ShadowCat And The X-Men(Book...

By Evane15

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Humans always had the need to interact with each other and make relationships. But truth is, relationships a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

27 3 0
By Evane15

I walked into the school hallways intending to find Kurt before second period.

I can't believe a week has almost passed since the party they threw at the house.

As I walked down the hallway I saw principal Kelly tape off the teacher's bathroom.

I peeked inside to see the mirror broken and a sink ripped off from it's place and thrown at the floor.

What the hell?
That wasn't there in the first period.
This must have happened now.

"Katzchen!" I heard Kurt call out to me and I forced my eyes away from the trashed room.

"Hey!" I greeted as he stood next to me.

"Are you looking at the mess?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah who did it?" I asked and he looked intensively inside the wide open door.

"The school doesn't know but I..." He said but caught himself off and looked at the floor.

"You what?" I asked suspecting that he already knows something.

"I think it was Mr.McCoy" he whispered into my ear and I looked at him both in surprise and confusion.

There is no way.

"McCoy? Are you crazy? He wouldn't do anything like that" I protested.

"I am serious Kathryn! You should have seen him in chemistry this morning! He was totally losing it!" He explained and even though I trusted him I just couldn't believe that Hank McCoy would do such a thing.

"Kurt you know I trust your gut but Mr.Hank is the best teacher we have around here and the nicest" I said and he sigh.

"I agree with you. I know he is the best teacher we ever had and if I hadn't seen him this morning I wouldn't have suspected him" he said and we both begun walking away from the room.

"Maybe it was Blob" he suggested and I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to explain his thoughts farther.

"I mean he did rip those lockers last year why not a sink?" He said and I nodded.

"You have a pretty good point. I will investigate about it tomorrow" I said  and he gave me disappointed look.

"At the brotherhood house? Again?!" He asked with that tone that just got on my nerves.

"Not you too!" I said frustrated and he was caught off guard.

"What!?" He asked loudly.

"You have that tone like eveyone else, Evan,the students,Logan even Ororo! I am hanging out with the brotherhood what's the big deal!?" I yelled and we stopped walking

"Look you may trust them and we have no right to tell you with who you can hang out with but..." He tried to form a sentence and I could tell he was struggling to find the right words.

"Just be careful okay!? I don't want them to hurt you" He finally said and I smiled at him.

"Nothing is gonna happen to me they are actually pretty nice with me" I said and he laughed.

"The brotherhood? Nice? Your kidding" he laughed in disbelief and we had now started walking again.

"They are! They just have their own way of showing it" I said and he rolled his eyes still doubtful.

"Which is?" He asked as we reached his locker and he opened it.

"They are nice to each other, like they won't let anyone else harm their own but they beat each other everyday" I said and he leaned into the locker next to his.

"This what you mean by nice?" He asked with a smirk rolling on his face.

"By protecting each other from other threats they show their love. It's weird but its their way to show effection!" I exclaimed and Kurt seemed to reconsider his previous statement.
He also seemed quite impressed.

"You know I never thought of them like that. I guess that's nice" he admitted smiling a little.

He got his geometry book and closed his locker.

"So... How is Evan?" I asked hesitantly and he immediately avoided my gaze in panic as we begun walking again.

"He is good! He is fine!" He said with a goofy smile and i gave him a weak smile.

At least he is fine.

"He is still mad at me, isn't he?" I asked and he panicked even more.

"Evan!? Mad? No! No way..." He yelled still avoiding making eye contact with me.

"I messed up with him. He has every right to be mad I just really thought he wouldn't mind it that much" I admit and lowered my head to look at the ground.

I could feel Kurt giving me a sympathetic look as I heard him sigh in defeat.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt him. I didn't expect him to get this mad either" he said his voice lower and softer now.

"I guess I didn't know how much it meant for him to spend time together" I said and Kurt grabbed my shoulder making me stop walking and look at him.

"I spoke with Evan yesterday and he told me that he wasn't mad that you declined one time to go to your sunday thingy/tradition. He is afraid that it won't be just one time that you will spend less time with him and more with Lance. He is jealous Kathryn"

Kurt informed me and my eyes widen in surprise.

"Jealous!?" I asked in shock.

"Yes but not in a romantic way. He just thinks that the more you hang out with Lance the less attention you are gonna be giving him and when you told him that you were busy this sunday you confirmed his fears,"

Kurt explained and I shook my head.

"I swear I meant it only for one time! I wouldn't stop our tradition for anyone!"
I spoke honestly and Kurt gave me a ghost smile.

"I know Katzchen but have you told that to Evan?" He asked with concern.

"I thought it was obvious" I stated and Kurt gave me a look.

"Maybe to you.Evan might have needed a little reminder" Kurt said and now it was my turn to go and stand against the wall.

"I never thought of that. I thought he didn't have this kind of insecurity. I thought he knew how much he means to me" I said and kurt leaned next to me.

Okay I have started to lose my words. I said "I thought" three times in a row.

"He doesn't and you don't know how much you mean to him. He asked about you too" he said and I was taken aback.

"He did?" I asked and he nodded.

"If you are okay and if he upset you too much" he told me with a grin and I grinned back.

It was good to know that he still cared too.

"And  I told him that you are clearly upset and that you haven't stopped thinking about it five days now" he answered.

"And also that you both have been talking to me about it and that I am gonna go crazy if you guys don't make up any time soon" he added laughing but I felt kinda guilty.

"Sorry your right I shouldn't get my problems on you" I said rubbing the back of my hand.

"Are you serious? I was kidding I am more than glad to listen to all your guys drama!" He said and I could help but laugh along.

"Oh and help you and Evan of course" he added pulling me close by my waist.

"Yeah you kind of have become our therapist" I said and he giggled.

"Your therapist huh? Maybe I should start charging you by the hour" he said playfully with the devilish grin of his and his german accent.

"Than I guess I'll have to deal with my mental issues on my own" I said and he dramatically pretended to be shocked.

"Oh Katzchen say goodbye to your sanity!" He said smirking and I scoffed.

"I don't need you to be sane" I said and crossed my arms to my chest stubbornly but he just kept smirking at me as his eyes light up.

He was about to do something and I just knew it.

Suddenly he grabbed my waist and began titling me.

"Stop Kurt!!" I laughed hysterically.

"Nope! Not until you admit that I do keep you sane!" He yelled and I kept laughing as he showed me no mercy.

I would have phased if it weren't for the people around who have started to stare.

"Okay okay! You do!" I shouted and he let me go as he laughed at me.

"You idiotic elf!" I yelled and punched his shoulder playfully.

"Don't hit me! Remember I keep you sane" he warned and I laughed.

"Anyways, I am sure you and Evan will figure it out you are both good friends and care about each other." He said and my good mood was ruind.

"I don't know Kurt" I said feeling unsure of how to approach my friend.

"When Evan let his anger ease up a little you guys should sit down and talk about it" he said as we reached geometry class.

"I'll try" I said as we sat down on our desk together.

-Time skip-

School was over and Evan was nowhere to be seen.

I looked all over the house and then Roberto told me that he saw Evan out skating with his friends on his way home.

I waited for Evan out of his bedroom door for him to arrive but hours past and he still wasn't here.

I couldn't wait any longer because it was for our training session with Storm.

I got into uniform, fixed my hair, got my bow and went to the danger room.

Evan wasn't home yet.

Storm waited for him a few minutes but he still wasn't here, so we begun the  battle simulation without him.

I don't know how I feel about this.

We were supposed to face small metallic spheres which were floating around looking for targets and when they made contact with anything or anyone they slightly exploded.

The goal was to reach the platform at the end of the room and press the button on time.

Cyclops begun the attack by shooting all of the spheres that got in his way with his optic blast.Jean telekinetically pushed them away.

I phased through any of the spheres that tried to touch me. I also covered my teammate's backs by shooting the once that came in their way.

Kurt teleported straight to the platform.

Jean was the second person to reach the platform and Kurt helped her climb up while I got rip of the spheres behind her.

Once I was done I jumped up with ease. As I stood up at the platform I heard Rogue gasp in pain and surprise.
I turned sharply in her direction as she fell on her knees.

Scott immediately run to her and offered his hand to help her up.

"Forget it I got hit" Rogue said stubbornly but Scott shock his head at her a little annoyed.

"No one gets left behind" Scott reminded her and threw her over his shoulder.
Scott begun running for the platform once more but the time was running out.

"Come on!!" Kurt encouraged

"It's all or none!" I yelled following Kurt's actions.

"Run!" Jean shouted at Scott but it was too late.

The timer run out and it was one of those rare times that we actually lost a fight.
Maybe it wasn't real but it steal hurts.

We all groaned in annoyance and disappointment.

"Oh come on!" Kurt face palmed.

"This was so embarrassing" Rogue confessed as Scott placed her back on her feet.

"Time is up" Storm announced as she entered the danger room.

The scenery around us disappeared and the danger room took it's usal form.

"Nice rescue Cyclops and Shadowcat, Nightcrawler and Jean good restraint of not pushing the button until everyone was there. Impressive team work as always" she congratulated us smiling.

"But we faild!" Scott said obviously distressed by the result of our training session.

"Yeah! Evan was supposed to cover my back!" Rogue exclaimed feeling wronged.

As if she had summoned him the door of the danger room opened wide and Evan walked inside.

Everyone stood frozen glaring at him.

Okay we all know that he can be immature sometimes but if he was late on Logan's training session he would have been literally fried.

"Em... Am I late?" He asked with a silly smile and I sigh quietly.

"You are part of this team or what?" Scott spoke harshly as he walked out of the room and everyone followed close behind him.

"I got hit because of you!" Rogue said and as she nudged him with her elbow.

"Way to go Evan" Jean said rolling her eyes.

"Man we have to do this all over again tomorrow" Kurt complaint silently walking out with the rest.

Only me and Ororo stayed behind.

"Sorry guys! I was caught of with stuff and I forgot my watch-" he tried to excuse himself but Ororo caught him off.

"You don't even own a watch. You are making a habit out of this Evan. No one can rely on you anymore" she told him but it sounded more like a warning to me.

She gave him a disappointed look and walked out of the room her white boots clacking on the floor.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked just above a whisper as I saw the guilt sparkle into Evans eyes.

He stared at me right in the eyes analyzing my offer. As I kept looking at his brown eyes and felt the tension around us.

Something I've never felt before with Evan we were always so chill around each other.

I saw myself in his eyes I had an unsure and anxious expression and sweat was running down my forehead.

"Evan I am sorry" I apologized while rubbing the back of my hands and he looked at the ground.

Not even sparing me a look.

"No you are not. Why don't you just walk out with the rest?" He said sharply and i felt my hands getting sweaty as well but I still walked closer to him

"I mean it I am sorry. I never thought that it will hurt your feelings and I am not walking out on you but they have every right to be angry you know. You were supposed to be here" I said and stopped suddenly the movement of my hands.

"Yeah I know! But I was having fun with my guys after school and didn't realise that it was time to come home" he admitted with frustration and I placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder and I felt him tense with my touch but soon relaxed.

I couldn't believe that Evan didn't feel comfortable around me. Touching people used to be my least favourite thing in the world but with the team I learned to appreciate affection and touch.

Evan was one of the people that taught me that but now he is the one that doesn't want to be touched. Not by me at least.

"I understand but this isn't the first time. This is the fifth time in a week. You have to be a little bit more responsible" I said and he immediately pushed my hand away.

"You don't get to scold me okay?! You are not any better!" He yelled pointing a finger aggressively at me.

"I am not-" I begun to protest but he didn't let me.

"You are one of the X-Men but you spend more time with the enemy than your own team! Maybe I am not always in time but I at least know where my
loyalty lies. Where does yours Kathryn?"

He said and his words struck me like a brick on the head.

He run out of the room before I could say not that I could even if i wanted to. I was completely taken aback by his outburst.

Where does my loyalty lies?

With the X-Men.

Why is everyone doubting me lately?

I walked upstairs and entered the small living room from some quite. I thought that Rogue would be in my room and I didn't want her to see me upset again.

To my surprise she was here and laying on the couch still in her uniform.

"Hi" I said but she just gave a slight nod while keeping her eyes closed.

I sat at the armchair with a long sigh as I felt myself sink into it.

A package on the table caught my attention. It wrote

To Jubilation Lee

"Tired?" Rogue asked with her eyes half closed and I smiled at her concern.

"Mentally yes" I answered and she raised an eyebrow still lying fully down.

"I fought with Evan" I said and she groaned as I leaned even more at the chair.

"Again?! This boy needs to ease up on you. What is the big deal? You cancelled on him once! So what?!" She yelled throwing her hands in the air but refusing to stand up.

"I get why his mad. I should have known better than to cancel I swear I didn't mean to hurt him" I said and Rogue nodded.

"I know sugar, Evan can be immature sometimes and just like a child he overreacts to things. It was an one time thing and he thought that you guys hanging was over forever" she explained and I nodded in agreement.

"Exactly! I don't know how to make things right.." I said and Rogue sigh.

"Have you tried to talk to him?" She asked and I nodded again slowly and hesitantly.

"Just tried. It went to shit I told him he should be more responsible and he snapped at me. He thought I was scolding him I really wasn't. If he keeps this up he is might not be trusted in a real life battle" I explained and Rogue agreed.

"You told him what had to be told if he doesn't wanna hear it that's fine!" Rogue said determinedly.

There was a long pause before I was tempted to ask something.

I needed to know. I needed to hear it from her point of view.

"Rogue?" I asked uneasily and afraid of what i was about to hear.

"Mhm.." she responded while looking at the ceiling.

"Am I pulling away from the X-Men?" I asked and she looked at me very confused.

"What?" She asked standing on her elbows.

"I mean am I neglecting you guys and spend more time with the brotherhood?" I asked and and she stood up to sit on the couch.

"No! Who put this idea into your head?!" She asked and I kept quiet.

"Just thought that I have being spending less time with you" I said and she looked at me suspecting something already.

"I don't want any of you to thing that am not trustworthy you are a priority to me" I explained my thoughts farther and she growled in anger.

"I will kill him!!" She said and slapped her hand on the sofa.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Evan, he something didn't he? Don't let him get to you. He is angry right now and feels defensive with you that's why he wanted to hit you where it hurts you"

She rushed to tell me before Evan's words could root inside of him.

"I just want to make things right but I only make it worse. Evan is my friend I don't want to fight with him" I said and she scoffed.

"I do! I am just waiting for the right moment to attack him and before you ask why firstly because he invited Arcade into our home secondly for fighting with you and lastly because he didn't have my back today in training."

She said and I just realized how much she is awaiting for her revenge.

"One! One more wrong move and I am gonna feed porcupine to the stray dogs" she threatened and i laughed slightly.

"You wouldn't" I said grinning and she smirked.

"Wanna bet?" She asked with a smirk still playing on her face with a raised eyebrows.

We couldn't help but laugh together as we both knew she wouldn't but still tried to convince me that she would.

Suddenly Jubilee entered the room.

"Cool! It's here!" She yelled excitedly and run to opened the package.

"So how was the rescue?" Asked Rogue knowing that it effected her.

"Well it was okay" she said and laid back on the couch.

"Okay girls be honest do you like it?" Jubilee asked and got our attention.

My eyes widen when I saw her posing with a huge blue pyramid shaped hat on her head.

Rogue just had the look on her face that said disgusting on it's own.

"I am not doing this today" Rogue announced and stood up walking out leaving me alone with Jubilee that looked very surprised.

"Is she okay?" She asked still looking at the direction Rogue went.

"We just had a rough training session today" I answered and she nodded in understanding.

"Well that explains it. Anyways! What do you think?!" She asked with a wide proud smile on her face.

"Interesting choice" I told her as I bit my lip anxiously.

"It's supposed to stimulate brain power" she spoke and I laughed with relief.

"I gotcha you! Still worried about your math test huh?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures!" She said and I smiled.

"You know Ray is pretty good at math he could help you out" I suggested and she seemed to now realise that.

"Holy shit! I can't believe I didn't think about that first!" She yelled running out of the room most likely to find Ray.

So I stood up too and walked to my room.
I am gonna study for tomorrow and then i am taking a very long bath.

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