The Enchantress² | N + E Mika...

By Kinky_BabyGirl14

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-Book 2- A Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson love interest book. ... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Return of the Heretic
Chapter 2 - Unanswered Questions
Chapter 3 - Of Witches, Secrets, and Family Ties
Chapter 5 - Reunions and Confessions
Chapter 6 - Morning Surprises and Midnight Revelations
Chapter 7 - A Desperate Plan
Chapter 8 - Bound by Chains, Freed by Fury
Chapter 9 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 10 - The Davina Problem
Chapter 11 - A Game of Memories
Chapter 12 - A Vengeful Reunion
Chapter 13 - Revelations and Complications
Chapter 14 - A House Divided
Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats
Chapter 16 - Between Dreams and Reality
Chapter 17 - A Miracle and a Tragedy
Chapter 18 - Protecting the Future
Chapter 19 - Reclaiming the Kingdom
Chapter 20 - A Heretic Unleashed
Please Read
Chapter 21 - A Night of Revelry and Mayhem
Chapter 22 - A Game of Truth and Consequences
Chapter 23 - A Dangerous Gamble
Chapter 24 - Monsters Within
Chapter 25 - Making Choices
Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan
Chapter 27 - Thanksgiving Surprises
Chapter 28 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 29 - Love, Loss, and the Power of Family
Chapter 30 - The Unwanted Alliances
Chapter 31 - Desperate Choices and the Unraveled Truth
Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play
Chapter 33 - Moving Forward with a Smile
Chapter 34 - Forever a Mikaelson
Chapter 35 - When the Past Comes Knocking
Chapter 36 - A Lethal Game of Secrets
Chapter 37 - Interventions and Confessions
Chapter 38 - Chains and Revelations
Chapter 39 - Magic, Miracles, and Mikaelsons
Chapter 40 - Deceit, Confrontations, and Magical Showdowns
Chapter 41 - The Unfinished Prophecy
Chapter 42 - Family Under Siege
Chapter 43 - The Mindscape Connection
Chapter 44 - The Resilience of Phoebe Mikaelson
Chapter 45 - The Society of Shadows and Saviors
Chapter 46 - Fighting for Control
Chapter 47 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 48 - Happily Ever After?
Chapter 49 - In the Name of Love
Chapter 50 - Promises and Lullabies
Chapter 51 - A Message from the Grave
Chapter 52- A Family Scattered
Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation
Chapter 54 - Back From the Dead
Bonus Chapter - Blades, Magic, and Mikaelson Shenanigans

Chapter 4 - The Unseen Protector

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By Kinky_BabyGirl14

I open my eyes and find myself back in the witch cave. I immediately know where I am and vamp towards the lights at the other side. Once again, I hit a barrier before I can get close to the lights.

The shadow woman is standing, waiting, for me at the exact spot we were standing the last time we spoke. I move over and stand in front of her, placing my hand on the barrier and she follows my movements doing the same thing. My eyes move from her to the lights behind her.

"The witches are plotting." Her voice echoes making me look back at her.

"What?" I question, unsure I had heard her correctly.

"Don't trust the witches." She adds as she steps back from the barrier.

"Protect them." She repeats over and over as she heads towards the lights, moving between them.

The lights flare up again, I cover my eyes with my hands and when I move them, I am back in bed.

I look next to me and find that side of the bed empty and myself alone in the room.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and head to the closet to get dressed.

I walk through the house in search of Klaus when I hear a vaguely familiar female voice coming from one of the backrooms. I head towards it confused by this unknown person in the house. I stand in the doorway as Cami diagnoses Klaus.

"I don't believe in evil as a diagnosis. I think you have unstable personal relationships, stress-related paranoia, chronic anger issues, fear of abandonment. I think you could benefit from talking to someone. Professionally."

"Sounds pretty accurate to me. Although Klaus left out half the story." I speak up as I walk into the room.

Klaus swings his gaze from Cami to me and Cami looks at me as well over the couch she is sitting on. I walk over to him as Klaus smirks at me and I smile. I turn to Cami and give her a genuine smile.

"We haven't been introduced, Cami. I am Phoebe Salvatore. The aforementioned pregnant woman. Just to set the record straight, I am more to Klaus and his brother than just a woman he accidentally got pregnant." I explain before smirking at Klaus over my shoulder.

I move over and sit on the armchair, facing Klaus as he shakes his head at me.

"I was getting there." He bites back.

"I am sure you were." I say with an amused smirk.

I stand again and give Cami another smile before heading to the door as I call out to Cami behind me, "Good luck."

I walk down the stairs and find Rebekah scrolling on her laptop so I join her, looking over shoulder at her screen. I hear the front door open and both me and Rebekah look towards it.

A witch walks into the room and I roll my eyes at her.

"I thought I made it clear that. No witches in the house." I say with a sarcastic smile.

"You are overdue for a check-up." She tells me as she walks towards us.

"What am I gonna do? Pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant vampire with a witch? Definitely nothing suspicious happening here!" I exclaim.

"A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours." Rebekah says to me.

I can hear how upset she is in her tone and I feel immediately guilty.

"I know a doctor out in the Bayou, off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. No one will even know we are there. "

I look over at Rebekah before rolling my eyes and reluctantly agreeing, "Okay, fine. Shady-baby-doctor it is."

I stare out the window as Agnes drives us to the doctor. We don't talk to each other and I sit as far from her as I can as what the girl from my dreams told me plays on repeat in my head. My paranoia and the warning makes me very wary of the witches, especially of Agnes.

The car stops in front of a single standing building in the middle of nowhere in the bayou. I look at the building skeptical before looking over at Agnes.

"This is the doctor's office?" I question as I look over the building again.

Agnes gives me a smile which for some reason puts me more on edge.

"Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go! She won't bite!" she says still smiling.

I look over her suspicious as I hum in response before getting out the car and heading inside the clinic.

I walk inside the clinic and there is a woman standing at the desk and she gives me a smile as I close the door behind me.

"Phoebe?" she asks as she raises from her seat with a smile.

I nod my head with a small smile. She gesture to the room next to her and I follow her into it.

Rebekah is in the church but stuck outside Davina's room when she is pulled into Elijah's mind using his vampire telepathy so he can speak with Rebekah in her head. He backdrop for this talk is from a memory of them going to an opera in New Orleans in the 1880s.

"Well, how are you even awake?" Rebekah asks Elijah in shock.

Elijah gives he a smile as he says, "Davina removed the dagger, unaware that doing so even once would negate the dagger's power. In a few hours, I shall be as good as new!"

"So, pop me into the attic and we can find a way to get you out!" Rebekah says to him as she looks around for an exit to the shared memory, ready to free Elijah.

"As I told Phoebe, I'm not quite ready to leave yet, Rebekah. This girl, Davina, she's curious. Willful, too. Soon, I shall be able to speak to her, perhaps to even propose a truce of some kind. So, if we can end this war between the vampires and the witches, we'll be able to eliminate the threat to Phoebe and the baby." Elijah explains to Rebekah.

Rebekah looks at Elijah both confused and surprised.

"Wait. Phoebe spoke to you?" She asks.

"Yes. She located Davina. She came to undagger me but I was able to talk to her and stop her from doing that." He elaborates.

"And she was just okay with leaving you?" Rebekah questions as she knows Phoebe would never do that.

Elijah adjusts his tie and takes a sip from his glass as he speaks on, "I am hoping with this truce Niklaus and our entire family can finally know peace but I need you to look after Phoebe. She is our family now. I need her and her unborn child to fall under our protection."

"I am hundred percent sure Phoebe is capable of protecting herself." Rebekah tells him.

"Phoebe can be just as reckless and chaotic as Niklaus at times. Especially when she is on edge." Elijah elaborates.

"Like if she were to spend days tracking down a man that she loves in order to save him. Just for him to tell her he doesn't want to be saved when she does?" Rebekah adds.

"Swear to me, Rebekah." Elijah asks.

Rebekah is returned back to reality, back to the doorway. She looks at Elijah in his coffin.

"I swear." She vows.

I lay on the medical bed as Dr. Paige move the ultrasound wand over my belly until the baby shows up on the monitor. I look at picture in fascination as she takes measurements of the baby.

Dr. Paige makes a noise and I tear my eyes from the screen to her.

"Something wrong?" I ask, as my heart starts to race.

"No. Nothing's wrong. I just thought I saw something but it was nothing." She says offering me a smile.

I take a breath and smile back at her as I look back at the monitor. Dr. Paige moves the wand again and the heartbeats come through the speak making my smile wider.

"Your baby's heart rate is perfect." She tells me.

"I knew it. She's strong just like her parents." I tell her as I look back at monitor.

Dr. Paige chuckles and hands me a tissue to wipe the ultrasound gel off of my abdomen.

"Do you want a printout?" The doctor offers me with another smile.

"Yeah." I say.

I sit up and move my legs over the edge of the bed as Dr. Paige types a few things on her keyboard. She hands me a printout of the ultrasound and I look down at it in my hands.

She smiles tightly as she says, "That's an interesting tattoo."

I pull the sleeve of my cardigan down to cover them as I ask her, "We are done here, right?"

My phone buzzes but I don't read it as Dr. Paige talks to me.

"Your blood pressure is a bit low but I've got something for it." she tells me before leaving the examination room.

"It's because I can't keep blood down." I mutter out.

I grab my phone and see a message from Rebekah.

Where are you?

A wolf howl makes me look out the window of the room and I see multiple of cars approaching and immediately message back to Rebekah.

Bayou clinic. I think I may need help, Beks.

Not sure if she would get the message or get here in time, I send another message to Kelsey this time.

237!! Be careful!

I attached my location to the message.

As I send the message, Dr. Paige walks into the room with medication. She offers me the tablets but I look at them and back at her as I listen to multiple people entering the clinic.

"I don't take drugs from strangers." I refuse as put the pills on the table next to me.

"It's just to help your baby." She says, trying to convince me to take them but I can hear more people arriving at the clinic.

Dr. Paige reaches behind her for a syringe but I see her and pull my knife sneakily from the back of my pants.

I vamp forward and stab the knife into her hand. She opens her mouth to scream but before she can, I pull the knife out her hand and cut her throat, stopping the scream all together.

I lock the door before carefully move a chair under the handle of the door to slow the idiots in lobby down while I get the fuck out of here. I move quickly to the window but as I do, I hear rattling on the door as they try to get into the room.

I pull the window open as quickly as I can but as I stick my one foot out the window, I notice my shoes. I quickly pull them off and throw them to the side as the witches bash against the door and the chair starts to slip. I hurriedly climb through the window and run into the woods behind the clinic.

If there was any place that I knew well, it was the bayou from running through here for all those years but running wasn't what I was doing this time.

I find a marked tree and start to climb up it. The men from inside the clinic run out and slow down, looking around under the tree I am in.

My knife firmly in my hand, I jump and land on the first guy with my knife stabbing him right at the base of this skull.

I rip knife out and detach his head as I do.

I smile a devious smile as I look between the rest as I twirl the knife in my fingers.

I jump on the next guy, wrapping my legs around his neck as another attacks me as well. I twist my body which breaks the neck of the guy I am on while I throw my knife into the throat of the other guy attacking me.

The guy I am on, falls to the ground and I jump off towards to the guy who is on his knees with my knife in his throat. I pull my knife out as I look around for the last guy.

I tuck my knife into my pants again as I listen to him circle me.

He shows up in front of me with his shotgun pointed at me. He fires off rounds but I lift my arm and put a magic shield to stop the bullets from hitting me.

I release the spell and every round falls to the ground.

He tries to reload but I vamp forward at him and grab the gun from him as I sweep his leg, making him fall on his back. I turn the gun and slam the butt of the gun over and over with all my strength.

His blood sprays up and all over my face and body as I do.

I throw the gun aside after bending it half as I look down at the guy under me. His face gone and his skull is in pieces which is all that is left of his head.

A hand grabs me and lifts me up. A large, burly man holds me up by my throat but before I can do anything, he falls to the floor with his neck snapped.

Rebekah steps over the big man and looks at the bodies around us, impressed.

"Sure, you need my protection." She mutters.

I look at her confused but shrug it off as I ask, "How did you find me?"

"Your text got me halfway, vamping here did the rest. Who are they?" Rebekah asks as she gesture down to the dead men.

"Fucking witches." I spit out as I give the guy in front of me a small kick.

We both hear more footstep and look back towards the clinic to see more men with flashlights in the distance heading toward us. Rebekah looks back at me almost panicked.

"There're more of them. Run!" Rebekah demands but I just shake my head.

"I am not going anywhere. I am no longer running." I tell her as I pull my knife out and grab another off one of the dead guys on the ground.

"Of course not. I forgot who I am talking too. If I had a dollar for every mess my family has got me into..." Rebekah mutters.

Two guys make it to our spot and Rebekah takes them both out by pulling their hearts out their body but as she throws their hearts on the floor, two arrows shot her in the heart which make her fall two the floor.

I look at her fall and shake my head but I hear movement behind me.

I see another person running through the trees but at vampire speed until they come to a stop in front of us. 

Kelsey looks at the bodies and gives me a disappointed look, "I didn't miss all the fun, did I?"

I hear more footsteps and Kelsey hears them too because her eyes light up as she grabs one of the knives from my hand. We see a few witches run past us and we nod at each other before, Kelsey takes off after them.

From where I stand, I can see her, stab a guy in the shoulder before taking his head off with her bare hands than going after the others but not before shooting me a happy smile.

Two more men emerge towards me and I vamp into the shadows out of the moon light and their flashlights.

I move behind them as they advance forward. I vamp towards the first one from behind and slam my hand into his chest grabbing his heart before kicking him away while I hold onto his heart.

His body lands far from me but hits a tree with a loud spat making the other turn to it. I vamp towards him, jumping at him as I get near and sinking both the knives into his chest and pulling them all the way through as I land on my feet.

As I turn, I hear footsteps all over the woods, coming towards me at every possible angle.

Suddenly, an arrow come from nowhere and lands in my shoulder. I wince before pulling it out of my shoulder as inspect it, I notice it is covered in something.

I stumble as my vision blurs. I close my eyes to try steady my eyes but when I open them again in am back in the witch cave in my head. I look around panicked as I slam my fists against the wall.

I take a breath before vamping off towards the lights and shadow woman, knowing she could put me back.

As I get to the lights the shadow woman is waiting for me.

"Put me back." I demand.

"You did not listen. I must fix the problem." She states back to me.

The woman shakes her head as she walks forward and pass the barrier onto my side.

She lifts her hand towards me.

Suddenly I am being pushed back onto her side, towards the lights.

Once I stop being pushed back, I vamp to get back to my spot but the barrier is back and the shadow woman walks away from me, towards where I had come from.

Rebekah wakes and sits up before pulling the arrows out her chest with a groan of pain. She throws the arrows aside and stands but as she does, she notices more bodies surrounding her then there was when she got shot with the arrows. She looks at each body and none of them are even recognisable as human. She looks around in horror at the nature of the injuries of all the bodies.

"What the hell?" She mutters.

Rebekah starts to panic when she doesn't see Phoebe anywhere.

"Phoebe! Phoebe!" She yells out as she vamps a little in every direction in search of her but finds nothing. Rebekah stands back in the spot she woke up in and swears under her breath.

Rebekah breaths out a breath of relief when she sees someone coming towards it but that relief disappearance when the figure gets closer and it isn't Phoebe. Rebekah catches the figure by the throat and shoves them up against the tree near her.

Kelsey kicks Rebekah as she tries to get out her hold, "Let go of me." Kelsey demands loudly.

Rebekah recognizes Kelsey and lets go of her as she asks, "What are you doing here?"

"Phoebe messaged me. She used our code for an emergency." Kelsey explains as she shots a small glare at Rebekah.

"Great! Where is she?" Rebekah asks her which makes Kelsey confused as she looks around.

"I thought she was with you. I lost her earlier in the night. I went one way and she went another, I haven't seen her since." Kelsey says with a shrug but she starts to panic slightly inside.

Rebekah sighs and grabs her phone to make a call she doesn't want to make as she mutters, "So much for protecting her."

Klaus stands on the balcony above Davina who is holding Tim when he answers Rebekah's call.

"Rebekah?" He answers as he watches Davina.

"Phoebe is missing." Rebekah says through the phone.

This sentence makes Klaus tear his glaze from Davina and bring his full attention to Rebekah.

"What do you mean, 'Phoebe is missing?'" he inquires angrily.

"What do you think I mean? There's blood and bodies everywhere in the woods. The only other person here is her blonde friend, who swears the bodies near us were not her doing. Someone has torn apart every person that was out here and there is no sign of our stubborn-sarcastic pregnant girl." Rebekah lists off.

Klaus huffs out as he swear under his voice in anger before he tells Rebekah, "Keep looking for her. I'm on my way."

Rebekah walks through the woods looking for signs of Phoebe but find nothing but more bodies. Rebekah sighs out before heading back to the clinic to look for her there.

Rebekah walks into the clinic and looks around until she comes along the examination room.

She steps in and looks around it with wide eyes.

"What happened here?" She asks herself as she steps over the puddle of blood the is coming from the dead doctor who is laying on the floor with her throat sliced all the way around.

Kelsey stands in the doorway of the room and looks at the doctor and a small smile starts on her mouth.

"Phoebe happened." She answers, Rebekah's hypothetical question.

Rebekah looks around the room and notices a syringe on the floor next to the doctor as she starts to piece what had happened together.

She steps forward and her foot lands on a piece of wood that seems to have belonged to the broken chair that is sitting upside down across the room surrounded by glass.

A breeze blows through the window and Rebekah turns to it when something catches her attention from the side of her eye.

Rebekah walks forward and leans down as she picks up Phoebe's shoes.

"Well at least that answers why she was barefoot." Kelsey says but she still doesn't enter the room.

As Rebekah stands up straight with the shoes in hand, Klaus enters the room behind her. Rebekah turns around to look at Klaus and he is staring at the dead doctor.

"Wow! You abandoned your quest for power to help out your family! Having an off day?" Rebekah says sarcastically.

"Who took her, Rebekah?" Klaus asks, very calmly.

Too calmly.

Rebekah lets out a breath, "I don't know but wherever she is, she has no shoes." Rebekah says as she lifts the shoes into Klaus's view.

"What do you mean, you don't know? And who killed her attackers?" Klaus questions as he become less calm as he looks between Kelsey and Rebekah.

Kelsey puts her hand up in a defensive way, "Don't ask me. I got shot with an arrow with some weird herbs that made me pass out." She explains.

"I don't know! I had an arrow in my heart. If it wasn't Phoebe or Kelsey, then-".

Rebekah is cut off by wolves howling in the distance. Klaus looks at her and raises his eyebrows at it.

Rebekah rolls her eyes as she looks out the window and sees wolf eyes.

"Lovely. Maybe they know where she is." She mutters as she heads out the clinic.

Klaus follows her outside saying nothing and just observing. As they exit the clinic, Phoebe stumbles out the woods towards them.

Every inch of her cover in blood and her clothes torn apart. She looks at them, dazed and exhausted as Rebekah and Klaus vamp to her.

"Phoebe! What happened? Tell me what happened." He asks her frantically.

Phoebe's eyes move rapidly as she tries to remember. She looks at Klaus with a look of confusion.

"I don't remember."

---- 5 minutes before ----

I can't siphon the barrier or do any magic here which has left me to banging against the barrier in hope the shadow woman will come back.

I bang my fists against over and over, unsure of much time had passed but I needed to return to my body.

To protect my baby.

"Come back!" I scream out as I bang harder against the barrier.

The shadow woman glades towards me and I stop my banging as I watch her.

"It is done." She states but I am unsure of what she is talking about.

As she reaches the barrier, she lifts her hands and leans back with her head lifted as black smoke pours out of her mouth.

Th smoke snakes its way out and towards me. It circles me before wrapping around my throat and lifting my off the ground. I try to get the smoke off my throat but it's in vain.

The shadow woman walks back onto her side of the barrier but as she does the smoke move me to the other side. She turns to face me.

"Protect them." She says again.

She lifts her hands again before screaming again and suddenly the black smoke pulls me back to where I wake up and back to reality.

I open my eyes and start coughing violently but when I move my eyes up, I see two wolves in front of me.

I look at them cautiously as I stand up.

I walk forward but stumble as I do. The wolves move forward and push their bodies against me as they herd me in a certain direction. I follow along as I am still in a daze.

When I see the road come into view the wolves start to howl and sudden the forest is full of howls.

I walk onto the road and see Rebekah and Klaus coming out the clinic. They vamp towards me as I stumble towards them.

Klaus gets to me first and grabs my arms as he tries to stabilize me.

"Phoebe! What happened? Tell me what happened." He asks me frantically.

I feel my eyes moving as I rack my brain about what happened but I come up with a blank except for the shadow woman. I look at Klaus lost and confused.

"I don't remember." I tell him.

He moves his fingers over the liquid at the spot where I was shot with the arrow before smelling it. As he does, Klaus begins to anxiously examines me for any wounds or anything dangerous.

"You've completely healed. There's not a scratch on you." He says, almost surprised but I look at him more confused.

"Vampire, Remember?" I remind him.

"No, not that fast. Not with this in your system." He says as holds up his finger with the liquid on it.

Rebekah vamps over to us and wraps her arms around me, pulling me behind her protectively.

"Leave her alone!" Rebekah demands of Klaus as moves me forward and sits me on the stairs of the clinic. 

Rebekah looks me over as I sit on the steps.

"It's the baby. Klaus' vampire blood in your system. It can heal any wound." Rebekah says as the thought comes to her.

Klaus turns around to us and stares at me incredulously as he thinks over Rebekah's idea as Rebekah looks at me amazed as her eyes drop to my belly.

"Your own child healed you." Rebekah announces.

I place a hand on my belly and look at Klaus who is smiling at me from that thought. I spot Kelsey and give her a small smirk as I take in her appearance.

"You look like crap." I say to her.

"I look better than you." she responds as she talks a seat next to me.

"How did you escape? You were outnumbered, unarmed? Those men were unrecognisable and some in pieces." Rebekah asks as she brings the topic back on course.

I sit and think about it quietly for a second, about what happened and what could have happened.

"The last thing I remember was getting shot by an arrow then suddenly I wasn't in the woods. The next thing I knew I woke up like this with wolves standing over me." I say as I remember.

Klaus tilts his head a little, looking at my suspiciously.

"What do you mean you weren't in the woods?" He questions.

I look down at my hands as I think about how to tell them the truth.

"A while back, when the witches took me back to lure you here. I was pulled in a haven in my mind. It is based off the cave cell the witches held me captive in all those years ago. In there, there is this woman. She never shows me her face and I can never get close to touch her as there is always a barrier between us. She gives me warnings." I confess.

"What has this got to do with what happened in the woods?" Rebekah asks, looking at me confused.

"When I was shot with the arrow coated with ever it had on it, I was pulled into that place. The shadow woman pulled me on her side of the barrier and trapped me there before disappearing onto my side. I think she took control of my body and killed all of those men. She was protecting me." I finish.

Klaus huffs out at he runs his hand over his face before swings around and points to me.

"The witches were supposed to protect you! When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux-"

"It wasn't Sophie. It was Agnes." I correct him.

"Fine! Agnes, Sophie, it's all the same to me! I'll slaughter the lot of them!" Klaus shouts out.

"Not if Elijah gets there first." Rebekah pipes up with.

I look up at her but she is already looking at me with a look which meant she knew I had found him before her. I look away and sigh out before looking at Klaus.

"Can we go home now? I'd really like a shower and to sleep for a couple days."

I stand up as Klaus nods at me with a small smile but as I take a step forward, my knees buckle. I stumble forward and start to fall to the ground but Klaus vamps to me, catching me before I can fall to the ground.

Klaus wraps his arms around me and lifts me up, carrying me bridal style in his arms. I rest my head against his chest and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I've got you, love. I've got you." He murmurs down to me.

I step out the shower and wrap the towel around me before bending down to pick up my clothes. I put my hand into every pocket as I clean out my pants before putting it in the wash. I reach into the back pocket and find a piece of paper which I look at puzzled as I couldn't remember what it was.

I walk into the bedroom as I unfold the paper.

"What you got there?" Klaus asks, looking at the paper in my hand.

"I got an ultrasound today. The doctor gave me a copies before..." I trail off as I look at the picture.

"Before you sliced her throat from ear to ear." Klaus finishes as he walks to me.

"Yeah." I mutter.

I offer the ultrasound to Klaus and he takes it from me. Klaus looks down at and a look I had never seen on him, goes across his features.

I watch him and smile as he smiles down at the ultrasound.


A lot of POV jumping.... Sorry?

I love writing violent Phoebe. Something about it just makes me happy.

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