As It Could Have Been

By shabom

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Jain and Samuel are post break up Tenielle is on her second year of homeschooling Aimee is struggling with fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

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By shabom


July 8, 2012

"Where you headed, Aimee?" Sam asks as he passes me.

"Dance hall, Nat's class. You?" I ask, turning to look at him.

"Music room. Are we still tie dyeing later?"

At this point we have both stopped to talk.

"We are. Since your class is longer than mine why don't we meet there?"

"Sounds good to me." Sam starts to turn away. "Oh, if you see Jain before then tell her I have the notes from yesterday's theatre class."

"I will. See you later." I say.

Sam nods and walks away.

Did Jain miss camp classes yesterday? We walked over together so I know she didn't miss the day. So that means she either ditched classes or wasn't paying attention.


"Jain?" I ask turning around.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asks.

I see Caitlyn behind her.

"I'm going to class." I say, glancing at my hand still reaching for the door.

"Oh, so am I. Except my class is all the way across camp and starts in one minute so I'm going to be late." Jain replies lightheartedly.

"I've got to go, Jain." Caitlyn says.

They hug and say bye.

"She's really cool. She stayed when Samuel and Rob left for class earlier."

"You mean this class period." I ask, surprised.

"Yeah. She stayed until the last second. Anyway, I should go."

I check my watch. Classes have started so might as well continue our conversation.

"Hey, Sam told me that he has notes for you about the first theatre class."

"That's great. I was a little preoccupied so I'm glad he's there to take notes."

It was the first class of her day. Why was she preoccupied?

"Try to pay attention, okay?" I ask.

"I will. See you later." Jain says, grinning and walking away.

I enter the dance hall and all eyes turn to me. I wave to a couple people and find a seat.

"Good morning." Nat says, coming in from the side door.

"Good morning." I say with the rest of my fellow campers, automatically.

Nat leads warm ups and describes End of Summer Performance for new students.

"Aimee." Talia says.

I look at her, surprised, and then look around the room. Everyone is looking at me again. I return my gaze to where it had been, pointedly, and then realize that Nat has moved and is staring at me.

"Yes?" I ask, unnerved.

"Nat wants you to demonstrate last summer's end performance." She replies, looking at me questioningly.

"That is, if you remember it, of course." Nat says, smiling.

One, that sounds like a challenge. Two, I might not if she keeps smiling at me.

"Uh, sure." I say, standing up.

But wasn't it a couple dance?

I reach the front of the room and turn around, searching for Vincent. Who's not here because he moved up.

"How about I dance with you since your partner's not in this class?" Nat whispers to me.

I can tell she said that while I was zoned out earlier. I nod.

I go into first position and wait for the music to start. I sense Nat standing a few feet behind me.

The music starts. I lightly step away from my starting point, then turn and tap Nat's shoulder. She touches my hand and I start to move away. She pulls me back and we dance ballroom style. There's sashays and ballet elements.

I can barely breathe by the time she dips me.I stand back up and we separate. I see Nat glance at my waist, where her hand had been, and shake her head.

"The class has a heavy ballet influence so be prepared for sore toes." Nat says and everyone laughs.

She splits up the boys and girls. I walk to the middle of the girl half.

"Aimee, could you lead the girls?" Nat asks.

I look at Talia in the mirror. She was in the class last year. She knows the dance as well.

"I'm not as good at it." She whispers, pulling me forward.

Nat glances at me one more time and starts the count.

We run through it several times without music and once with.

"Great day, everyone." Nat says, after we've cooled down. "Practice and I'll see you the day after tomorrow."

She leaves and everyone flops to the floor.

"Second class of the day and I'm so tired." Says a new girl, who I think is named Gwen.

"I know. Give me fast- beat over slow any day." Talia says.

"Anyway, first lunch has started. Let's go!" Elliott yells and then bursts out the main door.

I shake my head as most of the class runs after him. Growing performing artists.

"Coming Aimee?" Gwen asks.

I feel bad I don't know her name for sure since she knows mine.

"No, I've got plans. But Wednesday?" I ask and Talia nods before dragging Gwen away.

I grab my water and leave the dance hall through the side door so I can avoid the main walkway and people.


So much for that. But at least, it's Nat.

"Hi, Nat. How have you been?"

"I'm good. Classes were great this year. And I got this class and a couple assisting classes. How have you been?"

"I've been good." I try to think of something to add but keep coming back to BITE. "Just school, dance, and such."

"Cool. Hey, I hope I didn't put you on the spot today." She says, looking at me.

"You didn't."

She's still looking at me.

"I'm serious, I was a little surprised but I didn't feel put on the spot." I say.

"Good. I was happy to see some people returning. Thinking of which, why are you in the class again?"

I don't reply.

"I mean Talia and a couple others couldn't pass on but you're not in this age group anymore. Why take this class instead of something else?"

"I'm sorry. I understood what you were saying. I was just stuck on 'thinking of which.'"

"Don't let my Natisms get in the way of the conversation." She says.

I smile, having heard of Natisms before.

"I'm taking the dance classes in my age group that interest me and other classes. It wasn't an either or thing. Sis Williams said I could take this class since the age range overlaps. I'm taking more difficult classes with Vincent and them but I wanted to be in your class." I say, smirking.

"To see if I mess up?"

"What? Nat, no. You're not going to mess up. You're a great dancer and choreographer. I joined the class because I'm proud of you."

"Oh. Thanks."

"No problem." I say as the music section comes into sight.

"Would now be the best or worst time to ask for your assistance?" she asks.

"Assistance, how?"

"You've taken this class. You always know what I mean. You'll be able to help me teach."

My eyes widen and my mouth opens. I probably look so stupid right now.


"I asked Sis Williams when I saw you on the roster. She okayed it and said she'd be willing to give you some staff privileges if you want."

"Fine, I'll assist you." I say as Sam exits the music room.

"Thank you. You won't regret it." Nat says, looking at her watch. "I've got to go. I'm meeting up with Melissa, Candace, and Tenielle. Do you want to come?"

"I've got plans. I'll see you at dinner." I say.

"Cool. Later." She says, waving and backing away.

"Is Nat using one word sentences?" Sam says, waving to Nat.

"Yeah, I think college finally made her human." I say, laughing.

"What was she before?"

"I don't know. It's called a joke, Sam."

"Sure but I always thought jokes were supposed to make other people laugh too." He replies.

"Like yours do?" Declan asks, sarcastically.

I hadn't noticed we were by the literature section.

"Hi." Melissa calls running past us.

"Bye." I yell after her as she closes in on Nat and Tenielle.

"Dude, you're so funny." Sam replies sarcastically to Declan.

"We can write on our shirts, right?" Declan asks and Sam nods. "You should write, 'I like Jain.'"

"Only if you write, 'I like Tenielle.'" Sam replies.

"Not yet."

"What?" I ask, turning to look at Declan.

"I'm doing something soon."


"I could have waited until she was 23."

"Why does everyone know what she wrote in her youth book?"

"Sam told me."

I look at Sam. He shrugs.

"Or maybe she just really doesn't want to date." I comment.

"I have to ask." Declan says.

"Okay." I sigh.

Rob joins us.

"Hey." Rob says.

"Sup." Sam asks, hugging him.

"Bro, I had the longest day."

I listen to the two chat. Suddenly we hear, "Hi!"

We all turn around and see Caitlyn. I guess we were waiting for her. I should have wondered why we were just standing in front of the multipurpose yard.

"Hey. Let's ... Wait where's Jain?" Rob asks.

Caitlyn opens her mouth to answer.

"She's at the lake." Sam replies and we all look at him.

He shakes his phone. Declan and Rob's buzz and I turn mine on to find a new message.

Jain: At the lake. See you at dinner.

"She said she'd just share your shirt, Aimee." Caitlyn says, smirking.

As if. Just for that I'm going to make it too small for her. Jain's more modest than me.

"Let's go. All the shirts will be claimed soon." Declan says, looking at the campers entering the yard.

This is a lot of people. There are a lot of people here in general and in my group. I'd thought it was just going to be me, Sam, and Declan. Wrong. Big group, big crowd and no sisters. I'm starting to think I should have gone with Nat.

Then I see the shirts hanging up. The excitement I felt when this activity was announces starts to build up again.

----- ----- -----


July 25, 2012

It's our mid-performance break. We're all hanging on the yard. It's the first year so it's a little messy, a little disorganized. We're supposed to be sharing what we want but so far everyone is talking.

Everyone that's here that is. And most of my friend group is not. Jain, Sam, Rob, and Caitlyn went to town. Alyssa is in town hanging with Candace and helping her unpack at her dorm. Melissa is next to me. Nat and Aimee make up the end of our row. Tyson came from baseball camp this evening and he is between Declan and I.

At least he had been. Where did Declan go?

"Hey, where's ---?"

"We have a presentation." Sis Williams says.

I turn to the stage and Declan is standing next to Sis Williams. He shakes his head when she offers him the microphone.

"Right. A picture speaks a thousand words." Sis Williams says and they leave the stage.

"I wonder why he didn't tell us. The others would have stayed." Melissa says.

"He mentioned something to me. I wasn't expecting him to go first though."

"He told you and no one else. I wonder if..." She trails off and points at the screen.

The screen says dp in white on a black background. The picture he took at our summer party pops up. As Honey Bee by Blake Shelton starts the picture zooms in – to me. To me! The lyrics display, with picture after picture of me. Some are from group pictures and others are just me. One turns sideways as the lyric says something about being sideways. There's a picture of me writing in this very quad. The angle shows how focused I am and I'm smiling. I recognize the notebook and the moment. The second chorus shows a picture of me and Declan that first summer and the picture he made me take with him last week.

For this? I realize the song and video have concluded and I look for Declan. He's in the back by the refreshment table.

"I wonder if you had to be here." Melissa finishes her thought from before. "The others really should have stayed."

She's looking at me.


"Aren't you going to say anything?" She asks, nodding towards Declan.

I stand up and start walking back. Everyone had grown quiet during the video and they're looking at me. Why did I have to sit so far forward?

"Cookie?" Declan asks, holding a plate out to me.


"I got some cookies for you, like always. I know how you feel about ice cream, candy, and just about every other popular dessert. So, cookie?" He asks again.

Is this happening? Is Declan rambling?

"Declan, are you serious? I'm not talking about you offering me a cookie. Well, I kinda was surprised by that. But I wasn't expecting that to be the first thing you said after that presentation."

He doesn't say anything.

"You haven't looked me in the eye this whole time. What happened to the smooth Declan I've come to ..." I cut myself off.

"Come to what?" he asks, looking me in the eye.

"Come to like."

His eyes widen and then he chuckles.


"Why?" I ask, shocked.

"Why what?"

"Why me? Out of everyone, me? I mean, I can think of someone prettier, more talented, more passionate, and more normal. Why would you still choose me?"

"Comparing yourself to our friends is a waste of your time. They aren't you. I didn't choose you. I just like you. You make me happy."

I stare at him, dazed and unsure what to say.

"Tenielle, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Uh, just a little overwhelmed. I thought dating wouldn't be possible for me."


"I'm aromantic."

"Oh. Like Brad?" I nod. "So when you say you like me, you mean what exactly?"

"Declan, if I had to be trapped on an island with anyone, minus my sisters, it would be you. I wake up wanting to talk to you, to see you, to be with you. I don't know how dating me will go. But if that's the label you want, I'll take it."

"Good. For a second there I thought you were going to take it all back."

"Never." I say, and Declan smiles.

"Come on. Melissa's looking for us." He says, putting his arm around my shoulder.

----- ----- -----

July 28, 2012


"Mel, not so heavy on the pedal." Nat says.

I continue reading.

"Turn signal. No, that's the windshield wipers."

Melissa sighs.

"Too narrow a turn, Mel."

"I don't want to hit anything."

"We're in an empty parking lot. There's nothing to hit." I say.

Melissa looks at me through the rearview mirror.

"That's enough for today."

Nat and Melissa switch seats.

I don't realize it's a quiet ride home until we're at Aunt Gemma's house.

"Mel, ask Aimee for help."

"Why?" She asks, defensively.

"She's getting it more than you do."

My eyes flair. I stop myself from saying anything to keep from embarrassing Mel further.

"Bye." I say and they reply.

I let myself in and lay on my bed. Once I know they are home, I text Nat.

Aimee: You should be nice to Mel.

Nat: I am.

Aimee: we hurt her feelings today.

Nat: I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.

Aimee: she looks up to you. Of course anything negative is going to hurt.

Nat: Still feel like this was slightly out of character for her.

Aimee: probably. She really missed you this year.

Nat: what's different about this year?

Aimee: you bought a house and am never living at home again.

Nat: not if I can help it.

Aimee: what does that mean?

Nat: nothing. Just want my independence.

Aimee: just don't leave Melissa behind while doing so.

Nat: I won't. Night

Aimee: good night

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