Crisis of Faith

By thisgurl22

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"How can you not see how I feel about you," Finnick shouted desperately, his green orbs boring into Kaianna's... More



134 1 0
By thisgurl22

"Go, go, go!" Gale yelled.

The oil flowed fast, sending the squad into panic mode. Finnick kept his hand on Peeta's back to push him forward but, then separated to get up to higher grounds. The footsteps synced, and the same goal steamed throughout the unit. Survival was the only thing on any of their minds.

"Let's go!" Holmes shouted.

"Move!" Jackson instructed.

The commands were unnecessary, and didn't pay any homage to how fast everyone was moving.


Kaianna turned around, and instantly rushed to pick Brooke back up to her feet, "Go!"

"Get to higher ground," Holmes advised fearfully, "come on!"

Kaianna pulled Brooke along with her as she ran up the steps. Their movements were halted, when Peeta threw Katniss into them.

"Come on," Kaianna pulled Brooke up, and pushed her up the rest of the steps, "keep going!"

She looked back to see one of her fellow soldiers tackle Peeta to try to get him under control.

"Finnick," Jackson yelled, "restrain him!"

Finnick ran towards the boy but, it was too late. By time he could get to Peeta, the blonde had shoved Mitchell into the sea of oil, and brought him to his end.

"Mitchell!" Holmes screamed painfully.

Finnick watched the man being strung up in horror as he wrapped his arms tightly around his former ally. Katniss stepped forward to help the fallen soldier but, Gale pulled her in the other direction.

"Come on. Come on." Gale mumbled.

"Settle," Finnick muttered, tightening his grip on Peeta, "settle."

Peeta's pants grew louder as he struggled to break free, the frustration, and terror evident in his short breaths.

"Come on," Gale kept Katniss in a tight hold as he raced up the remainder of stairs, "come on! We gotta move!"

"Get inside!" Jackson commanded.

Holmes fired at the glass in front of them before seeing the remainder of the unit through the entrance.

"Everybody inside," He demanded, "go upstairs! Go! Hurry up!"

Kaianna let Gale and Katniss pass her before shoving Brooke into the building.

"Go!" Finnick grunted, struggling to get Peeta over the last step.

She ignored his command, and instead assisted him with getting the boy into the building so they could head up the stairs.

"Keep moving!"

"Get to the top! Go!"

More commands yelled in an attempt to keep everyone going. The soldiers raced up the steps, their goal of making it to the top, being dwindled when they recognized a section of the stairs that had been blown out. The injured Leeg let out a painful groan when Castor set her down.

"Hey, hey," Finnick spoke calmly to Peeta, regardless of the struggle he was having to pin him against the wall and administer the sedative, "I got you."

He lulled Peeta into a calmness, every once and again shushing his mutters of protest. The group watched the black waves fearfully, expecting for them to reach them at any moment. They were cornered, and there was nothing they could do but, wait.

"It's slowing down." Cressida pointed out hopefully.

Kaianna let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding in, "Are you alright?"

Her hands involuntary ran over Brooke's face as she inspected the girl for wounds.

"I'm fine," Brooke chuckled lightheartedly, in an attempt to hide her fear. The shakiness in her voice sold her out completely, "don't parent me."

"Sorry." Kaianna smirked.

Everyone watched carefully as the rise came to a slow stop.

"Gamemakers are still putting on quite a show." Cressida clicked her tongue in disapproval.

Kaianna almost laughed at the irony of Cressida being the one to show annoyance towards the fact.

"Four five one to base, over." The Lieutenant spoke into her radio.

"Hey, we better move," Finnick advised, "if peacekeepers didn't know where we were, they do now."

"Those surveillance cameras caught us." Castor confirmed.

"Four five one to base, come in." Jackson groaned, frustrated at the lack of response.

"This is a bad spot, we need to move now." Gale muttered frantically.

"Four five one to base, over," Jackson was growing more impatient by the second, "I can't get a signal...but, I can get us back to base. Everdeen, give me the Holo."

Katniss was staring out the window until she heard her name. Then, she was staring at the Lieutenant blankly.

"Everdeen," Jackson said slowly, "what did I just say? The Holo. Come on, let's go."

"Boggs gave it to me." Katniss straightened herself into a challenging position.

A tense aurora made its way through the windows, and up the stairs to where everyone was stood, not knowing what to say next.

"What are you talking about?" Jackson pressed.

"He did," Holmes spoke up, "he transferred security clearance to her. I saw him."

"And why would he do that?" The Lieutenant tilted her head expectantly.

But to no one's surprise, Katniss was quick to respond.

"I'm on special orders from Coin."

Kaianna's eyes flew to the girl before the lie even completely left her lips.

"To do what?"

"To assassinate President Snow."

Most eyes flew to the girl, as she continued to alter the truth.

"I don't believe that for one second," Jackson said knowingly, "and as your new unit commander, I order you to transfer security clearance to me. Now."

"I can't do that." Katniss shrugged.

Without a second thought, Jackson grabbed her gun from her holster, and set her aim on the mockingjay, triggering everyone's defense mode. Kaianna balled her fists at the sight of everyone's weapons being pointed at each other.

"Let's not lose our heads here." Gale advised sourly.

"It's a little too late for that isn't it?" Kaianna muttered to herself.

Lieutenant Jackson remained completely composed, "I'm not asking you again Everdeen. Give me that Holo."

"She's telling the truth," Cressida stepped between the weapon and Katniss, with a lie of her own, "Plutarch wants it televised. He thinks if we could film the mockingjay assassinating Snow it will make the Capitol surrender before the casualties get too high."

"While we're arguing, there's about a hundred peacekeepers on their way here." Gale stated.

Katniss pressed his crossbow down with an eye roll, "Boggs promised me that when the time came you would help me."

Jackson stood still, seemingly contemplating something. After a moment of hesitation, she dropped her weapon.

"Alright soldier," The Lieutenant sent Katniss a curt nod, "the Holo's your's."

Gale held his weapon tightly, as he stomped his foot into the oil coated step.

"I don't think we're gonna leave any footprints. We should move now. Those cameras outside should be covered by the oil."

"She can't move forward like this," Castor called out from the floor, "her leg is too bad. We have to evacuate her. I'm sorry."

The uninjured sister looked up to the cameraman, "I'll stay with her."

"As soon as we make contact, we will send somebody back. I promise you," Jackson grabbed her soldier's shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze before raising to her feet, "alright everybody, let's go!"

"Get him up." Gale spat in Peeta's direction.

"Can you walk?" Finnick wondered gently.

Gale sent a short glare towards the boy, and Kaianna stepped closer to him, "Thanks Gale, I think we've got it."

The brunette sent Kaianna a short nod before proceeding to make his way down the steps.

"Come on," Kaianna grabbed Peeta's other shoulder, in preparation to assist Finnick in getting him down the stairs, "we've got you."

Gale lead the line of soldiers back into the courtyard, which was now slick, and tainted black. Everyone's heads shot in different directions, in search for a new safe space but, Gale seemed to know exactly where he was going. Kaianna gulped harshly at the sight of Mitchell's strung up body, but covered it up when she caught Peeta's guilty expression.

"Come on, this way!" Gale instructed.

He lead the unit to a nearby building, using the same tactic Holmes used to break their way in. The soldiers climbed the stairs quickly, finding themselves in the living room of an abandoned apartment.

"Get these curtains closed!" Jackson demanded.

Kaianna helped Peeta sit down before following suit with the rest of the group, and pulling the curtains shut. She barely had the time to send Katniss a reassuring smile before the sound of trucks approaching filled the tense silence.

The two girls seemed to be on the same page as they both discreetly took a peak at the scene unfolding. Truckloads of men in white approached their former location, and more followed suit on foot. Gale's plan worked, and the peacekeepers obviously thought they were still cooped in the stairwell. Kaianna pulled her curtain to a quick close when she heard a round of shots fire.

"It's the Leegs." Finnick breathed out shakily.

The brief shootout, was brought to an end with the firing of a missile, and a loud boom that seemed to signify as the new cannon for two more lives lost. Everyone ducked at the sight of the building where the Leegs were hidden, crumbling into ruins. Kaianna reached out and patted Katniss's shaking knee briefly, as a failed attempt to be if comfort. All eyes slowly lifted to the tv at the sound of the infamous music.

"Good afternoon, I'm Caesar Flickerman," Kaianna almost choked on the sharp breath she took in. She hadn't seen the man since he had last interviewed her during her time of torture, "here with our continuing coverage of the defense of the Capitol."

Finnick noticed her stiffen, and reached for her hand instantly. Kaianna took a deep breath as his thumbs traced circles over the back of her palm.

"Today, as our peacekeepers valiantly hold off the rebels, our story, takes a surprising twist," Suddenly to screen switched from the host, to camera footage of the chaos they all just endured, "Katniss Everdeen. Our once favorite daughter, has infiltrated the city, with some of the victors, whose names are all too familiar."

They watched the scene unfold for a second time, Peeta wincing when he saw himself murder one of his own.

"Finnick Odair, and Peeta Mellark," Caser hummed monotonously, "clearly some alliances don't last forever. Even Kaianna Rivers, seems at her whit's end."

Kaianna gave Peeta a gentle look, wanting to reach out when she saw his tearful eyes.

"Take a look at what happened just moments ago," Caesar advised encouragingly, "when our peacekeepers cornered Katniss Everdeen, and her band of foolish rebels. Whatever arrogance brought this treacherous girl back to us. You are about to witness a great victory. Not only for the Capitol but, for Panem."

Kaianna squeezed her eyes shut tightly at the broadcast of the Leegs' death, not wanting to experience it again. A couple heads hung low but, most eyes stayed glued to the screen ahead with a gloss of desensitization.

"So there you have it," Caesar shrugged, "Katniss Everdeen. 'The Girl on Fire'. A girl who inspired so much violence, seems to have met a violent end herself. Stay tuned for more information. Caser Flickerman, thank you."

"So, now that we're 'dead' what do we do?" Gale asked.

"Isn't it obvious," Peeta mumbled numbly, "the next move is to kill me."

Katniss stepped towards the boy carefully, unsure of his angle.

"I murdered one of our squad members," He stated, "Katniss is right. I'm a mutt, and it's only a matter of time before I snap again. I'm not in control. I need a nightlock pill."

Her eyes snapped to his. Kaianna shook her head at his defeat, while Finnick gazed at the boy sadly.

"That way I can die when I need to."

"If it gets to that point, I'll kill you myself." Gale promised.

Kaianna pushed herself to her feet roughly, glaring at the brunette coldly , "You're fucking pathetic, and I hope you know it."

She didn't give anyone the chance to respond before stomping off, into a separate room, and sitting herself in the corner. It took a couple minutes for someone to approach her, and she knew who it was immediately. She didn't even have to look up.

"Sorry." Kaianna mumbled.

"Don't apologize," Finnick chuckled, "he was a bit-"

"Of a dick? I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so."

"I was gonna say harsh," He sat himself down next to the woman, with a small grin, "but I guess that works too."

"You don't have to come and save me all the time." Kaianna mumbled, in reference to him checking up on her again.

"Kaianna, I can't keep you safe," When she looked at his face, she could tell he was ridden with guilt, "I mean look what happened today!"


"I should've been watching closer," Finnick muttered angrily, "I should've had my hand on him the entire time."

"Finnick what Peeta did is not your fault." Kaianna repositioned herself so she was crouched in front of him, and took his hands reassuringly.

"He could've killed you," He said surely, "and he almost did. Kai, I- I can't lose you. Not ever again."

Her heart skipped at the nickname. She hadn't heard it in awhile, and she'd be lying if she said she hadn't begun to miss it.

"He could've killed me but, he didn't," Kaianna put her hands on either side of the man's cheeks, and tilted his eyes into her's, "Mitchell stopped him."

"Of course he did," Finnick shrugged, "there's just something about you, that makes every person you surround yourself with, more than willing to take a bullet for you."

"That's what soldiers do. They take bullets for people." Kaianna reasoned.

"That's not what I mean and you know it."

When his eyes met her's, there was a different emotion clouding them. He placed his hand under her chin softly, bringing her lips inches away from his own. As his eyes flickered from her's to her lips, the look on his face gave her everything she needed, to shut the conversation down.

"Let's, not do this." Kaianna suggested, as she pulled away, and swiftly shot up onto her feet.

"Why not," Finnick pressed, a certain plea dancing in his tone as he looked up at her, "I heard what you were saying to Peeta the other night."

Kaianna's eyes widened slightly at his confession but, she kept her calm, "So what?"

Finnick scoffed, and ripped his hands through his hair before standing up with a frustrated grunt, "Jesus Christ Kaianna, are you that oblivious?"

"What?" She challenged.

"How can you not see how I feel about you," Finnick muttered desperately, his green orbs boring into Kaianna's longingly, "after everything we've been through! Do you really not know?"

Kaianna shook her head, in a way begging him to take it back. But, he wouldn't. Finnick wouldn't take it back, and he didn't care the cost. Not in the way she did. Not anymore.

"Do you really think I don't," She cried, frustrated at the man's poor timing, "I can't love you Finnick-"

"Because you're scared," He retorted loudly, "why are you so scared?"

"Why are you so not," Kaianna's voice finally cracked, shocking Finnick to his core. He had never seen the girl cry, and now he was the sole reason for it, "loving you, will only make it harder to let you go."

"Then love me anyway," Finnick shrugged, as if following the suggestion would be the easiest thing in the world. To him it was, "just love me anyway, and then you'll never have to let me go."

The pair stood silently, staring at each other with nothing but a longing feeling, and teary eyes. Their hearts were racing, yet somehow in sync. Just two feet between them, and yet they had never felt further away.

"Is everything alright in here?"

They both turned their heads at the voice in the doorway, letting out a breath of relief at the sight of blonde girl they had both grown fond of.

"Yep." Kaianna sniffled, clearing the rest of her tears.

"What's up?" Finnick asked the girl.

"We're just, trying to figure out our next move." Brooke explained gesturing behind her awkwardly.

"We'll be right there." Kaianna smiled weakly.

The blonde nodded, before giving the two their space, and retreating to the rest of the group.

Kaianna looked up to the ceiling, to keep her waterworks at bay, and Finnick focused on the floor, until she spoke. He knew almost exactly what she would say but, that didn't make the pain any more tolerable. So when the words left her lips, it was as if he had been completely blindsided, and stabbed through the chest.

"I can't."

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