Tests of Courage-A Prince of...

By Rubyred441

380 2 4

Before she turns eight years old, Mei has a test mission with her cousins, and with Rani as her sorceress to... More

Getting Acquainted
1st Plague-Knowing Your Roots
Onward to Freedom

The 9 other plagues

70 1 0
By Rubyred441


While Mei, Krishna, Ariel and the others were on the Hebrew side, Rani, Kimiya, Moses and I were searching for the other plagues that would come in the Egyptians direction while overlooking on a hill. The people of Egypt where shaking with fear; women, children and men...all the innocent in the plague's path.

Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord
Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord
Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord
Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord
Since you refuse to free my people
All through the land of Egypt

I send a pestilence and plague
Into your house, into your bed
Into your streams, into your streets
Into your drink, into your breadUpon your cattle, on your sheep
Upon your oxen in your field
Into your dreams, into your sleep
Until you break, until you yieldI send the swarm, I send the horde
Thus saith the Lord!

Once I called you brother
Once I thought the chance
To make you laugh
Was all I ever wanted. Moses regarded his adopted brother sternly as lightning flashed and the thunder clapped.

I send the thunder from the sky
I send the fire raining down! Rani's scepter glowed and she sent burning hail down from the sky through God. My sword glowed a hellish fiery light as the fiery balls of hail came crashing down on every landscape of Egypt.

And even now I wish that God
Had chose another
Serving as your foe on his behalf
Is the last thing that I wanted. Moses surveyed the damage sadly as the Egyptians ran for their lives.

I send a hail of burning ice
On every field, on every town! With God working through both Rani and me, we both saw the sadness in Moses' eyes. I helped an innocent little Egyptian girl away from the fiery hail's path and got her to her mother.

This was my home
All this pain and devastation
How it tortures me inside
All the innocent who suffer
From your stubbornness and pride! Every time Moses kept coming to the Pharaoh to plead for the Hebrews' freedom, the bugger refused.

I send the locusts on a wind
Such as the world has never seen
On every leaf, on every stalk
Until there's nothing left of green
I send my scourge, I send my sword
Thus saith the Lord! God was now working through Kimiya as she sent locusts, any kind of bug and including her wind powers.

From a distance, I saw that the Egyptians had boils on every part of their skin; including Rameses with the hatred in his eyes.

You who I called brother
Why must you call down another blow? Moses scowled at Rameses who again turned away.

I send my scourge, I send my sword! Rani and Kimiya used their respective powers and they were getting exhausted.

Let my people go! Moses shook his head frustrated. I was getting furious myself too. If I had my way, I would definitely go after Rameses, but I reminded myself about Mei.

Thus saith the Lord! Kimiya and Rani glared in frustration.

THUS SAITH THE LORD! Moses was determined to make sure his people got free.

From a far off distance, I saw Rameses violently throw down the table and shoo Hotep and Huy away. Inside, I was enraged that he didn't care about his citizens, not even his own boy who was frightened. Some Pharaoh he turned out to be.

"SWORD OF SAINT MICHAEL!!! GO!!! SEARCH HIS SOUL!!" I roared in fury. I wasn't having none of Rameses' shit. If anything, Rameses would have nobody to blame but himself for the hell he's in. He will always be the weak link in the chain that his father Seti talked about.

You who I called brother
How could you have come to hate me so?
Is this what you wanted? Rameses snapped in his angry mind.

I send the swarm, I send the horde! Kimiya snapped.

Then let my heart be hardened
And never mind how high the cost may grow
This will still be so
I will never let your people go! Rameses glared.

THUS SAITH THE LORD!! Kimiya and Rani snapped.

Thus saith the Lord! Moses didn't give up.

I WILL NOT LET..! Rameses was so stubborn.






Rani's scepter flashed, and soon, there was darkness all around Egypt. With my sword, I furiously slashed the Egyptian statues and let them fall. Rameses, when he's through, he would be in the ninth circle of Hell for sure after what he put his citizens through, as well as the Hebrews.


Nine plagues. That's what we were up to now, and there was one more left. On the Hebrew side, where I was with the others, there was light, but on the Egyptian side, there was darkness. I walked with Rani, Krishna, Kimiya, Jamie, and Ariel to the palace and we stayed outside, waiting for an answer from the Pharaoh. Suddenly, we looked up to see an angry Rani muttering something with Moses behind her.

"So? Is he gonna do it?" Jamie asked. "Yes or no?"

Moses shook his head no sadly.

"No?!" Kim asked shocked.

"No." Moses sighed.

"But why?" I asked.

"He's stubborn, that's why!" Rani grumbled.

"IS HE CRAZY?!?!" Krishna groaned in anger and frustration. "There's a final plague coming AND HE DOESN'T CARE?!"

"Seems like it." Rani answered.

"It's like he doesn't even hear you!" Ariel said frustrated.

"I tried, but his heart is still hardened. I'm dreading this one, more than any of the others." Moses explained as we walked to the Hebrew side of the kingdom.

"Why's that?" Jamie asked.

"It would mean the death of every firstborn child. Rameses has a son, and I fear that his son might be dead with this last plague." Moses answered worried.

"Oooh, not good!" Krishna dreaded.

"They don't deserve any of this." Kim said sadly. "No one does."

"If anything, it's gonna be Rameses' fault." Jamie pointed out.

"How're you feeling about this, Moses?" I asked, twiddling my thumbs worried.

"My heart breaks for my former subjects, and for Rameses. I was once their Prince, and his brother. But...this might be the only way to set my people free." Moses said.


All of us were inside the huts that the Hebrews lived in that night and Joshua had to witness one of the most historical event that his ancestors did. We took the lamb's blood and stained the doorpost with it.

"God has come to me again, saying, 'Take a lamb, and with its blood, mark the lintel and posts of every door, for tonight, I shall pass through the land of Egypt, and smite all the firstborn. But when I see the blood upon your door, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not enter.'" Moses said to all of us. And he shut the blinds down. After Joshua was done with his door, he was shaking in realization of what was about to happen. His ancestors had been through a lot for centuries. Moses comforted him and Joshua told him his history; of why Jim was so overprotective of Joshua and that Joshua realized why he was.  I smiled at the moment as Moses passed down wisdom to Joshua.

"I'm sure your parents had very good intentions. I know they would be proud of the man you've become." Moses said.

"Same with Yocheved, if she was here." Joshua wiped his tears.

"Mommy?" I felt a light gentle tug on my dark blue robe. It was a worried Mei.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I lovingly knelt at eye level with my little Mei-Mei.

"Why is tonight different than the others?" Mei asked.

"Because, Mei-Mei, we are in the midst of what is about to happen." Joshua explained, kneeling at eye level with her. "This night was the first Passover, when the Angel of Death came for the firstborn in Egypt."

"Soon we will be free, Mei." Moses reassured gently as he gently ruffled my little girl's curly hair.

"We're witnessing a bit of history, sweet...and the angel of death is near. Let's get some sleep, eh?" Sweeney told Mei who nodded.

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