Enemies Or Lovers? || Shidou...

By Dakeda_san_

16.8K 385 257

"I thought you were gay?" "Who knows?" Love story with smuts :P More

Part 1||Enemies or lovers?
part 2||Enemies or lovers?
Part 3||Enemies or lovers?
part 4||enemies or lovers?
Part 5||enemies or lovers?
part 6||enemies or lovers?
part 7 || enemies or lovers?
part 8||enemies or lovers?
part 10||enemies to lovers
part 11||enemies to lovers?

part 9|| enemies or lovers?

1.3K 33 19
By Dakeda_san_

The next day

(On the call with sae☕)

-oi sae should I call shidou and say sorry?

-you can but i don't think he'll answer. He might have already blocked you

-dammit what should I do then

-try to call him and let me know

-but how should I start when he receives the phone

-start by asking how is he. Is his nose is okay or not

-okay. But what if he doesn't answer and ends the call?

-go meet him

-how the fuck can I meet him if he doesn't even talk to me on the phone

-go to his house.. Just kidding.. DON'T!

-okay bruhh lemme just call him at first


-hanging up

(Call ended)

You were feeling very nervous. You guys just had a fight in front of so many people. How embarrassing. You felt guilty for beating shidou so you had no other choice but to apologise. You called shidou thinking if he will answer. But he didn't. You called him again. This time he picked the phone. You were shocked. You were stuttering.

(On the call with shidou🗑️)



You were surprised at how calm he was

-um..shidou how are you?

-why are you asking me how am I? What's your problem? You still thinking to seduce me so I'd take you out and waste all my money again?

-what!? No I'm not trynna seduce you. Here me out first

-what the fuck do you have to say spit it out quickly

-first of all is your nose okay?

-bruhh...NO IT'S NOT

-does it hurt too much?

-nahh I'm used to this kind of injuries.. Bruh just say what you have to say don't ask this fucking stupid questions

-shidou..um..you know..um...I'm..s-sorry


-shidou I'm sorry

-for what?

-for what I did yesterday

-ok anything else? If you're done I'm hanging up

-no! Wait!....um..let's go somewhere-

-ohh!? You think if you say sorry i'll waste my money-

-my money!! My treat this time!

-you sure?


-where are you going?

-anywhere you want

-damn..Imma spend like thousand dollar you okay with that?

-I can't afford that much you know but I'll try my best to give a return of what you did

-then let's hit the club. I didn't drink for like months


-I'M 18 BRUH


-yeahh dumbass

-but I can't go to the club

-didn't you just say I can go anywhere I want?

-but I'm 17...

-no one told you to drink bruhh just pay Imma get drunk tonight

-okay bruh when are we going?


-I asked the time idiot

-at 10

-bruh but that's too late my mom won't-

-I don't give a fuck about your mommy issues

-ughh okay whatever

(Call ended)

You ended the call. You called sae immediately.

(On the call with sae☕)



-sae! I talked with shidou!

-ohh so he picked up the phone. What did he say?

-he was extremely calm. I apologised to him and said I'll take him out wherever he wants. He said he wants to go to the club


-calm down! What can I do other than agreeing?

-y/n!! Are you dumb or something? I never met someone so dumb in my life! Touch some fucking grass oh my god!

-sae stop!! I told him I don't wanna go to the club but he wasn't listening! But I want to show gratitude to him.

-okayyy I get it but y/n!! You're just 17. Shidou is going to get drunk. Can't you guess what can he do if he gets drunk? That guy's crazy you know him

-but he's gay-


-sae I know that but it'll be okay I guess

-how the fuck can you say it'll be okay?

-nah I mean it's him who'll get drunk. I'll be totally fine and conscious as I'm not drinking. And even if he tries to do something to me there will be so many people around me! I'll be fine

-you know what? If you want to go then go. Go wherever you want. I know how to fight

-wait are you planning to come with us? Nahh man shidou will fuck your ass you know

-look I can't go. I know it'll be a mess if I go but y/n...if he touches you, call me right ahead. Imma come and kill that bitch

-lol okay I'll. But I hope nothing will happen. I'll stay far from him and just pay for his drinks.

-yeah be careful. And don't you dare drink!!

-why the heck would I!! I'm 17!

-yeah you better not

-I know that.. Okay then

-yeah be safe and call me immediately if something happens. I'll try my best to come

-thank you sae

-sure... Bye then

-yeah bye

(Call ended)


"Oh yes sweety"

"Are you heading out right now?"

"Yes sweety I'll have to go right now. Why? Did anything happen?"

"When are you coming home?"

"I'll be late tonight. I have a meeting tonight so maybe after 11"

"After 11!?"

"Yes dear"

"Mom but I'll have to go out at 10 tonight"

"Where are you going?"

"To a friends house. A night-over party"

You had to lie. You didn't wanted to disappoint your mother by saying you're going to a club at a age of 17. Moreover your moms hates clubs because your dad always stayed there.

"But what about your brother?"

"Can't he stay in his best friends house tonight?"

"Okay I'll talk with his mother and let you know. I have to go now it's already getting late"

"Oh yeah mom you should go"

"Yeah bye sweety. Be safe!"

"Sure mom"

At the night

You and your brother had dinner. After dinner you had a shower. You wore a black dress, a little bit of makeup.

Your outfit:

You got out and dropped your little brother to his best friends house. You head to the place where shidou told you to come to meet him. It was 10 already. You never got out this late wearing dress that shows your thighs. Usually if you had to go out this late, you were baggy clothes. So as it was the first time,you were feeling a bit uncomfortable.

You saw shidou standing. He was also wearing black. He wore a plain shirt.

"Hey dumbass"

"You're late- wow nice fit. I heard your mom won't let you go out this late but look you're out and also wearing tight clothes"

"Mom is not home. I lied to her about going to the club"

"Aww you did that for me? Weren't you beating me and saying you hated me the last time?"

"I do hate you and can we just not talk about yesterday ugh"

"Sure sure"

You guys walked to the club as it was not so far from there. You were feeling nervous. It was the first time you were going to a club.

You and shidou entered the club. Most of the guys were looking at you which made you more uncomfortable. They were all drinking and getting drunk. You hated how they were getting drunk. It reminded of your father whom you hated the most cause he was always drunk and now you're with a guy who is also about to drink and get drunk. You're the one who'll pay for the drinks. You felt guilty. But if you didn't do anything for shidou, it would have made you feel guilty too.

You and shidou sat on a sofa. You were sitting infront of shidou. Some people were partying. It was very loud at the club. Shidou ordered one beer. He started drinking. He had like about 6-7 glasses.

"You want some?"

"Hell nahh"

"Try some"

"Shut up broo I'm underage! I can't drink"

"Bruh it's just one year difference. Nothing will happen. Aren't you curious how it tastes?"

"Shidou stop it I'm not drinking!"

"Ughh why not!? Just drink one glass"

It was noticeable that shidou was starting to get drunk. You realised it won't be easy to handle him if he drinks more. You were feeling a bit scared.

"Dude stop!"

"If you are really sorry for what you did yesterday, drink. Just one glass"

"Why do you want me to drink so bad?"

"I want to see how you look when you get drunk"

"Ayo what!? Look shidou my mom told me to never drink I can't-"

"Fuck your mom she's not here. Let's get drunk tonight"

"Shidou! I'm underage! I can't drink. I just came here to give you something in return by paying for what you drink. If you insist me to drink I'll call the police-"

"Okay okay fine ughh!"

You were glad to here that he agreed. He started drinking again. He drank many kinds of alcohols. He was drinking for an hour. You actually didn't cared about him that much. You were watching reels on your phone and trying to pass the time. You didn't feel so good being at a night club. All of a sudden, a guy came and approached you.

"Hey young lady. I've been looking at you. You seem kinda lonely. Doesn't your boyfriend care about you?"

"ohh no you must be mistaken. He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh awesome! Wanna have some fun with me sexy lady?"

"Nah thanks-"

The man hold your chin and lifted it up. He was rubbing you chin. You were shocked at how he acted tho he doesn't even know you. He was drunk too. He was smirking. This made you uncomfortable. You couldn't think about what to say or how to act. The next moment you saw him, he was on the ground and the one who send him to the ground was no one other than shidou.

"Motherfucker! How dare you!?", shidou got on the guy to beat him. He was totally drunk. He lost control of himself. He started beating the guy nonstop. The guy's face was a total mess. Blood all over his face. You were traumatised. Couldn't even think of how to control this monster all by yourself. Everyone was looking at the scene. They were all drunk so they were enjoying the fight. No one came to help the guy. They were supporting and praising shidou. You started crying. You went to shidou and hold his arms to make him stop.

"Shidou! Shidou! Please stop! Shidou! I beg you please stop it!", you were pulling shidou's arms but he wasn't listening to you.

Some guys came to stop shidou. They were the friends of the man who was getting beaten. You tried to pull away shidou and they tried to take the guy away from shidou. Shidou was cursing and still wanting to beat the hell out of the guy. You were crying,screaming and telling him to stop. The guys all got away with the injured guy. Shidou stood up to go behind the guy.

"HEY YOU MOTHERFUCKERS I'M NOT DONE WITH THAT ASSHOLE!", after saying this he was about to go and beat the guy but he suddenly stopped. You were surprised at this.

"Shit I can't stand I'm gonna collapse-", he was about to fall but you got him. He was still conscious but he couldn't move. It was because he drank too much. But thank god it made you feel relieved. You helped him sit on the sofa. One of the bartenders came.

"What happened here??"

"A lot happened. You are late. A guy was literally dying and all the guys here were praising the guy who was beating. No one came to help. I couldn't even do anything. Thank god he stopped by his own for not being able to move for the alcohol he had. You're coming after the disaster? I'm so disappointed!"

"Mam we're so sorry. Can I help you with anything right now?"

"A glass of water"

The bartender came with a glass of water and handed it to you. You took the glass and was about to give to shidou. And then you saw shidou was sleeping.

"He fell asleep? God dammit!"

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