I Am A Monster ( Nepgear male...

By Vell241

56.4K 1.8K 688

Nepgear or we has lost everything, sacrifice everything to save Gamindustri we killed everyone to power up th... More

Prologue: The End
Love Intrest Vote
Chapter 1: Back to depressing life
Chapter 2: Fake or Real
Chapter 3: Purpose??
Chapter 4: The Fallen Birds
Chapter 5: Asia Safe
Chapter 6: Sleepover?
Chapter 7: Issei Is Worried And New Friemds?
Extra Side Story 1: School Festival Where Transformation Happens
Chapter 9: Helping Issei Train With Our New Creation!
Chapter 10: Issei The Knight Of Gremory
Extra Chapter 10.5: The Robot Cleaning Mission
Chapter 11: Issei Training And Fruit Of Growth?
Chapter 12: The Day Of The Rating Match
Chapter 13: Issei Go!
Chapter 14: Go Go Issei!
Chapter 15: Sword...
Chapter 16: Time For Some Super Degenerate Move!
Chapter 17: Get Out Of My Head
Chapter 18: Why? Of Course After All Were Friends
Chapter 19: The Legendary 500 Yen Shop
Chapter 20: We Are All Your 'Friends'
Chapter 20.5 really? (real chapter)

Chapter 8: A Bird And A Traveler

2K 69 57
By Vell241

[ Group Chat ]

[ Group Name: Luxurious Bus ]

The observer: Alright wanna rank after school done

The skirt flipper: Alright

Oppai hunt3r: Should we meet up at the Pc cafe yesterday

The hard carrier: I'm fine with that

The Observer: Alright let's do this! We gonna reach the Challenger rank

The skirt flipper: That's right! We have our lord and Savior here

Oppai Hunt3r: Yeah!

The Hard Carrier: Please don't rely on me that much and Matsuda-San please stop trolling

The skirt flipper: T_T

Oppai Hunt3r: Wkwkwk you hear that stop being a troll fighter

The Hard Carrier: Issei-San too please stop stealing my kill and jungle

The Hard Carrier: Your a Tank "(-_-)

Oppai Hunt3r: Sorry 😅

Oppai Hunt3r: [ Send sad oppai sticker ]

The Skirt flipper: Lol

The Observer: lol

The Hard Carrier: ?


Y/n Pov

I turn off my phone after I see no one is chatting anymore

I then start getting ready for today and after I do

Cook some simple breakfast for Sis and the other

After I'm done eating I head to school

And then went to class and sit at my seat

And turn on my phone and read a Manga recommended by Motohama-San

Y/n: ( Sis and the others seem to hate school... I rarely see them outside house too... )

When I was reading someone grab my shoulder

Matsuda: " Yo! Y/n what you doing? "

Y/n: " Reading "

Matsuda: " Right... "

Issei: " Osu! Morning you two "

Motohama: " Hello my brotha what a fine day it is "

And so we start talking about Anime well more about the cute and sexy characters and stuff though...

Female student 1: " Huh since when did they become friends? "

F Student 2: " Oh no! Our cute prince will be corrupted! "

The female student was kind of in uproar seeing me talking to Issei and his friend

F student 3: " Ahh... I feel there is something more than just friends happening could it be!? "

F student 4: " Kyaaaa! Are you serious? "

F student 5: " Seriously? I think Y/n is probably on top while holding some whip and in a black latex suit ehehe~ "

F student 3: " Ooooooohhhh! "

The females were talking excitingly loud

Issei: " Oi! We are not Gay!! "

Matsuda: " Yeah!! "

Y/n: ( I feel like that is more of a Plutia thing... And why am I being mistaken as Gay? We're just friends )

Time skip brought to you with a meme


And so Asia joined the class

And Issei was almost punched to death by others well almost, cause I stopped them from doing it

Asia also decides that she doesn't want to be a Devil, she still wants to be a Human and believes in her God

But she will help Rias and the others if she is needed

And so now we are just hanging around in a Pc cafe after school and Asia is also with us

Asia: " A-are you sure it's fine for me to join too? "

Matsuda: " Of course it's fine! "

Issei: " Yeah, so let's just have some fun "

Asia: " Yes! "

And so we explain and teach Asia how to use a Computer and help her get the basics done before we start playing

Y/n: " So... Asia-San what role do you wanna play? "

Asia: " Umm... Is there a role that let me heal or protect others? "

Motohama: " Well then let us introduce you to this character this bad boy can heal and debuff "

Asia: " Ah yes, then I will use this one thank you very much Motohama-San"

Y/n: " Then Issei-San should be a jungle or something, one tank, and one support are okay but one tank keeps stealing my kill and jungle... "

Issei: " I said I'm sorry okay, you surprisingly hold a grudge when it comes to game... "

And so we start playing for the rest of the day with Asia surprisingly good at this...

And then once it's already around 5 pm

We all went separate ways as Issei, and Asia is going to ORC

While I and the other two are going home

The next day

On the bright sunny day

A lot of people are gathering in the courtyard to see the four most beautiful girls in the school fighting in sports and showing all their curves and smash

But I don't care about it much and decided to just stay in In-class reading and working on my latest device while incorporating the concept of Magic in it

Y/n: " Just a little more... "

I was working on something I believe should be able to bring back people to live...

Y/n: ( Huh? Why did I want to do that? )

No! It's to bring back the other!

Y/n: ( But they're back at home... )

They are all dead! We need to bring them back! It's all our fault, to begin with!

Y/n: ( Ah right... They are all dead already... Ugh... Right... )

Time skip brought to you with a meme


A few days later at night

I was watching Tv with the others and I got a call from Issei

He was panicking about Rias coming to his room naked and wanted him to take his first time

I don't know what to say I just try to be a good listener

The next day

On the next day, I join Issei in gathering at the ORC

And there was a white-haired maid

Issei: " Prez what's going on? "

Maid: " Should I explain? "

Rias: " No I will tell them myself "

Maid: " Understood "

Rias: " You see "

As Rias is about to explain an orange magic circle appears as a group of people appears

Riser: " Riser has arrived at least it has been a long time since Riser went to the Human realm "

Y/n: ( Why is he talking in third person? And why are there so many girls? And are those Cat ears real? Most importantly why are those cat ladies dressed so open like that... Do they don't have any money to buy a new uniform? )

Issei: " Who the hell is this jerk face!? "

Maid: " This person is Riser Phenex the pure-blooded Devil from the Phenex family and is also Rias-Sama's fiance "

They went saying stuff and arguing and all

While I just tune the sound out so I can work on some blueprint in my mind

I mean... It's not like it's my problem...

While I was working on the blueprint I see Issei is about to get hit and so I interfere

Issei: " Oh shit! "

A Chinese dress lady was about to hit Issei with a large drumstick. but I block it with my hands and grab it

Girl: " What!? "

Then some Chinese-dressed lady went for an attack

I also block and grab both of her hands with one hand

Y/n: " Please don't do that... "

Riser: " Who are you supposed to be to stop what Riser wants to do!? "

Y/n: " I'm no one, I just don't like someone hurting my friend, and what are you supposed to be? A what is it called again? Fetish collector was it? Motohama explain that yesterday "

Riser: " Why you! " he about to shoot some fire

And so I throw the two ladies I'm holding at him

Which makes them hit the guy and fall down

And then I was about to summon Gehaburn to-

Maid: " That's enough! "

Since the maid said so I stop cause I don't want to make things more troublesome

So I just went back to the sofa and sit down to continue making the blueprint like nothing ever happens

And Riser keeps cursing at me

Well I don't really care I'm used to being cursed

And so after a few talks now, I'm joining Rias training camp

Well she asks me to help with the training

Well, I probably won't help much but okay...

Time skip brought to you with a meme


3rd Pov

The night of the first training camp somewhere in Japan

On the beautiful night sky is full of light pollution which is why there is no star in the sky

A circle purplish hole in the sky appeared as something or someone appeared from there and falling down

Woman 1: " Oh noooooo! I'm falling from the sky!! Wait Deja Nep! "

Woman 2: " What the hell!? "

Woman 3: " Uwaaaaaa! "


The first woman fall to the ground making a hole

Woman 1: " I'm okay... "

Woman 2: " Move idiot! "


Woman 1: " My back! "

Woman 3: " Why can't Uzume stop falling!? "


Woman 1: " Gahhhh! My precious gaming hand! "

Woman 2: " Get off me! "

Woman 3: " Sorry! "

And so the three get out of the hole they make in the ground

And then we can see the first girl who falls the last come out

Uzume: " Hello! new dimension! I Uzume Tennouboshi have arrived! "


Uzume was slapped on the back of the head by the second girl who got out of the amazingly deep hole

Woman 2: " Be quiet you idiot! "

Uzume: " Gah! "

And then we can see the last person to come out of that surprisingly deep hole

Woman 1: " My hand... My precious gaming hand is broken... Noooooooooooooo! "

Woman 2: " Haaah... I'll heal in no time so don't be a child, more importantly, where is this? "

Uzume: *Whining about being slap on the head*

Woman 1: *Whining about her broken hand*

Woman 2: *Sigh & Facepalm*

Chapter end

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