Toxic Human Test Subjects

By pbandjemma

301 26 0

Life isn't always as it seems. People can not always be trusted, even the ones you have believed your entire... More

Chosen: Part one
Chosen: Part two
1st Day Of The Trip!: Part one
1st Day Of The Trip!: Part two
1st Day Of The Trip!: Part three
The Hidden Room, day 2!: Part two
The Hidden Room, day 2!: Part three
The Hidden Room, day 2!: Part four
The Sparkling Wine, day 3!: Part one
The Sparkling Wine, day 3!: Part two
Classified Information, day 4!: Part one
Classified Information, day 4!: Part two
Last Day, day 5: Part one
Last Day, day 5: Part two
The Radioactive Spill: Part one
The Radioactive Spill: Part two
Lockdown: Part one
Lockdown: Part two
Spy: Part one
Spy: Part two
To Protect: Part one
To Protect: Part two
Toxic Humans: Part one
Toxic Humans: Part two
Test Subjects

The Hidden Room, day 2!: Part one

4 2 0
By pbandjemma

Kyoufu got out of bed and started to get ready. "Hey, I just want to make sure it's clear. Nothing has changed between us. I still don't like you." He said. "Wow. Ok. I see. I understand, I still don't like you either." Hijiri answered. "But, this trip is going to be a little weird, if all we do is hate each other the whole time." He said. Kyoufu rolled his eyes. "You and I both know that this trip was going to be...interesting. Yesterday was just...-" Hijiri stood up and interrupted Kyoufu. "I'll tell you what yesterday was. We both forgot about the past. Come on Kyoufu, can't you just get over the past?" "I can't forget about the past. Why? Because I'm reminded of the past, every. Single. Time. I look at this mask." Kyoufu said. "Just leave me alone, Hijiri." He said, Kyoufu then left the room. With Hijiri following him.

"Oh! Finally! Let's get going!" I said, then I watched Kyoufu fix his mask, and the question popped into my brain. "Kyoufu, do you just constantly have a mask on, you sleep with it?" Kyoufu looked a bit surprised. "Well...That was a bit...random...of course I take it off at night, I just put another one on in the morning." He said, almost expressionless after finishing his sentence. "Why?" I wondered aloud. "Because. I want to." Kyoufu said, "Let's go." He walked out of the room without another word. Either I pushed too far for an answer, or Kyoufu was in a bad mood. I was leaning more towards the first one. I should probably apologize later.

We walked into the main area, where we smelled the faint scent of breakfast cooking. "Smell that, guys? It's like...waffles!" I exclaimed. "Oh? Waffles are pretty good!" Yasu smiled. We all walked to the kitchen, where Mr. Ebina was waiting, except, he wasn't cooking, Kurobot was. "A robot?!" I exclaimed. "Yes, Kurobot can do a lot of things, even cooking. Enjoy the waffles!" He stated, patting the robot on its head. I got a plate and put two waffles on it, then sat down. I tried the waffles, and to my surprise, they were really good! "I dunno about you guys, but I think Kurobot is actually pretty good at cooking!" "Yeah, you're right, Hey, Hijiri, why haven't you been talking much?" Yasu asked. "What? Oh. There's nothing for me to say." Hijiri said, smiling at Yasu...It wasn't a cheery smile, it was more of a...smirk? I couldn't quite place what it was. "That's a load of crap. You? Nothing to say? That definitely makes sense." Kyoufu said sarcastically. "Oh, shut up, I don't hear you talking at all." Hijiri snapped. "...I don't talk very much at all. You, however, talk way too much." Kyoufu said, blankly. "Ah- Hey! I don't talk too much-..." Hijiri sighed and resumed eating his waffles. "Oh geesh...They're back to arguing..." Yasu murmured to me. "Yeah...and here I was thinking that they were going to get along." I sighed. Seems this trip was going to be annoying after all. "After you guys are finished eating, we can start the tour! How about it, sounds cool?" Mr. Ebina said. I nodded. "Sounds cringey." Hijiri stated. "You know kid, I'm beginning to not like you. With all of your remarks and such." Mr. Ebina spoke. "'s the worst thing ever..." Hijiri laughed, rolling his eyes. "Whatever, let's just start the tour." I ate the rest of my waffles and jumped up. "Alright, let's do this!" Yasu stood up as well. "I'm ready to go." She said.

Mr. Ebina started walking out of the kitchen. "So, I'll show you the entire museum, but some rooms we won't go into, because they are my rooms only." His voice was oddly serious. "Now as you know, this is the kitchen, there shouldn't be much I need to explain here." He led us out to the main area. Which split into two hallways. "There are five rooms, and in one of them we will do an experiment, however we will do experiments in the other four rooms, tomorrow and the day after. The first room we are going to, is right across the hallway from the kitchen. This is the experiment room." Mr. Ebina said. He led us down the hallway and we found ourselves in a large room with 5 experiment tables. " cool!" I exclaimed. I looked towards Kyoufu, then I remembered, I was going to apologize to him. "This is where we will do most of the experiments tomorrow. You can look around, but don't touch anything." We all started to walk around, and I walked up to Kyoufu. "Hey, Kyoufu?" I started. "Hm." He mumbled. "Um...sorry...about this morning, I didn't mean to...-" Kyoufu interrupted me. "It's fine. I'm not mad about it." He said blankly. It didn't seem too convincing, but I didn't say anything else. "Let's move on, I don't want to get into so much detail about each place, when we have 2 more days to learn about each room."

We left the Experiment lab and walked down the hallway, seeing another room, which we walked inside of. "This is the fossil exhibit, or fossil room. As you can see, there are a bunch of dinosaur remains in this room. Now, I don't have the big dinosaurs, such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but I have plenty of other smaller remains that actually fit in this room." Mr. Ebina stated. I looked around, seeing fossils of birds hanging, there were a bunch of small mammal fossils being displayed, aquatic animals skeletons were also being displayed, there was a frog, some fish, even a stingray. Then I saw the Dodo. I walked over to it. "So, this is the Dodo? It's smaller than I expected." I thought aloud. "I dunno, It seems pretty big to me." Yasu said. I frowned. "Dodos should still be alive. I don't like that they are extinct." "Well..." Yasu trailed off. "At least animals like penguins and toucans are still alive." She continued. "Yeah, I guess. I don't want either of those animals to become extinct." I stated. 

We looked around at all the different fossils for a while longer, before taking off down the hallway. "Hey, where's Hijiri and Kyoufu?" Yasu asked. I turned around, neither of the boys were behind us. " sure they'll catch up later. We have a limited amount of time, they'll follow us soon." Mr. Ebina said. I didn't believe that, Hijiri might do something to the fossil room, though maybe Kyoufu would stop him. 

"Can you maybe not?" Kyoufu said, watching as Hijiri rearranged the bones of a small rodent. "Aw, come on, it's just a joke." Hijiri mumbled, Mr. Whatshisface, won't even know it was us that did it. "Yes he will! How could he not? What are you trying to do?" Kyoufu asked. "You'll see." Hijiri said. He pulled out a lighter and lit the small flame. "No, stop it Hijiri. Don't light anything on fire." Kyoufu protested. "Why not? It's not going to burn the whole museum down. It's a controlled fire." Hijiri explained. "No, stop it. Hijiri stop!" Kyoufu snapped. 

Before Hijiri could do anything, Kyoufu knocked him over and took the lighter from his hand. "Kyoufu, give that back! You're going to ruin it." Hijiri shouted. "So what if I do? You won't be able to burn this whole place down." Kyoufu glared at Hijiri, as he stepped towards the exit of the room. "Don't think of running, I'm faster than you." Hijiri smirked. Kyoufu rolled his eyes and burst out of the door, holding the lighter a far enough distance from him. 

"You have no idea what you're doing." Hijiri said, chasing after Kyoufu. "Sad enough, you know what you're doing when you light a fire." Kyoufu snapped back. "I know what I'm doing, and I'm not trying to burn a whole building down, especially with people in it." Hijiri answered. Kyoufu knew that Hijiri was faster than him, but if he could keep the lighter away from Hijiri, then at least he accomplished something. However, Kyoufu heard the footsteps of Hijiri get closer.



Until Kyoufu felt Hijiri shove him forward, head first into a wall. Luckily his beanie took most of the force away from the impact, but Kyoufu still felt the quick pain in his head. But, when Kyoufu expect to fall to the ground, the wall moved, and both Kyoufu and Hijiri fell into a pitch dark room, with the wall moving back to its original place, leaving both of them trapped in a room. Kyoufu didn't move for a second. The throbbing in his head kept him from making any decisions of getting up. "Hey, Kyoufu. Give me the lighter. Now." Kyoufu heard Hijiri get up, but no one's eyes had adjusted to the darkness yet. "Hey!" Kyoufu something touch his arm and he sat up. "Ow. what?" Kyoufu asked. Because of Hijiri, they were stuck in this weird room. "Give me the lighter." Hijiri repeated. "No. You're going to burn this room down." Kyoufu said, blatantly. "Obviously I'm not, we need it to see." He said. "I'll do it then.: Kyoufu got out the lighter and attempted to light it, but something stopped him. "Hurry up already." Hijiri demanded. "I am, shut up." he said, still trying to ignite the flame. "You don't know how, do you?" Hijiri laughed. "Idiot, it's not that hard. Just give it to me." "I know how...I just don't want to see it." Kyoufu didn't know it, but Hijiri was giving him a weird look of confusion. "What does that even mean? Just give me the lighter. It's more dangerous to be in the dark than with a small flame anyway." Hijiri stepped forward and ran into Kyoufu, who dropped the lighter. "Gosh, see, look." Hijiri said. There was a small flame that looked almost as if Hijiri was holding it, but it was of course, just the lighter. "Just don't run into anything..." Kyoufu mumbled, his voice was shaky, nothing that Hijiri had ever heard before. "What, are you scared of the dark?" He joked. "No, that's not it. Just, see if there is a way out." Hijiri turned around to see Kyoufu. "Ok seriously- whoa, dude..." Hijiri saw the look of pure fear on Kyoufu's face, his eyes wide in terror. "" was all Kyoufu managed to say. Hijiri slowly turned around to see human bodies just on a shelf. "Wha-..." Hijiri walked towards one of them and examined it further. "Robots, they're just robots..." He laughed to himself. "Why do they look like real people? Look, there's a name." Kyoufu said. Walking towards the robot Hijiri was next to. "Akui...Sunako..." Kyoufu read aloud. "I dunno, seems kinda weird to create teenage girl robots, Mr. Ebina has some serious problems..." "There's a lot more..." Kyoufu said. Looking down the dark hallway. "Oh...creepy..." Hijiri trailed off. "What's more weird, is how there isn't any lights at all." Kyoufu said, looking up. Sure enough, the ceiling was bare, no lights whatsoever. "There's another robot here." Hijiri said, walking down the hallway. "Its another girl the same age I'm pretty sure. What the heck is wrong with this dude?" Kyoufu walked past Hijiri. "There's two boys over here." Hijiri looked towards Kyoufu, who was standing in front of two male robots. "This is getting weird..." Hijiri mumbled. "Lets hurry up and get out of here..." "Yeah..." Kyoufu agreed. 

"Mr. Ebina, we've been to the animal lab, but Hijiri and Kyoufu still haven't shown up, shouldn't we wait for them, before we start the experiment?" I asked. "I'll go look for them. While you two start, so, remember, you classify the rocks by the color, shape, mass, and the other ways I explained." Mr. Ebina said. "Now, you both can start." He said, leaving the room. Yasu and I stared at the rocks for a while, before I picked one up. "Don't you think scientists were a little, um...I dunno... not in the right state of mind when picking the names in order to classify rocks?" I asked. "What, like the um...hardness of a rock, or um...cleavage...or...luster...yeah I have to agree, those names are pretty stupid. At least Hijiri and Kyoufu aren't here to um...react." "Exactly, I guess everything worked out then." I said, picking a rock up. "Working with rocks is pretty boring, but I guess it's better than doing nothing." I said. To which Yasu nodded. "Still, I wonder what Hijiri and Kyoufu are doing..." I murmured. 

(I know we've all been there, in science class learning about rocks. Yes, we all know it was awkward. *true story* I remember when I learned about rocks, I had no clue what any of the words meant, so little ol' me decides to search it up for my vocabulary assignment. When I saw the results on google, I got so scared I slammed my Chromebook closed. The people around me were so confused too. So let this be a lesson to all of you, when you are learning about science, make sure to add what science you are learning about to the google search thing. so instead of searching up 'luster' search up 'luster in rock science'. Don't make the same mistake I did. Please.)

(That was really out of context, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you next week!)  

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