The unloved heart of Rae Wils...

By simplyzallllll

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Rae is 15 and living with her abusive father and hurt mother. Her two older brothers (Raul & Ramiro) moved ou... More

Author's Note/ Story introduction!!!
Character Introductions & Facts!!!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
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Chapter 45
Chapter 46
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Chapter 56
Chapter 57
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Chapter Six

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By simplyzallllll

     9:27 a.m. (Rae's fifteenth birthday)

You're so beautiful mom. Rae said with endearment of her mother's beauty. You are my love. Grace reciprocated back but not because she felt obligated but because she thought Rae was the most beautiful girl ever. Eh not really I got dad's eyebrows and face shape. Yeah but you have MY original hair color and eyes unlike your brothers who are purely your dad including personality. Grace complained scoffing angrily at the thought of it.  Rae snorted as she looked at herself in the mirror. You think this dress was the right choice? Because I don't know if I feel comfortable in it. Rae stated examining how the dress looked truly in the mirror. Baby you can wear whatever you want. Grace assured Rae. Thanks mom. Rae replied practically jumping out of her dress. So what do you wanna do today babe? Grace questioned. Well I've been wanting to go to the thrift and have some Ricky's and maybe ice skating??! Rae answered excitedly. Sounds perfect. Grace responded encouragingly. And who's going to take you to do all of that?? Rodrigo questioned leaning on Rae's doorframe. Rae sighed frustratedly as she put on the other outfit she mentioned to her mom. Rodrigo it's none of your business what she does and who's providing what for it. It was one question you bitch. Rodrigo replied putting both hands up. Rae took a subtly deep breath and turned her head toward him. I don't know, I think the only bitch that stands in this room is YOU! Rae exclaimed standing up and crossing her arms as grace laughed a little. What did you just say??! Rodrigo gritted furiously through his teeth rubbing his stomach and walking closer to Rae and Grace. Grace stood in the middle of him and Rae. I'd wish you fucking try something on her birthday. Grace threatened with some amazingly surprising charm to her threat. Well it's not like it's an important day anyways. Rodrigo muttered looking at grace then Rae and smiling. You're such an asshole. Grace whispered as Rae sat back down. Thanks. Rodrigo replied walking out. Grace sighed running her hands through her hair. I don't get it mom. Rae spoke out with her knees brought to her chest. Don't get what? Grace questioned. Why you are still here in this house with this horrible man circling around you and well all of us like we're bound to get sucked in just because we're his family because last time I checked we can leave just like Ramiro and Raul. Rae points out expeditiously. Rae it's MY house for all I'm aware he can leave and never come back but I'm not leaving the house that I bought. Grace defended strongly. Okay mom but I'm old enough to let you know that I'm not putting up with this shit anymore and him hitting me doesn't affect you and I's relationship even though it should and I'll always love you. Grace kneeled down and grabbed the sides of Rae's face. Happy birthday my love. Rae smiled softly. Thank you mom. I love you more by the way. Grace joked cutely.


   9:56 a.m. (Rae's outside neighbor Po)

So how old are you kiddo? Po asked sitting in his littler rusty chair. Rae reminisced for a quick moment and then answered. I'm fifteen. I remember turning fifteen. Po spoke out with an innocent happy smile. I was still in Vietnam and I had this girlfriend named Lucy and I really wanted to come to was finally time to come, you know? So I had all this money saved up and my parents didn't have any urgency to come but they respected me for wanting to come so I was ready and Lucy was gonna come too...I had did enough research on what it was like down here but. Po told her solemnly. But what? Rae questioned intriguingly. Lucy stole all of the money I had saved up for the trip. NO! Rae screeched. Yep. Po commented nodding his head slowly with a dry laugh. What a bitch. Rae replied. Exactly. Po speaks out with a sly chuckle. So when did you finally come to America? Rae asked very curiously. Oh when I was eighteen. Po answers. Well I don't know what I wanna do or how I feel...I don't even know if I'll be alive for my next birthday. Rae ranted truthfully. You will be, why wouldn't you? Po questions cluelessly. Uh yeah nothing. Rae replied awkwardly so he wouldn't have to butt into her personal life. Okay kid. Po said smiling and tapping her arm.

                                 1:20 p.m.
          (Rae eating birthday waffles)

Rae flipped her confetti chocolate chip filled waffle out of the little grill onto her plate. Three should be good. Rae whispered to herself adding the syrup onto them. Rodrigo had approached from behind Rae and walked up to her. Rae took a deeply annoyed sigh and put her fork on the corner of the plate and looked up at him. Rodrigo grabbed a waffle from her plate and ate it disgustingly as Rae just sat there trying not to cry or react. He dipped the half eaten waffle into the pool of syrup on her plate. Rae pushed her chair back into him and threw the plate onto the floor by his feet. Dramatic much??! Rodrigo remarked with a slick chuckle. Rae stepped away from the glass and walked over to the kitchen sink taking an immensely long breath. I heard glass breaking , what happened??! Grace asked hurriedly running into the kitchen but stopping herself enough not to step into the glass. The crybaby dropped the plate of waffles because I took one...I mean god forbid I eat. Rodrigo explained then commented. I wish god forbade it. Rae muttered. What was that? You Little bitch. Rodrigo directed towards Rae. HEY!!! Rodrigo get the hell outta here. Grace yelled. She made the mess, why do I have to leave? Rodrigo stated poking fun at Rae. Rae just stormed upstairs and ignored him. Grace grabbed the broom and dustpan out of the kitchen closet and forcibly handed it to him. Clean it up. She gritted through her teeth. Jesus why is everyone so mad. Rodrigo said comically as he started to clean and grace went upstairs to go check on Rae. Grace sighed loud

                                   1:50 p.m

    (Grace talks to Rae about the waffles)

Rae was writing in her journal mindlessly as grace held the top of it and looked at Rae who gave up and threw it to the ground. Rae be careful!! Grace called out as Rae didn't reply. Rae what happened downstairs with Rodrigo?! Grace asked concernedly. Nothing. Rae responded dryly. We could still go to the thrift store or Ricky's? And ice skating tomorrow because I have to buy us some skates. Grace suggested optimistically and happily. No mom, I don't want to do that...I wanna cut myself and kill dad and never be seen again by any of you but that's irrational and psychotic but maybe it isn't because last time I checked I was a teenage girl who was getting abused by her father. Rae ranted dauntingly. But no I'm gonna be the 15 year old girl who cries instead of that. Rae points out already choking up. You think I'm not gonna be the mom who'll hold you while you cry? Because last time I checked there has been countless birthdays where I've done the same because of him too. Grace clarified very clearly as she puts her hands out for Rae to accept and embrace. Rae lays her head on Grace's lap and starts to cry. It's okay. Grace whispers running her fingers in Rae's hair. It'll be okay baby, I promise. Grace says.

10.50 p.m.

(Grace is surprising Rae in the kitchen)

Rae slowly but loudly walked downstairs in her pink plaid pajamas gifted by her mom from Christmas, Rae's birthday was in March so she thought it was a good time to wear them finally. Grace took the last waffle out the iron and threw it on the plate. Rae walked up to the kitchen table and sat down. Grace added the syrup on top and smiled at Rae. I'm gonna add some candles real quick. Grace whispered loudly as she tiptoed to the pantry. Mom you're not breaking in you know you can speak up right? And walk normally??! Did you hear how loud I was coming downstairs just now?! Rae joked then questioned pointing to the steps. Grace laughed brining out the candles and putting them on the waffles. Rae grab the bag down there on the ground. Grace tells Rae who looks down confusedly and grabs it. Rae looks inside the bag as grace lights the candles. Mom these are all clothes! Did you go to the thrift? Rae squeals excitedly. Yes I did my love and I even got you some stuff for ice skating on Saturday, you should look deeper into the bag. Rae gave grace a suspicious look while looking back into the bag and grabbing two tickets. That's so great mom!!! I'm so so excited. Good. Rae smiled putting them back into the bag. Grace set the waffles in front of Rae and smiled. Make a wish. Rae closed her eyes for a moment then blew. Grace handed Rae a fork as she opened her eyes. Happy birthday Rae. Grace spoke out taking a bite. Thank you mom.

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