๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐๐„๐‹๐Ž๐๐† ๐–๐ˆ๐“๐‡...


52.4K 2.4K 789

can't you see that I'm the one who understands you? [ foolish_gamers x original character ] [ social media... More

author's note - updated
you belong with me
1 | I just can't come between 'em, they got their own thing
2 | I wish he'd stop pretending, he won't let his phone ring
3 | for more than a couple seconds, oh, I think maybe two
4 | two hearts just falling in and out of love for something new
5 | I wish that you could see 'em, their faces lighten up
6 | their past is cold and empty, they know it's been enough
7 | on waiting on somebody, someone who doesn't care
8 | but he knows her name, she knows he'll always be there
9 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
10 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
11 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
12 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between
13 | she toes the line between 'em, he says he's new at this
14 | there's holy ground beneath them, and sparks fly when they kiss
16 | even at their worst, they know they'll still be okay
17 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
18 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
19 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between
20 | everything in between, everything in between
21 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
22 | he laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face
23 | she loves how he talks late at night when there's no one else to say
24 | how she's beautiful and funny and smart, like nothing he's ever seen
25 | he's good to her, she wants it more than everything in between
0 | I won't forget the feeling
00 | of staying up with you
000 | despite the space between us
0000 | I've never felt this close to someone
00000 | what if you're my weakness?
author's note

15 | he hates it when she's crying, he hates when she's away

1.4K 88 33

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you — that's what happened, you

───────── ➶ ⁺ ➴ ─────────


mj [ mary jane ]
noah [ foolish ]

what the fuck
did you do


are you serious
luna came back
last night from
your house literally
bawling her eyes
out and she hasn't
stopped crying since
so what the absolute
fuck did you do

she hasn't stopped?

how the hell did
you break her
noah tell me now
or god so help me

okay okay
but you have to
promise me that
when I tell you
what happened
you won't be mad
at luna
blame it all on
me but never
blame her

there is literally
nothing in this world
that luna could do
to make me mad at
and I would never
blame her for
anything she does
no wrong

luna and I kissed
last night
read at 12:48 pm

oh! read! I love
my life!

I just needed
a moment to
process what
I just heard

I'm sorry mj

what are you
sorry for

I mean
we used to date
and luna's your
best friend
makes me a shitty
person doesn't it

it doesn't make
you a shitty person
because I literally


noah come on
you and I both know
the real reason we
broke up


you loveable idiot
the reason why we
didn't work was luna
and literally none of
it was her fault
you broke up with
me because you were
strung up on luna even
if you didn't see it yet
bc himbo status


nothing but love
but I broke up with
you because I wanted
to see luna and you
shine together even if
I only realized that when
I saw you comfort her
after sol showed up
we didn't fit
we never belonged
but you two do


you never chose me
I never chose you
we thought we did
but in reality we both
chose luna
we just didn't realize
it until now
so please don't say
sorry for kissing
luna when it's all
I've wanted to see
for like two weeks

so you're not mad?

I'll admit I was
confused at first
when I realized
but after some
deep contemplation
I've decided that
you and luna
needed to get
together like
which you kind
of did

before she cried
and ran away from

my poor girl :(
every time I try to
go in she tells me
to go away

I honestly don't
think she's crying
over me mj
I think she's crying
over you
or it may be both
wait I don't want her
to cry over me
no that makes me so

okay oh my god
I have to fix this
I'm gonna storm
in her room

I wish I could
help but I really
have to go
I have a minecraft
event today that I
can't miss

don't sweat it
I'll straighten
things out with
luna I promise
go clear your head
with some minecraft

that'll be really
hard considering
I'm so strung up
on luna rn

that was actually
adorable and I'm
going to throw up
leave it to me
she's in good hands

if she's up to it, send
her my way when my
event is over?

you've got it
good luck

good luck to you
and mj?


thank you

no problem
shark boy <3



EVEN AFTER EVERYTHING she had been through with her family, Luna was sure this was the worst she had ever felt.

It was strange. Last night, the second her and Foolish kissed, it had felt like she was floating on cloud nine. Every touch on her, every movement — they moved together like they were made for it, like their life depended on it. She couldn't get the kiss out of her mind at all. It was like it marked her — a golden tattoo, burned into her skin. For those moments where Luna felt like she was floating, she forgot everything that was wrong about it.

Yet now, Luna had such conflicted feelings about it, like a fever dream high in the quiet of the night. On one hand, it might've been the greatest thing that had ever happened to her, besides her streaming and her music. Her and Foolish always understood each other more than anyone else, she knew that. It had been months of her pining for everything to suddenly reach the point that it did last night. The moment she had been waiting for had finally happened.

But on the other hand, it was actively destroying her inside, and it felt like the castle she had built all around herself was crumbling into a million pieces. Mary Jane, Luna's favorite person, her best friend, the one who had been there for her through everything, was the looming presence in the back of her mind. They shouldn't have kissed, not when Mary Jane was right there. Luna kissing her best friend's ex was definitely something that was off limits, and Luna broke every fucking rule. The guilt was eating her alive, and she couldn't bare to see the look that would be on Mary Jane's face if she told her.

Which is why Luna hadn't come out of her room at all since last night. The curtains were drawn shut, not wanting to risk seeing Foolish through his windows. It was dark, only being semi-lit from the sunshine that managed to peek through. Luna was hidden underneath her covers on her bed, tears silently flowing down her face. There was no doubt in her mind she looked like a mess — a blotchy face, red eyes, knotted hair. At least she hadn't had a sob fest in a while — her last one had made her completely exhausted.

Mary Jane had come by every so often, knocking on her door. Every time, Luna — with a hoarse voice from all her crying — had told her to go away. She craved the comfort from Mary Jane, she really did, but Luna knew she couldn't lie to her. At the moment, all Luna really wanted to do was disappear.

Yet, Mary Jane was not about to let that happen.

Luna's door flew open — no knock, no nothing. The light from the house spilled into Luna's dark room, making her squint slightly even if her back was towards it. Luna's heart momentarily stopped in panic.

"I'm here," Mary Jane announced loudly, walking into Luna's room like she owned the place. "There's literally nothing you can do to stop me, because I'm already inside. No more knocking to ask, just declaring."

Luna sniffled, burying herself further into her covers. "MJ, please go away."

"No can do, Princess." Mary Jane ripped open her curtains, allowing more light to enter her room. Luna lifted up her covers over her head, not having the strength to get used to the light. Mary Jane sighed and put her hands on her hips. "Lunes, come on. You and I have to talk. I've given you your space, I've let you cry in here since last night, but I can't leave you in here anymore."

"MJ," Luna pleaded, another sob building up in her throat that was hard to swallow. "I just want to be alone."

Mary Jane's eyes softened and she walked up to Luna's bed, sitting down next to her. "I get it, Luna, I do, but something is bothering you." Of course Mary Jane wasn't going to pressure her to say anything — it was just gentle coaxing. "Will you please tell me what's wrong? I want to help."

Luna felt a tear slip down her cheek. "I don't think you can help with this one, Mary Jane."

"I can at least try." Mary Jane reached up to the top of her covers and tugged gently. "Please?"

Luna paused for a moment. Mary Jane was obviously right — Luna couldn't stay in here and hide under her covers forever, no matter how much she wanted to. There was also no way Luna could go that long without Mary Jane, that girl was like her oxygen. Right now, there was only one option. It terrified the absolute fuck out of her, and the last thing she wanted to do was lose her best friend, but keeping it a secret would've been so much worse.

She lifted up her covers and got out, dropping them to pool on her lap as she sat up in her bed. Luna blinked a couple of times to adjust to the new brightness of her room.

"There she is," Mary Jane began. "Now, what's wrong?"

"I . . ." Luna voiced, new tears springing to her eyes at the thought of Mary Jane's reaction. "Um . . . MJ, last night . . . Noah and I kissed."

Mary Jane stared at her for a second, the room falling into a silence. Luna felt her bottom lip quiver and her stomach churn uncomfortably.

"Lunes, I know," Mary Jane simply said.

Well, that wasn't what she was expecting.

Luna blinked in shock, making more tears fall. "What? You know?"

"I texted him, asking him why the fuck you were crying so much after you came back from his house," Mary Jane explained. "I thought it was his fault. But . . . now I know that you're crying over me." Mary Jane stared strongly into her eyes. "I don't hate you, Luna. I don't know why you would ever think I would hate you, because I've got nothing but love for you, babe."

"You . . . MJ, why are you acting so calm right now?" Luna asked, honestly just hopelessly confused. "How can you say you don't hate me when I just did the shittiest thing a friend can do? There's no reason why you shouldn't be screaming at me right now."

"I'll yell at you if you want me to." Mary Jane straightened up and cleared her throat before raising her voice. "Why did you run away from him, you fucking idiot?"

Luna blinked again. "I . . . I mean, you used to date, and—"

"You think I give a fuck about that?" Mary Jane swiftly interrupted. "It might've been a different story if I was hung up on him, but I never was. After a lot of reflecting, I've realized that there is no way why you and Noah shouldn't be dating. It should've always been you two."

"But . . ."

"Lunes." Mary Jane smiled softly at her, taking Luna's face in her hands and wiping away the tears on her cheeks with her thumbs. "He was never mine to lose."

"MJ, I . . . I never wanted this to happen," Luna continued, her voice quiet. "I thought that if I suppressed my feelings further and further they would eventually go away, but . . . God, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. You were never supposed to know. And then last night everything just exploded, and the second I realized what I was doing, I stopped it because losing you would be the worst thing to ever happen to me."

"You'll never lose me," Mary Jane promised. "I love you so much, Luna. And you and Noah having whatever you have isn't going to change that. I told you, we're better off as friends. Ever since that night I saw him comforting you, I've stepped farther and farther back so you two can move towards getting together. You belong with him, Luna. That's what I want."

Luna suddenly felt a weight lift off of her chest, making it easier for her to breathe. Sure, she was still fucking confused why Mary Jane was being so chill, but those words — you belong with him, Luna — was enough to clear her mind. Hearing that from Mary Jane had suddenly made all those wishes over the past few months come true. This could be her shot, this could be her chance.

"I don't think anyone needs permission from somebody for who they date, but I know you get lost in your head, so I'm telling you it's okay," Mary Jane told her, bringing Luna out of her thoughts. "No more second-guessing, no more running away."

"You sure?" Luna questioned.

"I've never been more sure of anything." Mary Jane dropped her hands to rest on Luna's shoulders. "I know Noah and I dated, but I'm positive that he's made you feel things you've never felt before. I'm not going to let you give that up. Chase after it, Lunes."

Luna surged forwards, wrapping her arms around her best friend and hugging her tight. "I love you, MJ."

"I love you so much more, Princess," Mary Jane replied. "And Luna?"

"Yeah?" Luna responded, her voice slightly muffled from her head being buried in Mary Jane's shoulder.

Mary Jane pulled away, giving Luna a bright smile. "Go get him."

-ˏˋ ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ˊˎ-


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