The Moon's Calling

By AquanautRae

34 5 0

In the world of Edessa(E-dess-a) lies a small kingdom named Famor (Fa-more), ruled by the beloved Queen Mavee... More

Now that I've Found You
In Another Life
swimming legs

Unlikely Friends

14 2 0
By AquanautRae

POV Regina Elowen

All I remember was running, trees hitting my face scratching and bruising my light tan skin. What was I running from? Well, me and the servant boy Veris were playing Trolls and Fairies a little game known well in the world of Edessa. I may have gone past the wall's a little too far, I didn't notice till I was looking around me and I saw no walls no buildings only the woods. I skid to a stop falling on my face letting out yelp. I scanned the wood's I couldn't see anything that would lead me home, it didn't help that I was only six and small with no sense of direction. I start to walk back where I hoped I came from holding myself, I just wanted my Nan or Knight Galen (Ga-len). The sun was setting the woods were becoming dark, everywhere I looked the trees looked like they were demons with their arms open wide trying to grab me. I notice a light maybe a fire maybe Galen! I ran to it crying my vision blurred I hug the legs of Galen; I look up and fall back screaming my lungs out. Standing before me was A woman with glowing orange eyes and white fangs smiling devilish at me, she was a vampire I know it I learned of them, and I know she is one. My heart beats out my chest as she kneels and looks at me setting her lantern down. "Oh, you poor sweet thing, are you lost? I can help you." her voice soft like she meant what she was saying, and I shake my head no. She breaths in deeply and hums grabbing my red dress by the collar I cry and scream, then she drops me my back meeting the ground again. A look of anger and fright came over her demeanor, a growl came out from behind me. I dare not look behind me I whimper and sob shaking, I think I'd rather the vampire then what is behind me right now. She swiftly runs away faster than anything I've seen; I stay still as a statue hoping whatever scared her maybe didn't see me. 

"What are you doing out here?" A young male voice speaks softly a voice I didn't know and in my head. "W-what?" I squeak and look up seeing a large werewolf towering over me, they weren't as scary as I thought they were. I get up and dust my dress off "It's dangerous in the woods especially at night I smelled you and that thing, and I came to make sure you were...alive." "Thank you. I didn't mean to come out here as far as I did." looking at this werewolf he was a lot smaller than one's Teacher Oris (Or-is) mentioned, also all white fur which means he's a pup. "We are in the same boat then; do you know where your home is?" I shake my head "Well I'll stay and maybe my father or yours will find us and help." I smile and nod I make a little fire with the lantern the vampire dropped and left, he lays down and I sit near him laying my head on him. As I did that, I felt I don't know what exactly but a weird tingling sensation, like when you feel like you're falling out of bed and your body suddenly jerks awake. The wolf jumps a bit too he felt it to I tilt my head and lean back on him, and I feel it again. "What is that?" I whisper quietly he looks at me and huffs, "I'm sorry I don't speak wolf." A giggle comes from my lips, I get what I think is a smile from him. "I don't know, I never felt that before." He says in my head again, how is he doing that is that normal? "How do you speak in my head? I studied a bit about werewolves, and it doesn't mention this." My head tilts inquisitively, I paid attention in lessons with Teacher Oris. "All of us can do it I never tried to with a human, so I guess it works. How did you end up here?" A heavy sigh came out "Well I was playing Trolls and Fairies with my friend Veris, and I ran a little too far." the wolf tilts his head then puts his head on my lap and I pet his ears hesitantly, unsure if this was ok or an insult. "What is that game?"  "It's said When a fairy loses its wings it becomes a hideous troll. In the game there's one troll and the rest are fairies; the goal is to catch the fairies and get your wings back." what I could only describe a wolfish chuckle comes out. "You humans have funny games and stories. that isn't true, they are two different things. Trolls are sometimes surprisingly nice; I've met few with my dad." he nudges my chin with his snout I had a frown on my face being a princess is nice and all, but I don't see my parents much at all I was envious. "You alright?" I nod. "Being a princess, I don't get to see or hear from my parents much I am jealous." His body jerks "You're a princess?! Wow...I met a princess. On a blood moon no less it's a lucky day for me." Blush comes across my cheeks no one ever has been this excited to meet me. "Princess of the Blood moon, that will be what I call you." "I like that it sounds tough and scary." I smile sleepily the forest now blackish red hue from the blood moon my eyes close, and I fall asleep on his warm comforting fur. I felt strangely at home laying my head on this werewolf something I never felt in the walls of the kingdom.

I jump awake sound of yelling and so does my wolf friend, who I don't know his name i fell asleep on him and I don't know his name. I look around and see light coming from the direction of where I think I ran from, "REGINA! MY ROSE WHERE ARE YOU?!" The voice of my father and Knight Galen. I look to my wolf friend "you have to go before they are here; I don't want them to hurt you." he nods he runs away and turns looking at me one last time his eyes....the most captivating ice blue then he leaves from view. I run to the light "Daddy! DADDY!" I run as fast as my little legs carried me, I see them armored up with horses. my father jumps from his horse and runs pulling me into a hug as we hear a symphony of howls, good my friend made it to his home. "King we should hurry home before we have unwanted visitors." Knight Galen stated with a deep raspy voice, my father nods putting me on his horse then pulling himself up. "Oh, that's just my friend letting me know he's home safe." I smile brightly my father looks down at me. "Your friend? the wolves....werewolves. Have you been listening to Teacher Oris lessons? I guess we will have him redo that one." "I have he was nice, and we talked, he protected me from a vampire and kept me safe till I heard you." "Daughter my little rose, werewolves don't talk." I feel his hands clammy as they hold mine on the rein peeking my head up at him, he looks to Knight Galen with worry creeping upon his face. We trotted in silence an uneasy silence.

It was the morning I get up and do my usual thing as my father, Nan, and Teacher Oris walk in. "Hello Princess." Nan and Teacher Oris bow I curtsy, my father steps forward "you are to never leave the walls of this kingdom ever again you hear me my little rose?" his tone serious more than I've ever heard, I tilt my head. "Why?" "Because I'm the king and your father, I forbid you." I ting of anger in his voice I nod silently, I know I could have been hurt but I can't even go to see Veris. He walks away after kissing my forehead. All I know is I have to see that wolf again; I feel almost cold not in his presents he was so warm and nice it was like my head and heart knew him before I did. Teacher Oris and Nan nod "we will wait for you in the study Princess." Nan smiles lightly as they leave, I get dressed and start my day of learning. I can't listen in class Teacher Oris keeps clearing his throat to get my attention, I just can't focus. All I see is the wolf its weird I mentally can't get him out my head, and we are actually learning something interesting! Something about the Elementals of the world people of water, fire, air, ice, or earth and how it came to be, but I couldn't bother with it today. I love learning it keeps me busy so I don't have to miss my parents also so I can be the best queen for our kingdom. "Miss Regina! listen to me!" Oris slams a book on my table I jump and whimper, he sighs in frustration. "Open to page thirty-seven. Since you won't listen, we will learn more about what you're thinking about. Your werewolf friend and the dangers." i do as he asks as the page comes into view there's a picture, a werewolf howling with blood-stained fur and teeth bandaged arms and legs and long hair. Tall on two paws standing lanky and all white, I don't understand what this is. He didn't look like this at all! "Now, Regina this is a werewolf in its purest yet most corrupted form." Nan walks over to Teacher Orin "Dear the king said not to-" "Not now Imelda (I-meld-a) i know what the king said, the princess and future Queen deserves to know-" the door opens Knight Galen appears. "Oris I'll pretend this one time I didn't see this. You've been a good friend for a long time, please don't do this again. The king wants you Oris." Galen leads Oris away I look more at this picture, as I read the words 'If they lose their mate or don't connect with them by the age of maturity (presumed to be 25) they lose control of the wolf inside. This beast is a force of anything beyond most of our knowledge, you don't want to be caught in range of this beast.' Was I his mate? What did this mean? Nan closes the book putting it away, she stands before me. "don't speak of this ok Regina?" I nod "am I his-" "I said ever." she leads me to the kitchen, and we baked cookies for the knights.

After I was released from Nan I look around the kingdom and I see my friend Veris. I run up to him and hug him he jumps "Oh Princess you're ok! I'm happy you are." "do you know of passages out of here Veris, secret ones?" he looks around nervously and nods and grabs my hand leading me to a grate in the ground. "Down there leads straight out my dad said. Why do you want to go back out again?" his head tilts I smile "I met a friend and i want to see him again but, Dad forbid me." "So, you're sneaking out?!" "SHHH quiet down. only for a bit he won't notice I'm gone, he's so into his papers and mom is visiting my aunt." his lips give a worried look "I'll come with you make sure your safe." I chuckle he's only a year older than me and he acts like he's a man, we hop down the tunnel and just as his father said it leads right out the kingdom. I help him out and he pulls me out, ew I stink of I don't even want to know what. We wonder the woods for a couple of minutes, "Princess we should head back, he isn't here." "A bit longer Veris, please?" He nods hesitantly we walk longer. After a while I walk back being smart to mark the trees to get out this time. As we walk i hear movement in the woods I jump and look behind me where Veris...was "V-Veris wh-where are you....this isn't funny." I turn back around jumping backwards the same vampire I remember from last night right in front of me, holding Veris by his arms as he whimpers. "No wolf to save you this time hm?" she says as her teethy grin appears on her face, she breaths deeply and sighs then she bites Veris's neck he screams out. I froze my heart beats out fast as I back up my legs not working enough to stand, she drops his limp body I look down at him and whimper. "Your next dear, at least make it fun for me." She chuckles then pauses her face inches from mine, I smell Iron from Veris blood dripping down her lips and chin as she whispers softly "run." I did exactly that I ran as fast as I could crying yelling for help. I look behind me she's standing there smiling then walks towards me, I look forward and run into her legs and stumble back as she grabs my neck. I try to scream but I can't this is it I am going to die...Then before I know it, I was dropped. I hear her scream in pain for a second, I look up and see a massive wolf. this wasn't my friend; this werewolf was a mix of Grey and black and way bigger. His jaw clenches on her body I hear her bones break I wince at the sound, then blood shoots out as the body is dropped covering my green dress in dark red blood. 

He steps forward to me and bows I look at it, "h-hi." his head nods "I know you can talk in my head." it just shakes its head "you can' of your kind did last night how? sorry you can't talk forget that." as I say this it walks away I stand up looking at my dress and I run back to Veris his body cold and pale. I cry as a firm hand touches my shoulder, jumping and turning around seeing an older man with salt and pepper hair and muscular. "Sorry little one I didn't mean to frighten you I am the werewolf from before, I wanted to be able to talk to you. Are you A Princess? specifically Princess of the Blood Moon." My eyes widen did he know my friend? "I am yes do you know my friend?" a deep chuckle vibrates my ears "He is my son." he turns as a boy not much larger than me appears from the woods with blackish brown hair and those ice blue eyes. I smiled big and waved at him and smiles and runs hugging me that same feeling comes over me again, I loved it I felt alive and protected with his arms hugging me kind of like how Knight Galen protects me. "Hi Princess of the Blood Moon, I am Harland to formal introduce myself." "Nice to meet you again Harland I and Regina." A light smile appears on his lips, making my mind almost feel Quiet for once. I've always had my internal monologue but looking at his smile it was quiet, I guess this happens when your mated? is that the word? "It is the word kind of my dad uses bonded, mated sounds like we are animals." his father's eyebrows scrunch in confusion and looks at me "You hear her? She didn't say anything son." "We are bonded just like you and mom." the light in his shinning with happiness, is this that big of a thing? being bonded? "A werewolf only has one bond his whole life, being bonded is very important." "Werewolves only bond with other werewolves, son this isn't a bond you just have crush." "no! I-I know it is! I feel just like you said it would when you found mom, I smell her I sense when she's in danger I know her." "Son, this has never happened to anyone are sure?" "Yes dad." his father sighs deeply "couldn't be bonded with some other werewolf or at least a normal human a princess. Moon goddess what the fuck?" he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Well, we have to take her home along with her friend. what happen to him?" I look to the ground at my feet "he was bitten." I cried lightly as Harland hugs me; his father picks him up and carries him. "I will take care of him if your father lets me, let's go you two." we walk all the way to the kingdom gates my father is going to be so mad...I hope Veris will be ok.

The Gates open hundreds of knights and guards come out armors and shields, my father emerges from them. "What is the meaning of-" he pauses as he sees me and Veris if looks could kill i'd be dead right now. "Ragina...Elowen come here...NOW!" I whimper and look at my feet letting go of Harland's hands, I know he's angry when he seethes between his words. I walk over Knight Galen holds me behind his tower shield, giving me a disapproving look. "I am Nathaniel, and this is my son Harland. We found her in the woods I saved her from a vampire who I've...disposed of. Though this boy was bitten, I would like to suggest my group will take him in and help him through the process. I'd like to not have a soul wasted, If this ok with you King." My father looks at me closing his eyes as he sighs in frustration, he nods. "You may take him; I don't want a blood sucker here." I don't know why but I winced him saying this about my best friend, I understand but he's still a being. "Also, I would like to discuss this relation between my son and your daughter, I-" "Nothing to discuss how much money do you need to leave her and this kingdom alone." "No money King they are bonded, and when they are of age must be united under the moon goddess-" "ENOUGH! She is my only daughter I will not be marrying her to a dog." A vocal growl comes from Nathaniel "King I understand he's my only son, please I will lose him if they aren't together." "We are done here. if I see you or your son or the blood sucker here, I will kill them. this is a warning." I look around Galen's shield Harlands face full of fright, he will turn into one of those...things. "Goodbye Harland...I...I'm sorry." I say in my head all I hear is a whimper "goodbye Princess of the Blood Moon." Knight Galen guides me into the kingdom's walls, and I feel sad I start to sob uncontrollably. "Regina stop at this once, you will not cry over some dog." my father spits I feel a sad anger in my heart burn "HES NOT A DOG! I HATE YOU!" I slip from Knight Galen's grasp and run to the kingdom to my room, sitting on the balcony looking at the two werewolf figures walk back to the woods. I hear the beautiful melody of their howls in unison, I let out a loud howl back. I know he couldn't hear. I see one figure turn Harland looks right at me I feel my heart hurt, I sit watching them walk all the way till the woods consumed them.

(Let me know if you like the example pictures, or if you prefer imagining what they look like.)


Princess Regina Elowen

Harland's father (Nathaniel)

Ragina's father (King Caelum Elowen)

Knight Galen

Nan (Imelda)

Teacher Oris


Veris the Serving Elf Boy

Picture in the book

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