PJ Mask: A lovely vacation

By ZafiroSkyStar

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Note: this event was taken place after the PJ Mask finished a School year The PJ Mask are going camping this... More

Prologue: Finished school year
Chapter 2: off to go camping!
Chapter 3: what are the others doing?
Chapter 4: 2nd day of vacation
Chapter 5: Finding the Portal
Chapter 6: I'm sorry...
Chapter 7 ( part 1): calm down
Chapter 7 ( part 2 ): I don't understand
Chapter 8: planning
Chapter 9: firewood
Chapter 10: beginning of the Chaos
Chapter 11: explain now!
Chapter 12: battle of the dawn and dusk
Chapter 13: we need healing
Chapter 14: Cure found
Epilogue: The Love

Chapter 15: What!?

289 5 118
By ZafiroSkyStar

Haha, long time no see my friends. It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, we are back with another chapter. Enjoy!

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Previously, in Chapter 14:

Skylar: uhm..are you ok, Angel?

Starshine: uhm...well...

you see...

something happened...

I dreamed something last night


" Back to present "

Starshines POV:

Starshine: It was me meeting Mistress Sasha

Everyone stayed silent and till suddenly...

Skylar: WHAT!? wait, who is she?

Starshine: She claimed to be the Mistress of the Dark holders

Skylar:...haven't heard of her

Starlight: Maybe Crystal knows

Snowball: I'll ask Owlette since Catboy mentioned that Owlette loves to read different histories, myths, heroes, and stuff.

Skylar: Hold up, we are here to relax. We can do that stuff after a break, ok?

Starshine: But Sasha also mentioned something...

Skylar: Oh, she did?

Starshine: Yeah. She said, "Repair the broken heart of the one who has been with you from the start."

Skylar: What is that supposed to mean?

Starshine: I don't know, that's why I am asking if you guys know

Skylar: I'm afraid we don't know.

Starlight: I think the question is who

Gekka: You can go to the library to see

We all turned our heads to Gekka, confused.

Starshine: Do you think a book there will explain my weird dream?

Gekka: Not really, but there might be a book about this, Sasha.

Skylar: Gekka. There are thousands of people named "Sasha" HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHO IS ANGEL TALKING ABOUT

Starshine: Calm down, blue rose. I'm sure we can do this, but then again. Let's not focus on this for now. We need a break, I'm sorry for stressing you out, guys.

Gekka: Pretty sure it's Skylar who is stressed *chuckles*

Skylar: *sighs* Sorry, I was just worried about Angel last night that I couldn't sleep well.

Starshine: Aww, Skylar

Skylar: Don't worry, I'm alright and Angel, it's ok. You didn't do anything wrong.

Starshine: Aww, thanks.

Gekka: Oh yeah, did you guys see Owlboy anywhere?

Starshine: The last time I saw him was with Samantha.

Skylar: What, when? and isn't that Jewel's enemy?

Starlight: Oh yeah! and she tried stealing James by stealing the love crystal!

Starshine: Yup! I saw Samantha with Owlboy during the battle. I saw Owlboy getting trapped by a bubble. but later, I saw the bubble pop and saw both of them leave

Skylar: Was the bubble transparent?

Starshine: I'm afraid not, I couldn't even hear anything there, so I didn't know what happened.

Gekka: What if he got hypnotised!?

Starshine: possible, but maybe not

Gekka: Did you at least follow them when they left?

Starshine: I did! but I lost them when...

Skylar: When what

Starshine: When I encountered Zafiro with Diana, Karla, and Samantha...

Skylar: Diana!?

Starlight: Zafiro!?

Gekka: Karla!?

Starshine: Yeah. Do you guys know what it means

Skylar: Yes

Gekka: Nope

Starshine: It means the locatum spell worked! but she is still nightingale

Snowball: So do we tell Jewel?

Starshine: No, not right now. Jewel would be happy, but Zafiro has not changed. She isn't Zafiro. She is Nightingale.

Gekka: We don't even know what she looks like

Starshine: That's because we haven't met since we were kids. We all met Zafiro when we went to the Crystal Kingdom

Gekka: ohh ok, ok. Wait, did you mention Karla, too??

Starshine: Yeah, I did

Gekka: Ain't she Catboy's ex?

Starshine: Yeah, she is. She cheated on Catboy

Gekka: If she's back...

Starlight: This is not good

Snowball: So do we tell Catboy?

Starshine: We will

Snowball: After we rest! we can discuss this more later, ok?

Everyone: ok!

Snowball: Good

Skylar: Thanks, dude

Snowball: You're welcome

* Skip time *

Gekko's POV:

Luna and I decided to meet at the museum to relax ( we are both on our secret identities ), and it's going great. We talked about a few things and saw a few interesting things. I can't help but stare at Luna and blush whenever she smiles. Her smile just sparkles my eyes, makes my heart melt, and makes me smile. We last hung out by ourselves at the festival months ago.

Luna: Gekko? ello? Are you there?

I snapped out of my trance and looked at Luna, seeing her confused.

Luna: You look like you have been daydreaming for the past two minutes. Whatcha thinking?

Gekko: *blushes* uhhh, well-

Luna: I bet it's me, isn't it *smirks*

Gekko: What!? of course not. What makes you say that?

Luna: Because I caught you several times looking at me

Gekko: Oh- sorry

Luna: Don't worry, it's alright, I know I'm good-looking, so I don't blame you. *flips hair*

Gekko: Yeah, right, anyways, where do you wanna go now?

Luna: Well, we can go to McDonald's to get food

Gekko: All right, let's go!

* Skip Time *

Gekko: The food was delicious! Best food I had for a while

Luna: It's because we were in McDonald's, duh

Gekko: True

( I am not advertising Mcdonalds )

Luna: Anyways can we discuss what happened back during camp?

Gekko: You mean when we looked at the stars and we nearly...

Luna: Kissed? yeah, that's why I was wondering if maybe we can be more.

Gekko: Like a couple?

Luna: What else, best friends?

Gekko: Aren't we already best friends

Luna: Gekko! I was sarcastic

Gekko: Oh, sorry, sorry.

Luna: So can we be more Gekko?

Luna then held both of my hands, and we both looked into each other's eyes. I started to blush, and so did Luna. I inhaled and exhaled and smiled.

Gekko: Luna, will you be my girlfriend?

Luna: Haven't I just asked if you wanted us to be more

Gekko: Yes, but I have wanted to say that since Prom.

Luna: *rolls eyes playfully* Oh, fine. Gekko, I would love to be your girlfriend!

Gekko: Yes! thank you, Luna!

I hugged her tight while she hugged me back, and she said something that shocked me a lot.

Luna: Also, when we came back here, I figured you had a crush on me.

I let go of her and saw her smirking while I had my eyes widened and confused.

Gekko: How did you figure it out

Luna: What else would be the reason why we nearly kissed, asked me to prom, hung out with each other a lot, blushed whenever we got teased, and got paired up like every time coincidently?

Gekko: Oh right, good point. should have realized that too *sweat drops*

Luna: I feel like you have hung out with Catboy way too much.

Gekko: I feel like you just offended him

Luna: Yes, now when will our date be lizard legs

Gekko: Does that have to be my nickname

Luna: Yes, it fits, so that will do

Gekko: All right, Luny, maybe we can have our date this Thursday. 10 a.m., and we'll have it at the park. What do you say?

Luna: Love the nickname Lizard Legs, and Thursday it is

Gekko: Great! let's head back

I was then interrupted by my phone ringing. I took my phone out and saw it was Armadylan calling. I told Luna I'd be right back real quick and answered.

The call:

Gekko: Oh hey Armadylan, what's up?

Armadylan: Uhh, we were wondering if you could head back to HQ right now? we have small news, but do not tell Catboy! nor anyone. We don't want them to worry

Gekko:...Armadylan, what did you do!?

Armadylan: I did nothing! it's just that I got a message from Snowball and said something about "Karla"

Gekko: *eyes widen* What!? ok, this is serious, I'll be right there as soon as possible

Armadylan: ok, thanks, dude! And see ya later

Gekko: All right

" Call ends."

Luna: I heard what happened, and let's go!

Gekko: Yeah, let's hope it's not bad.

Luna nodded, and we both took a cab and told the driver to ****, that's near HQ. We didn't want the driver to think we were a part of the PJ Masks. I started to get worried, Karla is bad news. Don't tell me she is here too. We had to deal with a lot of things, 1st Owlboy's return, 2nd Pharaoh boys take over, 3rd Frostina dying, 4th battling Diana, 5th I nearly lost my sister and we nearly lost Starshine too. Now there's news about Karla. we need a break!

( Zafiro: Yeah, too bad, so sad, I'm not giving you breaks for now. ^^

Jewel: Seriously, sis? *sweat drops* )

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* Skip time at HQ *

Armadylans POV:

This is not good. We got a message from Snowball about Karla, and we do not know what to do. Do we tell Catboy? I feel like he shouldn't know so he wouldn't freak out and lose his temper. Me, Hunter, Gekko, Night Ninja, and I guess Luna will be the only ones to know about this. We saw Gekko and Luna coming in, and both of them looked concerned about this. Can't blame them, this is bad news.

Luna: So...

Gekko: When did Snowball text, and how does he know she's back?

Armadylan: Snowball said Starshine encountered her. Not only that, but she also encountered Zafiro and Samantha there.

Luna: What!?

Night Ninja: Zafiro?

Gekko: Samantha!? wait, who is Samantha again?

Luna: I believe she is Jewel's enemy

Gekko: Oh, ok, but let's focus on Karla

Hunter: And Zafiro. We may not have met her, but based on what Jewel told us about her, we need to be extra careful

Armadylan: Ahem, What do we do? if Karla is back, she would try to steal Catboy back or hurt Owlette or might be a villain!

Gekko: She always had been a villain. We should have known that she was just like her sister, Kate.

3rd Person's POV:

When they met Karla, she was so nice and kind! She was always there to cheer her friends up, and she was one of the popular students. She was the exact opposite of her sister Kate. Kate was a bully and got into a lot of trouble. She even failed her class but still managed to get higher grades. Kate always had been jealous of Karla. She had all of the attention while she didn't. Her parents always gave Karla everything because she was her favourite child. After all, Karla was a nice person. That is, till she cheated on Catboy when they were a couple at the time. Karla showed her "true" attitude, and that devastated everyone, especially Catboy. He had truly loved her. But now he doesn't love Karla and he has Owlette, which made him a lot better.

Hunter: We all know, Karla left after her parents got divorced, right?

Everyone: *nods yes*

Hunter: Then, after the past year, she didn't contact any of us, and she barely posted anything on her social media.

Everyone: *nods yes again*

Hunter: Then it's weird that she just showed up with Zafiro and Samantha?

Armadylan: And Diana, too

Hunter: Right, this seems off. She can't be planning something, right?

Luna: Let's pray nothing bad will happen

" Meanwhile, on Nightingales base,"

Nightingale's POV:

Nightingale: What!? this whole time!?

Karla: mhm

Nightingale: Well... I'm surprised they fell for it

Karla: What can I say? They are imbeciles after all

Velvet: So, since Diana's gone, what's next

Nightingale: I'll appear once their school starts again

Velvet: As in, transfer there?

Nightingale: Nope. It's more like an attack on the 3rd week, unless we have to change our plan a bit

Karla: Just hurry up so I can have my precious cat back

Samantha: You just want him back to fool him more, don't you?

Karla: That's as well. My main reason is to get hold of the Legendary Felines' power! And I need him to love me again so I can become more powerful!

Samantha: The legendary, what now?

Ah yes, not many people know the legendary felines, and if they do, they believe it is a myth. The Carpenter family wants to make sure no one, as in no one, will find out that the legendary feline is real. They can only tell the people they can and will trust.

Karla: Oh... something I should have gotten years ago. I was just stopped because of something

Velvet: Well, now is your chance!

Nightingale: Yes, but not quite yet. Remember the plan?

Karla: Yes, I am fully aware of the plan, but are you really sure this would work? Not that I think it is bad. It's just that I trusted Pharaoh Boy would help me. Seeing how he was defeated by the PJ Masks...

Nightingale: That was Pharaoh Boy. My plan is nothing like his plan. As I said before. Unlike his, our plan will succeed. Also, out of topic. Karla, how did you know Catboy is with Owlette?

Karla: Owlboy told me when I met him. We met exactly before Pharaoh Boy tried to take over the city. I believe I also met someone named Frostina.

Velvet: Night's cousin...I thought she was dead.

Nightingale: She was never dead. She faked her death because she also wanted someone.

Velvet: Really? Who?

Nightingale: Diego...

Samantha: *spits tea* WHAT!?

Karla: Was he the one we saw at the Eiffel Tower?

Nightingale: *nods* I found out she wanted him a few minutes after she met him.

Velvet: At least I know why you didn't want her to be in your plan.

Nightingale: Of course! I don't want her trying to steal him.

Velvet: Girl, you are literary helping Samantha get your sister's boyfriend. You are helping Karla get Catboy back, and you are helping Owlboy make Owlette love him!

Samantha: Hate to admit it, but it is true

Nightingale: That's a different story. And be happy I am helping you with this. Without me, you won't get your dear supposed lovers

Velvet: I'm just here for my bestie

Karla: Yeah, yeah, thanks.

Nightingale: De Nada ( You're welcome )

Samantha: I am just gonna assume that means you're welcome. Oh, and where is Owlboy?

Nightingale: he returned to them early so they wouldn't be suspicious

Karla: I hate to break it to you. But I think they are noticing Owlboy's disappearance and reappearance.

" With Owlboy "

Catboy's POV:

I and Princess are outside of the school, talking to other heroes and preparing them for something. I felt someone behind me, and I turned around. Only to see Owlboy standing there. I told the other heroes they could go now, and they left, leaving me, Princess, and Owlboy alone.

Catboy: Owlboy, where have you been? The last time we saw you was attacking Violet!

Owlboy: I lost her, okay? I tried finding her, but no luck.

Catboy: That does not explain why you disappeared for days!

Owlette: Yeah! And you didn't even return after the battle

Owlboy: I was captured, ok!?

Catboy: Then why didn't you call for backup?

Owlette: Now that I think about it, Starshine didn't call for backup either.


Owlboy: See! Even she...

Before he could finish his sentence, I interrupted him

Catboy: Watch it, Owlboy. Starshine can explain why, but when it comes to you. You can't. You are making things up!

Owlboy: No, I'm not!

Catboy: Then tell us where you were after the battle

He went silent for a moment and looked down. I glared at him. I know he is trying to make an excuse. I hissed, and my eyes turned yellow. Princess saw me and whispered to me while holding my hand

Owlette: *Whispers* Calm down, Kitty. It's gonna be ok, please.

She kissed me on the cheek, and I closed my eyes and sighed. Once my eyes opened, I looked at her and saw her smile, meaning I had calmed down and my eyes turned blue again. Just then, Owlboy looked at us.

Owlboy: I know you guys won't believe me. I understand, I am just telling you this. I got beaten up really badly, and after we defeated Diana, I called my friend, and she helped me heal. She said I had to stay at her place because I needed rest. I just got back last night. Please, believe me.

Owlboy, look at us with pleading eyes. It sounded real, but at the same time, not. I nodded and decided to believe him, for now...

Catboy: Alright, Owlboy. We believe you.

Owlboy: Really?

Owlette: We do?

Catboy: Yes, but if you are lying...

Owlboy: I am not lying, I promise!

Catboy: Alright, you may go now. Doggo will explain to you what happened during the battle since you missed a lot of things.

Owlboy: All right, where is he?

Catboy: He is a few blocks away helping citizens with Moonlight and Sunlight.

Owlboy: Ok, thanks!

Once Owlboy was out of sight, Princess looked at me worried.

Owlette: Kitty, why are you believing him?

Catboy: I saw scars on him, meaning he could be telling the truth. But then again, it could be a trick. I'm only believing him because it sounds like he means it.

Owlette: Alright. If you say so

Catboy: I know you are still uncomfortable with him. Don't worry. If he ever tries to do anything, he will get what he deserves

Owlette: *smiles* Thanks, Kitty

Catboy: You're welcome, Princess. I'll see the others at HQ to see if PJ Robot could suggest a few things to me.

Owlette: ohh ok! And I'll help with some of the charities to help more citizens.

Catboy: Sounds good to me. I'll pick you up where exactly?

Owlette: Oh, around ****** Street

Catboy: Will 11 am be ok with you?

Owlette: Definitely

Catboy: Alright, Princess. Want me to drive you there?

Owlette: Oh, no need, Kitty. I'll just fly there

Catboy: Alright, be careful, ok?

Owlette: You too. Love you, Kitty!

Catboy: Thank you, and love you too, Princess.

We kissed, and then I ran to HQ while Princess flew to her destination.

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" Meanwhile, at HQ,"

3rd Person's POV:

Hunter: Any luck finding her?

Armadylan: Apparently, no.

Hunter: We gotta keep searching for Karla, Samantha, and Zafiro! We can not just wait for them to show up. They could be anywhere!

Night Ninja: Hunter's right. But, are we going to tell the others?

Gekko: I don't think we should.

Armadylan: I agree with Gekko. Can you imagine if Catboy found out that Karla is back?

" What... "

They all froze and turned around to see Catboy, standing there with his eyes widened.

Luna Girl: *whispers* Way a go, Armadylan.

Night Ninja: Uhhh...Hey Catboy! Haha, it's funny seeing you here. Look, It's not what it looks like, ok!

Catboy: Oh, really? Or it really is what it looks like.

Hunter: *sighs* Ok, maybe it is what it looks like.

Catboy: So you're saying what I hear is true? Karla is back!?

They all looked at each other and nodded yes at Catboy

Catboy folded his hand into a fist and growled. Making the rest of the team, gulp.

Catboy: When, Who, and How?

Armadylan: We got a message from Snowball saying Starshine had encountered her along with Samantha, Zafiro, and Diana.

Catboy: During battle... what else did Snowball send

Armadylan: I'm afraid, that's all. Snowball didn't mention where, and we don't know if Karla is still here. We were trying to find her on the picture player but found nothing so far.

Catboy: So you all are telling me that she could have either left or maybe Starshine hadn't really seen her

Luna Girl: She's hiding, that's for sure. Remember, Starshine also mentioned she encountered Zafiro and Samantha as well. And based on what Crystal said before. Zafiro can use magic. This means Karla could be protected by one of Zafiro's spells

( Zafiro: The fact this is actually true...

Crystal: She got the power )

Catboy: You do have a good point, Luna...alright. Here is what we are gonna do. We all take a break for at least three weeks. We will tell the rest after three weeks so we will not get more stress. We have just been through a battle, and we all are tired and stressed, not to mention we also need to help the citizens. So for now, we wait and calm down and not worry about Karla for now, ok?

All of them: Yes, Sir!

Catboy: Good

Armadylan: Wow, is that really you, Catboy? Usually, when it comes to Karla, you lash out.

Catboy: That's true, but I can't lash out since my power could get out of hand

Armadylan: Ohh that's understandable.

Luna Girl: At least you are getting the hang of it

Catboy: Kinda. My eyes turned yellow earlier when I and Princess talked to Owlboy.

Hunter: Hold up. Owlboy returned? Just now?

Catboy: He said he returned last night

Night Ninja: What took him so long to return? And I thought he disappeared during the battle

Catboy: Yeah, he did, but he said he got captured and got beaten up.

Hunter: So was he lying? Or...

Catboy: He looked like he was telling the truth. He had scars on him

Luna girl: I guess we can believe him?

Catboy: Yes, but still. be careful around him. I still have issues with him.

Luna: Don't we all

Night Ninja: Not me. I barely cared about that guy

Armadylan: So that's why you didn't care when you found out he left the PJ Boys

Night Ninja: Yup. Anyways, I'll go help Anyu and the Ninjalinos. See ya!

Night Ninja threw a smoke bomb and disappeared. Leaving everyone else coughing

Catboy: Why does he keep forgetting? NO SMOKE BOMBS INSIDE THE HQ

Gekko: Don't worry. I'm sure he won't keep forgetting it.

Catboy: Fine. Since I have a bit more time. We can go out and talk to some of the heroes for the preparation.

Armadylan: Preparation? For what exactly?

Catboy: Some of the students here will now go to other hero schools.

Armadylan: Around the country?

Catboy: Yes and around the world. Luckily, they had permission from their parents.

Hunter:...Catboy. There's something I actually want to talk to you about.

Catboy: Oh, sure, go ahead.

Hunter: I volunteered to go to a different hero school...

Everyone went dead silent, till they heard someone from the entrance.

Catgirl: What...

Hunter: *Looks behind Catboy* Catgirl?

Armadylan: Talk about deja vu.

Catboy: Cousin. How are your injuries

Catgirl: They still hurt a bit, but I'm ok. Although, Hunter? What do you mean you volunteered to go to a different school?? Are you leaving!?

Hunter: I'm not entirely sure...

Catboy: I know Hunter. You're going to Europe's Hero school there. If you want the specific school name, it's Setora, School for Heroes.

Hunter: You knew the whole time?

Catboy: The principal assigned several students to help other students with their transfer. I am one of them

Catgirl went closer to Hunter and held both of his hands while locking eyes with him.


Hunter: I need to prove to my pack that I can be a good wolf

Catgirl: But you are! You saved Paris thrice!

Hunter: It's not enough for them. I need to prove them more...

Catgirl: No, you don't! Hunter. Don't bother listening to your pack. You are already good. No, wait, scratch that. You are an AMAZING wolf. Why would you need to prove your pack?

Hunter: Wolf rules. If one doesn't prove it. He or she could get kicked out of the pack.

Catgirl: But you don't need them! You have us!

Hunter: I know. You all are already like a pack to me. Even if some of you aren't wolves. But still, I want to prove to them I can be as amazing as you said so I can...

Catgirl: So you can what?

Hunter: So I can show my pack that I'll always stay strong, and I'm not a weak puppy.

Catgirl: Hunter... you aren't weak. But if that's what you want, I'm coming with you!

Catgirl closed her eyes shut while she had a small blush. Catboy and Hunter widened their eyes while Amradylan, Gekko, and Luna were awed at the sight.

Hunter: Catgirl... you don't have to. I can do this

Catgirl: I know. But I want to support you all the way and be right by your side to become stronger too.

Catboy apparently had to interrupt the two with sad news.

Catboy: I'm afraid you can't cousin.

Catgirl looked at him with confusion in her eyes.

Catgirl: Why?

Catboy: Cousin. You know you also have the power of the legendary feline. One day, you could be in stage one... and it's risky for Hunter because you might hurt him.

Hunter: I can manage!

Catboy: No, you can't! Hunter, the tiger eyes cause harm to people just by looking at them. If she had her tiger eyes and you looked at her, you would fall unconscious and stay unconscious for 1 week. Do you want that!?

Hunter: No...

Armadylan: I thought you would die if you looked into the tiger eyes 

Gekko: No, you only get unconscious

Luna: For one week 

Catgirl: Is there any way cousin? I want to go with him

Catgirl says while looking at Hunter with hope.

Catboy: There isn't... wait. I'm not sure if Mother and Aunt Brianna will be okay with this, but I think giving Hunter a protection necklace is possible.

Hunter: A what now?

Catboy: It's a necklace. What else?

Catgirl: Cousin!

Catboy: *sighs* It will protect you from the tiger eyes if you wear it. We only have 3 of them. So we can't be sure if Hunter is trusted with it.

Catgirl: Hunter?

Hunter: You and Catboy can talk about it. If I can, you can tag along, but if not, you can't. Not just because of MY safety. But because of your safety. Plus, I don't want you to get hurt or get in trouble

Catgirl: I...

Catboy: Don't worry, cousin. I can ask Mom later since I'll be visiting her with Owlette.

Catgirl: Thanks, Catboy

Catboy: You're welcome

Catgirl let go of Hunter's hands, but Hunter held her hand and hugged her while wrapping his arms around her waist.

Catboy: OK. Hands off my cousin, Hunter.

Armadylan: *whispers to Lunakko* Protective cousin mode, huh?

Lunakko just giggled and nodded.

Catboy: I heard that, and it is true. Now, Hunter. Kindly remove your hands around my cousin's waist, or I will unleash my claws.

Hunter got scared, so he let go of Catgirl, but she stopped him and glared at Catboy.

Catgirl: Catboy!!!

Catboy: You two aren't even dating

Catgirl: *smirks* Yet

Hunter: *blushes* W-what?

Catgirl: You heard me, baby~

Hunter: *turns red and has his wolf ears down and wags tail*

Catboy: Hey! I thought I was the one with moves here

Catgirl: Says who?

Armadylan: Oh dang.

Gekko: I guess flirting runs down the Carpenter family...

Luna: *laughs lightly* Yeah. Hunter is a red tomato right now!

Hunter: *Still a red tomato*

Catgirl: Aww, is the cute little doggy embarrassed?~

Hunter: *nods slowly*

Catboy: By my cat's whiskers. You two make me miss Owlette

Gekko: Then you can go to her right now?

Catboy: I'm picking her up at 11

Gekko: Alright.

Catgirl: *Pets Hunter's wolf ears* You are so cute!

Luna: I owe Night Ninja so much money...

Gekko: Why?

Luna: We had a bet about Hunter and Catgirl

Catboy: Catgirl! You're gonna kill him!! STOPPPP

Gekko: What do you mean?

Catgirl: As if Catboy. You do this to Owlette all the time, so there is no difference

Catboy: EXCUSE ME!?

Luna: Night Ninja said Catgirl would be the first to flirt while I said it would be Hunter.

Gekko: But Catgirl is flirting with Hunter

Luna: That is why he won.

Hunter: *faints*


Catgirl: *rolls eyes* he'll be ok. He is just so sweet. *giggles*

Luna: pfft. R.i.p Hunter

Gekko: *Sweat drops*

Armadylan: *Recording everything* I'm sending this to the gc!!

Catboy: Are you kidding me...

Gekko: Catgirl. Maybe you should stop teasing him

Catgirl: Aww, fine. I'll do it next time

Catboy: Alright, let's go talk to the other heroes.

Everyone else except Hunter: Yes, Sir!

Catboy: First, let's wake Hunter up

* Skip Time *

Catboy: Good job, team. We managed to talk to some of them and even got to see our young fans, too.

Gekko: Yup, and Hunter hasn't fainted from Catgirl flirting

Hunter: I was trying my best to not.

Catgirl: That's good to hear, sweetie~

Hunter: *turns red tomato and faints again*

Armadylan: Not again

Catboy: You guys can deal with that. I have to go pick Owlette up. See ya

Catboy went inside his cat car and drove to Owlettes' location.

Owlette's POV:

I have helped a lot of people and got to see little fans/friends. I took pictures with them and hung out with them. I'm here right now, helping senior citizens and younger citizens with food and helping the environment. I then suddenly heard lots of cheering, which got me confused. I turned around and smiled. I saw Catboy get out of his cat car. My smile faded when Catboy was suddenly surrounded by fangirls, and I kept hearing their screams and squeals. I just stood from a small distance and folded my arms. I admit that having the famous hero as my boyfriend has its ups and downs. What I didn't know is that the fangirls were asking all about me and Catboy, well till they started to yell.



" How about taking her to the carnival? "


" When will you get married? "

" Are you going to give her a promise ring soon? "

" Or how about you go to the tunnel of love! "

" Oh, oh, you can go have a romantic date at a restaurant near the beach! "

" Did you take Owlette to prom? "

" Can I design a few matching couple outfits for you both? "

" How will you propose to Owlette? "

" I think you meant how and WHEN "

Catboy just sweat dropped and chuckles. As much as he wants to answer them, he and Owlette have to go now. and have a small date before going to see his parents. He apologized to the fans and said he and Owlette had to go right now. They all understood and went back to whatever they were doing.

Catboy looked at me and smirked. I looked away quickly and felt him in front of me. Catboy pulled me closer held me by my waist and whispered to my ear, " Don't worry, sweetheart, you know I'm all yours~." I blushed and just nuzzled my head into his chest. He just chuckled and kissed my head. We heard a few small squeals, indicating the fans were watching. I looked a Catboy, still blushing and pouted.

Catboy: *smiles* We can go now, sweetheart. I'm taking you out for a lunch date.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, and we said goodbye to everyone. We then went inside the cat car and drove off.

* Another skip time *

Our lunch was amazing! We just chatted as well at lunch. Catboy also said that we would visit his parents after lunch. So here we are right now. On our way to his house. Once we arrived, we got out of the cat car, and he knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing Mrs. Carpenter. She then smiled and told us to come in. When we went inside, we sat on the couch while Mr. Carpenter was busy.

Mrs. Carpenter: I am so glad you two came here. We both have missed you so much. You both are doing well, right? After what happened a few days ago, we suddenly started to get worried!

Catboy: Yeah, we're alright.

Catboy's mind: But I did find out that she is back...

Owlette: Mhm! We did get a few scratches and scars we are doing just fine. We did nearly lose Gekka and Starshine, though...

Mrs. Carpenter: I heard that they were the ones who got injured badly?

Catboy: Yes, they both were hospitalized for days. They should be out any time now. It just confuses us how they were healed. The doctors said they don't know any cure for that.

Mrs. Carpenter: Well, someone could have healed them somehow. It's either an herb, a spell, or a potion.

Catboy: Yeah. Whoever healed them seemed to be powerful.

Mrs. Carpenter: Do you know who healed them?

Catboy: That's the thing. We don't know

Owlette: Yeah! We couldn't check the CCTV cause they were gonna change it.

Mrs. Carpenter: I see... That's some mystery, huh?

Owlette: Mhm

Catboy: Let's change the topic. That's isn't our concern right now.

Mrs. Carpenter: Is there a concern?

Catboy: It's about the protection necklace

Mrs. Carpenter: You mean the one Owlette is wearing right now? By the way, congrats on telling her

I smiled and looked at Catboy while he looked at me and smiled back. He looks back at his mother and responds.

Catboy: No, but thank you, Mother. I'm talking about something else

I looked at Catboy and his mother back and forth, confused. Huh? Mrs. Carpenter seemed to get a bit concerned.

Mrs. Carpenter: What are you trying to say, son?

Catboy: Is it possible to give Hunter a protection necklace?

Mrs. Carpenter stayed silent and seemed to be lost in her thoughts. While I was confused about why was Catboy asking that.

Mrs. Carpenter: May I know the reason?

Catboy: Hunter is going to another school. Do you remember the program, right?

Mrs. Carpenter: Yes, I remember clearly, but what does that have to do with the necklace?

Catboy: Catgirl wants to go with Hunter, and I told her it's too risky because she could hit stage one any moment now since I just got stage 1. She wanted to know if there was any other way she could go with him.

Mrs. Carpenter: I see...so she's willing to go with him?

Catboy: Yes and desperate, too

Owlette: I feel like there's something more about it. Are they in love? or...

Catboy: They are indeed in love with each other

I widened my eyes and gasped. I should have known they were a thing! No wonder Luna teased Hunter and Catgirl. I squealed and looked at Mrs. Carpenter, wondering what she would say.

Mrs. Carpenter: I admire her passion for going with Hunter and I can agree as long as he makes sure he always wears it and never loses it but, I will need to ask my sister and discuss this with your father, uncle, and aunt ( her sister ). Would that be ok?

Catboy: I'm sure Catgirl will be ok with it

Owlette: How did you know they were in love with each other, Kitty?

Catboy: Catgirl flirted with Hunter till he fainted, and Catgirl said they would date soon. What's worst is she said I do that to you all the time, I mean, that's not true...

Owlette: 1. What and 2. You most certainly do

Catboy: 1. Yeah, and 2. I can't help it because I just love you so much.

Owlette: *blushes* Aww

Mrs. Carpenter: Flirting does run down on the Carpenter family, so I'm not surprised

Owlette: Wait, really?

Mrs. Carpenter: Mhm. So, in case you and Catboy get married...

Owlette: *deep blush* E-Eh!? W-wait! It's too early to talk about that!

Catboy: *smirks* I don't know, sweetheart. It sounds like the right time to talk about it~

Catboy pulled me into his lap while placing his hand on my cheek. I immediately buried my face on his neck, hiding in embarrassment. I heard Mrs. Carpenter giggle and heard Catboy chuckle.

Mrs. Carpenter: Aww, you two are too cute! And also, Catboy, get ready. It's about to be 2 pm.

I then turned my head a bit and looked at Catboy, confused again. I must have fallen behind...

Catboy: Oh... alright, Mother.

Owlette: What is happening?

Catboy: Oh, right. I forgot to tell you.

Owlette: Huh?

Catboy: I am going to practice controlling my temper so I won't lash out.

Owlette: Ohhh, ok! Good luck, Kitty! We'll be rooting for you ♡♡

Catboy: Aww thanks Sweetheart

Catboy kissed me on the cheek, and I giggled. I kissed him on the lips, and he kissed back.

Mrs. Carpenter: *slowly takes out camera*

I felt Catboy pull back and look at his mother, and I did too. Only to see her holding a camera. I then started to blush again.

Catboy: Mother!

Mrs. Carpenter: Sorry, son, but I can't help it. You two are just so sweet!

Catboy: *Sighs* I know, Mother. But please, don't take too many pictures

Mrs. Carpenter: *hides camera behind the couch* Alright then, son

I think I saw her hide it behind the couch? I was about to ask, but Mr. Carpenter came in and greeted us.

Mr. Carpenter: Hello, son and Owlette. It's been a while, huh?

Owlette: Mhm, it has. I forgot to ask this, but how are you both?

Mr. Carpenter: We are alright. Despite my wife here, who kept asking Catgirl for pictures of you both.

Mrs. Carpenter: Hey! That's top secret, honey!

Catboy: No wonder she keeps asking if she can picture us- *sweat drops*

Owlette: Wha-

Mr. Carpenter: As much as I want to continue this joyful discussion, Catboy still needs his training. And your temper isn't the only thing you need to control.

Catboy: I know... We can start now, Father

Mr. Carpenter: Good. Follow me, oh, and Honey. You can talk to Owlette and show her something.

Mrs. Carpenter: Alright, honey.

Kitty placed me beside him, and he kissed me on the forehead before he stood up, Mr. Carpenter and Kitty headed outside, and I looked at Mrs. Carpenter, and she was also smiling.

Mrs. Carpenter: Follow me dear, I have something to show you

I nodded and followed her to the study room, and I saw her get a book from one of the bookshelf and blow the dust away. What is she going to show me?

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗

To be continued...

Finally! After months of no update, I have done it. Another long chapter huh? I'll still have to upload a few chapters and once I finish this book. We are heading straight to book 3: The star sisters.

That's all friends. Love you and be safe, As long as we have Jesus Christ everything will be all right. Take care and be safe.

Stay strong and stay healthy hoomans.

This is your Author Zafiro and Jewel, signing out 💜💎


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