insomnia landed me with 2 kid...

By lunaclawthorn

1.7K 67 49

Shelby didn't expect the noises in the fog to be coming from a 11 year old child, nor did she expect for anot... More

running and hiding(backstories)
where the fuck did you come from??
family outings
1 kid, 2 kid, 3 egg, 4 kid- wait 4?
fixing up and breaking down
Starting foundation
building blocks
Sunny day, stormy mind
a cat in the brush
Quick update/need yalls opinion
fires and decorations
shopes and letters
bedtimes and wounds
schedule errors
thunder and lighting
the fair
Dawning Discord: arc 2 (info)
after noon meetings
requests and introductions

pancake for your troubles?

90 4 3
By lunaclawthorn

Summary: shelby cooks breakfast and bonds with False and oli, just a little bit.

Sheby groaned as she woke up, "Mm, fuck that was uncomfortable" she stated, sitting up

She was referring to how they slept on the floor. Oli refused to let anyone, except for himself, sleep on the bed with the dragon egg, despite them all being end hybrids, she'd ask questions later, and Sparky has passed out on the couch

Therfore, she took the floor, unfortunately. And now their muscles felt pretty sore

"Ugh, what time is it?" Shelby questioned, rubbing her eyes

They reached over on the table and grabbed her clock and hummed, "Alright, 9:20.....I should probably make breakfast" they whispered, glancing at the two kids

Sparky was on the couch, hugging a pillow, while Oli was curled around the egg. She figured she'd call the egg Glowy considering it...glowed in the dark....she...really needed to get better with her names-

Shelby shook their head, "getting distracted again" she sighed, " "alright, we need breakfast"

She yawned as they stood, stretching her arms above her head, arhcing their back until they heard a satisfying cracked before she moved to the kitchen

"Oookay, what to make?" The elytrin quietly, and slowly, mused to herself outloud

Opening the fridge she hummed, before grabbing some eggs, the first meal she got after, had pancakes, they could make them for these two to

"Alright, let's do this" Shelby stated, smiling down at the ingredients

Her mom had taught her how to do this, 2 cups of flour, a cup of sugar, tablespoon of salt and baking soda and a cup of water, plus two eggs

Then you gotta mix it around until it gets to a nice consistency, no lumps or clumps, nice and smooth

Shelby grabbed the blueberries she had, throwing then into the batter to, for flavour, plus they weren't allergic seeing as the kid ate them yesterday

"I wonder if they like omelets..." she mused "I'll ask and make it next time if they do"

She chose to ignore the implications that for their to be a next time they'd have to stay, and they'd only stay if their families didn't come looking for them. Which they would. So they ignored that, she'd get more information later to help them back to their families
The first thing that False registered when they woke up was that it was light out. But it have just been sunrise- how did the sun rise so FAST? They couldn't even remember it....

The second thing was that there was a blanket on her, it didn't feel heavy, but also did? It was....comforting, it felt nice

The third would be the other kid laying across from her.

The fourth would be the pillows and blanket on the floor.

And the finale thing would be the same lady cooking in the kitchen. Or, no. She wasbt cooking but she No that wasn't right either, putting food on the plates! Yes, that was it

False smiled, ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶n̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶t̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶s̶e̶ ̶d̶a̶y̶s at figuring it out

For some reasons False has this....faint memory of them talking to her? It was weird...

The kid across her stirred, and hugged a pillow....where was she again? False pondered for a minute befroe she jumled at the soubd of a playe being out down

Did they fall asleep? No- they couldn't have, but they could've sworn the adult was just in the kitchen. How'd she get in here so FAST?

"Breakfast" they said, yawning. Taking her own plate and sitting down

False blinked and looked down. There was this weird....fluffy, round things that for some reason smelled like blueberries and an egg that smelled like different things, almost like milk

What? What was this- this fluffy round thing- it was poisonous wasn't it? It was poison and she was going to die- and the adult was staring-

Oh, she was cutting off a peice of the fluffy thing and ate it.....and did the same for the egg witht he mixed smells-

Wait, why in the world would she eat something she made to poison them!? But nothing was happening- so it wasn't, Poisoned?.....huh....

Nothing happend when 2 minutes past, nor did anything happen when 5 minutes passed

Well, nothing aside from the women eating her form her own plate. Their tail flicked as they looked down the food

False blinked at it, and stabbed at the fluffy thing, lifting it up as a big blob they heard chuckling

The adult was laughing, shoudlers shaking and everything. Her tail fell.

Did she do something wrong? No, no if they did then she'd be yelling. She was LAUGHING, they couldn't really.... remember the last time they'd heard someone LAUGH

A year ago? Two years? "Huh, what year even is it?" False pondered, tail flicking beside her

Shelby, meanwhile, couldn't help her laughter, she couldn't stop chuckling as Sparky tilted her head confused

"Hehe, mhm" she cleared her throat, still laughing lightly, "kiddo, good try, but that's not how you do it"

The elytrins ears went down slightly as she looked at them confused before they out the pancake back down

Shelby squinted at the wall in thought, "er, I mean, you could but it's not the best way- you're just making it harder for yourself"

She shook her head, "doesn't matter, here, let me help"

Shelby leaned over, cutting the pancake into smaller bits, "There you go!" Shelby said, handing over the fork

Not even 10 seconds later Shelby could hear the elytrin purring, and she was sure if she looked down she see their tail wagging

"You like it?" She asked, getting a hesitant nod in return, "that's good!"

A few minutes passed, neither saying anything

"So, what's your name? age? What you wanna be calles by?" Shelby asked casually, having finished her breakfast

"Uh" they paused, "um, Fa- False, and um, I'm 11 uh, they/she I- I...guess?" Spa- False, said quietly. Shelby nodded

Again, a few minutes passed, False was finished with their food by now, and tapping the table nervously

"Um, wha- what's your name? And stuff?" They asked

"Shelby" she responded, "I'm 28 and she/they"

Shelby stacked the plates wondering what to say next, tail flickering, "hmm, uh, I'm an elytrin to?" She said questioningly after a moment

That got False to perk up, "really- oh, but you don't have any....wings..." she said

Elytrins had wings how could the la- Shelby be an elytrin if they didn't have wings

....well, they did have similar tails, minus the color; Shelbys being a nice deep purple and green at the ends. Meanwhile falses were murky blue with copper at the tips

She didn't respond abs False felt like she's down something wrong

"I....lost mine, got the taken, when I was about your age" Shelby said suddenly, ears down and tail curling around their leg

"Oh...." False knew what that meant. The scientists had been talking about taking her wing and seeing how they survived after, if she could

"Yeah...." shelby sighed, "but, that's besides the point. I just want you to know you' here" she admitted

Which was true, shelby wanted the kid, kids, to trust her or at least work with her. They needed information to get them to their parents and sharing stuff about herself was the best way to get them to trust her

She got up, aware of False watching her, and went to go put the plates in the sink. When they came back, Olis was groaning awake, with bedhead

He opened their eyes and sat up slowly, "was' goin' on?" He slurred

"Breakfast" False responded before Shelby could

Oli squinted at the table, blinking away his blurry sleep vision, before either seemed a light bulb went off in their head

"Breakfast!" He cheered then looked at Shelby suspiciously, "Wait, what's for breakfast?"

"That thing" False responded, pointing to the still warm pancake

Shekby chuckled, catching the twos attention, "its called a pancake, lovely's"

False and Oli returned their attention to the boys pancake, head tilted

" how do you EAT it?" He asked confused, gesturing to the pancake

"Like-" Shelby started, finally sitting down

"Like this!" False chirped, then paused before she could grab the utensils

Oli looked at her, "are you gonna show me?"

"....Can I?" False asked, though none of them were sure to who. Oli nodded excitedly with a big smile anyways and Shelby with a quick nod and small smile

"O- okay!" They said after a moment, cutting up Olis pancake
"So, where are your parents?" Shelby asked as she made a splinter for False

False was sitting on a stool beside their brewing station, while Oli watched intently siting on another stool

False tensed while Oli just looked, confused

"Parents?" Oli asked

"People who raised you, gave birth to you and stuff" shelby explained with concern, brows furling

"Oh! I don't have those!" Oli said, cheerfully, tail still wagging idly behind him

Shelby paused, finishing with tying the bandages around Falses temporary wing brace, "what?" She asked with a confused flick of her tail

"I was dumped into the end according to the endermen!" They explained with a smile

Shelby squinted at him, in confusion and slight concern, "how'd you get here, then??" She asked in a tight voice

"The people with bown bags came!" He stated and then their face fell, "and uh, took me and eggy...and killed Mal...." he trailed off, looking down sadly, ears dropping and tail coming to a stop

"Oh, kid...." Shelby whispered, it was silent before Shelby forced herself to turn to False

"What about you, Sparky?" She asked softly

False gulped, not sure what to say, "um, I- I don't have any....either"

They paused before continuing, "I was dropped of at an orphanage, and last year was taken by people in white jackets....." she trailed off

Again, it was silent and you could hear the clock ticking

"...I'm gonna make a healing potiona nd then we'll tall about were you'll be staying" shelbys stated, getting up and grabbing the stuff

False and Oli froze, where would they stay?

"At a hotel?" False thought, tail feathers puffing out
"Outside?" Oli thought, tail fur doing the same

"Whe- where?" False managed to ask, wings pinned to her back in fear

"Here, of course. You don't have anywhere else to go and I'm sure as he'll not sending you back to any if those places" Shelby stated, mixing everyone into the cauldron

"So your arent kicking us out?" Oli asked, tail wagging

"What?" Shelby asked tuning around baffled, "no- of course not! You're KIDS! I'm not letting anyone touch you!"

She paused, thinking back to the stories and the implications if em, "..Ever again, that is..." she looked away nervously, then turned back to the cauldron

The two kids behind them blinked, Olis splitting into a grian and loudly purring while their tail wagged and False smiled shy and softly, wings relaxing again
Oli and False had talked a bit more, Oli talking far more and False responding, but they were slowly getting to know eachother

Shelby was happy listening, chiming in and helping the kids with stuff as they went about the next few hours

Currently she was looking for an air mattress they KNEW they had; they needed a better sleeping situation

Oli was gonna sleep on the bed woth Glowie...eggy? And False would sleep on the air mattress while Shelby woukd take the couch

.....she just needed to FIND the damn thing!-

"oh there it is" They chirped, tail wagging, cutting off her line of thoughts as they spotted the kit

She groaned as they stood on her tipie-toes to reach the air mattress, and pulled it down

"Alrighty!" They cheered, and bent over to grab the air pump before walking out of the closet

"Who wants to help me with this thing?" They asked the kids, holding out the mattress

Oli waved his hand excitedly from where he was curled around Glowie, and Falses eyes lit up at the mattress and air pump
Eventually they got the mattress up, with Oli jumping onto it laughing nd False flopping down onto it next to him

Then they ate dinner which was spaghetti, before it was time to sleep

Shelby came out for just brushing her teether, she luckily had some extra toothbrushes for the two tweens, and looked at the two trying to fall asleep

Oli was half curled around the egg in her bed in a nest, whil False was on the mattress with pillows on all sides, except for the bottem, to make a nest

She smiels softly as she wtach the kids for a minute, leaning agants the doorframe, before turning off the bathroom light and going over to the couch to pull her own blanket over her and go to sleep

This was nice

False sticks me as someone whose reckless and nervous, she'll jump into things before getting nervous about doing things
Ex: going to the campfire surrounded by strange people before realizing they have no social skills whatsoever.

Also, ............ is used when there's a scene change so if shelby was in the swamp hti the kids were at home I'd use it but if their in the same room I wouldn't.
It also applies to if it takes place at the same time, like Shelby cooking and False watching her

Honestly idk, I'm just trying to do veiw points but also in 3d person? Doesn't matter, ignore this rant-

I wanted to post this on the 5th, aromantic day, but then I had a family outing and time git away and I still ahd to edit, so a day late but it's here!

hope you enjoyed the read!

Next chapter we have the trio with board games, townsfolk/shopping, expanding/putting more stuff in a shelbys area, making a wand, and finding a cute, totally normal, purple frog!!

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