I Am A Monster ( Nepgear male...

By Vell241

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Nepgear or we has lost everything, sacrifice everything to save Gamindustri we killed everyone to power up th... More

Prologue: The End
Love Intrest Vote
Chapter 1: Back to depressing life
Chapter 2: Fake or Real
Chapter 3: Purpose??
Chapter 4: The Fallen Birds
Chapter 5: Asia Safe
Chapter 6: Sleepover?
Chapter 8: A Bird And A Traveler
Extra Side Story 1: School Festival Where Transformation Happens
Chapter 9: Helping Issei Train With Our New Creation!
Chapter 10: Issei The Knight Of Gremory
Extra Chapter 10.5: The Robot Cleaning Mission
Chapter 11: Issei Training And Fruit Of Growth?
Chapter 12: The Day Of The Rating Match
Chapter 13: Issei Go!
Chapter 14: Go Go Issei!
Chapter 15: Sword...
Chapter 16: Time For Some Super Degenerate Move!
Chapter 17: Get Out Of My Head
Chapter 18: Why? Of Course After All Were Friends
Chapter 19: The Legendary 500 Yen Shop
Chapter 20: We Are All Your 'Friends'

Chapter 7: Issei Is Worried And New Friemds?

1.9K 64 36
By Vell241

Y/n Pov

And so now it's the next day and I was super embarrassed

And repeatedly apologize to Issei for sleeping on his leg

He was fine with it

And after breakfast, I was planning to go home but Issei insist to stay and hang out with him

I don't know why he is like this today

Before he seem to be super carefree about me not joining or staying thought?

Issei: " Cmon Y/n today is Sunday either way so why not hang out with us today okay "

Y/n: " But... I don't want to trouble you more than I already am "

Issei: " No no no, you are not a trouble, let's just have some fun today I plan to hang out with Matsuda and Motohama "

Y/n: " But won't I just trouble you and your friends and you know... I still don't really get like how should friends do on hang out and stuff to... "

Issei: "That's fine just hang out with us and you'll soon understand how to have fun to "

Y/n: " Fine... I will join you then and I'm sorry if I make some trouble for you guys later "

Issei: " Yes! Alright! Let's gooo! And you don't need to worry about making trouble, I mean the three of us always make trouble too, and if worse comes to worst with police chasing us later we can always just run "

Y/n: " ... I don't think that's a wise decision "

He keeps insisting on it do I give up and just decide to go with it cause it seems Issei-San won't stop asking until I accept it

But it seems like it would be fine so I guess it's fine then...

Wonder how Sis and the others at home doing right now should I give a call?

Nah I'm sure they are fine

Y/n: " What about Asia? Is she also coming? "

Issei: " Ah no Asia-Chan, won't be coming with us today it seems she was asked by Prez to go shopping for her necessity "

Y/n: " Oh... Okay "

Time skip brought to you with a meme


And so I go with Issei wearing my school clothes and jacket

And when we meet up with Issei's friend

The one with glasses name was Motohama I think and the bald one is Matsuda if I remember correctly

I heard they're are super perv from the other girls at class... But I'm not sure I tend to forget stuff easily

And the first thing I see is that they went and choke Issei after they introduce themselves

Y/n: ( Is that how people here do those Bros greeting? That's what it's called I think? )

Matsuda: " Issei! Why the hell are you with him!? "

Motohama: " Yes I thought this are supposed to be a meeting with only the three of us! "

Matsuda: " Yeah! And why does it have to be the school's super hot topic right now the Trap Prince! "

Motohama: " Yeah explain it to us!!? "

Issei: *Choking" " Eugh! "

They release Issei as Issei signals the two of them to come closer


Issei Pov

Issei: " Alright alright I'll explain okay now come closer I can't exactly say this out loud after all or Y/n gonna hear it "

Matsuda: " Why so secretive? "

Issei: " Shut up and listen alright I have a really good reason to bring him with me today "

And so the three of them walk a bit further from Y/n as they all crouch down in a circle

Motohama: " Alright so what is it? "

Issei: " Now don't scream, but I'm worried about Y/n "

Motohama: " What's wrong with him? "

Issei: " Well you see yesterday I see Y/n having a lot of scars on his body and some that look like a- "

Matsuda: " What!? Did he strip naked and sleep with you!? On the same be-!? "

Issei quickly cover Matsuda mouth and pull him back down

Y/n: " ??? "

Issei: " What the hell, why would he even strip and sleep with me you idiot? "

Motohma: " Why? Then explain why is the school's most beautiful girl sleeps with you naked then, huh? "

Issei: " Fair point, but that's not what happens alright "

Motohama: " Fine, then what's wrong you say about scars "

Issei: " We'll I don't mean to be rude or overthinking but some of the scars looks like it is being done by himself... I mean you know suicide scars and some still new like you can still see some blood leaking out... "

Motohama & Matsuda: "" ......... ""

Issei: " So yeah the reason I'm bringing him with me today is because of that, well I thought maybe he has some problem at home you know maybe abusive parents situations? "

Matsuda: " Well... It could also be because he was bullied at his previous school before he transferred here? "

Motohama: " Well for whatever reason it is, we can't be quick to judge it's something like that, but are you sure you see it and not just dream it? "

Issei: " I am one hundred percent sure of what I saw last night so can he join us for today at least, cause I just can't seem to relax if I just let him leave "

Motohama & Matsuda: "" Hmm... ""


Y/n Pov

They seem to be discussing something well I suppose it's about me

The three of them then stand up and approach me

Y/n: " Ah, I'm so-"

Matsuda: " Yoshaa! "

Y/n: " Eeek! "

Matsuda: " Let's go to the arcade! I wanna see how our new noobs do in fighting games! "

Y/n: " Eh? "

Motohama: " Dont mind him, he just like arcade fighting game "

Y/n: " Oh s-so is it fine for me to join you guys "

Issei: " Of course, now c'mon first stop is the arcade! Cause Matsuda wants to see your skill in gaming "

Y/n: " O-okay! "

And so with that, we went to the Arcade, and with me defeating Matsuda one-sidedly in-game

Matsuda: " Fuckkkkkkkk! Why are so good with this! "

Motohama: " Now now my friend it seems like you have Skill issues "

Matsuda: " Shut up! The buttons were just lagging that's why I lose!! "

Issei: " Calm down man "

Y/n: ( Is he being Toxic? I remember Sis used to say that to online people that she defeated in game cause they yell and complain later )

We play around in the arcade for a while before we start walking around the town eating some food

And then at the afternoon, we were in batting cage? Is that what it called

The place to do baseball

And so we paid pretty cheaply cause Matsuda seems to be a regular here

We take turns in hitting the balls to get a homerun and get a prize

I tried it and after a few tries, I was able to get a constant home run

And now it's Matsuda turn to bat

Matsuda: " Alright ladies and gentleman welcome I the great super striker the one who always get a home run shall bat and show you my great skill! "

Motohama & Issei: "" Go! Go! Bald striker!! ""

Y/n: " Go go! Bald striker...? "

Matsuda: " Thats is not my name! I am the great homerun strike! Not bald striker! "

Issei: " Shut up! And just get ready! "

Matsuda: " Tch! I show you that I'm not some baldy! "

And so Matsuda truly shows his skill as he always hit a home run

After a while, the time is up and we go home while bringing some plastic bags full of snacks that we won from getting a Homerun

Issei: " Woah you were actually pretty awesome, and Y/n too, all those balls were super fast not even I can hit it! "

Matsuda: " Heh! So you have seen just how great I am mwahahaha! "

Motohama: " Right right "

Y/n: " Matsuda-San can I ask you something? "

Matsuda: "Sure "

Y/n: " Do you want to be a Pro baseball player? I mean you seem to be really good at it "

Matsuda: " Well something like that I guess "

Issei: " Then why didn't you join the Baseball club? "

Matsuda: " I tried but I got rejected it seem me being a pervert was a problem and so they rejected me... Haha... "

Motohama: " What!? How could the teacher do that! Alright, tomorrow I'm going to protest! "

Issei: " I will join you on that! I won't let my bro's dream be rejected just like that! "

Matsuda: " It's fine... I just gonna join one at the college or something later it's just an impossible dream anyway, I mean if even someone who never plays like Y/n can do a constant homerun just after a few tries, then me who takes five years to be able to do that don't really qualified to be a pro either way... "

Y/n: " No! Please don't give up on your dream like that "

Matsuda: " Huh? Y/n? "

Y/n: " S-sorry I don't mean to shout, b-but Issei-San that having a dream is important right? I mean I was a special case! Unlike I did some umm... Archery before that was the only reason I'm good at baseball! I'm not a pro or anything I don't even know the rules too, so... Please don't give up on your dream and hard work uh... Y-yeah please don't "

They went silent before Matsuda start crying

Matsuda: " Ugh! Even the new guy feels sorry for me and encourages me! Fuck! I can't give now can't I! Then fine! I gonna keep asking the club advisor to let me join then!! "

Issei & Motogama & Y/n: ""' Goooo! """

Matsuda: " Uwooooggghhhhhhhh!! "

3rd Pov

Issei: " Well on that note how about you Motohama? What do you want to be in the future "

Motohama: " Me? Hehheheh... well brotha I plan to be a Fashion Designer "

Issei: " I never thought of that you're the guy who is always into detail stuff "

Motohama: " Haha! Nope just think about it! If I become a Pro then I can touch some boobs and ass of some model with an excuse of trying to find out the size for her dress you know "

Matsuda: " As expected from Motohama such a grand plan! "

Issei: "That's some cool dream oh right
Y/n have you thought of what you want to be? "

Y/n: " Ah! Well, I did some thought about it I guess... I want to be a Game developer maybe... I want to try to make game that can make people forget about the sad time and make them have fun "

Isse&Motohama&Matsuda: " ......... "

Issei: ( Oooh! So is he actually have some abusive parents? Or maybe strict parents? And that why he likes games? )

Motohama: ( Hooo... Could he used to be bullied and have no one helping him To the point of suicide? But he was saved by a game, And that's why he want to make game? )

Matsuda: ( Damm bro so he want to do some Alien shit? I mean those coding if I remember you need to understand math, and I can't even do basic match damm )

Issei: "That's awesome! "

Motohama: " Yeah! "

Matsuda: " Damm you sure are smart if you can understand those Alien languages"

Y/n: " Thanks... "

The four of them then went to eat together as Y/n seem to be brave enough to ask questions now about the other hobby and stuff

As they look at Y/n who was eating puddings he ordered

Y/n: " Hmm? Do you guys want some? "

And so Y/n gave them some well spoon feed them

Motohama: ( Hmm... What is this weird feeling in my chest... Shit! )

Issei: ( Just ignore that weird feeling my friend, well at least Y/n looks happy and more talkative now )

Matsuda: ( Haha! Now I can tell the others I got spoon feed by a cute girl! Let's just think of him as a girl for now I mean he looks like a girl so... It's not like those people know he's a guy either way )

After they are done eating we go out and pay for the food

And then it's time to back home and Y/n see Matsuda, Motohama, and Issei do some kind of code goodbye move?

Y/n: " Oooh! what is that? Some kind of secret code before leaving? "

Motohama: " Something like that, wanna do it too? "

Y/n: " Eh? B-but isn't that something you do with your best friend? "

Matsuda: " Well aren't we friend now? "

Y/n: " R-really? "

Issei: " Yup! "

Y/n: " But I don't know how to do that secret code "

Motohama: " It's fine we can teach you how to do it! our Bros secret handshake that only means for us four! "

Y/n: " Really!? "

Y/n was looking super excited

Motohama: ( Holy shit! How can a guy be this f*king cute! Shit! Shit! That weird feeling in my chest is coming back! Fuck! )

Issei: ( Ah... Yes now that's some pretty cute smile damm... No homo!! It looks so blinding, at least he looks happy which is good )

Matsuda: ( Yosha! New bros on the group! And now we actually has someone that can help us cheat on exam! Also damm his eyes are look so alive now nice going, bro! )

Y/n: ( Ooooh! This is so exciting! I never have this kind of secret special handshake with a friend! I mean I don't have many friends and they are all girls... )

And so the three bros teach they're new bros the secret bros handshake

Y/n: " Hehe... A secret handshake hehe "

Y/n was smiling happily as he look at his hand as he do some of the handshake moves so he doesn't forget it

Motohama: ( Shit! My heart! Why is it in pain! Am I having a heart attack! )

Issei: ( Yosha! With this he should be fine right? Man I'm worrying too much, he looks so happy right now )

Matsuda: ( Oh god! What is this cute creature I'm looking at! It looks so cute that I want to protect it! )

And the time comes as they all went to their own way to home and Y/n as well go back to his house

As he looks at his phone as now it has new contacts which are Motohama and Matsuda contacts


Y/n Pov

I keep remembering stuff today and smiling about it which makes me look weird probably

Hehe ah...

Y/n: " Wonder how sis and the others doing back at home "

I thought as I open the door to my house,  and went inside, and go to the living room

Y/n: " Hmm the living room seems cleaner than I remember? Did Sis clean it? Nah... Impossible she is too lazy to do that "

I then head to the kitchen to cook up some dinner for Sis and the others

While at it I also make some simple toasted bread and milk for myself cause I already eat with Issei and the others

After a while, I'm done cooking and put some eggs and fried karage on seven plates and place them on the table in front of the chair

And also some soup

Y/n: " Sis, everyone it's time to eat "

I sit on my chair as I wait for Sis to come back home

After a while of waiting they are not coming back home, I start feeling down maybe they were mad cause we left them for the whole day

And then they finally back and sit down to eat

Y/n: " Ah Sis! Everyone! You're here! You know today I hang out and got a new friend "

And so that night I tell about what I did with Issei, and my new friends

While Sis and Evryone just smile as they look at me

Chapter end

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