Prank War

By LastFantasy

2.9M 60.7K 8.2K

One million dollars. That’s the prize for this year’s annual prank war at Kainler High. When sixteen year ol... More

Prank War [1]
Prank War [2]
Prank War [3]
Prank War [4]
Prank War [5]
Prank War [6]
Prank War [7]
Prank War [8]
Prank War [9]
Prank War [10]
Prank War [11]
Prank War [12]
Prank War [Who's Who]
Prank War [13]
Prank War [14]
Prank War [15]
Prank War [16]
Prank War [17]
Prank War [18]
Prank War [19]
Prank War [21]
Prank War [22]
Prank War [23]
Prank War [24]
Prank War [25]
Prank War [26]
Prank War [27]
Prank War [28]

Prank War [20]

79.1K 1.8K 222
By LastFantasy

    Five minutes later, Kate had picked up a package and left the store with Caden.

    “She’s an east man,” Max said as soon as they left.

    “A what?” I asked him. I was pretty sure Kate’s a girl ..

    “She goes to east man,” he repeated, like it was simple science. I blinked. What?

    “Eastman - It’s a boarding school,” Mackenzie explained, seeing the blank look on my face, “They’re kind of our rivals.”

    “Not kind of. They are our rivals,” Max cut in.

    “How can you be sure she’s from Eastman?” Mackenzie asked him.

    “I’ve seen her before. What would Caden be doing, hanging out with her?”

    I bit my lips.

    “So, I was wondering if we could go to The Tunnel?” I said. Crap. What was I saying? I hated dance clubs. Curiosity was getting the better of me. I wanted to know if Caden was going out with Kate or not. I knew I shouldn’t care, but .. it was too tempting.

    I felt like a was probably going to explode if I didn’t find out.

    “The Tunnel?” Max asked, “Well, I’m in.”

    “You want to see if there’s any hot girls?” Mackenzie teased.

    “Pshhhh, no,” Max said in his defense. It was pretty weak, if you ask me. Which you didn’t. Ask me, I mean. Gosh, why do I always make things sound complicated?

    “So are you coming?” he asked her.

    “I don’t know ..” Mackenzie hesitated, “That would mess up my whole schedule.”

    “Come on, it’s Ariane’s first time here. I’m pretty sure she’ll want you to come,” he said. Hmm. Well, someone else really wanted her to come too.

    “Ok, fine,” she said, “I was going to get one of their awesome smoothies anyways.”


    After what seemed forever (I hated walking), we finally go to The Tunnel. There was a large music sign on top, and the entrance looked like a cave.

    We walked in. Music was blasting loudly, and the room flashed with different colored lights every few seconds. The dance floor was splat in the middle, and most people were crowded there. There were a few tables in the back, along with a place to buy snacks. Along the sides, there were rows of computers.

    I felt butterflies in my stomach. Which was stupid, since I was just walking in. Nothing had happened yet.

    I love it when people wonder if butterflies get humans in their stomach when they’re nervous. One, it’s not possible for a human to fit in a butterfly’s stomach. Two, doesn’t that mean the butterfly’s pregnant with a human baby?

    Now that’s demented.

    “Hey, Ariane!” I heard someone call out my name over the loud music. I turned to see Kristen walking towards us.

    “Oh hey,” I smiled.

    “I’m glad you came to check this place out,” Kristen said, “My dad owns this place. So if you want anything, just tell the waitress ‘fourteen’.”

    “Why fourteen?” Max asked.

    “Cause I like that number,” Kristen shrugged.

    “Sweet,” he grinned, “Excuse me ladies, I’m going to go meet some good looking smoothies.”

    He slipped through the crowd, and disappeared from view.

    “I’ve always wanted to try the blueberry one,” Mackenzie excused herself.

    Kristen turned to face me, “So, have fun then. I need to go get new shorts.”

    So then I was the only one left, standing there looking like an idiot. I absolutely hated when that happened.

    I started walking forward, deciding to join Mackenzie and Max with their smoothie obsession. I walked forward, then stopped, and then took a few steps forward again. I was trying to find a way to get past the crowds of people, but they seemed to have taken up the whole space.

    “Excuse me,” I muttered a million times as I slipped past the crazy dancing people. I was staring down, and suddenly bumped into someone.

    I seemed to always bump into someone.

    I looked up and saw that it was Caden. Seriously? Fate was definitely trying to make fun of me. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised. I had overheard him and Bree talk about meeting someone – which turned out to be Kate, at The Tunnel after all.

    “Oh hey,” he said, just as I decided to ignore him and keep on walking. Great. Now we had to go through an awkward conversation.

    “What are you doing here?” I asked him, “This doesn’t seem like your type of place.”

    “It’s not,” he replied, “Kate wanted to take care of some business here. I’m just waiting for her.”


    Kate, Kate, Kate. Bleh.

    I seemed to have suddenly started paying attention to the song, and realized what was playing.

    “Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again!”

    Oh great. Now this was even more awkward.

    I looked towards him, which was a big mistake. Our eyes met, and then he quickly fake coughed.

    “I should probably go,” he murmured, and then quickly disappeared.

    I folded my arms.

    For a slip second, I forgot what I was going to do.

    Oh right, Mackenzie and Max.

    I made my way through the packed dance floor, past crazy, swinging arms. I spotted Mackenzie and Max sitting at a table in the back. Mackenzie was sipping on a blue smoothie, while Max had three smoothies in front of him.

    “You’re a pig,” I teased him as I sat down next to Mackenzie. A waitress passed by.

    “Would you like anything, honey?”

    “No thanks,” I told her.

    “Hey, pigs can be good looking,” Max protested, smoothing out his blond hair as he took a sip from his middle smoothie.

    “Sure,” I agreed, rolling my eyes.

    “So, after this, you can come with me and pick out your dress,” Mackenzie said.

    I blinked, and looked from her, to Max, and back to her.

    “Wait, are you talking to me?” I asked.

    “Of course,” she laughed, “What, you think I would go pick up a dress for Max?”

    “Maybe,” I said innocently as Max slapped my arm, not hard enough so that it hurt.

    “Hey, I’m as manly as can be,” he said.

    “I am way more manly than you,” I said, “I have one pack abs. Beat that.”

    He rolled his eyes.

    “Wait, hold on, so does that mean the dress is for me?” I suddenly realized.

    “Yup,” Mackenzie replied.

    “I don’t like dresses,” I informed her.

    “You need one for the school dance.”

    “I don’t go to dances. I think they’re corny.”

    “It’s mandatory.”

    “Wait what?”

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