You Are My Light (Kaz Brekker...

Von Stormy_Meadows

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I have seen the Netflix series of SaB and have only just started reading the book so this might not be perfec... Mehr

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Author's Note
Author's Note (part 2)
Chapter 1 (of season 2)
Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Little Bonus Part to Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Author's Note Part 2
Sad News

Chapter 6

150 4 2
Von Stormy_Meadows

A/n: Felt bad making you all wait when my phone has been blowing up with notifications from @Kenobiwife.

"Ohval's not just a fence. She's the Disciple." Kaz explained.

Ohval is the name of the tea lady.

"What...What tipped you off?" Wylan asked.

"Her teacup. When she set it down, she did so without making a sound." Kaz answered.

"And her heartrate never fluctuated once. It held at one beat a second like a clock." Nina added.

"The way she held herself and spoke, as well as the look on her face when you asked about the Neshyenyer, you could tell she wasn't your typical tea lady." I said.

"So, she can control her heartrate and her emotions." Tolya started.

"Those are useful skills for a thief." Wylan interrupted.

"This is where you tell us where the blade is." Jes spoke up.

"Ohavl has it. Her signal to the waitress to spill tea on me told me as much." Kaz answered. "And if she's not going to sell it to us, we'll just have to take it."

I laid my head on the table.

"After a nap, I'm so tired." I complained.

I didn't often sleep well because almost every little sound woke me, but I did try to get a few hours in here and there.

"After Nina and I ordered the tea, I had Inej sent after the tea shop employee who was sent to notify Ohval." Kaz continued, ignoring my complaints.

"She lives just outside the city. When she stopped at the tea shop, she placed an order at the apothecary that she'll be picking up tonight." Inej told us. "I watched her at home for a while, no one came, or went except her."

"While she's out of the house, Nina will tail her to make sure she stays out of the house. The rest of us will go in and grab the blade." Kaz instructed.

"You don't seriously expect me to break into this woman's house." Zoya scoffed.

"Why do you think we're here?" Me and Jes said at the same time.

"I'm a soldier, not a thief." She responded. "Why else would I need you criminals?"

"Then you shouldn't have come." I told her with a glare.

"There's much less of a difference there than you think." Tolya added.

"Thank you! See? He understands." I said.

"You just keep eating your walnuts." Zoya replied.

I rolled my eyes. I was too tired for her bitchy attitude.

"I'll go with Nina." She stated.

"Are you sure you don't need me?" Nina asked. "I mean, Zoya can tail Ohval."

"Nina and Zoya will wait for Ohval at the apothecary. Follow her. If she starts heading home, buy us any time. Distract her."


Now reenergized and fully rested, I practically skipped next to the others as we made our way to Ohval's home.

"This house is traditional." Tolya spoke. "It has a specific layout. We enter through the front courtyard, antechamber, middle courtyard, main chamber."

"We sweep the entirety." Kaz instructed.

Kaz began to pick the lock on the door. Wylan stood next to him and inspected the door.

"How long will it take you to set up?" Kaz asked him.

"I can have the door open in about five minutes." Wylan answered. "And if Ohval trips it, we have two minutes before the firecrackers go off to get out."

"Even if she returns prematurely, we cannot leave without the blade." Inej stated.

"Yes, the future of Ravka and my payment depend on it." Kaz added.

"I'm aware." Jesper whispered to himself.

I had to hold in a laugh.

"It's more than the future of Ravka at stake. If we fail, Shu Han, Fjerda, Ketterdam and beyond, they'll all feel the weight of the Darkling bare down on them." Tolya said.

"How old are you again?" I asked him.

"Eighteen." He answered.

"Are you sure you're not an old man reincarnated in a teenagers body?"

"Yes, why?"

"Cause you're wise as fuck."

Tolya chuckled and smiled.

I smiled to myself, trying to contain my laughter.

The lock clicked and Kaz opened the doors.

As I entered through the doors I saw a lamplit garden with a building of some sort across from the front doors.

Wylan set his things down to set up and Jesper stayed back with him while the rest of us approached the building.

"Jesper. We're going in. Close the doors behind you." Kaz told Jes as he unlocked the door and we all entered.

"Spread out." Kaz instructed us.

"I sense a heartbeat." Tolya said.

"I thought the compound was empty." Jes responded.

"It's faint. Further in the house."

Just as he said that, Tolya stepped on a pressure plate that sunk into the floor and closed the doors.

Me and Inej tired to open the doors and when that failed, penetrate the material it was made of.

"It's impenetrable." We told the others.

"The frames are made of metal." Kaz said. "They're Durast made.

Mechanisms started moving somewhere in the walls.

"That does not sound good." Jesper exclaimed.

"There's something in the air." Tolya added.

A gas started pouring out from the walls and we all started to cough.

I tried to control my breathing, but started to feel light headed from the gas.

The last thing I heard before passing out was Jesper. "This is how we die." Then everything went black.


I was in the garden. Mother and Father were sitting at the table just next to the back door. I ran up to them and hugged them, realizing I was the same age and height as I really was. I started to cry. My tears soaked into Mother's shawl.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I bawled.

"What are you sorry for, Ellie?" Father asked me gently. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I failed you. I- I started stealing and... and I became an assassin, a k- killer." I hiccuped. "I... disappointed you and I'm sorry."

"Oh, my sweet girl, you didn't disappoint us, you never did." Mother said to me while stroking my hair.

"You did what you had to." Father added. "We've been watching over you and we couldn't be prouder."

"R- really?"

"Yes. We didn't have much to leave you and we left you at such a young age. What else were you supposed to do?"

"I could've quit."

"My love, you were young and alone and scared. Joining that gang gave you friends, gave you a home... gave you a family." Mother said comfortingly.

"W- what about the house? I had to leave it."

"Ellie, it was hard for you to be there alone. It was hard for you to go back." Father answered.

"We... we didn't have anywhere else to go." I hiccuped, recalling how we'd had to stay there since Kaz blew up the Crow Club.


"That's why we left it to you. We have always watched over you, Ellie."

The tears kept falling. I was too emotional.

"Let yourself cry. Let yourself mourn." Mother said.

"But it's hard thinking about you guys."

"If you don't grieve you'll never heal."

"You lost your childhood because you lost us too soon. Don't waste your life on denial." Father said to me.

"Forgive us, Ellie for leaving you so young." Mother apologized.

"It's- It's not your fault, Mama." I was starting to choke up.

There were tears in my parents eyes.

"I love you." I said hugging them while tears streamed down my face.

"We love you too."

After a few moment of hugging Mother said. "You need to wake up."

"W- what do you mean?"

"Wake up, Ellie."

"But I don't want to leave you. I can't lose you again."

"You aren't losing us. We are always with you. Especially, if you wear your locket." Mother said holding the locket around my neck in her fingers.

"Your friends need you." Father said to me.

I hugged them one last time and everything went black again.


When I opened my eyes I was lying in the floor. My cheeks were wet from tears.

"Tolya, I'm here." Wylan exclaimed as I wiped my eyes.

"Kaz?" I turned my head to see Kaz, and the others, lying unconscious on the floor.

"Jesper?" Wylan called. "Anyone? Hello?"

I coughed as I sat up.

"You're alive." Wylan said with relief.

"We're dying. We've been poisoned." I told him.

I was not going to die here, I've made too far to just give up now.

"Throwing up? Or hallucinations?" Wylan asked.

"Hallucinations." I answered. "Some kind of orange vapour."

I coughed again, wincing at the pain in my chest.

Wylan mumbled something I couldn't hear. Then he got up and left my sight.

I hoped he'd found something useful.

"Wylan." I called.

He put his hand through the hole he'd made in the wall while I was still unconscious. "Take this. Eat it."

I grabbed the butterfly he'd had in his hand.

"That might sound strange, but the poison doesn't kill them, so they might be the antidote." He explained.

I did not hesitate to put it in my mouth, chew and swallow.

It tasted horrible, but as soon as I swallowed it I started feeling better. Slowly, but better.

"Wylan." I coughed. "I need three more."

Wylan disappeared for a few moments and returned with another butterfly.

I opened Toluca's mouth and put the butterfly in it. I then attempted to help him chew it until he was awake enough to do it himself.

"Eat this. Wake up." I instructed him.

He gagged at the taste of the butterfly, but sat up as quickly as he could.

"Give this to Jesper." I said handing Tolya one of the two butterflies Wylan gave me.

I went over to Kaz and tired to open his mouth so I could put the butterfly in it, but he kept turning his head away and tried pushing the butterfly out of his mouth with his tongue.

I knew that even in his unconscious state he didn't like skin-to-skin contact, but I had no other choice.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I got the butterfly in his mouth.

I put my hand over his mouth so he couldn't spit it out.

"Kaz! Wake up!" I said.

He jolted awake, pushed my hands off him and stood up.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. "I'm sorry, but there was no other way."

"I'm fine." He muttered.

I was fairly certain he'd dreamed about his brother.

Last time he wanted me to comfort him, but I guess not this time.

"Is everyone alive?" Wylan asked.

"Yes. Thank you, Wylan. You saved our lives." I responded.

"I had the most incredible hallucination." Jesper exclaimed. "Did anyone else get pulled into a comforting sense of joy?"

I just looked at him, but really knowing how to answer.

I enjoyed seeing my parents again, but I also had to leave them again.

Then I realized that I now felt an odd sense of peace.

Maybe I'd finally forgiven myself and my parents for what happened, or maybe I was just glad to be alive.

I think a bit of both.

"I didn't see anything." Kaz said breaking the silence.

I knew that was a lie.

"What's the plan?" Tolya asked.

"You said there was another heartbreak in the house." Kaz responded.

"Southeast corner. The heartbeat's weak."

"I suspect she built all of this to protect that heart. Along with a different way to get into it."

I didn't understand what Kaz meant. Usually, I would say I trusted him, but at the moment I wasn't too sure of that either.


I hung from the rafters as the others layed on the floor, pretending to be dead.

Ohval opened the door and walked about halfway into the room.

I slowly lowered myself from the rafters and my feet landed silently on the floor.

I was about to reach for my knives when Ohval kicked her leg backwards into my abdomen, launching me backwards from the force of the kick.

I tried throwing a knife at her, but she simply tossed it aside with her hand.

I paused, confused. Then, the others got up and made their way behind Ohval, preparing themselves for the fight to come.

Ohval launched herself over me and landed behind me.

I rolled forward and spun around to face her and stand with the others.

We all had our various weapons drawn.

With another wave of her hand Tolya's gun flew from his hand. And another wave bent Jesper's prized revolvers.

"Foul play." He mumbled from next to me.

Tolya tried to his powers on Ohval only for her, unaffected, to pull my knives, as well as Inej's, from their many sheaths, towards her and face them to us.

She launched them at us, still unaffected by Tolya's attempts. I kicked mine and Inej's knives aside. I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my ankle as I saw a bleeding wound halfway up the side of my leg.

I'd done that more hundreds of time in training and rarely got hit by the blades, and when I did it was a mere scratch.

"Seriously offside." Jes mumbled once more.

I braced myself to fight, trying to ignore the blood soaking through my pants and running into my shoe.

Ohval disliked Jes's comment. She took a pin from her hair and threw it at him. The pin wrapped itself around his neck, choking him.

Tolya lunged at Ohval.

He attempted to punch her, but she caught his fist.

I went in to help, but we were both knocked aside like unwanted wooden blocks a child was done playing with.

Me and Tolya went back in to fight Ohval.

I was knocked to the ground.

I grunted in pain as my foot hit my wound.

I got up and lunged at Ohval, only for her to knock me back once more.

I was not used to being bested at combat.

I picked up one of my knives as Ohval approached me.

Failing once more at defeating her, she flipped is both, so she had me pinned to the ground.

She had my knife and tried stabbing it into my trachea. I pushed against her hands, not willing to give up defeat even after she pushed her foot into my wounded leg.

"Ohval!" Tolya shouted desperately in Shu as he got up from the ground. "Take me, not her."

"I'll take care of all of you." Ohval declared in Shu.

"Please, Ohval, this is just about the Neshyenyer." Tolya responded, still in Shu, then in English. "This is only about Neyar's blade, not you."

Ohval responded in Shu. "Your actions say otherwise."

Jesper groaned loudly as he got the pin from around his neck and tossed it to the side just as an explosion blasted, knocking Ohavl off me.

I rolled to the side where I grabbed onto Tolya to get up.

My leg was in pain, my leg wanted to give out, but I was not going to give up yet.

This is for Mother and Father. I thought to myself. Don't fail them.

Zoya, Nina and Wylan emerged from the smoke of the explosion.

I'd assumed it was one of Wylan's bombs.

Nina and Zoya were using their powers to stop Ohval while Jesper was fixing his guns.

Ohval was too strong, even for the two of them. She managed to forced their hands apart and push the two of them to the ground.

I'd never seen a Grisha like this before.

"This is taking longer than I'd like." Ohavl exclaimed in English. "So perhaps we end it."

I don't know what she did, or how she did it, but all I felt was pain all over my body. Like I was trying to tear away from my own body, yet solidifying so I couldn't.

I was stuck in place, unable to move.

I could hear my heartbeat quickening, almost as if it was locked in a hollow iron box.

"Fascinating, isn't it? The amount of trace of metal there is in the body." Ohval spoke as we writhed in pain.

"Iron for instance, in the blood." She continued.

I struggled to reach for my knife as I attempted to push myself off the ground.

Suddenly, the door to the building behind Ohval opened, and Kaz came walking out, pushing an old man in a wheelchair.

"Here she is!" The old man said cheerfully. "Sweetheart, we have visitors."

As soon as the old man spoke Ohval lowered her hands, releasing us from the painful grip she had on us.

"Art collectors from Kerch." The old man continued as we all stood up.

I took in a deep breath, my lungs sore from the pressure and struggle of breathing.

I hadn't realized that my wound had stopped bleeding while Ohval had us writhing in pain, but it was bleeding again, and more than it was before.

I have Kaz a look, hoping he knew I was thanking him.

He usually knew what I meant by my many looks.

"I know, dear." Ohval responded to the old man.

Was he her father? Grandfather? Was it a really weird relationship where she married him for money and waited for him to die?

"I was just about to offer them tea." She continued.

I'm going to make this bitch into tea.

"He's not part of this." Ohval told us in Shu.

"Only as long as you don't make him part of this." I threatened, in Shu.

"These are the collectors I was telling you about. They'll be pleasantly surprised to meet you, the great thief of the art world." Kaz told the old man.

He turned to face us and continued speaking. "The Disciple."

I bowed and greeted the Disciple in both Shu and English.

"This is the Disciple?" Jesper questioned.

"Jes!" I whispered as I nudged him hard in the arm.

"Have we met before?" The Disciple asked us.

"Yes, in your room just now." Kaz replied. "And I've met your wife. In Bhez Ju. We had I'm tea there."

"She was a gracious host." I gave the Disciple an innocent smile.

Throughout this conversation he had made his deep, gravelly voice less intimidating and more as if he was speaking to a child. I didn't know he could make his voice this way.

"Bhez Ju Museum." The Disciple continued. "The support beams are under every second section of the floor. The others creak. Important to know the secrets of a place."

Kaz nodded and looked over at the rest of us with a devilish smirk plastered across his face. "Truly." He said.

I couldn't help but smile myself. I knew Kaz had succeeded in his plan.

He didn't seem upset anymore so I'll try to confront him after the job.

"If anything happens to him, I will kill you all." Ohval threatened us in Shu.

Ignoring the fact she almost succeeded in killing us less than five minutes ago, I wasn't too worried. That strange sense of peace still had its comforting grip on my body.

"All we want is the Neshyenyer." Tolya answered, also in Shu.

"The Neshyenyer?" The Disciple asked us in English. "I stole it for her." He looked at Ohval.

"Please, Dear." Ohavl spoke in English.

"It was the last piece I stole before we decided I should retire." The Disciple continued.

I was not quite as good a matchmaker as Nina, but I could tell these two were in love. Whether it was a weird kink from unresolved daddy issues, or genuine love for the person your meant to be with, I couldn't tell, but I was leaning towards the second one.

Unlike many of my friends, I believed in soulmates. Whether they be friends, animal companion, or lover. I believed you could have at least one of each, if not more. That's what I felt for Inej and Jesper. And that's what I felt for Kaz. A feeling of comfort with that person. A feeling of belonging.

"Anyway, you couldn't really call it stealing. It was hers to begin with. She made it."

Now that really got my attention.

"I'm sorry. Did you say she made it?" Jesper asked.

The Disciple stood up from his chair and walked towards Ohval. He helped her hands gently in his.

"Hours of work. Prayers. And tears." He explained as he caressed her cheek. "To fight the unkillable army created by the clock worker Kho."

"Three days and three nights she fought the unstoppable soldiers." Tolya said with astonishment. "And when the last soldier fell, she laid down the weapon. And it was named Neshyenyer-"

"Relentless." I interrupted.

"We are honoured to be in your presence, Sankta Neyar." Tolya said.

We all bowed in respect for her. Even if I didn't fully believe in saints, I couldn't deny history.

"Come, my love. Let's get you to bed." Ohval said, guiding the Disciple inside.

She turned to Kaz. "This is our sanctuary. Where we can sleep peacefully. Not have to worry about thieves and bandits like you."

"We're not bandits." Kaz responded.

"No one gets past the poison." She explained.

"We aren't just anyone." I exclaimed.

"You're just a child, really." She said to Kaz.

Everything we did, everything we've done. Has all been illegal. None of us are eighteen, and none of us will be for a while yet. I'm not too worried about having broken the law, especially considering some of the stuff I've had to do.

"A child who understood your weakness." Kaz retorted.

He was going to get us into some serious trouble if he didn't shut his smart ass mouth.

"Weakness. Four hundred years I've been alive. I've seen them all die. My family. All my loved ones. Taken away from me by time. Hundreds of years I closed my heart, as if that was the solution to ending all pain. What a safe way to live. What a small way as well. You guard against pain. You guard against joy. And when you allow yourself to be blindsided by love...two worlds make a universe." Ohval monologued.

Not sure that's how science works, but okay.

"He's not my weakness. He's my universe. And I will see him through his days. Sharing every moment...until he is part of the night sky. What does a baked matter to me?" Kaz looked from Ohval to me and kept eye contact for barely a second before looking back.

Ohval placed a gentle kiss on the Disciple's forehead.

Even though her speech drew on and on, it was really sweet. I could only hope to end up like that someday with someone. Deep down, I wished that someone was Kaz...

"What do you care about a blade?" Ohval asked Kaz.

"The Darkling has created an unkillable army of shadow." Kaz started.

"Your sword, the Neshyenyer, is the only thing sharp enough to cut them down. We came here in search of it. So we could take it to the Sun Summoner to take down the army and hopefully, take down the Fold." I interrupted.

"That sounds like Ravka's problem." Ohval replied.

"The Fold is expanding, Sankta Neyar. If we don't stop the Darkling now, no one will be able to stop him. The Fold will consume the entirety of Ravka, the entirety of the world." Nina added.

"We are not asking you to fight, but give us the chance to." I said.

"I have met the Sun Summoner." Tolya said. "She will take leadership of Ravka once the Darkling is overruled. She is benevolent, but she is also Shu. She could be the living bridge between our countries, but that can only happen if you grant us use of the blade."

"Use of it? All this just to borrow the blade?" Ohval said.

"All this just to protect your husband in his sleep?" Kaz replied. "We each fight for what matters most."

Killing Dreesen!

I am never going to get over the fact that he's a little bitch. At least not until I kill him, actually, even then I'm still not going to get over it.

If you haven't guessed, I'm petty as fuck.

"And on my life, I will make sure it is returned to its rightful home." Tolya told Ohval.

"I promise you it will make its way back into your possession safely." I said.

"Is it time for bed now, Darling?" The Disciple asked his wife as she took him inside.

"All of you out." She ordered us. "Except for you two. The one in the hat and you, with the boy."

Ohval was looking at me and Jesper.

We headed inside with her as the others left.

"Do you know why she wants us to stay?" Jesper whispered in my ear.

"I don't know." I whispered back.

It was a small home.

A bed. A small kitchen, some shelves and a...casket...

"Is that...a person?" Jesper asked.

"My first husband." Ohval answered. "Terrible marriage. Adequate table."

She leaned under the table and when she stood up she place a box on the table.

"You are a Durast." She said to Jesper.

"I, uh-" He mumbled.

"You're a terrible Durast. You could've come at me in a number of ways. Buttons on your waistcoat, the metal in the boot of your shoe. You are too old to be a terrible Durast."

"I have a lot of catching up to do." Jesper responded. "I can see that now."

Ohval started to turn around, but was stopped by Jesper asking, yet, another question.

"About the poison...I know you were trying to kill is, but, um...thank you."

"Life doesn't often give second chances." Ohval spoke. "And it would be a shame to waste the talent of any Durast. So do catch up."

Jesper went to stand near the entryway.

"If I may ask. Why did you want me to stay?" I asked Ohval as she opened the box.

"You have the right intentions, but the wrong group. You seemed to agree with your friends, yet, disagree with them. Why?"

"I was young when my parents died. I really had no choice but to turn to crime. Even though I have killed people, I have stolen, I have done the worst you could possibly think of. I still try to be a good person. Even if this is my lifestyle."

"I see that. That is why I chose you to stay." She handed me the Neshyenyer.

"Thank you. I promise I will return it."

"I trust you will."

I had every intention of returning it to her. Even if I didn't return it personally, I would make sure it got back to her.

Me and Jesper left and returned to the others who were awaiting us outside Ohval's home.

"Wylan. Wylan! Wait a second." Jesper called as he ran to catch up to Wylan.

Inej, Zoya and Nina were waking ahead with Tolya while me and Kaz hung further back.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"Why are you asking?" Kaz said grumpily.

"Because you've been acting like this. You've practically  been giving me the cold shoulder."

"It's nothing."

"Is it about your brother? Did you dream about him?"

"Yes." Kaz growled.

"I dreamt of my parents. I was able to stop blaming myself for what happened to them. I had nothing to do with their deaths and you had nothing to do with your brother's death. It may not be now, but hopefully you will realize that his death was not your fault."

"Thank you for your wise words." He tried to sound sarcastic, but I knew he meant it.

After walking a ways, I asked Kaz a question. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." He replied with a slight chuckle.

I don't recall ever hearing him laugh.

"What is the light in your life?" I inquired, completely ignoring his comment.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"The Disciple was Ohval's light, Nina's Fjerdan boyfriend is hers. What's yours?"


"Oh, come on. There has to be something."

"You." Kaz mumbled.

"What?" I couldn't hear him.

"You are my light." Kaz blurted.

"Quite ironic, considering my name means light." I laughed.

Kaz just scowled at me.

"You can laugh. You know it's funny."

He didn't laugh, but he smiled. And that was enough for me.

"You are my light, too." I told him quietly.

I smiled to myself. Kaz had his head turned away from me, so I couldn't see his face. But I hope he was still smiling. As much as I love his scheming face, I love his smiling face even more.

You could feel that there was less tension in the air.

I was glad to have lightened the mood.

Hahaha, get it?

We walked past Jesper and Wylan hugging and kissing.

"I hear wedding bells." I teased.

Jes laughed.

I was feeling cheeky so I gave Kaz a kiss on the cheek before running up behind Tolya and half jumping on his back.

"Boo!" I laughed.

Nina and Zoya were fighting about Saints know what, so I walked with Tolya.

He was telling me something about his poetry.

A/n: Yeah, sorry for the wait. I'm going to try and finish this book up before the fall.


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