncle for saving me today too." Chaeyoung hugged her uncle who was sitting beside her.

"We're here!" Yunseo ran into the house with his parents.

"Oh Yunseo-yah, come here. I haven't seen you in a while." Nayeon hugged her nephew. "Where's Yewon?" She asked

"She's at her friends house. They're having a sleepover." Y/N answered as she took Minseok from her mom and hugged him. "Aw aren't you so cute?"

"Mom how are you doing? How's your health?" Jihyo asked her mother-in-law.

"I'm fine Jihyo-yah, stop worrying about me. I won't die before I see Chaeyoung get married."

"Mooom, we already talked about this. Don't you see that my relationships don't last more than a few months?"

"That was because you were stupid and lazy. You're working now and you have your own income. You're not as stupid as before. Who knows maybe someone will start to tolerate you?" Y/N chuckled.

"You think I want to be single at this age? I want to love too. It's just I haven't found the right person, it's not that easy. Besides Nayeon unnie also got married late, but look at her, she even has a kid."

"Yeah, she's right. Don't pressure her too much. You kept pressuring me too but it didn't help. Her soulmate will just show up out of nowhere." Nayeon smiled looking at Jeongyeon. It's crazy how Nayeon really disliked Jeongyeon in the beginning but now they're in love, married and have a son.

"Oh I have to take this call. I'll be right back." Jihyo said when her phone rang and went to the other room.

"Guys, come closer. I have something to tell you." Y/N gestured them to come closer to her because she doesn't want Jihyo to hear her. "I started everything up. It should be ready until next month. I'll surprise Jihyo on her birthday."

"Oh my God really? You finally went for it?" Nayeon raised her eyebrows.

"I did. I hope she'll agree." Y/N smiled weakly.

"She will. This was your dream, I'm glad you're using that money to do something that will make both of you happy." Her mother smiled.

"I bet you'll be really successful." Jeongyeon patted Y/N's back.

"I'm really proud of you unnie." Chaeyoung approached her and hugged her.

"Why are you guys hugging?" Jihyo asked coming back from her phone call.

"Y/N unnie just said that she'll take all of us out for dinner;" Chaeyoung smirked.

"W-what? When did I say that?"

"Just a minute ago, we all heard it." Jeongyeon joined on teasing her.

"Yeah, I heard it too." Nayeon chuckled.

"All of us heard it." Uncle couldn't hide his smile. Y/N just sighed in defeat and agreed to take them out for dinner. 


Today is Jihyo's birthday and it's the first time in their marriage of 13 years that Y/N has planned a huge surprise for her wife. Since it's Saturday and the kids are at home, they decided to go out in the morning for breakfast. Later on they went home and Y/N's mom, uncle, sisters and Jeongyeon came to visit for Jihyo's birthday. 

"Thank you all for the gifts, you didn't have to." Jihyo smiled at them lovingly.

"Mom, we got you a gift too." Yewon and Yunseo approached her. "It's not much but we did what we could." 

"Omo, you two are already that grown up to get your mother a gift?" Jihyo smiled and hugged both of them tightly. She opened the little box and found a cute necklace.

"This is beautiful, thank you." She patted their heads and gestured for Y/N to put in on her, which Y/N did.

A few seconds later the doorbell rang, to which Jihyo furrowed her eyebrows. Everyone is here already, who could it be?

"Did you invite someone else?" Jihyo asked Y/N. Maybe it's Mina or Tzuyu? Jihyo and Y/N did invite them but they both said that they're working and wouldn't be able to attend. 

"I did." Y/N nodded and opened the door. Jihyo raised her eyebrows upon seeing her younger sister.


"Happy birthday unnie." She smiled weakly and handed her a small bag. Although they have been talking to each other, they're not that close to attend each others birthday's yet.

"Thank you, Dahyun-ah. Thank you for coming." Jihyo didn't expect this at all. "Since everyone is here, let's have some drinks?" She asked her wife.

"Yes, everyone sit down and make yourselves comfortable. Jihyo and I will bring some drinks and snacks." She smiled at Jihyo and the two entered the kitchen.

"You invited Dahyun?" 

"Yeah, I did. I noticed how the two of you have been wanting to get closer but aren't doing anything about it so I called her and to my surprise she agreed."

"I love you." Jihyo hugged Y/N tightly. This means a lot to her.

"I love you too, birthday girl." Y/N pulled away from the hug and kissed her wive's lips. Jihyo deepened the kiss by sliding her tongue inside and wrapped her arms around Y/N's nape.

"Hmm, as much as I like this, we can't do it now. They're waiting for us." Y/N distanced herself.

"Fine, but you better don't disappoint me tonight." Jihyo smirked and caressed Y/N's cheek which was very very hot to Y/N.

"When have I ever disappointed you in bed?" 

"That one time..." Jihyo reminded her.

"Yah, we decided to forget about that one time. I wasn't feeling well." The older woman looked down in embarrassment. 

"I'm just joking, love. Even then you didn't disappoint me." Jihyo pecked Y/N's lips and the two grabbed some drinks and snacks before going to the living room where everyone was.

Dahyun was feeling a bit awkward since she has never spend time with Y/N's family before. Although her family was very rude to Y/N's family, they're being nice and friendly to her.

"Jeongyeon-ah..." Y/N whispered to her sister-in-law. "Help me get the cake."

"Sure." She stood up and the two went to the kitchen without anyone noticing. They took the cake from the fridge and put some candles on it. Yewon and Yunseo noticed how their mother and aunt went to the kitchen and they figured that they must be preparing the cake so they followed them.

"Oh kids, you're here. Yewon-ah, you want to bring the cake to your mother?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, I'd love that." The girl smiled. Jeongyeon lit up the candles and handed the cake to Yewon.

"Be careful, it's a bit heavy." Y/N told her daughter. 

"1,2,3,4..." Jeongyeon whispered and the four of them started to sing happy birthday. Upon hearing that everyone else joined them in singing. They went to the living room and Yewon stood in front of her mother with the cake. Once the song was done, Jihyo made a wish and blew out the candles which made everyone cheer afterwards.

"I don't know why I'm feeling kinda sad today." Jihyo suddenly laughed.

"Sad? Why would you feel sad?" Uncle asked.

"Because I'm getting older. Seeing the numbers make me sad." Today she's turning 34 and she's starting to feel old.

"You might be 34 but you look like you're 24. Still as beautiful as when you were 10 years ago." Y/N smiled at her and hugged her sideways.

"Yeah you're not that old. If you're old then what is Nayeon unnie? She's nearing her forties." Chaeyoung joked and everyone laughed.

"One more word about my age and I'll kill you." Nayeon glared at her.

"Calm down love. She's just joking." Jeongyeon couldn't hide her smile from seeing Nayeon irritated like this.

The family talked for another hour until they all decided to go.

"Where are you going? It's still early." Jihyo asked them.

"Y/N still hasn't given you her gift." Mrs. Lee reminded her.

"That's okay, she can give it later. You don't have to leave."

"Oh no, we really have to leave. In fact we're taking the kids with us." Chaeyoung grabbed Yewon and Yunseo's hands.

"What why?" Jihyo is confused.

"I might have a little surprise for you. I asked them to take care of the kids for tonight." Y/N told her wife.

"Oh you do?" Jihyo couldn't hide her smile. She found it weird that Y/N didn't give her a gift yet. Normally it's the first thing she does early in the morning.

"Yes. That's why all of us need to leave right now." Jeongyeon looked at them.

"Kids you got everything with you?" Uncle asked to which they nodded. "Alright then we can go now." 

"Kids listen to your grandmother and uncle." Jihyo hugged them before all of them left except for Dahyun.

"Thank you for coming. I wasn't expecting you to come." Jihyo told her sister.

"I wasn't expecting your wife to invite me either." Dahyun looked at Y/N who was cleaning up the table. "You two really do seem happy. I'm glad our parents are finally leaving you alone. I'm also sorry that I encouraged them to try to ruin your marriage before."

"It's okay. Everything is okay now and that's all that matters."

"Yeah, I should go now."

"Wait..." Jihyo stopped her. "C-can I hug you?" It's been more than 13 years since the two have hugged each other and Jihyo can't help but want to be closer to her sister.

"Y-yeah." Dahyun nodded weakly not knowing wether it's a good idea. Jihyo pulled her in a hug and pulled away after a short while not wanting to make it awkward.

"Happy birthday once again, i'll go now." Dahyun smiled and left the place.

"When was the last time you guys hugged?" Y/N asked once she left.

"I can't even remember. Probably before we even started dating."

"I'm glad you guys are okay now." Y/N smiled at her.

"So what is this surprise?"

Hmm impatient aren't you?" The older woman laughed. "Let's clean up the table and then we can go."

"Oh we're going somewhere?"

"Yes, dress nicely. We're going somewhere we've never been before."

"You're making me excited." Jihyo looked at her in anticipation. "Let's be quick." 


A/N: Updateee. I'm guessing you guys know what Y/N's surprise will be. Do you think Jihyo will be happy about it? Comment down your thoughts and don't forget to vote. Also this story is nearing its end, meaning that there are only two chapters left. 

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