The Boogeyman (Marvel Fanfict...

By Adopeasf

2.3K 77 18

In a universe where Peter Parker aka Spiderman doesn't exist. Instead, the one who takes his place is Gwen St... More

The Boogeyman
The Otherside of Life
Cat And Mouse
The Search
The Brotherhood
X(avier's) Men
Hangover Cure

Punching Bag

261 8 0
By Adopeasf

The three days went like a breeze. Not much coming from Roux as he stayed home and do nothing much. He did do his daily routine, went for a jog for 10 kilometers in the morning and at night, calisthenics workout at home and do house chores.

Other than that he does go out do his own thing with his mask. Gwen also came around to visit him for the last three days and sometimes she brought snacks.

Roux did sometimes procrastinate from learning, playing video games and whatnot.

And before he realised the three days had pass and he went back to school. It was already stt he end of school, Roux was outside waiting for Gwen to come out from her class.

She eventually came out with the look of frustration. As soon as she spots Roux, her expression soften. She jogged her way to Roux.

"Man, took you long enough. If you would've taken longer, I might kick that child over there just for the fun of it." Roux spoke, pointing at the child who looks like one of those parents saying they look cute but actually they don't. He placed his phone back inside his pocket.

"Stop whining, will you? Come on, I've had enough of school." Gwen began to walk and Roux tailing her from behind.

"How come you haven't join any band yet?" Roux mentioned, now walking shoulder to shoulder with Gwen.

Last time when Gwen got to join a band that was recommended by Roux, it ended up with the rest of the band members kicking her out and they went to the hospital afterwards. Of course, Roux is the one who beated them up and pretty sure they had concussions and forgot how to play their designated music instruments.

Gwen merely shrugged, "Maybe I don't wanna be in a band yet. Maybe I could start a band and you'll be my first mate." She said smiling at Roux.

"Hard pass. Besides, I'm not that good."

"Wha- you ARE good! You're the best guitarist I've known!"

"We only did one song, Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy."

"Ughh, don't say my full name, man. Besides, that one song was the greatest riff you did dude!"

"I'm flattered but still won't do bands." Roux declined.

"Which was it? All I know we did Ludwig van Beethoven song. Is it Fur Elise?"

"How can you not compare between Beethoven's songs?! It's Moonlight Sonata!"

"How can that be Sonata?! The first several keys isn't the same as he played!"

"It's the third movement!"

"Why are you shouting?!"

"I don't know!"

"Well, then. Let's just stop there. We're gonna end up screaming at the top of our lungs."

They continued to walked the rest of the way until they reached Gwen's house. "You have plans tonight?" Roux asked.

"Yeah. Schoolwork, schoolwork and more schoolwork." Stated Gwen. Roux groaned from her answer.

"Man, you've been busy all week." He complained.

"Well, what can I do, really? This is only highschool, imagine college. Better yet, imagine University."

"Can't, my brain can't braining anymore."

"Well, I have to go. See you in school." Gwen goodbyed before entering her house.

Roux simply waved as she closed the door.

Roux sighed before walking away from the area. He decided to visit the nearest convenient store which was within the city. His apartment was also in the city, somewhere in Midtown.

As he was walking down the streets late at night, he felt incoming footsteps that was possibly suspicious. He concentrated his senses of hearing, the heart beat of the person behind him was beating normally, the footsteps had the same constant stepping sound, their breathing was slow.

He concentrated more, he heard the movement of their arms like they were about to grab Roux from behind. As soon as their hands were close to touching his jacket, Roux spun around and caught them by the wrist. It returns with the sound of yelp.

"Hey, Roux. How'd you know I was behind you?" MJ asked, had the face of suprised.

"Mary Jane! What the hell are you doing here?" Roux asked.

"Well, I live not far from here. Just left school and was making my way to buy myself something to drink. How 'bout you?" She asked.

"Same reason. Though, now that you mentioned it, maybe mom needs green tea. We're almost out of it."

"You like tea?"

"Nah. I'm more of a coffee person."

They continued to walk to the same destination, MJ could feel the awkward tension between the two of them.

Roux was also not sure what to talk about they didn't know each other much. They weren't exactly friends.

MJ suddenly felt a cold breeze from the nightly wind and shivered down to her spine. She made a little sound of shivered reaction in which Roux took noticed.

"You wanna borrow my jacket? You looked like you could freeze to death in any second." He offered, removing his bag before taking out his jacket.

"Oh no, I couldn't. You need it more than I do." She declined. However, Roux was persistent and gave MJ the jacket.

"Do I look like I'm shaking from the cold? Here just take it." MJ hesitated a vit before taking the jacket and wore it.

It felt cozy, and comfortable, and soft, and cozy, and warmth. Did I mentioned cozy?

She could smell Roux's cologne from the hot wear. It smelled nice.

"Feelin' better?"

"Yeah. Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it, Mary Jane."

MJ noticed that Roux just said her name rather than her nickname. I mean, is it really that hard to say 'M' and 'J'?

"Y'know, you could just call me MJ. That's what my friends called me." She stated.

"I know, but I'm not really your friend." Said Roux. MJ felt a sudden sting in her heart for no reason. It felt like hearing her crush saying he has a girlfriend to her. Why was she feeling this type of way? She wasn't into Roux, was she?

The tension came to visit once again. The atmosphere of silence mixed with awkwardness was within them.

Roux suddenly stopped walking. He had aa face of concern and confusion. He was gazing on the ground, he tried to listened to his surroundings. It felt like a heavy footsteps running towards where he was.

That proved his point as MJ and Roux felt the ground began to shake. The trembling soon changed to aggressive shakes before the building wall on their left suddenly smashed from the otherside.

Roux grabbed her by the waist before pulling her away from the area and they both fell. The wall collapsed and the supervillain Rhino had came through the wall.

MJ laid on top of Roux. The sudden incoming of Rhino's presence seen to neglect on how close MJ was on Roux.

Roux stood up, pulling MJ along with him. "MJ! Run!"

MJ didn't hesitate amd ran away from the area. However, Roux wasn't following her. She looked back at him from behind as he stood there looking at the Rhinoceros villain.

MJ gazed carefully, seeing another person on top of Rhino. They wore a pink white black costume with a hood on.

"Roux! What are you doing?!" MJ shouted at Roux. Roux looked behind his shoulder, towards where MJ was.

"Just go! I'll be fine!"

MJ was having second thoughts but came back her senses, running away from the scene.

Ghost-Spider had her webs on Rhino like a horse's rein, stirring him like an actual horse. She wasn't aware that Roux was near.

Roux quickly went through his bag before pulling out his mask before equipping it, he threw his bag aside.

As Rhino swinging his hands around, Ghost-spider was trying her best not to fall off of him as so much he was twisting and turning like he was trying to scratched his itchy back.

Roux came running to Rhino before superman punched him on the side of his face. Despite Rhino being big, Roux managed to jumped and connect his fist with his face.

The sudden punch actually made Rhino staggered. Roux climbed on him like a tree before grabbing his horn and brought his knee to smash against Rhino's face.

Rhino groaned, he actually felt the pain coming from Roux and tried to grab Roux, but he let go of his horn and landed on his feet.

He slides down under him and climbed him from his back.

Ghost-Spider felt a sudden presence from behind and saw Roux came climbing.

"What the-" she started. Roux jumped over Ghost-Spider and had his foot coming down to Rhino's face and it connected timingly as Rhino turned his head.

Rhino screamed before running towards another building. Roux was hanging by Rhino's head. The incoming wall made him jumped off and landed behind him, next to the heroine.

The innocent bystanders ran away from the street, don't wanting to get crossfire from the rush.

Both Roux and Ghost-Spider ducked as Rhino smashed into a wall.

Rhon came from the other side. The busy street filled with people was shook at the sudden tremble. They were now in the middle of Times Square.

Ghost-Spider still held Rhino with her webs. She looked at Roux, "What the hell are you doing?!"

Roux only gazed at her before saying, "Mind your goddamn business! Watch where you're fucking driving into!" He shouted, referencing her that she was steering Rhino. She pulled the reins which diverted the directions.

Bad thing is she was steering towards the crowds.

Roux jumped off Rhino and rushed towards the woman who had a baby in her arms. He took hold of the woman's waist and grabbed the baby before Rhino almost ran onto both of them.

Rhino kept running, at least the woman and the baby were safe. The woman almost lost her balance but Roux still kept his arm around her waist and the baby in his hand.

He gave the baby back to the mother. "Stay safe." He said before sprinting towards Rhino. Even with Rhino's momentum of running, Roux could catch up to him. He was fast but Roux was faster.

When Roux was about to jump back on Rhino, the other pedestrian were on the way. He grabbed them and got them out of the way.

As he was done, he stood in front of Rhino's road before perfectly jumped and landed on him.

"Will you stop aiming for the bystanders!" He shouted at Ghost-Spider.

"I don't have control of him god dammit!"

Roux grunted before taking the webbed reins from her hands. He jumped in front of Rhino and slides underneath him. In which Rhino was pulled underneath him and tumbled over the road.

Ghost-Spider jumped as soon as Rhino crashed down.

Rhino kept tumbling before a car crashed into him. He huffed out of frustration before grabbing the car and threw it at Roux.

The people inside the thrown car were screaming. Luckily Ghost-Spider managed to get them out. Though the car was still flying and Roux duck from the incoming car. It passed him by the head before it tumbled down the road.

Ghost-Spider let go of the civilian as they thanked her before they ran away.

Her spider senses tingled, dodging from Rhino's incoming fist. Rhino kept swinging and missing his fist at the heroine. Roux jumped onto Rhino from behind and climbed to the top before pulling him the the head.

This made Rhino stopped throwing his fists. He tried to grabbed Roux, flailing his arms around. Roux tried his best to avoid Rhino's massive hand while maintaining his stand. Soon, Rhino managed to grabbed Roux by his arm before slamming him onto the cold hard asphalt road.

Roux mentally groaned from the pain, it felt like he fell down a 300 floor building, that happened like two times before. He laid on his stomach as Rhino let go of him before he smashed his fist against Roux that created a crater on the road.

Roux screamed, felt his bones are breaking. Good thing his skull was intact by his solid kevlar helmet-mask.

But that doesn't help with the impact banged against his head.

Rhino towered over Roux body had his expression in a pissed off look.

Roux struggled with rolling over until his back was against the road. He looked at Rhino's maddened expression. Rhino picked him up before throwing him onto a construction sites. The still manufacturing walls was smashed from Rhino's throw. Roux groaned from the impact and from the tumble. He shakenly stood up, knowingly his body screaming for him to not move.

Rhino emerged from the hole. Roux lifted up his fist before motioning his hands 'come on' gesture. Rhino didn't think twice before ramming his body at Roux to which Roux dodged to the side from the incoming Rhinoceros. Rhino slammed against the wall before Roux jumped onto his shoulder and punched his face. To his suprise, Rhino actually did felt the punch, felt like a piston smashed against his face.

Rhino swung his arm, trying to hit Roux. Roux managed to evade the attack, his body still screaming from the soreness of his movement pain. But that didn't stop Roux from fighting back.

Roux jumped backwards, dodging a hammer punch. Rhino's fist got stuck on the ground and Roux took the chance and roundhouse kick Rhino's head. He barely flinch from the kick but he felt the hit. Roux just looked at him.

"I'm sorry." He muttered.

Roux was thrown through the wall and smashed against at the side of a car in which it caved in.

He wasn't wearing any protection, if his body can talk, it would screamed at the top of it's lung at this point.

Rhino once again emerged from the hole. He slowly approached from who was now out of the caved in car. Rhino grabbed him by the upper body. Cause Rhino have big hands, he couldn't even choke Roux by the neck. Rhino threw him on the middle of the road, he threw a punch at Roux. Even though he blocked the punch, it sent Roux flying. Roux stood up once again before felt another punch from the side. He got another punch from Rhino and this process was repeated before Rhino grabbed Roux and slammed him against the road.

"You're just gonna treat me like a punching bag, залупа?" Roux uttered in a mocking tone, knowing Rhino understood the language on the last word.


Before Rhino could slam his fist onto Roux again, a manhole cover smashed against his protected face. Rhino stumbled backwards before falling onto his back. He became unconscious from the swing of the metal frisbee.

Ghost-Spider landed next to the laying Roux. "You okay?" She asked, pulling Roux onto his feet. She felt her spider senses tingled before getting an uppercut from Roux.

"Ow! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Don't go soft on me now." He slowly and softly said. That earned a huffed grunt from Ghost-Spider before she gave her own punch. Doux dodged from it and parried his own on her side. They continue to exchange blows before Roux punched on her liver.

Ghost-Spider was stunned from the punch, Roux spartan kicked her on her chest and created distance between them. Ghost-Spider fell on her back, holding her side.

Her eyes landed on Roux, who was making his way to her limpingly. That was soon stop when they heard police sirens. Ghost-Spider glanced behind her and saw police cars making their way here.

She looked in front once more only to find Roux nowhere around. She groaned before standing up and swing away from the scene.


Roux was climbing on the side of his apartment building, next to a window to his room. Good thing he didn't lock the window from last night. He lifted his window up by sliding his hand upwards against the glass.

He crawled through the window before falling to the other side. He landed on his bed, rolling over and landed on the floor.

He groaned from the soreness, standing up and made his way to his study table. He took of his helmet before putting it on the said table.

With that, he accidentally knocked off some things from the table and made a noise. He cursed to himself before picking up the things.

He heard a sudden footsteps before the door to his bedroom opened. A woman somewhere in her mid 40, who was still looked young, held a handgun and was aiming around the room. She spotted Roux who was holding a bottle in his hand.

"Oh, it's just you, dear." She greeted, lowering her gun.

"Hey, mom."

She carefully took a second look at Roux, "What happened to you? You looked like shit."

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