Haunting Past.

By MissElaina96

152 1 0

Things seem to be finally looking up for the team of Titans. Richard is confident that the team he assembled... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter One

65 1 0
By MissElaina96


The Third installment of The Commencing and Titans Together.


It was a beautiful morning in Jump City, the sun casting a warm glow over the cityscape, a vibrant metropolis nestled along the picturesque coastline. The air was crisp and invigorating, carrying the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers that adorned the meticulously manicured gardens lining the streets.

As the day awakened, the melodious symphony of birdsong provided a harmonious soundtrack to the tranquil scene. Flocks of colorful feathers fluttered among the branches of tall trees, their leaves swaying gently in the breeze. The birds seemed to celebrate the arrival of another day, their cheerful tunes echoing through the air, adding a touch of serenity to the bustling city.

At the heart of the city, a vibrant playground came alive with the joyful laughter and playful shouts of young children. Swings soared through the air, their rhythmic creaking harmonizing with the sounds of merry-go-rounds spinning and slides echoing with the gleeful screams of excited kids. The playground served as a lively hub of youthful energy and innocence, where imaginations ran wild, and friendships bloomed.

Meanwhile, the streets of Jump City were abuzz with the sounds of life. Pedestrians strolled leisurely on the well-maintained sidewalks, their faces illuminated with smiles and a sense of contentment. The city's residents, dressed in an array of colorful attire, went about their daily routines. Some carried cups of steaming coffee, indulging in the aroma that wafted through the air, while others engaged in pleasant conversations with neighbors and acquaintances they encountered along the way.

The cityscape itself was a testament to architectural beauty. Towering skyscrapers reached for the heavens, their gleaming glass exteriors reflecting the morning light. Modern structures seamlessly blended with historical landmarks, telling the story of a city that embraced both its past and future. Lush parks and green spaces provided oases of tranquility amidst the urban sprawl, inviting people to pause, breathe, and appreciate the natural wonders that coexisted with the bustling city life.

As the morning unfolded, Jump City embraced a sense of harmony and unity. It was a place where the simple pleasures of nature, the innocence of childhood, and the warmth of human connection converged to create a unity of joy. From the cheerful laughter of children on the playground to the friendly exchanges between passersby, Jump City was alive with the spirit of community, radiating an aura of happiness that permeated the very essence of the city.

Nestled within the bustling cityscape, dominated by a forest of towering skyscrapers that reached for the clouds, Titans Tower emerged as an unmistakable symbol of hope and strength. It stood as a sentinel, casting a formidable shadow over the sprawling metropolis of Jump City, a beacon that reassured its citizens with the promise of protection against looming threats.

The architecture of the Tower seamlessly blended elements of modernity and futurism. Steel girders, sleek glass panels, and advanced materials coalesced in a stunning display of engineering prowess. The tower's design not only mirrored the cutting-edge technology but also exuded an aura of invincibility, a physical manifestation of the Titan's collective commitment to safeguarding their city.

Within the tower's walls, the Titans stood as a formidable assembly of extraordinary individuals. Their sanctuary harbored a purpose beyond the visible structure, housing a team bonded by shared struggles and a desire to protect the city from the lurking perils that lurked in the shadows. Gifted with unique abilities and driven by an unwavering commitment to justice, the Titans stood as the embodiment of heroism and unity, a living testament to the power of collaboration.

In recent months, Titans Tower had witnessed the implementation of a structured training routine, carefully curated by their leader. This regimen aimed at not only honing the individual strengths of each Titan but also fostering effective partnerships among the team members. Richard, ever the strategic leader, recognized the value of pairing up his teammates. Through this intentional collaboration, the Titans had the opportunity to learn from one another and delve deeper into their respective abilities.

Richard often found himself strategically partnering with either the enigmatic Raven or the laidback Garfield, tailoring each collaboration to the day's specific training objectives. This deliberate pairing system not only showcased Richard's leadership acumen but also fostered a dynamic equilibrium between his tactical prowess and acrobatic finesse, complemented by the unique powers possessed by his extraordinary teammates.

In these meticulously planned training sessions, the Titans delved into the intricacies of their abilities, exploring the uncharted territories of their potential. Richard's acrobatic feats intertwined seamlessly with Raven's mystical aptitude or Garfield's shape-shifting prowess, creating a ballet of synchronized movements that pushed the boundaries of their collective capabilities. This intentional blending of skills allowed the Titans to unlock new dimensions of their powers, revealing hidden strengths and synergies that fortified their prowess as a team.

Through this strategic pairing system, the Titans were able to unlock new dimensions of their abilities, fostering camaraderie and mutual growth. Each member of the team brought their own distinct talents and perspectives to the training sessions, creating a harmonious synergy that would prove invaluable during their crime-fighting endeavors. The bonds forged through these pairings extended beyond the training grounds, forming a tight-knit family that stood united against any threat that loomed over Jump City.

Taking advantage of the sun-drenched summer weather, Richard led his friends to the rooftop of the Tower. The golden warmth enveloped them, and a gentle breeze brushed against their skin, carrying with it the salty tang of sea air from the nearby coastline. The panorama from the rooftop stretched far and wide, showcasing Jump City in all its vibrant glory beneath the radiant sunlight.

Positioned on a padded mat in the center of the rooftop, Richard faced his team with a confident smile. He absorbed the sight of his teammates, noting the unwavering determination reflected in their bright eyes and eager expressions. The rooftop became a stage for their collective energy, as they stood poised and focused, ready to absorb every lesson Richard had in store for the day's training session.

"So, what are you going to have us do today, Boss?" Garfield asked, clear enthusiasm in his posture as he rubbed his hands together.

Richard cast a quick, knowing glance at Kori. "Kori, I'm going to have you sit out for the moment." He declared, his voice carrying a subtle note of authority. Then, with a shift in focus, his gaze settled on the other two teammates. His smile transformed into a mischievous smirk. "You two have been doing well fighting one on one with Kori and me." Richard commended, admiration evident in his voice. "But today, I want you to try something different. I want you to spar... each other."

Raven's eyebrows furrowed in surprise, a subtle shift in her usually composed expression, while Garfield's eyes widened with intrigue, his vibrant gaze reflecting a mix of curiosity and excitement. The two exchanged perplexed glances, the realization of the challenge sinking in.

"Close range, no weapons." Richard reiterated, his tone firm yet encouraging. It was a deliberate choice, aimed at pushing their boundaries and encouraging them to explore their combat skills in an unfamiliar setting. By removing the reliance on long-range attacks and weaponry, he sought to foster their adaptability, enhance their close-quarter combat prowess, and strengthen their teamwork.

The unexpected proposition added an exciting twist to their usual training routine. The pair had sparred against each other a couple of times before, but those encounters had always involved some form of weaponry, allowing for a certain level of distance and flexibility in their attacks. Hand-to-hand combat, on the other hand, demanded an entirely different approach. It forced them to confront each other in close proximity, with no option but to rely solely on close-range strikes and martial techniques.

With an infectious grin spreading across his face, Garfield eagerly accepted the invitation, his eyes alight with excitement. "Finally! I actually have a chance at winning." He exclaimed, relishing the prospect of the unique challenge ahead.

Raven's sharp gaze narrowed, a flicker of intrigue and defiance igniting within her. Her eyes remained fixated on Garfield's face, absorbing the confidence that radiated off him. His words, delivered with a subtle hint of challenge, sparked a playful yet competitive energy between them. "Oh, you think so?" She retorted, her voice laced with a mixture of skepticism and determination. With a subtle yet deliberate movement, she crossed her arms over her chest, adopting a defensive stance that served as a declaration of readiness for the impending sparring session.

"Sorry, Rae. But the only person worse than me in combat is you." Garfield interjected with a teasing yet confident remark.

Raven's eyes narrowed further at his playful jab, a blend of amusement and determination flickering in her gaze. She was no stranger to their playful banter, and this time was no exception. "We'll see about that." She replied with a sly smile, her voice filled with confidence. As she confidently stepped onto the training mat, each movement solidified her resolve, a silent promise to prove Garfield wrong.

Observing the exchange with a pleased expression, Richard happily stepped aside, relinquishing the training mat to his teammates. The rooftop, bathed in the warm hues of the summer sun, now bore witness to a dynamic dance of camaraderie and competition, where playful banter seamlessly transitioned into focused determination.

Garfield moved with a grace that belied his laid-back exterior, stepping onto the padded platform with fluidity and confidence. His every movement seemed to mirror the rhythm of the impending challenge. Positioned opposite Raven, he adopted a defensive stance, his body a testament to the nimble strength that lurked beneath his casual demeanor.

Mirroring him, Raven assumed a defensive posture, her every movement precise and deliberate. As they raised their fists in unison, a palpable tension hung in the air, the training mat beneath their feet seemingly absorbing the anticipation that pulsed through their bodies. The atmosphere crackled with the excitement of the unknown, mingling seamlessly with the determination that fueled their readiness to embrace the challenge.

Raven's eyes narrowed into focused slits as her gaze locked onto Garfield. She sensed the overpowering wave of pride and arrogance emanating from him, an energy that irked her to the core. It heightened her resolve to showcase her own strength and determination. The smugness she detected only fueled her determination to surpass expectations and prove that, even without her mystical powers, she could still be a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Richard couldn't help but smile at the intensity radiating from Raven and Garfield. He recognized the fire burning within them, the unwavering determination etched on their faces. With a steady voice, he gave the command they had been waiting for. "Begin."

Upon his command, the pair quickly closed the distance between them. Making the first move, Raven unleashed a punch, propelled by her unwavering determination. Garfield's reflexes kicked in, and he swiftly dodged, evading the incoming strike. In a split second, he countered with a high kick aimed at Raven's midsection. However, she anticipated his move, her training guiding her as she swiftly ducked, his leg sweeping above her head.

Seizing the opportunity, Raven sprang back up, retaliating with another punch. This time, Garfield deftly grabbed her arm, initiating a swift exchange of moves. Raven, in a display of fluidity, countered by turning and spinning herself out of his grip, inadvertently pressing her back against him in the process.

Garfield's eyes widened in response, his gaze shifting downward, surprised by the unexpected close proximity between them. Suddenly, his mind drew a complete blank, a momentary lapse in his ability to formulate a countermove as unwelcome thoughts surfaced in his head. This whole time, he had fought Raven with high levels of certainty and confidence, but now, with Raven's back pressed against his chest, he realized how uncomfortable this proximity was for him.

From the sidelines, Kori couldn't suppress a smirk, her eyes alight with amusement as she observed the unfolding scene. Leaning closer to Richard, she couldn't resist a playful remark, her tone carrying a mischievous glimmer. "Now, doesn't that look familiar?" She quipped, her gaze locked onto the unfolding dynamic between her friends.

Richard acknowledged her observation with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "I guess." He agreed, recognizing the parallel between this moment and the countless suggestive instances of physical closeness he had shared with Kori. "But unlike you, Raven has no idea of the significance of her actions."

As Garfield continued to grapple with his conflicting emotions, his confidence waned, making it difficult for him to think straight. All he could process was how close Raven was to him, how nice she smelt, and the fact that her backside was pressed against his...

In a stunning display of skill, Raven seized Garfield's arm, her movements fluid and precise. Bending down in a seamless motion, she utilized her momentum to thrust him over her shoulders. The ground echoed with a resounding thunk as Garfield hit the training mat, momentarily stunned by the impact of the throw.

Impressed by Raven's seamless move, Richard slowly clapped his hands, a proud smile adorning his face. "Nicely done, Raven." He commended.

Garfield let out a groan from the ground, still feeling the impact of the fall. Raven walked up to him, extending her hand in a gesture of camaraderie, a playful smirk gracing her face as she helped him to his feet. "Still think I'm the worst at combat?" She asked, her tone carrying a hint of triumph, underscoring her satisfaction in proving him wrong.

Rubbing the back of his head, Garfield couldn't help but admit defeat, albeit not without a hint of protest. "That's not fair. I got distracted." He grumbled, acknowledging the momentary lapse in his focus that had led to his downfall.

Raven looked at him curiously as she recalled his distraction. "Yeah, I sensed that. What was so distracting?" She asked, a note of intrigue in her voice.

Garfield's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and apprehension, realizing the potential difficulty in explaining his momentary distraction. Before he could utter a word, however, their attention was abruptly diverted by the buzzing of their phones, signaling an incoming alarm.

The synchronized sound caught their attention, drawing their gazes to their leader. Richard, maintaining his composure, opened his phone and looked at the alarm. His expression, which had initially held traces of amusement shifted to one of focused seriousness. The atmosphere on the rooftop had transformed, the playful banter and rivalry giving way to a shared sense of urgency.

Each Titan had their attention fixed on Richard, awaiting his guidance. The sudden shift in his demeanor conveyed that something significant was unfolding, demanding their immediate attention and action.

"Suit up." Richard commanded, his voice carrying a tone of authority that brooked no delay. The urgency of his words propelled the Titans into swift action. They dispersed to their respective rooms, moving with practiced speed to don their distinctive uniforms. In mere minutes, they regrouped, ready to face the imminent threat that awaited them.

Making their way to the sleek black car, its low hum of anticipation matched the urgency of their mission. Richard, as always, assumed his place in the driver's seat. With a quick, experienced glance at the navigation system, he smoothly maneuvered the vehicle through the inner-city streets, navigating with precision toward the location of the ongoing robbery.

Sitting beside him in the passenger seat, Kori's eyes sparkled with excitement, a testament to her unwavering enthusiasm for every mission. Her gaze flitted from one passing building to another, absorbing the city's landscape with an eagerness that was palpable.

In the backseat, Raven maintained her characteristic calmness. While she no longer dreaded missions as she once did, her demeanor remained stoic, an observer amidst the energetic anticipation that seemed to engulf her teammates. The city's passing lights cast fleeting shadows on her features, revealing the subtle tension that lurked beneath her composed exterior.

Garfield, occupying the seat next to Raven, idly scrolled through his phone. The soft glow illuminated his face, diverting his attention to pass the time until they reached their destination.

Breaking the intense silence that had engulfed the car, Garfield couldn't resist engaging in a lighthearted conversation with his leader about his superhero identity. "Are you sure you are settled on Nightwing?" He asked, a playful smirk on his face. "The fans have quite the variety of superhero names. Bluebird, Nightwalker, Bluewing, Birdman –I think that one is an homage to Batman."

Richard, maintaining a focus on the road, was quick to respond. "I am quite content with my name, thank you." The tone of his voice subtly shut down the topic. "And you should really be focusing on the mission."

"Yeah, yeah..." Garfield dismissed his leader's response with a wave of his hand, his attention returning to the glowing screen in his hands.

Kori eagerly turned around to face Garfield, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, read some of mine!"

Garfield scrolled down through Kori's list of suggested superhero names before reading aloud. "Firepower, Bombshell Beauty, Orange Oblivion, Goldie, Rapunzel, Starlight, Starshine, Starfire."

"Oh, I like that one!" Kori exclaimed excitedly. "Starfire." The name resonated with her, capturing the essence of her fiery abilities and celestial origin.

"Have you settled on yours yet?" Raven asked, turning to the changeling beside her.

Garfield sighed, the glow of his phone reflecting in his eyes as he displayed clear disappointment with his suggestions. "Mine are so lame. Animal Shifter, Goblin Guy, Green Goblin – that's from Spiderman. Animallink. I guess Changeling isn't that bad."

"I wouldn't settle on that one." Raven advised, voicing her opinion without restraint.

"What about Beast Boy?" Kori interjected. "I thought you were leaning towards that one."

"I don't know." Garfield began, his uncertainty evident in a casual shrug of his shoulder. "It seems kind of juvenile."

"Isn't the secret identity kind of pointless?" Raven commented, voicing her misgivings, questioning the concept of hiding one's identity when their appearances were already so distinctive. "I can understand why Richard has his, but for you two, I don't really see the point."

Garfield glanced up from his phone, countering her perspective. "The point is we are real superheroes, and we need real superhero names." He asserted before returning his attention to the device in his hands.

"It shouldn't matter what we are called, but rather what we do." Raven argued, her voice carrying a note of rationality.

"While that may be true, it doesn't hurt to have a name for yourself." Richard interjected, adding his perspective to the conversation.

"Do you want me to read some of yours?" Garfield asked, glancing back at Raven.

Raven shook her head, her gaze shifting back out the window. "I don't want one."

"Are you sure, Raven?" Richard asked with a hint of concern. "You might regret not having a secret identity later on."

"I have no identity to protect. I want to be known as Raven, for that is who I am." She explained, her words echoing with a sense of self-assurance and a commitment to authenticity.

While Richard respected Raven's decision, Garfield felt compelled to try and convince her otherwise. However, before he could present his case with the names listed on his phone, the car abruptly screeched to a halt, jolting them all forward and sending Garfield's phone flying from his hands.

The sudden stop demanded their attention, and as the car came to rest, Richard's focus fixated on the active robbery unfolding before them – a jewelry store under siege by a group of villains. The gravity of the situation was etched onto his features, the lines on his forehead deepening with a sense of urgency. The banter about superhero identities faded into the background, replaced by the palpable tension of the imminent confrontation that lay before them.

The once-thoughtful expressions of the Titans transformed into a steely determination as they prepared to face the threat head-on. The abrupt shift in atmosphere heightened their senses, and the urgency of the mission became palpable.

"Titans, go!" Richard's command cut through the air, an authoritative call to action that spurred the Titans into swift, coordinated movement.


The Hive.

Gizmo: The technological genius. Don't let this man's small stature and immature banter fool you. His advanced intellect can conquer any problem thrown his way with an inventive solution.

Jinx: The enchanting sorcerous. Despite her outer appearance giving off a cute and approachable vibe, she is not one to take lightly. Her powerful hexes can be very dangerous and mean bad luck for her enemies.

Mammoth: The genetically enhanced giant. While not much of an intense thinker, his insane brute strength helps him compensate in the intelligence department.

This wasn't the Titan's first fight against The Hive. This particular group of villains had proven themselves to be elusive and skilled escape artists, repeatedly slipping through the cracks of imprisonment. Their knack for escaping incarceration had become somewhat expected by the team, and they approached each encounter with a mix of familiarity and determination.

The Hive, while formidable adversaries, lacked subtlety when it came to their criminal activities. Their confidence in their abilities often led them to forego any attempts at staying under the radar. Their arrogance compelled them to flaunt their misdeeds with wanton destruction, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake. This audacious display during their jewelry store heist was no exception, instantly capturing the attention of the vigilant Titans.

The jewelry store stood as the battleground, its shattered windows and alarmed sirens reverberating through the streets like a symphony of chaos, a telltale sign that The Hive had descended upon the city. The flashing police lights added a strobe-like effect, casting an eerie glow on the surrounding buildings and intensifying the atmosphere of tension.

Not far from the chaotic scene of the jewelry store, Richard swiftly pursued Gizmo through the bustling streets, navigating the maze of pedestrians and vehicles with acrobatic finesse. His keen eyes were fixed on the elusive thief, who maneuvered through the crowd with a mix of calculated precision and audacious speed.

Determined to bring Gizmo to justice, Richard launched his trusty wingding with precision, the projectile cutting through the air with a distinctive whir. The gleaming metal weapon sailed towards its target, aimed to intercept the cunning villain. However, Gizmo's highly advanced jetpack granted him the agility to effortlessly evade the projectile, executing evasive maneuvers that left Richard momentarily frustrated.

Although Gizmo's diminutive stature and immature banter might have given the impression of a harmless foe, he possessed a formidable arsenal of technology at his disposal. His inventive mind allowed him to devise intricate gadgets and weapons that bolstered his combat abilities, making him a challenging adversary to apprehend.

Richard understood that getting in close proximity to Gizmo would simplify the task of apprehending the nimble thief. Gizmo, however, displayed a keen awareness of this strategy, skillfully navigating the urban terrain to maintain a safe distance. The villain's every move seemed calculated, and his positioning allowed him to launch long-range attacks at Richard while skillfully avoiding any direct confrontation.

Despite possessing a jetpack that could have easily granted him an escape route, Gizmo curiously chose to remain within proximity of his fellow convicts. Whether motivated by loyalty or a calculated understanding of the advantages of teamwork, Gizmo avoided straying too far from his criminal companions. This strategic decision ensured that The Hive could seamlessly collaborate and provide mutual support during their illicit escapades.

Keeping a keen eye on Gizmo's patterns and movements, Richard anticipated that the wily thief would eventually loop around, presenting a potential opportunity for the hero to close the gap and increase his chances of apprehending him. Maintaining unwavering focus, Richard continued his pursuit, confident that his strategic positioning and understanding of Gizmo's tactics would ultimately tip the scales in his favor.

Meanwhile, outside the shattered jewelry store, Kori found herself unexpectedly tested when a vehicle was forcefully hurled in her direction. Her quick reflexes kicked in, and with a display of her superhuman strength, she effortlessly caught the mid-air projectile. With a sense of satisfaction, she gently lowered the undamaged car to the ground beside her. However, her moment of relief was abruptly cut short as Mammoth charged toward her with his massive fist poised for attack.

Embracing the challenge, Kori welcomed the opportunity to engage Mammoth in direct combat. Despite the Neanderthal's lack of intellectual prowess, his sheer physical strength and robust defenses presented a formidable adversary. While Kori could easily overpower him, she intentionally prolonged their confrontations. By doing so, she allowed Mammoth's inhuman strength to push her limits and test the extent of her own capabilities.

On the ground, Garfield scurried about in his small mouse form, utilizing his size and agility to evade Jinx's hexes. Each calculated movement allowed him to narrowly dodge the supernatural onslaught directed his way. While Jinx's powers weren't inherently lethal, their impact could prove significant if they struck their target directly, a lesson Garfield had learned the hard way on previous occasions.

As Garfield scuttled along, Jinx, with a flick of her wrist, sent a spark of her hex down his trail, zapping the tip of his tail. Caught off guard by the sudden jolt, he instinctively leaped into the air, quickly shifting back into his human form as he cradled his phantom tail, the residual sensation of the shock still lingering. This momentary distraction provided Jinx the opening she needed to close in on him.

Turning around, Garfield found himself face-to-face with the sorceress. Her malicious eyes and crooked smile emanated a foreboding presence. With her powers visibly crackling in her hand, her hexes now appeared more menacing, causing a surge of unease to ripple through Garfield.

"I guess the cat caught the mouse." Jinx smirked, tightening her grip around Garfield's throat, relishing in the moment of dominance. However, her satisfaction was abruptly shattered by an unexpected disturbance. A chilling, otherworldly sound resonated in the air, causing Jinx to instinctively turn her gaze downward. To her shock, she witnessed a swirling vortex of ominous black energy materialize, swiftly enveloping her form and constricting her arms, rendering her unable to maintain her hold on the hero.

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, Jinx's expression twisted into a mix of surprise and frustration. She attempted to muster her magic, seeking to counter the encroaching darkness, but the haunting tendrils held firm, suppressing her ability to invoke her powers.

As the cloud of black energy solidified into a tangible force, its source became apparent. Raven, calm and composed, stood before Jinx, her dark blue cloak billowing around her like an ethereal shroud. "And I caught the cat." She declared, her voice carrying an undertone of both authority and warning.

Spotting his friend in trouble, Mammoth's usually absent mind raced with surprising agility. Reacting on instinct, he seized the nearby mailbox, wrenching it off its hinges with a powerful tug. In a display of raw strength, he heaved the metal box towards the entangled pair, aiming to disrupt Raven's grip on his ally.

Jinx's grin widened as she anticipated her impending freedom. Swiftly and lithely, she leaped out of harm's way just as the hurtling mailbox crashed into Garfield, propelling him backward into Raven. The empath's powers vanished, allowing Jinx to flee as the two heroes tumbled to the ground in a jumble of limbs.

The collision caused Garfield to be momentarily dazed as he winced, his hand instinctively going to his throbbing head. He slowly opened his eyes, only to be met with the unexpected sight of Raven's torso sprawled across his chest. Heat rose to his cheeks, his face flushing with a mix of embarrassment and fleeting excitement at the compromising position.

Raven's features contorted with discomfort as she gingerly held the side of her head, her mind still reeling from the unexpected chain of events. However, before she could process the situation fully, her attention was abruptly diverted by the sight of a car hurtling towards them. Instinctively, she flung her hands up, and her powers quickly responded. The energy suddenly formed itself into a protective shield, forming a barrier between them and the imminent collision.

Seizing another nearby car, Mammoth heaved it overhead, preparing to launch it at the vulnerable pair once again. However, before he could unleash his attack, a fiery blur streaked through the air. Kori, with speed and strength on full display, threw herself at the Neanderthal, colliding into him with tremendous force. The impact sent Mammoth hurtling backward, his massive frame crashing into a solid brick wall, causing the ground to quake under the sheer force of the collision.

Alarmed by her new ability, Raven stared in shock as the protective shield slowly faded away. She turned her surprised gaze to her hands, the new ability setting in.

Below her, Garfield lay on the ground, his eyes wide in amazement. "I love you." He suddenly blurted out.

Confused, Raven brow's furrowed as she looked at him. Garfield's eyes widened even further, his mouth agape as he realized what he had just said. Panic rushed through him, and he desperately scrambled to clarify his statement.

"-Your powers!" He quickly corrected as she carefully got off of him. "I love your powers! They are amazing!" His words trailed off, his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he struggled to find the right words to salvage the situation. He mentally berated himself for his slip of the tongue, knowing he had inadvertently revealed a truth he wasn't ready to confront.

Raven's eyes flicked down to her hands again, a subtle look of distaste crossing her face. "Well, that makes one of us." She commented dryly, her tone carrying a mixture of sarcasm and self-deprecation. The aftermath of her unintentional display of power left her grappling with an uneasy realization, and her wry remark hinted at the inner turmoil.

Their attention was suddenly drawn to the restrained Gizmo, who mumbled curses under his breath. With a swift and dismissive motion, Richard tossed the villain forward like a sack of potatoes before turning back to the pair, his eyes scanning their faces for any signs of injury or distress. "Is everyone okay?" He asked, confirming his team's wellbeing.

"I think so." Raven responded, her gaze briefly meeting Richard's before shifting to the restrained Gizmo.

Their collective attention was then drawn to the sound of metal scraping against the ground, accompanied by Mammoth's reluctant movements. Kori approached them with purpose, dragging Mammoth behind her, a bent stop sign wrapped around his arms serving as a tangible testament to his defeat.

"But Jinx got away." Garfield interjected with a frustrated sigh. The admission hung in the air, a discordant note amid their recent success.

Despite the tangible victory in subduing Gizmo and Mammoth, the escape of Jinx cast a shadow of failure over their recent accomplishments. The lingering absence of one Hive member threatened to undermine the sense of triumph they had initially felt.

Richard's sigh mirrored the weight of the situation, a mix of resignation and determination evident in his expression. While the team had achieved a partial triumph, the fact that Jinx had eluded capture left an indelible mark of dissatisfaction. In his eyes, the escape of one Hive member meant that their collective efforts had fallen short.

"You two need to work harder on your teamwork." Richard critiqued, his gaze turning to Raven and Garfield.

"We did our best." Garfield shot back, his voice tinged with defensiveness. The frustration in his tone hinted at his disappointment in Richard's criticism, a clash of perspectives on what constituted their maximum effort.

Richard's response was unwavering, his voice holding a note of encouragement tempered with the demand for continuous improvement. "And you can always do better." He asserted, emphasizing the belief in their untapped potential.

The flashing lights of police vehicles pierced through the lingering tension, their arrival heralding the end of the back-and-forth exchange of passive aggression. The external intrusion redirected their focus to the immediate aftermath of the battle, prompting a collective acknowledgment that, despite the setback, their commitment to improvement and their shared mission remained unshaken.

Taking command of the situation, the officers assessed the aftermath of the intense battle. They carefully documented the scene, ensuring that every detail would be accounted for in their reports. With a sense of purpose, the officers swiftly moved to apprehend the remaining members of the Hive.

Muttering bitterly, Gizmo was forcefully ushered into the backseat of a patrol car. In contrast, Mammoth, his massive frame ill-fitted for the confined space, grappled with maneuvering his body to fit into the vehicle. As the doors were slammed shut, sealing the fate of the defeated criminals, the patrol car pulled away. The disgruntled expressions etched on Gizmo and Mammoth's faces revealed a blend of frustration and resignation.

Gratitude hung in the air as the officers redirected their attention back to the Titans, the protectors of the city who had played a pivotal role in restoring order. They approached the team with nods of appreciation and words of thanks, their expressions laced with respect for the Titans tireless efforts in safeguarding the community.

The ride back to the Tower was filled with a heavy silence, the hum of the car's engine punctuating the introspective atmosphere within. Each member of the team sat in solitude, lost in their own thoughts. Richard's disappointment hung in the air like a tangible weight, evident in the furrowed lines on his forehead and the slight downturn of his lips. Jinx's escape was clearly weighing heavily on his shoulders.

Aware of the sorceress's penchant for liberating her incarcerated colleagues, Richard couldn't escape a sense of responsibility. Doubts gnawed at him, questioning his effectiveness as a leader and whether he had adequately prepared his team to handle such formidable adversaries. Despite recognizing that his team had given their all in the face of their adversity, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that their collective inability to contain Jinx reflected his own shortcomings.

In the backseat, Garfield and Raven mirrored Richard's disappointment, their expressions tinged with a mixture of frustration and fatigue. Richard's constant critiques and sky-high expectations often left them feeling as if they fell short. The weight of living up to his standards loomed over them, their self-doubt growing with every perceived failure.

However, Raven's irritation was momentarily interrupted by her own inner turmoil. Her thoughts drifted to the newfound abilities she had recently discovered. The struggle to control and understand these new powers consumed her, leaving her questioning the depths of her own potential. How many more latent abilities lay dormant within her, waiting to be unlocked?

Caught up in his own thoughts, Garfield misinterpreted Raven's contemplative expression as a reaction to his earlier outburst. Determined not to expose his secret, he was resolute in clarifying and mending any potential damage caused by his unintentional revelation.

As the sleek car glided into the Tower's spacious and well-lit garage, the hum of its engine gradually subsided. The doors swung open, revealing the familiar surroundings of the Titan's headquarters bathed in the glow of the overhead lights. One by one, the team members stepped out of the vehicle, their footsteps echoing against the polished concrete floor.

Amidst the flow of their departure, Garfield's eyes darted purposefully towards Raven. Without hesitation, he broke away from the group, his strides quickening as he pursued her down the hallway. He quickened his pace, calling out to her. "Rae, wait up!" His voice carried a sense of urgency and concern as he caught up to her, hoping to have a chance to explain himself and reassure her of his intentions.

Still wrapped up in the weight of her own misgivings, Raven was startled by Garfield's urgent voice breaking through the wall of her contemplation. The abruptness of his approach momentarily jolted her from her thoughts, and she turned to face him, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"About what I said earlier, I didn't mean it." Garfield began, his words stumbling over each other in his haste to explain, his nervousness palpable as he sought to clarify his earlier outburst. "I mean, I did mean it, but it's not what you think." He rushed to clarify, the words tumbling out in a jumbled mess. "I love Kori. Sometimes I even love Dick – that came out wrong."

Raven's confusion was evident in her furrowed brow and the slight tilt of her head. Her eyes searched Garfield's face, seeking clarity amidst the tangled web of his words. "Gar, what are you talking about?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine confusion and curiosity.

Garfield's eyes widened in relief as Raven failed to grasp the full meaning behind his incoherent rambling. A quick, self-deprecating smile played on his lips, thankful that his jumbled words had escaped her understanding. "Nothing. Never mind. We're good." He replied, eager to brush off the awkward moment and preserve the status quo.

Ignoring the odd encounter, Raven nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders and continued down the hallway. Garfield watched her retreating figure, a mixture of relief and lingering discomfort etched on his features.

Letting out a relieved breath, Garfield turned around, only to find Kori standing nearby, an amused smirk dancing across her face. The knowing glint in her eyes hinted that she had witnessed the entirety of his ramble, leaving Garfield feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"I don't want to hear it." He quickly interjected, raising his hand in a feeble attempt to ward off any comments or teasing from Kori. However, her mischievous smile remained intact, indicating that she had opinions she was more than eager to share.

"That would have been a good time to tell her how you feel." Kori remarked, her voice laced with a teasing yet sincere undertone.

"I said I don't want to hear it." Garfield repeated, his tone bordering on defensive as he turned to walk away from Kori, hoping to evade any further discussion on the matter. Yet, Kori remained undeterred, following closely behind him, her steps matching his own.

"You can't hide your feelings forever." She countered, her voice soft but firm, indicating her conviction in the matter.

"Says who?" Garfield challenged, his voice tinged with defiance, his eyes meeting Kori's in a brief moment of intensity.

"I says," Kori replied, a hint of playfulness lacing her words. Garfield couldn't help but roll his eyes, well aware of her knack for reading people and her persistent insistence on matters of the heart. "Garfield if you don't tell Raven soon, then I will!"

"You wouldn't dare." Garfield retorted, looking at her with a mixture of seriousness and anticipation.

"No, I wouldn't." Kori confirmed, her calm demeanor reaffirming her bluff. "Because it has to come from you. But you need to tell her. She deserves to know how you feel." She concluded, her words carrying a weight of truth and sincerity. Before the conversation could progress further, Richard walked past them in the hallway, his presence bringing a temporary diversion. Kori seized the opportunity, turning to Richard with a serious expression. "Tell him, Richard." She urged, emphasizing the importance of the situation, hoping for a more substantial level of support.

Richard, ever the pragmatic leader, shrugged casually. "It's really none of my business as long as they use protection, and it doesn't affect the team." His nonchalant response fell short of Kori's expectations, eliciting a slight frown from her.

Garfield couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction at Richard's indifferent stance, turning back to Kori with a smug grin. "Maybe you should follow our leader's advice." He quipped, his tone hinting at a newfound confidence.

Leaving the two to their banter, Richard strode purposefully into the dimly lit computer room, the soft glow of monitors illuminating the space. He settled himself into the chair, fingers deftly dancing over the keyboard as his eyes remained fixed on the screen displaying the penitentiary log. A sense of cautious satisfaction washed over him as he scanned the entries, noting that Mammoth and Gizmo had indeed arrived at the prison and were securely confined within their cell. Yet, amidst his temporary relief, a nagging awareness gnawed at the back of his mind, knowing all too well that Jinx's elusive freedom loomed on the horizon.

Aware of the imminent threat of a prison break, Richard took swift action, reaching out to the penitentiary's security system. He reinforced their protocols with practiced efficiency, fortifying the digital walls in anticipation of the sorceress's desperate attempts to free her comrades. However, he also understood the value of proactive measures. His gaze remained fixed on the screen, searching for any clues or sightings that could potentially lead them to Jinx. It was vital to apprehend her before she could unleash her malevolent powers within the confines of the prison walls.

As Richard delved into his meticulous work, a presence at the doorframe caught his attention, disrupting his focused concentration. Turning his head slightly, he addressed the person standing behind him in the doorway. "Care to tell me what's on your mind?" He inquired, his voice showing genuine curiosity.

Raven stepped forward, her movements measured yet purposeful as she mustered the courage to disclose her newfound discovery. "I have a new power." She began, her voice carrying a blend of uncertainty and concern.

Richard swiveled his chair, fully facing Raven, his eyes locking onto her with encouragement and genuine interest. "Tell me more." He urged, his tone a mixture of curiosity and encouragement.

Raven, hesitant yet determined, sought to articulate her recent breakthrough. "I was able to form some sort of shield with my powers." She explained, her words carrying a hint of awe and revelation.

"A forcefield, huh? That's very impressive and incredibly useful." Richard acknowledged, his admiration genuine as he considered the strategic implications of Raven's newfound ability. He recognized the significance of her growing powers and the potential they held for their team's endeavors.

Raven couldn't help but let her usual misgivings seep into her bitter tone. "Garfield sure seemed excited about it." She remarked, her voice tinged with a mix of skepticism and self-doubt.

Richard's discerning gaze lingered on Raven. "And clearly, you aren't." He observed, his tone gentle yet observant.

"Am I ever excited by a new power?" Raven retorted, a tinge of sarcasm clear in her tone.

"I like to think that someday you will." Richard responded, his voice carrying an underlying optimism. He held onto the belief that Raven's journey of self-discovery would eventually lead her to embrace her powers with a sense of excitement and fulfillment.

Raven's sigh escaped her in the form of a weary exhale, the weight of her skepticism palpable. "Wishful thinking." She murmured, her words betraying a mixture of resignation and longing.

The computer room, bathed in the glow of monitors and the ambient hum of technology, became a space where the complexity of their superhero lives intertwined with personal struggles.


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