Golden Face

By jintaiyang4

6.8K 151 19

Baldwin was the son of Amarlic I, King of Jerusalem and Agni's of Courtenay, daughter of the Count of Edessa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note
Extra Scenes
Extra Scene #1

Chapter 4

546 14 0
By jintaiyang4

The black horses galloped across the Egyptian desert, kicking up dust in their wake. Egypt was a very enviable civilization in ancient times, due to its riches that could reach those of Caesar, but also the magnificent buildings in the Necropolis.

Raymond arrived at the vizier's palace and dismounted from his horse, petting it as it neighed. Behind him, crusaders dismounted from theirs, admiring the palace. Some Egyptian Muslim soldiers came out of the palace, drawing their swords, in battle position.

Raymond raised his hands, speaking in broken Egyptian "I come on terms of peace from Jerusalem. I would like to speak with Sultan Saladin"

The general of the Egyptian army came forward and escorted him to the throne room. The palace had obvious influences from the Muslim culture of the Middle East, however, the architecture and the vine, kept that of Egypt during Cleopatra's reign.

To Raymond, it appeared that Saladin was waiting for him, sitting on the throne surrounded by maids and soldiers. It was not the first time they visited Egypt with the request of peace. Raymond bowed to Saladin, showing his respect, even if he was the monarch of a rival kingdom.

"I come from Jerusalem. I would like to sign a peace treaty with Egypt" Saladin began to laugh.

"Do you think the Muslims will ever accept a peace treaty with the Christians? Such a treaty is not going to last. Let the Muslim states attack Jerusalem and Constantinople if necessary. A simple signature on a piece of paper is not going to stop us."

"Very well" said the regent "My king is old enough to raise his sword and stop you" he shook off his black cloak and left the palace of Egypt with the crusaders.

Inside the tent of the camp that Baldwin's army had set up in the valley of Montzizar, the now sixteen-year-old Baldwin was looking at the map with his generals to find the right strategy. He was wearing his knight outfit and golden mask.

"Assassins are crazy about obeying their master and their koran" Raymond commented "They are very dangerous now that you are here my lord. They know how to sneak around and kill their targets."

"So be it. I will not allow them to harm the Christian lands. God is one and he will prove himself in this battle"

“Your Majesty” one of his generals entered the stage and bowed “Mercenary troops from Byzantium are here by order of Emperor Manuel”

"Tell their leader to come here, Barizan" the stage opened and the mercenary general entered the stage "Byzantium will be on the side of all your wars against the Muslims"

"Why does the Emperor want to help Jerusalem so much?" asked Raymond
"Because if the Muslims take Jerusalem, Constantinople is next" said the general as if that made the most sense

"I will send a letter to the Emperor thanking him for the power he gives us" said Baldwin "And be sure he will be honored accordingly for this help of his"

The troops were drawn up in the valley and Baldwin rode forward on his white horse. "The Muslims did not accept the peace agreement, instead they preferred to extort lands that are symbols of Christianity. Today, with our sacrifice, we will protect these lands"

The opposing armies fought, drenching the Valley of Montzizar with blood. The battle ended in a Christian victory, prompting Saladin to demand the retreat of the Muslim army. As the Muslims left, Saladin sat on his black horse, looking at the gold-masked king, before he snapped his reins and he too retreated. He felt respect for a mortal, for the first time.

Returning back to Jerusalem, the people welcomed them by throwing flowers on the road where the knights' horses passed. Raymond approached Baldwin on his horse "I don't know if you realize this, but today you won a great battle, only sixteen years old. Your father would be very proud if he was here."

"Maybe the mask hides my face and my joy, but my soul right now feels that it is in the Kingdom of Heaven. I feel that eternity exists and God is with us, because we too fought to keep His Religion alive"

Sibyl ran out of the palace when she saw Baldwin dismount from his horse and hugged him "Welcome back my brother"

Two years later, Sibyl became engaged to Guy of Lusignan, a French nobleman. After the engagements, the princess was talking to William "Shouldn't my brother get married first? As a king, it's more important to marry and have offspring"

"It is, but Baldwin's illness has made him sterile. He cannot produce an heir to the throne. You are the only one who can produce an heir in Jerusalem. Also, I heard you were in need of handmaidens now that you are engaged. I have already spoken to a girl who would like to serve you"

At the entrance of the palace, a girl was talking to the guards "I want to ask for a job in the palace, William said he has already spoken to the royal family"

"Let her pass, she speaks the truth," said William through the gate. The gates opened and the girl entered the courtyard. William, now old for his time, though only forty-nine years old, may no longer have been a member of the royal court because of his title as archbishop, but his word had value.

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