Par Rinelexxy

26.9K 514 32

"YOU ARE MINE , LIKE IT OR NOT." Mr. Maximilian is the type of guy who does not take a "no" for an answer li... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 21

478 9 0
Par Rinelexxy

"Wake up...Anny, it's past 9 am. Get up." Gab drew the curtains .

I twisted and turned allowing myself to stretch a bit. Last night was one of the finest moments of my life. I was ready to savior everything in my memory and keep them for a life time. All details was perfectly installed, mirroring everything we did that last night.

''Go freshen up. I heard you have an important meeting scheduled up for you."

Yah! I totally forgot about that. I shot out of bed to prepare. Last night he had clearly told me how important this was to him and if he could strike this deal then he could organize a big Galla party to celebrate his success.

Soon I was in the bathroom. A hot shower was all I needed. There was no time for me to start taking the healthy baths to make my skin glow. I was perfect the way I was . Later Gab was the one dolling and stuffing my face with makeup. At first, I had put up a fight about that but later I agreed to it. I had to fit in if I wanted to last in this society.

'' Hurry up, the clothes are here." She informed me that.

I made my way to the direction of the changing room. I found Gabby already dressed. Wow she was beautiful in her dress. It suited her perfectly.

" Gabby, you look amazing in that dress." I complemented her.

Moments later I was already dressed. I felt a little bit jealous since I had worn casual for the occasion. I wasn't entitled to wear fancy. Yet here she was dressed as if it was a dinner date. I watched her show all her flaws.

"Sorry Anny but you have to babysit your cute boss in the meeting." She bragged.

''You should be thanking me. I made your dreams come true, yet here I am being the hardworking bitch while you are enjoying the fruits." I complained.

We heard a knock at the door. "I'll check who it is. " Gabby ran as if her life depended on whoever was behind that door. She almost bumped into a seat that was near the window. I followed close behind her.

There he was the man of her dreams. Lukah stood in front of us, with his workout muscled frame, same as Max's. They both looked like brothers. Almost same height, complexion, body build and mode of dressing. Even though Lukah works for Max, they both seem pretty close.

''You look gorgeous, baby girl.'' Well, we all know who the complement was directed to.

I marched out leaving the lovey dovey couple admiring each other.

''Let's go.'' I heard Lukah telling Gab.

They both followed close behind me holding hands.

''Lukah, have you heard from Max?'' I asked curiously once we saw a convoy of cars coming to the direction of the main entrance where the red carpet was laid on the ground.

'Oh! He is already at the venue.''

The time I have been with him, I came to know him a little bit more. He always escaped such moments. Not once have I seen him while waking up. Its either he had travelled or took off to God knows where. I made up my mind to talk to him concerning that matter.

'' You are not driving today?'' I curiously asked Lukah.

''Nope, today I have an important matter to attend to.'' He spoke gently stroking Gabby's hair.

I understood. They both were ditching me to go for a romantic hang out. I was sad at the same time happy for her. Hugging them, I bid them bye.

''Enjoy your date you mother-fucking betrayers.'' With that I entered the car. Soon it roared hitting the road once again.

'' Seems it's me and him now. Perfect time to get me and Max some alone time. I wasn't going to let him off the hook now. He is going to listen to me whether he likes it or not. I just hope I won't shy away and stay hidden in my cocoon'' my thoughts ran through...

'' Ma'am this is your stop.'' The driver informed me.

I slowly alighted the car and made my way through the red carpet to the entrance.

''Mis Anny, right?'' one of the attendees stretched his hand to me with a broad smile.

''Yes.'' I shook her hand with the same gesture as hers.

''This way please, the meeting is about to begin.''

I followed close behind her. Up the elevator to the 10th floor. She directed me to one of the rooms. That felt odd. Wasn't she supposed to get me directly to the conference hall.

'' Sorry mis Anny. The senior one ordered me to not step on this floor.'' She quickly explained herself.

''How so? ''

''Every staff member and non-staff are unauthorized on this floor. The meeting is such a big deal.'' she concluded.

With that I dismissed her. Slowly I made my way to the direction of where I was directed to. Just round the corner I met with a much older gentle man. He looked at me from head to toe. That felt so improper that I wanted to give him a piece of my mind. Then something else crept in. I chose to remain silent. Maybe he is one of the most important people here.

I didn't want to screw up my first day and make Max loose face. This negotiation meant so much to him.

''Can I help you sir?'' I asked.

He shook his head.

''I haven't seen you in any of our meetings. so what are you doing here?'' He spoke fluently with his Americano accent.

''No sir am a new one. '' I spoke boldly with my head up high with a slight smile on my lips.

''... I see. Apart from your pretty face and sexy body what can you do in this field of business.''

I watched him in utter rage. He wasn't being nice. In fact, I'd say he was trying to piss me off. I watched him closely.

''Sir I barely know you and I'd say if you are trying to piss me off, it ain't gonna work. '' I slightly smiled at him taking a step closer to him. ''I know my abilities and I wont let anybody figure that out for me.''

I walked away. Hopefully I hadn't said much than it was needed right then . Yet one way or another I felt hurt by his gesture. '' He thinks am not qualified to be in this kind of business. well I'll show him what am made off.'' I talked to myself as I was walking past him.

I entered the conference hall only to find everybody seated. A sum of like twenty men and few women. Max came to my aid.

''Thank God. I was on the verge of walking away.''

He eyed me for a while before leading me to where we were supposed to seat.

''Took you long enough to get here.'' He whispered in my ear.

''Yah! That's because I met an arrogant old looking man. he pretty messed up my day.'' I complained.

''Tell me you didn't start a fight with someone you barely know.''

His eyes were looking straight at me. I felt his mood changing. It's as if he was a little disappointed in me. Probably he was, yet I had my own limits too.

'' Relax, I didn't.''

'' When are you ever going to learn? ''he dead panned it.

Well that came off rather hurtful than I had prepared myself for. I knew he was going to get mad but not that angry. I tried to explain yet he shushed me up.

''Anny, we will talk about this later.''

I nodded in agreement. Suddenly the door opened. The old man came walking in, head high with three body guards trailing behind him. I was so screwed.

''Is he the big boss here?'' I whispered to Max.

''Seriously Anny. You barely know the guy you go to bed with.''

'' What's up with you. It was a yes or no answer.''

I faced him only to find his eyes on me. He seemed pretty angry with me. I didn't expect this day to be so ... so bad the way it was going.

''I am the last say here.'' He informed me.'' Next time know the kind of person you take to bed.''

With that he stood once the old man was near our reach.

''Mr. Arnold nice to see you again.''

They both shook hands. Coming to me, he looked at me for a couple of seconds.

''Is she your apprentice?'' He asked.

well, I was in deep shit now.

''Yes. Why?'' Max asked.

''Feisty just like you.''

He smiled then went and took a seat. His body guards marched out of the conference room. Max eyed me before taking a seat.

''You argued with that? Good luck in this meeting. You are as good as dead right now."

''What does that even mean?'' I mumbled silently.

Fear crept in me. I knew I couldn't be, but I super was ." If Max is the big boss, I shouldn't fear anything. " I kept telling that to myself over and over again. Watching him made it worse he kept giving me that pitiful look. I felt like slapping that look off his face but the back of my mind I knew it was a bad idea.

''Mr. Maximillian what you mean to say is that you are giving this project a hundred percent? or am I wrong?'' Mr. Arnold spoke out of the blues.

''Yes, that is exactly what I mean.'' He replied.

''Good then let the lady beside you convince us why we should support this project. Remember our last, did not work out as planned.'' He added.

''Our last...'' He dragged.

Something smelt fishy here. Max seemed confused but once he made eye contact with Mr. Arnold, he agreed with him. It was as if they had a telepathic connection. They both understood each other.

''can you, it's okay if you don't want to, since you don't know anything about the contract.''

We both shared looks with each other. I looked past my "boss" to Mr. Arnold then back to Max. Hell no, I wasn't going to let this opportunity slide. Yah! I knew so little about it, but I know more about marketing. Head high I stood, took Max's laptop and went near the projection machine.

Lucky me I had perused the entire project. With the help of my boss, he had taught me few stuffs concerning the functionality of sales diagrams and how to predict whether it has high chances for a firm to succeed or not. I spoke fluently the whole time. Picking out the best of my pick lines that attracted them more.

All that time my eyes were glued to Mr. Arnold. I knew then his approval was more recognized than everybody else. I made sure I made the best impression. He seemed interested in everything.

'' With the help of all of you, Ladies and gentlemen I present the future of Robo-Cop AI Security System.'' I proudly finished my presentation.

Everyone applauded as I walked back to my seat. At the moment I felt so good. On the other hand Max had a big smile on his face. He seemed happy. Bet he liked my presentation.

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