Killer or Hero

Od Thiccie67

21.3K 762 211

It's been two years since the live execution and murder of the Hero student Izuku Midoriya. He was captured n... Více

Ch.1 Thread are torn
Ch.3 Hero Conference
Ch.4 No Choice
Ch.5 Cleanse and Control
Ch.6 Monopoly
Ch.7 Leads
Ch.8 Old Burns
Ch.9 One Hand's Hand
Ch.10 Rat Hunting
Ch.11 Hunter
Ch.12 First Hint
Ch.13 Round 2
Ch.14 Truth
Ch.15 Old Memories
Ch.16 Eye for an Eye
Ch.17 Why?
Ch.18 What?
Ch.19 Family
Ch.20 Old Friend
Ch.21 Son of War
Ch.22 Platinum is the Color Red

Ch.2 A New Killer

1.8K 46 6
Od Thiccie67

Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

*10 years later*

It was a beautiful sunny morning on a Wednesday the eve of New Year break. It was calm in the busy streets of downtown Tokyo as workers made their way to work, or children to school. Until a large explosion blew the entrance of a bank wide open. A figure jumped out of the smoke landing on the street in a weird pose while holding two money bags. He had red spiky hair with tanned skin, he quickly bit his finger and splashed his blood to the ground creating an orange explosion from his blood, launching himself into the air.

The villain was cackling as he flew in the air until a glowing orange palm appeared in his face revealing a very prominent hero, a explosion blasted off the hero's hand launching the villain back to the ground and embedding them in the street unconscious. The hero landed down looking at the villain with a pissed look.

Bakugo: Fucking Poser.

Civilian 1: Look! It's Dynamight! The Number 2 Hero!

Civilian 2: Damn he's hot!

Civilian 3: You think he be Number 1 by now?

Bakugo growled as he tilted his head to look at the civilian that said that with a glare.

*Katsuki Bakugo aka Dynamight, Age 26, Quirk: Explosive Sweat, Rank: Number 2 Hero

Bakugo became extremely motivated to make Izuku's last words true by constantly training and being the best. Though the current Number one had been stopping that for a while now. Bakugo made the Top 10 when he was 20, he's been Number 2 for 4 years now. He's mellowed a lot compared to what he used to be, but he still has outbursts which is the main reason he isn't No.1*

Before Bakugo could do anything to the civilian, a man with split hair in dual colors landed next to him putting a hand on Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo looked back meeting eyes with his former classmate and scoffed as he pulled his shoulder forward to get the hand off him as he began to wrap handcuffs on the villain. However, the crowd didn't help with his annoyance.

Civilian 6: Oh my God! It's Shoto! The Number Three Hero!

Civilian 2: Okay he's hot.

Civilian 4: Isn't he married?

*Shoto Todoroki, Age 25, Quirk: Half Hot Half Cold, Rank: Number 3 Hero

Shoto had a rough time after Izuku's death seeing as his first true friend had been murdered. Shoto the more motivated to continue to be the best hero he could be and the best man as well. He is now a lovely husband and father. He made the Top Ten when he was 23 and has been in the Top 5 for 2 years.*

Shoto: Bakugo? You know what today is right?

Bakugo just glared at him as if Shoto had insulted him.

Bakugo: Of course I know! I.....I'll be there this time. Just leave me.

Shoto just nodded as he flew off with his fire leaving Bakugo there to wait for the police. He sighed as he rubbed his eyes, today was gonna be rough after all it was the anniversary today.


*2 hours later*

Bakugo now in normal civilian clothes stood outside a restaurant that Sato owned. You see all of Class 1-A not necessarily became ordinary heroes. Let's begin with the rankers: No.2 Bakugo, No.3 Shoto, No.4 Tokoyami, No.7 Kirishima, and No.10 Ochaco. The others fell into different categories of heroes as they believed they really weren't cut out for a Normal hero. Mina, Denki, Jiro, and Tooru(who learned to turn her quirk off) became celebrity heroes. Momo and Aoyama became influential heroes with Momo in industry and Aoyama in fashion. Sato like said before owns several food industries becoming a hero similar to Lunch Rush. 

The others withered became specialized heroes for certain situations like Tsuyu for coast guard stuff or Teachers at varying Hero schools like Ojiro and Shoji. Yet they still all had one thing in common , the burning fire of determination that Izuku had lit in them all those years ago. To thank him for this, they would meet every year on the anniversary of his death without fail, not to mourn or grieve over what could have been but to instead honor what he was and did.

Except one, for the last 9 years, Bakugo had been the only one not to attend. Not because he hadn't changed but because he had changed. The reason why Bakugo never showed up was because he believed he didn't deserve to be near something that appreciated someone that he never did. Someone he had pushed away all those years ago due to his own inferiority and ego. This year he finally decided due to his therapist's persuasion to actually go, to finally stitch that wound that's been bleeding for far too long.

Bakugo sighed saying a small prayer before entering the restaurant and finding most of the class already starting. They stopped as they saw Bakugo enter and then quickly welcomed him glad that he finally turned around. They began the small celebration with a simple lunch talking about their day and how they've been doing and sharing stories they've heard about Izuku they didn't know about or just heard about.

Yet the topic that always bothered them even to ten years now was when Izuku's body was stolen the day after he was buried. It took a week to find the body, where they found it in someone's freezer apparently some amateur grave robbers had taken it to make a pretty penny but instead got life in prison. It still made the class angry that their friend's grave was desecrated, though it did cause the grave to be moved to a more secure cemetery.


Which is where the old class was standing right now. They all stood in a semi-circle solemnly staring at the pristine grave of Izuku Midoriya. A white marble that stood there for over 10 years, constantly getting matinenced by both private mourners and his old friends. Each member of Class 1-A had a rose and each went forward to talk to Izuku for a brief moment, dropping their rose and letting the next person go.

The last to go was Bakugo who unlike the others knelt before the grave and uncharacteristically asked to be left alone for a second. The others kindly agreed telling him they'll be at the entrance. Bakugo just knelt there looking at the grave with a soft expression trying his hardest to keep his composure. He started with a somber tone.

Bakugo: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Izuku, I know I should have said this when....when you were still here. But I let my own ego and inferiority destroy what we had, hell even before that I was still an ass. Yet, you still tried to keep it together even though I didn't deserve the time of day from you, you believed that I could be better. I'm...I'm really trying to be better Izuku but it's so hard to be something that your not, I don't know what you saw in me but I can't find Izuku. Every day your final words just play on repeat in my head every night, I.....I don't think I can do it Izuku. I'm not good enough, no, I don't deserve that Number one spot not after everything I did to you. To my own best friend, I'm just so sorry Izuku, why....why can't I be better even after all these years?

Bakugo collapsed to all fours before Izuku's grave as he broke down crying before it. He just cried his eyes out letting out all of his guilt that will forever eat at his soul until he forgives himself. Bakugo sniffed and lifted himself up onto his knees with his hands on his thighs. With a teary determined face, he stared at Izuku's grave.

Bakugo: Yet that was your final wish. For me to be the best like I always bragged. Even though I don't deserve that honor, I'll do it for you. Goodbye, nerd.

Bakugo stood up and rubbed his eyes as he made his way to the entrance where the rest of the class was waiting. As they exited the cemetery and entered the sidewalk where they were about to separate until a limousine crashed into a pole. A large man stepped out with a panicked face which the more experienced heroes of them recognized as one of the main drug lords of Tokyo, Mr. Statue.

The drug lord had a panicked look on his face as he spun around looking for something. He then started to grow bigger turning into a golem-like monster at least 10 feet tall. It looks refined and structured making him look like a walking statue with glowing purple eyes. The former class 1-a readied for a fight as the drug lord turned to them, yet his next words sowed confusion into their system.


A loud crackle like thunder echoed throughout the city as a bullet followed shortly after blasting the drug lord's head into pieces of rock and blood horrifying the heroes.


Everyone quickly went behind cover waiting for a second shot that would never come.


A mile away on a rooftop, a man released the breath he was holding as cocked the bolt back on his Anti-Materail rifle releasing a barrel from it. The barrel was red and smoking from the powerful bullet he used. The figure of a man was wearing a red helmet that looked like a mix between a motorcycle helmet and mask, he wore dark greyish armor underneath that was form-fitting along with his pants. He wore bright red combat shoes with a brown leather jacket with a grey hood attached to it. The figure pulled out his phone dialing a number real quick while going into a lunge pose stretching out his legs.

After a couple of seconds of ringing someone answered the call.

???: It's done.

Caller: 'Your money will be wired shortly.'

The male voice hung up making the red mask scoff.

???: It better fucking be.

To be sure the contract killer looked at his phone pulling out his bank account. Refreshing it a couple of times before finally seeing the transaction of 2 million U.S. dollars. The mercenary huffed in annoyance as he shouldered his heavy rifle and jumped off the roof of the building. Using a grapple gun to lower his descent into a back alley where a red bike was waiting for him, he disassembled the gun into two and put it into a suitcase latching it onto his back like a magnet. He hopped onto the bike revving it to life and drove into the morning traffic.

The mercenary served through traffic for a few minutes before turning into an underground parking lot of a very high-end apartment complex that was easily one of the tallest buildings in the area. He went to an elevator in the parking lot showing a coin to a detector which opened the elevator allowing the mercenary to enter. The elevator went down leading to another underground garage this one much nicer with white pavement and walls with golden trimming at the edges. He parked his bike with his other cars and turned it off as he went into another elevator this one for people.

The attendant of the elevator just nodded at the mercenary before clicking the top floor. The mercenary pulled out his phone messing with it as he waited a long amount of time to get to the 200th floor. (It took 3 minutes) Once the elevator bell chimed the mercenary tipped the attendant a fat wad of cash and walked down a luxurious hallway before turning at an apartment door doing a hand scan on the lock and entering the apartment.

The apartment was a nice mini penthouse with it opening to the kitchen, and a dining room embedded into the living room which connected to a balcony. Then there was a hall that lead to a bathroom, his room, and two guest rooms. The mercenary sighed as he walked in clicking off a holster on his hip dropping it on a chair revealing two guns in them. He tossed the guitar in a corner while he plopped on the couch turning the tv with it being on the news showing 1-A being interviewed about his assassination.

If you looked around the living room you could the room littered with weapons all messily placed around the room along with several boxes of ammo or attachments. The mercenary shimmied off his leather jacket while on the couch tossing to the opposite end, he then put his hands on his helmet making a click from it followed by air leaving it. The merc tossed his helmet onto the coffee table, the merc leaned back on the couch as he continued to watch the interviews while showing his face.

Laying on that couch was a much older Izuku who was now at an easy 6'1 with a lean muscular build, his hair was still the green messy curls on top but the sides were a little trimmed down close to a fade but not yet. His face had a few small scars with a five o'clock shadow around his jawline. His eyes were the still same forest green, which looked at the tv with zero emotion.

He pulled up the guitar case pulling out the rifle and started disassembling it while listening to the tv. While doing this his phone buzzed signaling he got a message, he quickly picked it up and groaned when he saw the ID of 'Bitch' had texted him.

Bitch: 'It's your month to watch her. Come pick her up at the Tokyo Airport, Private landing 5 at 8am tommorrow. See you there love xxxx!'

Izuku groaned in annoyance already imagining her face making very angry. However, his angry dissapited into a small smile as he will get to see her again. Still he wasn't looking forward to seeing that woman again. As he was thinking over about tomorrow his eyes drifted to his bookcase with the noise from his tv drowning out as his eyes laid upon a certain Journal's spine.

"Operation PuppetMaster"

Izuku shook his head trying to forget about that. It wasn't time not yet at least. Once he began that operation there was no backing out after that. Izuku palmed his hands as he looked at Bakugo on tv with a frown.

Izuku: Not the right moment.

*End of Chapter*


Not gonna lie gotta little emotional with the Bakugo rant. From now on when I introduce someone I'm going to do the little My Hero title card type of thing where they explain how the quirk works, I didn't do it for Shoto and Bakugo since everyone knows how the quirk works. Anywyas, hope you enjoy and see you next t chapter.

Izuku's costume: Imagine Red Hood's normal outfit but with the arkham post game armour and helmet.

Next Chapter: Ch.3 Hero Conference

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