【 π—§π—›π—˜ π—•π—Ÿπ—¨π—₯ γ€‘π©π’πžοΏ½...

By scottie_black

1.6K 49 43

( There's a prologue so this description is gonna be kinda vague. ) ------------------------------ Your name... More

=== CIVIL WAR ===


212 7 3
By scottie_black

проклятие = damn

Красивый = beautiful 


Not even two hours after you wake up in the morning, Steve gathers you and the rest of the team to talk about Ultron. It's pretty normal for Steve to call meetings randomly. You were not expecting, however, Steve to show you a picture of a dead man's body as soon as he began.

"What's this?" Tony asks. "A message. Ultron killed Strucker." Steve answers. "No shit." You murmur as you push your coffee cup away from you, too disturbed to drink anymore of it. Your dad picks it up and takes a sip before saying, " And he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us."

"This is a smokescreen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech?" Natasha questions, folding her arms in front of her chest. "Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss." Steve replies.

"Yeah, I bet he..." Nat pauses to look at the computer monitor, "Yep. Everything we had on Strucker has been erased."

"Not everything." Your dad says. Soon, you're pulling out boxes, looking through the physical files you have on Strucker. "Known associates." Steve starts looking through a box with Bruce, "Well, Strucker had a lot of friends." He adds, staring at all the files in the box.

"Well, these people are all horrible." Bruce says as he picks up a file. "Wait, I know that guy." Your dad claims. Bruce hands over the file and your dad continues, "From back in the day. He operates off the African coast, black market arms." Steve gives him an accusing look, "There are conventions, alright? You meet people, I didn't sell him anything." Tony defends himself.

You peek over your dads shoulder to see the file, "Ulysses Klaue..." You read the man's name out loud. "He was talking about finding something new, a game changer, it was all very 'Ahab.' " Your dad says.

Thor points to a scar on the back of Ulysses' neck, "What's this?" He asks Tony.

"Uh, it's a tattoo. I don't think he had it–" Thor interrupts your father, shaking his head in disagreement. "No, those are tattoos," Thor points to some of Ulysses' ink tattoos, "This is a brand." He points to the scar.

Banner identifies the brand on Klaue's neck on the computer in a matter of minutes. "Oh, yeah. It's a word in an African dialect meaning thief, in a much less friendly way." He explains.

" What dialect?" Steve asks him curiously.

" Wakanda...? Wa–Wa–Wakanda...?" Bruce tries to pronounce the name of the dialect as he reads it off the computer screen.

Tony and Steve look at each other knowingly, "If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods..." Tony starts. "I thought your father said he got the last of it?" Steve furrows his eyebrows, looking at Tony in question.

" Hang on, what's in Wakanda?" You speak as you fold your arms across your chest. Your dad turns to Steve's shield and says, "The strongest metal on earth."

" Where is this guy now?" Steve asks Tony.


In Salvage Yard, African Coast; Klaue is talking on the phone in his office. "Don't tell me your man swindled you. I sent you six short range heat seekers and got a boat full of rusted parts. Now, you will make it right, or the next missile I send you will come very much faster." He ends the call and then connects to another call, "Now, minister, where were we–?"

Suddenly the lights go out causing a commotion in the salvage yard and cutting off Klaue's phone call. Klaue looks around in the darkness cautiously and reaches over to grab the gun sitting on his desk. Something catches his eye and he takes a few slow steps forward before firing into the darkness. In a flash he's yanked back, the gun pulled from his hand in the process. Pietro stands behind him with his arms crossed as Klaue looks down at his desk, the gun he had been previously holding now taken apart, each bullet standing up on the table.

Wanda slowly emerges from the shadows, and Klaue grins as he sits down in his chair. "Yeah. The enhanced. Strucker's prize pupils." He says and picks up a dish of candies from his desk, "Want a candy?" He asks, offering the bowl of sweets to the twins who only stare blankly at him. He sets the bowl back down on the desk, "Oh, sorry to hear about Strucker. But then, he knew what kind of world he was helping create. Human life, not a growth market."

Wanda and Pietro turn to each other, having just heard of this for the first time, and he continues, "You...you didn't know? Is this your first time intimidating someone? I'm afraid that I'm not that afraid."

" Everybody's afraid of something." Wanda saunters towards him slowly.

" Cuttlefish." Klaue says, pointing at her. Pietro raises an eyebrow and Wanda tilts her head, "Deep sea fish. They make lights. disco lights. Whoom, whoom, whoom! to hypnotize their prey, then whoom! I saw a documentary, it was terrifying." He tells them. Pietro speeds over to pick up a candy from Klaue's desk, and Klaue jerks at the sudden movement. Klaue turns to Pietro as he pops the candy into his mouth, folding his arms back over his chest.

" So if you're going to fiddle with my brain, and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then I know you don't do business, and I know you're not in charge, and I only deal with the man in charge." Says Klaue as he looks at Wanda, standing up from seat.

As if on cue, Ultron breaks through the glass window and knocks down Klaue. As Klaue lies on the ground, stunned, Ultron towers over him. "There is no 'man' in charge," Ultron says and leans down so his metal face is mere inches from Klaue's. "Let's talk business."

Klaue agrees, taking Ultron and the Maximoffs to his stash of vibranium. Klaue bitterly hands over a large vial of it, "Upon this rock I will build my church." Says Ultron as he takes it and flips it in his hand. "Vibranium." He mutters, satisfied, before tossing the vial to Pietro, who quickly catches it. Pietro examines the vibranium curiously as Klaue begins to speak.

" You know, it came at great personal cost. It's worth billions." He says, scratching the back of his neck. You can tell by his sneer that he's pissed.

Ultron chuckles and remotely puts money in Klaue's bank account. "Now, so are you. It's all under your dummy holdings? Finance is so weird." A device in one of Klaue's men's pockets vibrates as the money transfers, and Klaue goes over and inspects it. "But I always say, ' Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich, and wait to find out which is which.' "

Klaue slowly turns towards Ultron after he hears Ultron's statement. "Stark." He says and Pietro's gaze quickly shifts to Ultron. "What?" Ultron questions.

" Tony Stark used to say that," Klaue says, looking at the twins. He turns to Ultron, "To me. You're one of his."

" What?! I'm not–" Ultron reaches forward and grabs Klaue's arm with his iron fist. One of Klaue's men quickly pulls out his gun, but Wanda uses her telekinesis to force him to lower it. "I'm not." Ultron growls, leaning in close to Klaue's face threateningly.

" You think I'm one of Stark's puppets, his hollow men?" Ultron questions, his grip on Klaue's arm getting tighter. Klaue stares up at Ultron fearfully. "I mean look at me, do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing!" Ultron impulsively chops off Klaue's arm, who lets out a shout of pain. Pietro and Wanda watch in surprise, slightly disturbed.

Klaue staggers back, panting, holding his arm in pain. "I'm sorry. I am sor– Ooh, I'm sure that's going to be okay. I'm sorry, it's just I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark!" Ultron kicks Klaue, sending him out the door and down a flight of stairs. The same man that works for Klaue hurriedly goes after him.

"It's a thing with me. Stark is – he's a sickness!" Ultron exclaims angrily.

" Aw Junior," Tony's voice says, causing Ultron to turn his head. "You're gonna break your old man's heart." Your dad lands in his Iron Man armor in between Thor and Cap. You speed up behind them and stand on Steve's other side.

Ultron turns his body completely to face you, Thor, Tony, and Steve. "If I have to," He replies nonchalantly as he takes a few slow steps forward, the twins not far behind him.

"We don't have to break anything." Says Thor.

" Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron says.

" He beat me by one second," Your dad claims. Thor glances at him, slightly annoyed.

" Ah, zhis is funny, Mr. Stark." Pietro says as he saunters forward slowly, "It's what, comfortable?" He looks down at the many bomb shells on the ground under the bridge that is in between you. "Like old times?"

"This was never my life." Tony tells them as he looks down at the bombs.

" You two can still walk away from this," Steve says to the twins.

" Oh, we will." Wanda assures.

" I know you've suffered–" Ultron cuts Steve short with a disgusted groan. "Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but–"

Thor interrupts him, "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."

" I think you're confusing peace with quiet." Ultron says.

" Yuh–huh, what's the vibranium for?" You demand, taking a few steps forward so that you're now standing side by side with your dad.

" I'm glad you asked that," Ultron says, slowly raising his hand as he speaks. "Because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Immediately some kind of magnetic blast shoots out of Ultrons hand and pulls Tony towards him. Three bots drop down and attack you, Steve, and Thor as Ultron blasts Tony back into the wall behind you. He recovers quickly and uses his thrusters to fly into battle with Ultron.

You're quick to grab the head of the bot that's attacking you and spinning in place as fast as you can before letting go, sending the bot far away and into a pile of crates. It glitches and sputters before shutting down.

You speed over to help Cap with the bot that's attacking him. You come up behind it and grab its head, pulling it back to expose its vulnerable neck. Steve uses his shield to sever its head from its body by hitting its neck, the bot's body falling limply to the ground.

" Thanks kid." Steve says, as he turns to throw his shield at incoming soldiers. Human ones, more than likely Klaue's men.

" No problem Ca–" You're cut off when something rams into you and sends you flying into the wall. You groan in pain and look up to see Pietro standing in front of you, " Hello again, Красивый." He smirks.

" You know," You sniff, swiping your thumb under your nose, "You're kinda starting to be a pain in my ass." You say before speeding forward, punching him in the face. He staggers back, holding his jaw with his hand, " проклятие." He curses in Russian. He quickly recovers and swings at your face, you weren't fast enough to block it and his fist connects with your nose. Almost immediately, you feel the blood pouring out of your nose and the taste of it in your mouth. You spit onto the floor, a mixture of blood and saliva, before hooking towards his face. He blocks it and then knees you in the gut, you groan but recover and hook again but he ducks.

While he's still ducking, he grabs your waist and throws you onto his shoulder. You shout out in surprise as he takes off, speeding across the room. Then, Pietro stops abruptly and tosses you off his shoulder and into a pile of crates. You groan in pain, bringing your hand up to your head.

You're too dazed to notice Wanda coming up behind you. You close your eyes shut, trying to get rid of the pain in your head, but when you open them you're in an entirely different place. It's like you're on a different planet. The sky is an eerie orange and the world around you is vast and empty. There appears to be a weird looking red moon in the sky. The ground surrounding you is dry, no evidence of life in sight. You look around, puzzled, trying to find out exactly where you are. That's when you spot someone lying on their side about 80 yards away from you.

" Hey! Are you okay?" You call out to them, beginning to jog towards them. They don't answer and you speed to their side. Their back is facing you as you kneel down on your knees, grabbing their shoulder. "Hey, are you–" You roll them over onto their back, but immediately recoil in horror. There's no question that this person is your father, but his eyes are dull and lifeless. "Oh my god." You mutter, clamping your hand over your mouth.

" You weren't fast enough." A voice speaks behind you. Startled, you whip your head around and see your mother standing behind you in a hospital gown, blood surrounding her mouth. You gasp in fright as she continues, "First, you killed me. Now you've killed him too."

" No," you whisper. " No, it wasn't my fault! Dad said your death had nothing to do with me!" You protest, scrambling to your feet to get away from her.

" You actually believe that?" Your deceased mother questions, laughing psychotically. You begin to panic, your hands shaking as you hyperventilate. "It is your fault, Y/n. No matter how much you try to deny it." She grins, walking towards you as you back away. "You know the truth." She unexpectedly reaches forward and grabs your wrist, pulling you close. "You killed us."

" No!" You try to rip your arm from her grip, "Get off me!" You cry, tears escaping your eyes as you finally pull your arm away. You immediately take off, running as fast as you can away from her. 

" Y/n." Her voice rings in your mind. You shake your head but her voice continues, "Y/n. Y/n." Then her voice starts changing. "Y/n! Y/n!" Your body begins to shake involuntarily, "Y/n!" Clint shouts loudly as he shakes your shoulders.

You blink a few times, your eyes now their original shade of ( eye color ). You stare up at Clint in front of you with wide eyes, your breathing erratic. "It wasn't real." Clint assures you, his hands resting on your shoulders. "It wasn't real, kiddo."


You're sitting in the Quinjet with the rest of the Avengers. You sigh, putting your elbows on your knees and then resting your head in your hands. Everyone's pretty out of it from the visions, all except for your dad and Clint, who weren't victims of Wanda Maximoff's powers.

You pretty much just block everything out for most of the ride, not even bothering to ask where you were going. You heard Clint say something about a safe house but you didn't know anything else.

Finally Clint lands the Quinjet. You absentmindedly stand from your seat and follow everyone else outside. "What is this place?" Your dad asks Clint as you all approach a large farmhouse. The fresh air of the countryside is relaxing and you take a long, deep, breath in. "A safe house?" Your dad questions. You walk up onto the porch and Clint answers, "Let's hope."

As he opens the door he shouts, "Honey, I'm home!" You all walk into the house, looking around in confusion. Then, a heavily pregnant woman enters the room and Clint goes up to her, "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." He apologizes and the woman greets him with a kiss.

" This is an agent of some kind." Tony mutters to Thor. You take a step forward and a loud squeak sounds through the room. Looking down, you pick up your foot and watch as a small red toy ball re-inflates itself, squeaking again as it does so. You look up at everyone, "Sorry, my bad." You murmur, putting your hands behind your back.

" Everyone, this is Laura." Clint introduces you all to the woman, whose name is apparently Laura. "I know all your names." Laura smiles.

You smile at her awkwardly. Then you hear loud footsteps from another room, "Oh, incoming." Clint grins as two children run into the room.

"Dad!" The little girl shouts as Clint picks her up. You smile as Clint reunites with his kids. "These are... smaller agents." Your dad says as Clint kisses the other kid, a boy, on the head.

" Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The little girl asks Clint excitedly. Nat steps forward and smiles, "Why don't you hug her and find out?" She asks and the girl runs to Nat, who picks her up in her arms.

" Sorry for barging in on you," Steve apologizes, looking at Laura sympathetically.

" Yeah, we would've called ahead, but we were too busy having no idea you existed." Tony says sarcastically.

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low." Clint explains.

Nat sets her hands on Laura's stomach, "How little Natasha, huh?" She inquires.

" Well, she's... Nathaniel." Laura tells her and Nat gapes at her in disbelief. She leans down to Laura's pregnant stomach, "Traitor." She mutters to the child inside.

Suddenly Thor turns and walks out of the house, Steve following behind him. You trail after them, watching from the front porch as Thor flies away. "Where's he going?" You question Steve, who looks lost in thought.

Steve jumps slightly, turning to look at you, "Uhh, he's got something to take care of."

" Is he coming back?" You ask.

Steve looks up at the sky, where Thor disappeared, " I'm not sure."


At the U-Gin Genetic Research Lab, Seoul, Korea – Dr. Helen Cho enters her lab.

" Scream, and your entire staff dies." Ultron threatens, making his presence known. Cho gasps slightly, looking up at him silently as he continues. "I could've killed you, Helen, the night we met. I didn't." He tells her.

" You expect a thank you note?" Helen asks incredulously.

" I expect you to know why." Ultron says.

Dr. Cho looks down in realization, "The Cradle." She says as she hears her own voice on recording, " This is the next thing, Tony."

Ultron places his hand upon the Cradle, "This... is the next me."

" The regeneration cradle prints tissue, it can't build a living body." Cho says defensively.

" It can." Ultron says sternly, "You can." He approaches her slowly and she backs away fearfully. "You lack the materials." One of Ultron's drones walks forward, holding a vial of vibranium in its hands. "You're a brilliant woman, Helen." Ultron says. A blue light from behind Cho causes her to turn around, she stumbles back when one of Ultron's bots holds Loki's scepter close to her chest. "But we all have room to improve." The bot places the scepter to her chest and her eyes go entirely black before fading into a very light blue. 


So, I think I'm gonna write Civil war in this one book too. And then write Infinity War and Endgame in a separate book. Age of Ultron won't be the only movie in this story. It'll be interesting adding Pietro to the other movies but I'll figure it all out! 

Anywho, help me out and give this chapter a vote, if you'd like! Thanks guys, have an amazing week! 

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