Lands beyond the fog (Male El...

By PanzerVAusfA

9.6K 90 43

It's a new age of Order for the Lands between. The new Elden Lord (Y/N) (L/N) has now giant land to rule and... More

Harem/Love interests
Politics of Limgrave
An age of order (rewritten)
A new Island (rewritten)
An invasion is coming (rewritten)
Authors Note
Castle visit
Elden Lord (Y/N)
Returning to the ship
Special Delivery
A nice stay
Quick information
France's Manor
Time with family
Back home, but with guests
Site Seeing (Part 1)
Site Seeing (Part 2)
Erdtree Festival
A Grac(e)-ious Party
Fancy Party
The Aftermath
A Distraction, but a welcome one
This is Berlin
A new face
Truly Un(Bear)able
Job Taken Care Of
Snowy Morning
Question for SMUT (A/N)
Date Preparations
A Dream-Date
On Hold or Discontinued

Hospitality (Part 1+2)(rewritten)

312 2 0
By PanzerVAusfA

< Third person POV >

A medium sized expeditionship was crashing through the waves of the atlantic ocean. It wasn't fancy or anything, but it would definitely do its job.  The three countries on this mission were on the bridge. Germany was watching over the crew operating the ship. He didn't knew much at all, but he still needed to keep himself occupied with something. America was strangely obsessed with the picture UN had provided of the person standing on the cliff. Russia was minding his own business. He would occasionally look up from the phone and look at America. 

Russia: "Hey, why are you so obsessed with this guy on the photo?"

America:"What is it to you? Is it wrong to try to gather some infos from a photo."

Russia was only curious, had however nothing left for America the ask in any way politely. America answer seemed shallow he wasn't mentally there for the conversation. His eyes dug into the picture. He was mesmerized by the picture. One sentence however would quickly snap him out of it. 

Russia:"Are you imagining if you can fuck him or be fucked by him?", 

America/Germany: "What?!"

America: N-No, I am not, commie!"

Germany: "Could you please not start a fight here!"

America and Germany were thrown off guard by this question. Germany more by the vulgarity then the challenging part of it, even a light shade of red from embarrassment. America only had been thrown of since he was to capturted in the picture. He had asked himself too many questions about this person. If he was completely in for the conversation, he would have rebuttal instantly ready. He desperately wanted to find one, especially after Russia had stood up in a challenging manour for him to say or do something stupid.

< Germany POV > 

I didn't want this to escalate into a fight, especially on the bridge of a very expensive ship with fragile equipment. I need to throw in some questions about the island or this guy. This should keep them distracted from getting on each other's throat. 

Me: "Who do you think is this guy?"

The other two perked up at this sudden question. Russia never really looked at the picture and became intrigued. Was it really that much of a question that they would instantly forget about the argument they were about to have.

America:"I'm not sure, the picture is absolute garbage, almost like it was made with a toaster running on a potato. He definitely is someone important, his armor makes it clear. HEY!!!"

Russia: "Yeah no doubt about that. He needs to be a leader to wear something like that."

Germany: "Can I see the picture?"

Russia: "Alright."

Russia had snatched the picture out of his hand and started observing it before America could do so more. Of course he would just give it to me, if it was America he would have said "no" or just ignored it. 

I looked closely at the picture. I noticed one thing in the background. Foundations of a building, the angle of the camera cut out the rest of the building behind him. Maybe his home? Or a different building?

Me: "Well, he definitely lives somewhere fine. Let's just hope he will be friendly."

America: " How do you know?"

Me: "I can see a solid foundation of a building behind him."

Russia: "At least we know they are civilized enough for buildings."

I looked closer at the armor. I felt a chill going down my spine. The aura it was giving of could be felt through the picture. It screamed death and pain. I don't know I could feel it but I didn't want to feel it again. I rather change the subject to not talk about his armor.

Me:"What about this giant glowing tree? How do you think it can be explained?"

Russia:"Probably something chemical or so. Something the smart-asses in the laboratories figure out.",

America:"Ohh come on, my good friend-" 

Russia: "We are not friends!"

America: "Yeah Yeah anyways, you clearly lack imagination. It's obviously magic." 

Of course America had to add a hand gesture usually done by kids to "prove" his point.

 Russia:"Don't be ridiculous. Magic isn't a thing."

Me:"We are talking about an island that popped out of nowhere in the middle of the ocean."

< America POV >

Before our talk could continue the captain approached us.

Captain: "Ehm, Sirs we are approaching our destination."

Germany: "You seem nervous captain."

Captain:"Yes well, scans show that the bottom of the ocean near the cost is very flat with only small elevations. We couldn't find suitable spot for the anchor. Meaning we need to drop anchor way earlier than expected." 

Great a problem already. Well it doesn't make it more dangerous only take us more time. I will not stop this mission and go back to my boring desk just for this.

 Russia: "Can we still get on the island"

The captain started sweating

Captain: "Y-Yeah but we never were this far away from land. And the rubber dinghy can only carry four people." 

Me: "Than we three go their and start exploring while the driver brings the boat back to the ship." 

Germany:"We can't just go in alone!"

Me:"Don't be such a scaredy cat now, Germs."

Germany: "I'm not a scaredy cat. We are about to step foot on unknown territory and you, you just want to walk right in there?" 

God why does he have to ruin the fun. and now I have to rely on Russia. It is clear the final vote would have Russia and there is no way he would agree with me ever.

< Third person POV >

Turns out Russia was getting impatient and wanted to see the island as well. So, with a low grumble, he agreed to America. There is no way America is going to let that life down soon. Before they could start a landing, a location needed to be fixed. Three spots had been discovered from their position. One was on a small island of the coast. This idea was quickly discarded when they saw many wooden shipwrecks. They didn't really want to cut open the dinghy on their way. The beach on the left looked approachable. Another loose end once someone spotted weird tentacle-like creatures mashed into one entity on the beach. They also didn't want to fight the unknown fauna already. The last option was a small beach between two islands. They didn't have much insight there, but it was their only option.

Now on their way between the islands, they could make out structures. On the left side was a tiny island. It has high cliffs with ruins of a single building on top. From their point of view they could only assume it was a church. They weren't able to see the dead dragon inside this church because of the elevation. On the right was a castle. It looked recently repaired scaffolding could even be seen on the outerwall. But still no one to be seen. Then there was the view ahead. The stone pillars on the beach decaying away, partly collapsed gave of a weird poetical way of beauty and sadness. One thing sticked out however, smoke was slowly rising from the beach. Someone was there everyone knew it. They weren't going in completely defenseless. Russia and America had brought one firearm each.

< Patches POV >

I had just finished my meal and started leaning back against a pillar. My sleep however would have to wait as I heard voices down the beach. Nobody should be at the beach right now, so where are the voices coming from and who do they belong to? With a heavy sigh I decided to investigate the voices. As I got closer I decided to hide behind a collapsed pillar. The voices now clear enough to understand.

??? #1: "Great, this beach has nothing to connect with the rest of the island."

The voice spoke a language I knew. But the dialect was something I never heard.

??? #2:"Oh come on, climbing the pillars should be fun."

This accent was clear, definitely a native speaker. 

??? #3: "We don't have any climbing gear. You know I'm not very keen on falling to my death." 

Yet another one with again another accent or dialect.

While the voices were talking, I decided to peek above the rubble. I could see a weird looking boat with a grey skinned woman at the side of it. She was pushing the boat back into the water. Three other figures were talking in front of the boat. I had never seen such weird looking Tarnisheds. I had once seen a grey Tarnished, but not some multi coloured ones. The tallest had a for me weird looking hat. His skin at the top part of his head was plain white, switched to blue in the middle and would be bright red at the bottom. The second tallest had the same colours. His face was mostly red and white striped with a blue corner and white stars at the top right. The shortest of the three, he wasn't that short actually, but still. He had three stripes similar to the first one, only black, red and yellow-goldish(?) instead of white, blue and red. They all whore strange clothes, nothing for combat or anything similar.

??? #3:"How about we explore the beach first and see what the smoke is about."

Now this gave me an idea.

< Russia POV >

Approaching the possible campsite, we three took in the surrounding. On the island had to be a civilisation.

Germany:"How advanced do you think they are?"

Me: "I think, at least around the 15. century"

America:"What does speculating bring if we can ask one ourselfs?"

Me:"If there are even some still alive." 

Before we could continue the conversation a voice spoke up.

???: "Well well well, what do we have here.? Some puny invaders trying to take land that doesn't belong to them."

We all three looked to the right where the voice was coming from. On top of some rubble stood a bald person wearing dark clothes with some armor embedded to it. 

Germany: "Excuse me, we are not some invaders we are just some countries here to explore the island."

Germany tried to sound as polite as possible to not start a skirmish already. The Persons demeanor quickly changed as he jumped down the rubble. His voice was suddenly so cheerful.

???: "Why didn't you say so my friends?"

America/Russia :"We are friends?"

Patches:"Of course! Forgive me, but I couldn't keep myself from listening earlier. You said you needed a way to the rest of the island. Oh, where are my manours? My name is Patches cave adventurer and travelling merchant, and you are?"

Germany:"I'm Germany, this is America and Russia."

 He was doing a small hand gesture pointing at the us person.

Patches: "How about as an apology, I guide you through the caves to the rest of the island."

< Third person POV >

The group of now four was about to enter the cave leading to the rest of the island. The three countries didn't trust Patches atall. America and Russia would make sure to keep their hands close to their sidearms. Would you trust someone who suddenly does 180 with his behaviour out of the blue. When entering Patches pulled out torch at lit it. Germany meanwhile pulled out a flashlight from a small side-back he had with him.

Patches"I must say I have never seen something like this before. How does it work?"

Before Germany would explain, Russia interjected

Russia: "It would probably take to long to explain. How about you focus at leading us through the cave."

It was only a short walk till they got to a small cliff. The drop wasn't deep at all, you could easily jump down without breaking anything. The three countries moved close to edge to see better into the cave. They saw a hole on the side of the cave. Right in front of it sat a ghostly figure. Surprise overcame the countries, abnormal activities were now guaranteed a thing. They also noticed the small sprouting glowing tree. A small resemblance of the Erdtree. They also saw an open door at the end of the cave. Germany decided to closer inspect the cliff under them. It was a solid wall, if they jump down there was no way they would get up soon.

Germany:"I don't think we-"

His concerns were cut off when all three felt a sudden shove pushing them down the cliff.

Patches: "Sorry my friends! But my lord told me to take care of any invaders."

< Germany POV >

When we got our barings back, Patches was already gone. 

America:"Nnngh, are you alright"

Germany/Russia: "Yeah"

Russia:"That asshole, when I get him in my hands!"

America was also not the happiest and started to go on a rant as well.

Me:"Are you two done, we should try to find a way out of here." 

I carefully and with a bit of fear started approaching the ghost. Please don't attack.

Germany: "Hello?"

The ghost answered not with a voice or any words at all. But they still somehow understood him.

Ghost: "Brave Tarnished. Dare the jump. The learning of echos. Remember the art of war.And your warrior blood." 

America:"Alright this guy is saying we should jump down a hole, how nice of him."

Russia: "Let's just go through the open door."

We made our way through two rooms filled with stone coffins and skeletons on the ground. Can this place get any creaper. In the second room are two ways. Well it was only one way since the other seemed to be filled with some kind of poison.

Coming in to third room we came upon a stone pillar going through the roof.

Russia:"Fantastic, how are we supposed to get out of here?" 

I see he had a limp in his step. Did he sprain his ankle? He must have sprained it due to the rough landing. I saw America looking to the left side noticing a lever. As quickly as he seen it he had pulled on it. The pillar sprung to live and started descending.

Russia:"What the heck are you doing, just pulling levers! What if it was a trap?" 

America: "Was it one?"

He responded with one of the most smuggest look on his face I have ever seen.

Germany:"Are you two coming or not?"

< Third person POV >

When they finally got outside they noticed a thunderstorm approaching.

America: "They will definitely not send a boat in this weather." 

Russia: "Then we will have to survive on our own for a while." 

They all looked forward and saw an old rundown church.

Germany:"Let's go there we should be able to shelter till the storm is over."

After only walking a couple of meters to their destination, they were confronted by a group of what looked like soldiers. It was visible on their armor with some clothing. It was green with a golden Tree on one side and a white griffin on orange background. In total were their six soldier wielding weapons reaching from a warhammer to a broadsword. America and Russia pulled their pistols trying to intimidate the soldiers. Germany took a step back before hearing something behind him and turning around. The soldiers were unfaced only staring at something behind the countries. Curious both Russia and America turned around, only to see something that looked like a beautiful flower floating in the sky.

The beautiful flower quickly stomped in to the enemy group crushing one of the unfortunate soldiers. After not even a second the flower exploded like it was blooming. It revealed a man that the three countries knew. It was the man from the picture. This time unlike on the photo, he carried a big broken black sword on his back. The blast of the explosion left only one person standing. With lightning speed the mysterious man had pulled out his sword and slammed it into the soldier killing him instantly. Afterwards, the man turned around and bowed to the countries in a form of a greeting.

???: "I've given thee courtesy enough." 

Was all he said before throwing a sleeping pot between them. The three started to fall unconscious only hearing the sound of footsteps coming closer.

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