๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐๐„๐‹๐Ž๐๐† ๐–๐ˆ๐“๐‡...


51.7K 2.4K 787

can't you see that I'm the one who understands you? [ foolish_gamers x original character ] [ social media... More

author's note - updated
you belong with me
1 | I just can't come between 'em, they got their own thing
2 | I wish he'd stop pretending, he won't let his phone ring
3 | for more than a couple seconds, oh, I think maybe two
4 | two hearts just falling in and out of love for something new
5 | I wish that you could see 'em, their faces lighten up
6 | their past is cold and empty, they know it's been enough
7 | on waiting on somebody, someone who doesn't care
8 | but he knows her name, she knows he'll always be there
9 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
10 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
11 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
12 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between
13 | she toes the line between 'em, he says he's new at this
14 | there's holy ground beneath them, and sparks fly when they kiss
15 | he hates it when she's crying, he hates when she's away
16 | even at their worst, they know they'll still be okay
17 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
18 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
20 | everything in between, everything in between
21 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
22 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
23 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
24 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
25 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between
0 | I won't forget the feeling
00 | of staying up with you
000 | despite the space between us
0000 | I've never felt this close to someone
00000 | what if you're my weakness?
author's note

19 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between

1.4K 73 30

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and sometimes there's no proof,
you just know

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lunes ❤️ [ luna ]
shark of my heart [ foolish ]

shark of my heart

read at 7:57 pm

shark of my heart

lunes ❤️
you cannot just
spring this on me
why would you do
I'm upset

shark of my heart

lunes ❤️
actually nvm I think
I would combust

shark of my heart
are you . . .

lunes ❤️
the absolute audacity
of you to ask that
this is simultaneously
the best and worst
thing to happen to
I'm not kidding

shark of my heart
why the worst :(

lunes ❤️
fuck ohio

shark of my heart
now what did ohio
ever do to you

lunes ❤️
made you not be
in north carolina
holy shit
I can't stop staring
at these pictures
let me frame them
and hang them in
my room
you're so hot
oh my god

shark of my heart
simmer down lunes
simmer down

lunes ❤️
do a man bun when
you come home
I'm submitting
a formal request

shark of my heart
how about I let you
put my hair up

lunes ❤️
can I add little
OH it'll be so

shark of my heart
okay your turn
send me a pic
what're you up to

lunes ❤️

here's me with a butterfly
mj and I just made
pasta :D

shark of my heart
cute butterfly
cute girl

lunes ❤️

shark of my heart
hey luna

lunes ❤️
yes noah

shark of my heart
I miss you

lunes ❤️
I'm crying deadass
I miss you more

shark of my heart
thoughts on me
getting the next
flight to nc and
coming home just
to kiss you ?

lunes ❤️
yeah maybe I'll
let you kiss me
stupid or something

shark of my heart
I thought that was
the plan

lunes ❤️
hmmm only if you're

shark of my heart

lunes ❤️
are you?

shark of my heart
bc I'm dating you

lunes ❤️
I just

shark of my heart
yeah <3

lunes ❤️
this is my last

shark of my heart
it's 7 pm?

lunes ❤️

shark of my heart
goodnight my
gorgeous girl

lunes ❤️
oh my GOD



TWENTY DAYS HAD seemed like forever, but they managed to make it work. Any time that Luna or Noah weren't streaming, they would be texting or talking on the phone (Luna thought it was ridiculous that he still managed to give her butterflies through a screen while miles away, it was stupid.) And when they were streaming, they would be playing games together (he even convinced her to play League . . . which she would not be doing again.)

And just like Noah had the great return to Ohio, now he was having the great return to North Carolina. Today was that day, and Luna, well . . .

It was a combination of extreme excitement because oh my God she got to see her boyfriend again and extreme nerves for some weird reason. She couldn't quite figure out why she was so nervous. Maybe it was just because Noah made her nervous in general, or the fact that she didn't want things to suddenly be weird between them now that he was coming back. Whatever it was, it left her in a restless state.

"Lunes," Mary Jane began from her spot on the couch — they had invited everyone over for Switch games, and by everyone, Luna meant just Noah and Nolan because Karl was busy. She was occupying herself by eating a bowl of popcorn, claiming that she had nothing better to do because she was bored. "You know it's going to be fine, right?"

"Mm-hmm," Luna hummed from the kitchen, where her hand was messing with the blue ribbon tied in a bow at the back of her head to match the Foolish merch crewneck she was wearing. "Fine."

"I don't know why you're so nervous." Mary Jane turned to look at her. "That boy looks at you like you hung the fucking moon. And since your name is Luna, it would make a lot of sense."

Luna shook her head. "That just made me more nervous. Because he just looks at me and I feel like I'm melting." She put her face in her hands. "Dear God, what is he doing to me?"

"It means he's making you happy, Luna," Mary Jane explained gently. "After all the shit you've been through, I've never seen you so . . . bright. It's like how you look when you're on stage." She then threw a piece of popcorn with incredible accuracy, hitting Luna right in the middle of her forehead. "So stop freaking out."

"Right." Luna's head then snapped over to the door when she heard knocking, her heart beating extremely fast against her chest. She sighed and put her hands on her hips, already knowing who was outside. "The fact that you're knocking right now is crazy, considering you always just walk right in."

"And he returns from Ohio!" Nolan announced, bursting through the door. He then pointed at Luna in the kitchen. "By the way, I only knocked because Foolish told me to. I wouldn't have if he didn't."

"What a gentleman," Mary Jane commented. "Hi, Noah."

Noah then stepped into the house, emerging from behind Nolan, making Luna instantly smile — because how could she not? "Hey, MJ."

Luna tilted her head at him, moving slightly out of the kitchen. "You don't have to knock, I mean it."

He immediately focused on her, walking up to her. "There she is."

She smiled shyly up at him. "Hi."

Noah grinned back at her, bright and wide. He then leaned down and captured her waist in his arms, lifting her up off the ground with ease. Luna giggled from the sudden movement and wound her arms around his neck to hold on — as if Noah would dare drop her. He spun them in a singular circle before stopping, but didn't set her back down at all. Luna pulled herself back a little, butterflies flying throughout her stomach as her eyes trailed across his face, trailing across the freckles that made constellations.

He smirked a little at her. "Nice merch."

"Thanks. It's incredibly comfortable, by the way. Good job."

"You guys are gross," Nolan let out, flopping on the couch. "Can we play Switch now? I'm tired after getting Foolish from the airport and I need to argue with Mary Jane during Mario Party."

Mary Jane squinted at him. "Argue with me, and you'll lose."

Noah hummed in response, momentarily turning away from his armful of girlfriend. "Oh, I'm so sorry I'm greeting Luna after twenty days. Wow, Nolan, I'll be more considerate next time."

"Thanks, Foosh," Nolan replied, picking up one of the Switch remotes. "Mary Jane, I swear to God if you take my Yoshi."

"Yoshi is my main," Mary Jane argued.

Luna looked back at Foolish, talking quietly even though Mary Jane and Nolan were still bickering. "We should join them."

"But kiss," Noah whispered. "Come on, I haven't kissed you, like, all month, and I swear I might go insane if it doesn't happen soon."

"Later, swear," Luna promised. "Besides, didn't I tell you it would only happen if you were lucky?"

She placed a hand on one cheek and planted a kiss on the other before sliding down from his embrace. Luna gave him one last smile before heading over to the couch, where Nolan was busy trying to wrestle Mary Jane's controller out of her hands because she had managed to get Yoshi. Noah stared after her for a moment, ultimately shaking his head and following after her. This girl was driving him absolutely crazy, but in the best way possible.

Noah sat next to her on the couch, their bodies pressed up against each other close. Luna then lifted her legs up and draped them across his lap absentmindedly, focusing on the screen as she moved over to pick Rosalina. Noah glanced at her for a second — it all seemed so natural that it was making him dizzy. He rested his hands, holding his own controller, on her legs, sending shivers up Luna's spine.

The four of them played a game of Mario Party, which involved some screaming, multiple fights (mostly between Mary Jane and Nolan, naturally), and Luna trying her very best to keep the blush off of her cheeks from being so close to Noah. Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun, and for the first time in over twenty days, Luna didn't feel so lost. This, all of this, felt like home. (Especially because she was in her actual home.)

Noah stretched slightly, watching the screen that said Mary Jane was the winner. "It's kind of cold, honestly."

"Well, it probably isn't helping that you're wearing a short-sleeve at the end of November," Luna responded, but her eyes were narrowing slightly. It was definitely warm enough in their house. "I can turn the heat up, if you want."

"Don't you have a hoodie of mine upstairs?"

"Oh, yeah, it's in my closet."

Noah tapped her hip. "Want to help me go find it? I know we cleaned out your closet, but I still wouldn't even know where to start."

Luna saw the glint of mischief in his eyes — yeah, this wasn't about the hoodie, but she wasn't about to say no. "Sure." She swung her legs off of his lap and stood up, turning to the other two. "We'll be right back. Please try not to kill each other."

Mary Jane looked up, her smirk widening when she glanced in between them. "Right."

"One v one me in MarioKart," Nolan insisted, making Luna laugh as she rounded around the couch and headed towards the stairs. "You'll lose so fast."

"Nolan, that's stupid."

Luna started to walk up the stairs, hyper-aware of how Noah was right behind her. They left the sounds of Nolan and Mary Jane arguing behind as they finally made it up the stairs. Luna walked into her room and went to her nightstand, grabbing her remote. She turned on the string lights, adding a warm glow to her room instead of the harsh overhead lights. Luna locked her hands behind her back, approaching Foolish again as he ever so slightly shut the door behind them.

"Hoodie?" Luna offered, amusement in her tone.

Noah turned, taking a step closer to her and basically crowding against the wall. "I wasn't really cold."

Luna nodded. "Didn't think so."

"Honestly just really wanted to get you alone."

"Well, better make good use of your time."

Noah raised an eyebrow at her, placing his hands on either sides of her face, making warmth flood her insides. "Snappy, are we?"

Luna squinted at him. "You know, I actually don't think you deserve—"

He immediately — and very effectively, might she add — shut her up by placing his lips on hers.

And . . . yep, there it was. The one thing she had been craving ever since he left. It was like the entire world around Luna faded into static, and it was nothing but Noah, Noah, Noah. Luna reached up and rested her hands on his arms, her thumbs absentmindedly running back and forth on the fabric of his t-shirt. She pressed up onto her toes in effort to get closer to him, like it was everything she needed. (And who was to say that it wasn't?)

Noah pulled away a little after a couple long moments, his lips slightly red and swollen and his breath heavy. "I missed you."

She smiled softly up at him. "I missed you more."

He shook his head. "Not possible."

Noah then dipped his head back down and kissed her again. Luna certainly wasn't complaining. Noah dragged her in just a little bit closer to him by his hands, and to help him a bit, Luna moved her arms to wrap around his neck. She then wound her fingers through his hair, which had gotten a little longer in the span he had been gone, and gave it an experimental tug. Noah sighed into her, practically melting into her embrace (that one was for you lucy).

Finally, after many, many, many long minutes later, they finally separated for air. Luna stared up at him, taking in his flushed cheeks, as her chest heaved up and down a bit. She reached up and pushed some of his hair away from his face that had fallen. Luna then moved her hand to rest on his cheek, running her thumb gently over the freckles littered there.

"Does that classify as kissing you stupid?" Noah asked.

Luna shrugged. "Definitely adequate."

Noah grinned. Luna smiled as well, letting out a small laugh. She finally had her boy back.

-ˏˋ ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ˊˎ-


would y'all be interested in me writing a chapter with luna in the sam and colby video

bc I think it would be so fun and chaotic like just imagine luna screaming at foosh when he says he's on the demon's side or literally just face palming at his and karl's antics

anyways after answering that did anybody else watch 2vtuesday last night because garfield kart and whatever that volleyball game was had me CRYING LAUGHING

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