When Peony Blooms #AMBW

By Zolatau

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An Ewe princess named Ayodele finds herself entangled in a web of royal intrigue and forbidden romance. From... More

Chapter 1: Promise of a Royal Union
Chapter 2: The Unwelcome Arrival
Chapter 3: Navigating Court Intrigues
Chapter 4: An Unlikely Connection
Chapter 5: "Painted Masks and Hidden Desires"
Chapter 6: "Whispers of Betrayal's Temptation"
Chapter 7: "Veiled Alliances and Fading Loyalties"
Chapter 8: "The Dance of Seduction"
Chapter 9: "Silent Tears and Unspoken Regrets"
Chapter 10: "Bound by Duty, Yearning for Freedom"
Chapter 11: "Whispers of Love's Redemption"
Chapter 12: "In the Embrace of Moonlight"
Chapter 13: "Shadows of Deception"
Chapter 14: "Whispers of Treason's Symphony"
Chapter 15: "Tides of Change and Unseen Forces"
Chapter 16: "Fragile Hearts and Unyielding Resolve"
Chapter 17: "A Dance of Rivals"
Chapter 19: "Beneath the Cherry Blossoms' Veil"
Chapter 20: "The Weight of Destiny's Crown"
Chapter 21: "Blossoms in the Wind"
Chapter 22: "Underneath the Moonlit Canopy"
Chapter 23: "Whispers of the Cherry Blossom"
Chapter 24: "Echoes in the Jade Chamber"
Chapter 25: "Sighs in the Moonlight"
Chapter 26: "Dancing with Shadows"
Chapter 27: "Silk Threads and Secrets"
Chapter 28: "The Lotus Unfurls"
Chapter 29: "Crimson Petals, Icy Hearts"
Chapter 30: "The Silent Sonata"
Chapter 31: "Of Paper Cranes"
Chapter 32: "The Price of Ambition"
Chapter 33: "Ink-Stained Secrets"
Chapter 34: " Lingering truths"
Chapter 35: "Truths of the wind."
Chapter 36: " When Tomorrow rains."
Chapter 37: " Shadows of betrayal."
Chapter 38: " Whispers of Forgotten Star."
Chapter 39: " Whispers of Forgotten Stars."
Chapter 40: " Beneath the Moon's Embrace."
Chapter 41: " Fleeting Petals of a Cherry Bloom."
Chapter 42: " Hidden Tides of Secrets."
Chapter 43: "Silhouette of the Dancing Shadows."
Chapter 44: " Scarlet Splendor, Veiled Desires."
Chapter 45: " Interwoven Threads of Deception."
Chapter 46: " A petal of blessings."
Chapter 47: "Whispers Among the Silk Curtains"
Chapter 48: Invisible Lines of Battle
Chapter 49: " moonlight's kiss."
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
New story alert!

Chapter 18: "Echoes of Forbidden Passion"

1K 79 58
By Zolatau

In the languid hours of the afternoon, Ayodele found herself within the confines of the floor in front of the library, engrossed in scrolls, when the Crown Prince made his unexpected appearance.

"Didn't think I'd find you here," he said, leaning against the ornately carved wooden doorframe. His eyes swept over her figure, taking in the sight of her engrossed in the scrolls spread out on the ground before her.

"Well, don't let me keep you," she quipped without looking up, her eyes trailing over the intricate brushstrokes of the aged parchment.

He pushed himself off the frame, walking over to her and seating himself beside her. He paused, his gaze lingering on the array of scrolls spread before her.

"You should take a break," he said, the usual harsh edge of his voice now replaced by an unexpected softness. "You must've been at this for hours."

Ayodele paused, her eyes meeting his for the first time since he entered the room. She was about to throw back a retort, but the sincerity in his gaze stopped her. "And since when do you care?" she asked instead, a slight teasing lilt to her words.

He shrugged, offering a nonchalant smirk. "Just an observation," he replied, looking away, but not before she caught the hint of concern in his eyes.

Shaking her head, she returned to her scrolls, though she couldn't ignore the small smile that tugged at her lips. She wouldn't admit it aloud, but the Crown Prince's unexpected consideration had a warming effect on her.

As the Crown Prince rose, he walked towards the sideboard within the library where a tray was settled. His fingers picked up a small round object - a Yakgwa. It was a deep golden brown, its surface etched with delicate floral patterns that had been painstakingly created.

He held it out towards Ayodele, a soft clearing of his throat announcing his intentions. "You should eat something," he stated, his hand extending the Yakgwa towards her. His eyes avoided hers, focusing instead on the cookie.

Ayodele's gaze flitted from the offered cookie to his face, her brows furrowing in mild surprise. This was uncharacteristic of the Crown Prince she knew, and yet, she found herself accepting the cookie. "Is this your way of sweetening me up, Jeonha?" she teased, a twinkle in her eye.

He met her gaze then, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. His fingers were still hovering in the space between them, holding the small delicacy. The Crown Prince rolled his eyes, a soft scoff leaving his lips. "If you don't want it..." He moved to bring the Yakgwa towards his own mouth.

" I didn't say that." Ayodele protested as she extended her hand for it to be given over to her. When he wouldn't hand it over.

She reached forward, just as he started to bring the cookie toward his mouth, her hand accidentally pushing against his chest.

Ayodele let out a small gasp as the Crown Prince stumbled back from the force of her push, crashing to the ground with an undignified thud. Her eyes widened in shock, her hands instinctively reaching out to steady him. "I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, her hands now resting on the Crown Prince's chest.

The cookie had slipped from his fingers, rolling away across the polished wooden floor of the palace. They ended up with Ayodele sprawled atop the Crown Prince, their faces inches apart.

Their startled laughter filled the room, ringing in the silent corridors of the palace. A lightness filled their expressions, something akin to surprise and amusement swirling in their eyes. They remained like that for a moment longer than necessary, neither of them rushing to untangle themselves from the awkward position.

The Crown Prince looked up into Ayodele's eyes, his expression softening as he smiled. "It seems like you're really determined to get that cookie," he joked, a hint of color adorning his cheeks under the playful banter.

Ayodele couldn't help but smile back as she shook her head in mock disapproval. She shifted slightly so she was no longer sitting on his lap and slowly rose gracefully to her feet. She extended a hand towards him, offering him help with a gentle smile.

"Was this all an elaborate ruse for an embrace, Your Highness?" Ayodele teased, her voice laced with warmth, the playful glint in her eyes illuminating the soft contours of her face in the dim light. Her words, like delicate silk threads suspended in a morning's dew, her laughter chiming through the silence of the room. It was a moment of candid intimacy, an ephemeral bubble of time where titles and formalities were momentarily forgotten.

The Crown Prince, usually so composed, stood in a state of splendid disarray. His normally neat robes were ruffled and skewed. His usually perfectly styled hair was now a tousled mess, the dark strands brushing against his forehead. The mirth in his eyes and the soft flush that colored his cheeks betrayed his shared enjoyment in their playful escapade.

" I think I should put these back," she said as she went back into the library to place back the scrolls and books, Ayodele shyly bowed and excused herself.

With the fragile stillness of dawn teasing the skies of the palace, the Crown Prince found himself wandering in the gardens. His steps were as cautious as the thoughts flitting through his mind, his gaze lingering on the path leading towards the private chambers of the Crown Princess. In his heart, a slow-burning flame of affection for Ayodele was kindling, reshaping the way he saw her and those around her.

Meanwhile, Seo-Jin too found his heart throbbed in his chest with an unfamiliar intensity whenever he was around Ayodele. The sensation was intoxicating and terrifying in equal measure. He couldn't deny his feelings, nor could he ignore the Crown Prince's growing affection for her.

Each interaction, each chance meeting, was laced with a tension that hummed beneath the surface. The quiet was punctuated with exchanges and lingering glances, each steeped in unspoken sentiments.

Ayodele continued her days wrapped in the palace, her abilities to escape limited now, as she knew the king had eyes on her. Her heart was guarded, and her thoughts were occupied with fulfilling her duties as the Crown Princess. Her interactions with both men were candid, reflecting her innocent obliviousness to the turmoil brewing in their hearts. At least the obliviousness she tried to portray.

Days turned into weeks, and the silent competition continued. The Crown Prince found himself captivated by Ayodele's resilience and grace, her laughter ringing like music to his ears. And in the same breath, Seo-Jin fell deeper for her strength and compassion, her sincerity striking a chord within his own heart. As she was continuing to navigate her path in the unfamiliar world of the palace.

As the palace prepared for the annual Lantern Festival, a night when the sky would be ablaze with a million floating lights, both the Crown Prince and Seo-Jin saw an opportunity to spend time with Ayodele outside of the palace walls, amidst the crowd of citizens.

First came the Crown Prince, casually mentioning the festival as they took a stroll in the palace gardens. "It's a wonderful sight," he mused, gazing into the distance, "when the night sky turns into a canvas of shimmering colors. Would you accompany me, Ayodele?" There was no pretense in his request.

Ayodele, caught by surprise, was about to respond when a voice interrupted their exchange. It was Seo-Jin, who had been trailing them, his scholarly duties as an excuse to be in their vicinity. "A splendid idea, Jeonha," he chimed in, a knowing glint in his eyes. "I was about to suggest the same. Ayodele, would you join me at the festival? I promise the sight is even more beautiful from the riverside, where the lanterns reflect upon the water."

Caught in this unexpected predicament, Ayodele glanced between the two men. The ball was now in her court, the decision hers to make.

With a coy smile, Ayodele glanced between the two men. Their eyes were fixed on her, awaiting a decision that they thought would tip the balance of this unspoken competition. But the Crown Princess was a woman of her own mind, never one to be led by the expectations of others.

"Well," she began, the hint of amusement dancing in her eyes, "it appears I've been presented with quite the conundrum. Both invitations are so enticing."

"But I believe," she finally said, her tone casual as if discussing the weather, "it would be best if we all went together."

The men blinked in surprise.

"Is that acceptable?" she asked, her innocent gaze challenging them to dispute her proposal. But neither the Crown Prince nor Seo-Jin could find the words to disagree.

The game had changed, it seemed. And Ayodele had taken the lead.

Early the next day, Seo-Jin, approached So-Ra. His voice, held a hint of mischief as he relayed, "The Crown Prince mentioned you coming to the festival tonight."

So-Ra frowned, remembering her previous conversation with the Crown Prince. "But I asked him, and he said no," she confessed, her eyes holding a touch of confusion.

Seo-Jin, maintaining his composure, merely shrugged his shoulders and grinned knowingly. "Perhaps there was some miscommunication," he suggested smoothly, "Why not come anyways?"

His words were designed to incite curiosity and perhaps a hint of tug at So-ra's possessiveness of the Crown prince. So-Ra nodded slowly, contemplating the idea.

The night of the Lantern Festival arrived, and the palace grounds were buzzing with anticipation. Servants rushed back and forth, preparing for the royal procession to the festival grounds. Afi and Lady Song were by Ayodele's side, fussing over her hanbok. The three women chattered away, while Ayodele kept reminding them she was okay.

The night was just beginning, and the sky was yet to light up with a myriad of colors, reflecting the complex dance of emotions unfolding beneath it.

The crown princess was a vision as they stepped out into the gentle glow of the setting sun. Ayodele's dress was a flurry of sunset hues, a hanbok designed specifically for her. The fine silken fabric played with the fading daylight, shimmering like a mirage, catching the eye of every passerby. The top part of her hanbok was a brilliant ruby, while the skirt flowed in an array of deep blues, a poetic representation of her multifaceted identity. A matching ornate headpiece, dotted with red and blue gemstones, adorned her crown of glorious coiled curls.

Her scent was subtly intoxicating, a unique blend of her native spices mixed with the soft floral notes of the palace gardens, a combination as unique and alluring as her. Ayodele was a woman who possessed an infectious joy, a light that shone brightest in moments of simple pleasures. Her face lit up at the sight of the first lantern floating upwards, her lips parting in a wide, unguarded smile that was a sight more breathtaking than the lanterns themselves.

Just as the royal party was about to set off, So-ra appeared, a noticeable tension clouding her demeanor. She was quick to explain her presence, stating that she'd received an invite from the Crown Prince. At this, Ayodele turned her gaze towards him, her eyes seeking clarity.

The Crown Prince's expression was unreadable, a well-practiced mask that gave nothing away. Yet, there was a moment of hesitation before he welcomed So-ra, his courteous tone slightly strained.

"Seo-Jin is quite familiar with the event, I'm sure he could show you some of its most beautiful aspects." His tone was steady and neutral, yet the words carried an implicit suggestion.

So-ra looked between the two men, the skin between her eyebrows puckered slightly. Seo-Jin, on the other hand, caught off guard but quickly hiding his surprise, agreed to the Crown Prince's suggestion with a curt nod. His gaze momentarily shifted towards Ayodele, carrying a subtle challenge.

Catching the fleeting glance of Seo-Jin, the Crown Prince instinctively curled his arm around Ayodele's waist, pulling her gently into the warm curve of his side. There was a hush that hovered between them, their gazes interlocking in a silent exchange that was a language all their own.

"Actually, I was just trying to get you to see something," he responded, a hint of playful defensiveness coating his words.

With a subtle inclination of his head, he steered her attention to the manifestation unfolding above them. Like celestial dancers, the lanterns wafted in the evening breeze, their soft light casting an enchanting glow across the night's canvas. "There, see?" he murmured. Too taken aback by the beauty Ayodele didn't dispute his hold on her.

As the night descended, the palace grounds transformed into an enchanting dreamscape. Everywhere, vibrant lanterns bloomed like flowers in the obsidian sky, casting a soft, enchanting light that danced on the cobblestone pathways. The lanterns, in hues of gold and crimson, indigo and emerald, hung on invisible strings, bobbing gently in the mild breeze as if tethered to the star-studded heavens.

Thousands of them floated gracefully in the night, each a radiant symbol of hope, aspirations, and dreams of the people. Their gentle glow breathed life into the otherwise staid palace architecture, lighting up the eaves and intricate frescoes in a kaleidoscope of colors.

The flickering lantern light reflected in Ayodele's wide eyes, transforming them into twin galaxies sparkling with starlight. In the soft illumination, her skin seemed to drink in the luminescence, her beauty amplified by the bewitching radiance of the lantern-lit night.

The scent of blooming jasmine mingled with the subtle aroma of rice paper and burning wicks, creating a delicate fragrance that was distinct from the lantern festival. The melody of the Gayageum played somewhere in the distance, added an ethereal soundtrack to the sight, its rhythm echoing the excited heartbeats of the festival-goers.

In this magical tableau, Ayodele, the Crown Prince, made their way through the crowd. Street vendors called out, their voices carried on the evening breeze, selling sweet rice cakes. Everywhere, people milled around in vibrant hanboks, the women's dresses a riot of color and the men's in more subdued, but equally exquisite, earth tones.

families ran around with wide-eyed amazement, child's small hands tightly clutching onto the thin strings of their personal lanterns. Elderly folks sat around in clusters, their faces illuminated in the soft glow of the lanterns, their eyes twinkling with joy and nostalgia. It was a scene right out of a painting.

Ayodele, immersed in the festival's spectacle, was the very image of wonderment. Her afro, shimmering under the glow of the lanterns, framing her face in a dance of shadows and light. The soft hum of awe that escaped her lips was swallowed by the festive music that floated in the air, but her delight was unmistakable.

Meanwhile, the Crown Prince, all while observing the festival, found his attention incessantly drawn towards Ayodele. Her joy was infectious, and he found himself captivated by the sight of her—her free spirit as luminous as the lanterns that hung around them.

Seo-Jin, too, was not immune to Ayodele's charm. The sight of her, glowing under the lantern light, stirred in him emotions that he was just starting to accept. Despite the crowd around them, he could not help but feel the allure of her presence, as if her joy was a beacon that called to him in the sea of faces.

It was clear that this night, under the lantern-lit sky, they were all entranced by the woman who radiated joy and warmth, like the brightest lantern amongst them. The lantern festival had indeed begun, and with it, a quiet contest of the heart.

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