(Rewrite) The Future of Tomor...


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In an alternate timeline sirens strike at some of the strongest warships ever created. USS Midway, USS Montan... More

Chapter 1: Displaced
Chapter 2: Direction
Chapter 3: Enter the Fray
Chapter 4: Meet and Greet
Chapter 5: Celebration
Chapter 6: Trip to San Diego Part 1

Chapter 7: Trip to San Diego Part 2

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Date: August 15th, 1947

Location: North part of the Atlantic Ocean

Time: 12:00 pm

Dark clouds loom across the sky as a single battleship raises its large 406mm guns before unleashing a salvo with a thunderous roar. Eight shells hurl towards a mixed Siren fleet as they return fire at the surviving German battleship. Accurate shells and lasers fired from the Sirens pummel the large warship as it maneuvers around the stricken H-39 class Ulrich von Hutten. The Hutten lists heavily to its port side and most of its superstructure is set ablaze. Surviving escorts around the two battleships attempt to rescue sailors in the water and avoid incoming fire. What was supposed to be a decisive battle in the Atlantic against a Siren stronghold has turned into a slaughter.

At first the German ships were the ones dishing out the damage. But that changed as more Siren reinforcements arrived to replace the warships that have been destroyed. The German fleet sunk at least twenty enemy ships of various classes. Yet it mattered not. For this was a battle of attrition, a battle in which mankind can only hope to win against the Sirens.

Soon the second mighty H-39 class battleship Götz von Berlichingen's port side is set aflame as a secretary 150mm gun turret explodes. Despite the damage taken the large German warship continues to maneuver around sinking wrecks as it attempts to disengage from the fight. Meanwhile the captain of the Berlichingen gives the order for all surviving ships to retreat. It pains the captain to abandon the men still in the water. However if any ship is to survive then they must fall back now. Seconds later the ship violently rocks as the ammunition storage for the destroyed 150mm gun turret goes up in flames. The explosion buckles the hull while the force of blast tears several holes along the side of the hull below the water line. Water immediately begins to pour through the holes. Quickly water tight doors are closed in an effort to isolate the flooding. While not necessarily a fatal wound, the battleship is doomed to slow down, and eventually the list will limit the range of her guns.

Moments later large caliber shells strike the disabled Ulrich von Hutten. With a tremendous explosion the "A" turret is launched thirty or so meters into the air before crashing down on the rear deck of a nearby destroyer leader that is still trying to pickup survivors in the water. The massive 1,475 ton turret crushes the two rear turrets on the 5,700 ton large destroyer. The force of the impact causes the bow to almost completely rise out of the water. Men are thrown around inside the ship as Hutten's turret rolls off the rear of the destroyer leader and into the sea. Back on the Berlichingen an observation officer gives a dreadful call out.

"Enemy battleship! Bearing 20km off our port side!"

Quickly the captain begins issuing orders. "Order what remains of the rest of the fleet to withdraw at flank speed. Helm, change course to kite away from the Siren battleship. We need to buy the rest of the fleet as much time as possible!"

"Sir?!" Berlichingen's XO questions.

"For some of you this might be hard to take in, but this ship is not going to survive this encounter. Due to the flooding we will be too slow to outrun our enemies and we can't win a fight against all those Siren ships. However we can buy time for others to escape this nightmare. But since we are going down, let's take as many Sirens down with us!"

"You heard the captain, main guns prepare to fire!" The XO orders.

As the remaining german ships flee the battle Berlichingen opens fire once more. Most of her 406mm shells miss the Siren battleship but one extremely lucky early hit slams into the Siren warship's forward main turret barbet and detonates. The force of the explosion jams the turret in place as it was training its guns lead the Berlichingen. Seconds later the Siren battleship returns fire with it's starboard wing turret. While Siren battleships only have nine 380mm guns in three turrets, those guns have unparalleled accuracy and shell velocity compared to any battleship built by mankind. Two of the three high velocity 380mm HE shells slam into the Berlichingen. One shell hits to the side of the rear roof on Götz von Berlichingen's "Z" turret. The blast throws shrapnel and smoke throughout the turret effectively disabling it. The blast also sends burning shrapnel into the barbet of the "Y" turret. Fortunately the barbet blocks shrapnel but the blast warps the armor plates. The second hit detonates on the rear superstructure and breaks the rear rangefinder. The Götz von Berlichingen changes course slightly so it can bring its forward rangefinder to target the enemy battleship. Over the next few minutes the two battleships slug it out at medium range. Unfortunately for the Berlichingen three shells strike her for every shell she manages to put on target. And while the two combatants hurl salvos at each other Siren pawns close in for a torpedo attack...

About this time the Ulrich von Hutten has completely capsized and the bottom of hull slowly slips beneath the waves. Nearby the surviving crew of the destroyer leader desperately attempt to save their ship. The impact from the heavy battleship turret caused cracks and holes to rupture in the destroyer's hull while also knocking out its power. Without pumps the crew seal water tight doors in hopes of keeping the ship afloat. However as the stern continues to sink, and as no response come from the engine room, the grim reality of the situation becomes apparent. The large destroyer Z-40 is dead in the water leaving her crew to watch in horror as the Sirens come ever closer. Minutes later Z-40 succumbs to damage inflicted by the Sirens. But just as the ship dips below the waves a strange white light surrounds the hull. After a moment the light disappears along with the destroyer leader leaving many doomed sailors in the water...

Meanwhile the rest of the German fleet attempts to flee as a second group of Sirens give chase. One ship, the pocket battleship Admiral Scheer tries to keep up with the other ships. The fleet is pushing twenty eight knots which normally wouldn't be a problem for the pocket battleship. However due to damage sustained to its engine room the ship is barely doing twenty three and half knots. The rear turret of the Admiral Scheer fires away in hopes of deterring the Siren pawns. While she does score a few hits and even disables a pawn with her 283mm guns, the Pawns continue to fire upon her as they close the distance. Suddenly a whirlpool appears out of nowhere about 10o meters in front of the ship. The helm tries to turn to avoid the abnormal threat but the ship doesn't turn in time. The warship's bow plunges into the hole in the water and within seconds the entire ship is swallowed by the sea. The whirlpool soon disappears leaving a white glow shining beneath the surface of the water for a moment before it fades away...

Minutes later the severely damaged Götz von Berlichingen fires its last operational turret as two Siren torpedos slam into the port side of the ship. Several fires rage across the deck and superstructure of the ship. The once great battleship lists heavily to its port side with water beginning to lap over the deck. In the end the Berlichingen disabled the Siren battleship but took great damage in return, leaving the German battleship almost defenses against the swarm of Siren pawns ready to finish her off. Despite the fact the ship could founder at any moment the crew bravely fight on with any weapon that still works. Three Siren pawns are destroyed by the time the last German battleship finally rolls over and capsizes. Thus the Bloody Battle of the North Atlantic ends in Siren victory. However as the Götz von Berlichingen sinks a white light surrounds the hull of the ship. Moments later when the light finally fades the battleship is revealed to have disappeared like many other ships before it.


Date: January 4th, 1944

Location: Halfway between California and Hawaii

Time: 12:15 pm

Its now the middle of the fourth day as the fleet journeys to San Diego. Despite no further contact with the Sirens since the previous night everyone is on high alert. Fortunately the three ship girls who were injured during the engagement the night before are in a stable condition and should make a full recovery given time. Laffey hops aboard the USS Montana before summoning her ship to follow beside the massive American warship. After asking for directions to the infirmary Laffey went to check on her friend Javelin. In the infirmary the doctor states that Javelin had regained conciseness a few hours before, however she is currently resting. Disappointed that she couldn't spend time with her Royal Navy friend Laffey wanders through the battleship until she exits a hatchway near one of USS Montana's secondary turrets. As she steps onto the wooden deck of the warship she begins to study the nearby 127mm gun turret. Due to her ship's history of when she fought IJN Hiei, Laffey has naturally been fascinated by battleships and battlecruisers. While the turret looks similar to the ones mounted on Eagle Union fast battleships and Allen M. Sumner class destroyers Laffey can tell this turret is slightly wider and the gun barrels are a little bit longer. Out of curiosity she turns to ask a nearby sailor who is washing the deck, however she fails see Captain James walking across the deck towards her.

"Sir, do you know what type of turret this is? Laffey has never seen one before." She asks after getting their attention as she points to the twin 127mm turret.

Before the sailor could answer Captain James replies. "Thats a Mark 16 twin 127mm gun turret."

Laffey turns around as James continues. "The Mark 16 is a continuation in development from the Mark 12 which is probably what you're more familiar with. Even the USS Midway uses Mark 16 secondary guns but she has single mounts compared to our twin mounts."

James then gestures towards where the Midway is sailing. Laffey glances at the nine single mount Mk 16 gun turrets resting in neutral position on the starboard side of the large carrier.

"Pretty ship, but Laffey prefers battleships and battlecruisers."

"Indeed, the Midway is a magnificent warship. She and her sister ships represent the might of American engineering and the development of our air power. However Montana is the pinnacle of US battleships. Unfortunately she will be the last of her kind. You see, in our world battleships were slowly becoming less and less effective. Not necessarily obsolete, but theres no longer a need to keep building them. Not when the end of their era is in sight."

"A shame, Laffey hopes battleships here won't suffer the same fate."

Suddenly the scene around the fleet changes. Instead of the calm east part of Pacific Ocean the fleet now finds itself sailing through a sea littered with wrecks of warships. James rushes to his ship's bridge while Laffey jumps onto the water while summoning her rigging.

"This is Enterprise, it appears we've stumbled into a mirror sea. Stick together while we try to locate where the control unit is. It's the only way we know how to escape. Usually it's in some kind of command like structure."

Moments later Captain Joseph gets on the fleet channel. "My scouts have just located a small Island about 36km directly to our front. They report there is some kind of structure on the island. Perhaps this is building we are looking for."

"Understood captain, however we should approach with caution. This seems a little too easy." Hornet announces over radio.

Far ahead of the fleet a large fortress like structure rests on a small island. There are several visible parts to the Siren fortress. One long rectangular section rests at the edge of the water. What appears to be several massive closed doors can be seen. The main part of the fortress rests behind the first. It is shorter in width but much taller. Branching from the main structure are several smaller cube or rectangular size buildings. As a scout plane descends to observe the strange Siren fortress it spots two fleets of warships steaming around the sides of the island. The pilot quickly radios back to the Midway.

"This is Charlie Four, I'm looking at two fleets that are steaming around to either side of the island. One fleet appears to be made of ships resembling our own while the other fleet looks to be made of Japanese warships. Over."

"That means that we most likely entered some kind of Siren reenactment. Be on your toes, those warships could turn on us at any moment. Over." Enterprise informs.

A second later the battleships from both of the reenactment fleets open fire at each other. The Eagle Union reenactment fleet has a lone North Carolina class battleship and a single South Dakota class battleship. Seven cruisers formed a U around the two battleships. A Baltimore class heavy cruiser and a New Orleans class heavy cruiser are supported by three Brooklyn class light cruisers. A single Atlanta class light cruiser sails at each end of the U formation. Lastly five Eagle Union destroyers of various classes leads the fleet. Meanwhile the Sakura Empire reenactment fleet has a single Nagato class battleship accompanied by two Kongo class battlecruisers. This fleet also has seven cruisers. Two Takao class heavy cruisers, three Aboa class heavy cruisers, and two Mogami class in light cruiser configuration sail in two parallel lines to each side of the capital ships. The Sakuran reenactment fleet's four destroyers take position at the front of the fleet.

"This is Captain Joseph, all ships turn to port. James, Ren, Kentucky, have your battleships target the building. The sooner it's gone the sooner we can leave this place. In the meantime I'll begin prepping my planes in case those reenactment ships turn hostile."

Both captains and the male kansen acknowledge the orders as the American-Japanese fleet turns to port. All three battleships begin loading HE shells into the cannon breaches as their turrets slowly train their sights onto the strange building.

"Estimated Range, 35 kilometers. Target is barely visible on the horizon." The gunnery officer onboard the Montana calls out.

With the range set Captain James gives the order to fire.


USS Montana's gun roar as twelve HE shells are hurled down range towards their target. A moment later IJN Shikishima's guns open fire quickly followed by Kentucky. Seconds tick by as the shells pass high overhead the raging battle between the reenactment fleets. However as the shells descend towards their target they slam into some kind of invisible barrier. For a brief moment the barrier becomes visible as shockwaves from the impact ripple across its surface. Fifteen high caliber shells strike the barrier in rapid succession but fail to penetrate and detonate sending more shockwaves across it's surface. Just then the reenactment ships cease firing at each other.

"This is Charlie Four, no hits were scored. It appears the shells were stopped in mid air as they neared the target. Also, be advised that the strange fleets have stopped firing at one another. Over."

"Joseph, I think we just kicked the hornets nest!" Captain James warns as his observation officer informs him that the surviving reenactment ships were beginning to form up.

"All ships prepare for combat! Target the American looking battleships! I'll send my planes to deal with the Japanese looking capital ships. No offense Captain Ren, Captain Jiro, but your country's ships are not know for your anti aircraft capabilities. Girls, you may fire at your own discretion. However I advise you to maintain your distance from those warships. While our weapons are quite accurate and for the most part will land near where we're aiming at this range, I'd like to avoid causing not so friendly fire." Joseph quickly orders.

The other captains as well as the their kansen escorts acknowledge the orders. Moments later both of the reenactment fleet's battleships open fire as they enter within twenty kilometers of the American-Japanese warships.

"Incoming fire! All hands brace for impact!" Captain Ren orders to his bridge crew.

Fortunately, all forty battleship caliber shells fall short and to the front of the American-Japanese combined fleet.

"Our turn! Captain Ren, Captain Jiro, Kentucky, let's show these Siren copies the true firepower of our nations!" Captain James shouts over the radio.

Seconds later USS Montana, IJN Shikishima, IJN Yoshino, and USS Kentucky return fire at the reenactment fleets. All four of the warships had trained their sights on the enemy North Carolina class battleship. Most of Montana's salvo falls short by mere meters. However a single 406mm shell strikes the ship's hull just below the water line and manages to penetrate the extended belt armor. Shikishima's shells go high a splash into the water on the opposite side of the North Carolina. Kentucky's opening salvo somehow lands three hits. One AP shell rips through the conning tower while another penetrates the main belt armor. However the last shell strikes the bridge and detonates as it burrows into the thick armor. The explosion blows a hole into the side of the bridge while hurling shrapnel into the fragile equipment through out the room. Lastly Yoshino's salvo lands short of their target. Unknown to the American-Japanese fleet is that the hit to bridge effectively knocked out the reenactment ship despite that such a hit would not normally finish off a human built warship.

"This is Charlie Four, the heck did your gunners smoke? Because y'all landed hits in the first salvo!"

"Huh, I think you might've even knocked that mass produced ship out. It's appears to be slowing down and it's aa guns are not engaging my planes." Enterprise comments as her dive bombers approach the reenactment fleet.

"Well, I guess thats one down but there is still a lot of work to be done." Captain Ren states.

Enterprise's planes line up on the second Eagle Union looking reenactment battleship. As her planes near the battleship they are met by fierce flack. Several Dauntless dive bombers plummet from the sky in flames as Enterprise presses her attack. Moments later a handful of her dive bombers punch through the murderous flack and begin their dives. A few 1000lb and a handful of 100lb bombs strike the copy of the South Dakota class battleship. One 1000lb bomb hits just behind the second turret, jamming it, and also starting a fire. Another strikes amid ship on the port side, penetrates the main deck armor, and blows a hole near the waterline. A 100lb bomb hits behind the conning tower near the base of the funnel while destroying several aa guns. Another 100lb bomb strikes the top of the conning tower and blows the rangefinder and radar away. As Enterprise's planes begin to return, smoke rises from the wounded battleship as the flames begin to spread.

"I landed a few good hits but that ship isn't out of the fight just yet." Enterprise informs.

The remaining battleships from both reenactment fleets fire again. This time thirty one shells soar through the air towards the combined Japanese-American fleet. The salvos of shells land much closer to the human warships. With a few landing mere meters short from the USS Montana and IJN Yoshino who are still towing Savannah's and Javelin's ships.

"That was too close! I doubt those ships will miss a third time!" Jiro shouts over the fleet channel.

Meanwhile Laffey, Hornet, Enterprise, and Cleveland close the distance to reenactment fleets. Enterprise lands her planes as Hornet launches her dive bombers. Hornet sends her Dauntless towards the Japanese reenactment fleet with the intent of taking out the capital ships. But as her planes near the fleet she notices one line of Japanese reenactment cruisers breaking off from their fleet and heading straight for the American-Japanese warships. Quickly she orders her planes to engage the four cruisers and two destroyers attempting to b-line for the human warships.

"Captains, be advised that a group of Sakuran reenactment ships have broken off from their fleet and are heading towards you. We'll try to hold them off. Over." Hornet informs.

"Acknowledged, Midway is currently launching her attackers." Captain Joseph states as a fifth pair of TDB Destroyers belonging to Midway's torpedo squadron taking off with the assistance of catapults.

A sixth pair of TDB Destroyers prepare for takeoff as the American and Japanese gunboats fire off their second salvo. Six 510mm, twenty one 406mm, and nine 310mm shell hurl through the air towards the wounded Siren South Dakota copy. Unfortunately Shikishima's shells land short of the enemy battleship while Yoshino's salvo lands in the Siren copy's wake. Montana's and Kentucky's salvos fair much better as three 406mm shells hit home. One strike the belt armor and punch through before detonating deep inside the ship. A second hits the aft turret but bounces off the thick armor of the turret face. The last shell slam into the superstructure.

"Charlie Four, how did we do this time? Radar indicates that we might've landed some hits." Captain James asks over the radio.

"Good hits, good hits, but unfortunately that ship still isn't down yet. Shikishima, your shells landed short. Yoshino's shells fell in the target's wake." The spotter replies.

"Dammit!" Shikishima's XO lets out upon hearing the report.

"Easy there XO, the American's advanced radar allows them to see roughly where their shells landed. This makes it much easier for them to correct their aim and to be the first to put shells on target." Captain Ren explains.

Half a minute later as Midway's sixth TDB group begins to takes off the Siren reenactment fleet's battleships fire again. This time however, the American-Japanese fleet would not remain unscathed. Shells from the crippled South Dakota copy go high and barely miss the Yoshino. With some shells passing in between the conning tower and the fore castle of the superstructure. Most of the Siren copy of Nagato's salvo brackets USS Montana. However one 410mm AP shell slams into the angled 409mm main belt armor but fails to penetrate. A second AP shell punches through Montana's upper deck armor near the first starboard twin 127mm turret but fails to penetrate the 147mm main deck armor. The shell detonates and starts a small fire.

Lastly, the sixteen shells from the copies of the Kongo class battlecruiser land all around the USS Montana with a few striking the American super battleship. USS Montana simply shrugs off the 356mm AP shells. The American-Japanese fleet soon returns fire once more. A moment later Captain James turns to bridge crew.

"Damage report!" Captain James demands.

"Sir, we've been hit near the first starboard secondary turret. Damage control is on route to contain the fire. All other hits only scratched our paint." An officer reports.

Meanwhile thirty six shells soar through the air towards the wounded reenactment South Dakota copy. A few 406mm shells from Kentucky and Montana strike and further damage the ship. Yoshino's salvo manages to land two hits on the stern of the siren copy. Most of Shikishima's shells land just short of the battleship but this time a single 510mm shell slams into the extended belt armor just below the waterline. The massive shell tears through the armor before finding its way into the South Dakota copy's forward powder room. The resulting explosion rips the first turret off its barbet and sends it flying before landing in the water a few meters from the hull. Meanwhile the bow below the waterline is ripped open as the explosion punches huge holes in hull. Water quickly floods the bow of the doomed ship. The explosion catches the girls by surprise as they glance at the quickly sinking hull.

"Wow, for mass produced ships y'all sure pack a nasty punch." Cleveland comments as she observes the sinking wreck in the distance for a moment.

"They don't call them super battleships for nothing." Captain Joseph replies as the eighth pair of Midway's TDB Destroyers prepares to take off. "Anyways, its about time Midway joins the fight. Enterprise, Hornet, would you mind drawing the remaining ships aa fire so my boys can deliver the knockout punch to the last battleship and the battlecruisers?"

"Understood Captain." Enterprise replies.

A minute later sixteen TDB Destroyers form up and head towards the Sakuran reenactment fleet.

"Follow us in boys, and good luck." Hornet says as she orders her remaining fighter to lead Midway's TDB Destroyers.

It takes three and a half minutes for the TDB Destroyers to reach the Sakuran reenactment fleet. During this time the remaining reenactment capital ships and the American-Japanese fleet exchange two salvos. USS Montana is struck again as two 410mm AP shells slam into her superstructure. Fortunately most the damage is superficial. However one twin mk-16 127mm turret is put out of action. Unfortunately the reenactment Kongo class battlecruisers shifted their aim to the IJN Yoshino. Three 356mm AP slam into the large cruiser. Fortunately Yoshino's 125mm of main deck armor prevented one of the shells from penetrating into the hull. However the two other shells slammed into the Japanese warship's main armor belt below the water line before penetrating into the ship. Captain Jiro is thrown against the rear wall in the bridge as the Yoshino suddenly and violent rocks from the shells detonating. Men scramble back to their battle stations as Captain Jiro gets up and fixes his uniforms collar.

"Inform the damage control teams to report to lower compartments and assess the damage immediately." Captain Jiro calmly orders.

"Sir, with all due respect, there's a gash on the side of your head. Please head to the infirmary. I'll take over from here." Jiro's XO urges.

However the stubborn Japanese captain merely replies. "I will resume my post XO. Someone get a corpsmen up here before the blood stains my uniform!"

The half squadron of sixteen TDB Destroyers is met with fierce anti aircraft fire as they near the Sakuran reenactment fleet. While Midway's planes prepare to engage, Captain Joseph orders the American-Japanese fleet to hold their fire until his planes finish their attack. Two groups of three TDB Destroyers began lining up on the Siren copy of Nagato and one of the copies of the Kongo class for their torpedos runs. Despite Enterprise's and Hornet's fighters attempting to draw the anti aircraft fire, Midway's torpedos bombers still face a dense barrage of tracer fire and flack. Fortunately the reenactment's aa fire is mostly inaccurate but the sheer volume of incoming tracers claims one of the first six TDB Destroyers on the final approach. The remaining five torpedo bombers drop their MK-13 Mod 10 torpedos 900 meters away from their targets before turning around and dashing away from the reenactment ships. All three capital ships begin turning to starboard as ten torpedos race towards them. TDB Destroyer pilots had dropped their torpedos in a medium wide spread to maximize the chances of scoring hits. The Nagato class reenactment ship is struck by two torpedoes. One slams into the hull just behind her "B" turret on the torpedo bulge while the second hits her stern. Meanwhile the first Siren Kongo class battlecruiser copy eats a torpedo amid ship just below her rear superstructure. A second torpedo strikes the unlucky battlecruiser near the edge of the bow as it desperately tries to turn and avoid it.

Water quickly begins to flood the into the exposed compartments through holes in the hull. As the damaged reenactment ships start to list they shift their AA fire towards the second wave of six torpedo bombers. However this time the reenactment ships are ready. All three of the reenactment fleet's capital ships pause their maneuvering while they align their main guns.

"Sir, are those guns aimed at us?!" A rookie pilot asks.

"Oh sh*t! Break formation now!" The squadron leader quickly orders.

To the horror of the TDB Destroyer pilots the reenactment capital ships open fire. Most of the massive time-fused beehive aa shells hurl past the torpedo bombers before detonating. However one detonates right in front of a TDB Destroyer. Shrapnel tears through the somewhat fragile airframe and kills the pilot almost immediately. A second torpedo bomber catches a piece of shrapnel that rips a large chunk out of it's wing.

"I'm hit!" The TDB pilot cries out right before his plane violently crashes into the sea.

"Foxtrot seven and five just went into the drink!" Another TDB pilot informs right before a 127mm aa shell slams directly into their planes fuselage.

The remaining three TDB Destroyers drop their torpedos before making a dash back to the Midway. Unfortunately in a panic they dropped their torpedos early at 1200 meters away from their target, giving the reenactment ships more time to maneuver. Only one torpedo strikes its target as the wounded Kongo class battlecruiser begins taking on more water from a third massive hole in its hull. As the last four torpedo bombers begin lining up for their run one of the pilots notices that the wounded Kongo class battlecruiser stopped fighting its aa guns.

"That Kongo is done for. Go for to the Nagato class battleship."

The other pilots acknowledge the order and maneuver to line up on the lone battleship. They boldly charge through the dense but inaccurate aa fire. The reenactment battleship begins to turn away from the attack as the pilots press on. All four pilots drop their torpedos a mere 500 meters away from Siren copy of Nagato. It only takes twenty nine seconds for the thirty three & a half knot torpedos to reach the battleship. Unfortunately for the reenactment battleship, it's flooding has greatly reduced it's ability to maneuver. Three more MK-13 Mod 10 torpedoes detonate against the reenactment ship's hull. Water pours through the new holes as the ship finally begins to founder. 

Meanwhile the American-Japanese fleet is being engaged by the remaining Eagle Union reenactment ships who have closed the distance to 15 km. HE shells from the EU reenactment cruisers pepper the leading human warship. Much to the annoyance of Captain James as reports of new fires reach the bridge. The human warships struggle to land hits back due to the EU reenactment destroyers using their smokescreens to cover their cruisers. The Kansen on the other hand fair much better as they finish off the last Sakuran reenactment ship that attempted to make a torpedo charge at the American-Japanese fleet.

"This is Enterprise, we've wrapped up dealing with the torpedo charge."

"Good work. We're currently under fire from the remaining reenactment ships of the first group. Try to flank around them close the distance to take them out. We'll try to keep them occupied." Captain Joseph orders.

"What about the the remaining Sakura Empire reenactment ships?" Hornet asks. "If we move to engage the EU reenactment ships the remains of the other group could attempt another torpedo charge."

Captain Joseph counters. "I'm well aware of that, however we are sustaining damage. Montana's starboard side is engulfed in smoke while Yoshino is listing a few degrees to her starboard side. If we don't take them out quickly they will begin to inflict heavy damage onto us."

Midway finishes launching the second half of her torpedo squadron as the survivors of the first half return. Despite shells aimed at the Montana occasionally landing close to the large carrier the deck crew immediately prepare to receive the returning aircraft. Meanwhile inside of USS Montana's infirmary Savannah wakes to the sound of alarms blaring. She sits up on a medical bed before looking over to where her sister Brooklyn still lies unconscious. Savannah then notices a third medical bed with its sheets hanging over one side. Quickly she gets up and heads to leave infirmary. Savannah quickly makes her way past corpsmen operating on injured sailors in the ship's wardroom before heading to the deck.

As she opens a door to the deck several sailors rush pass her and head towards the rear of the superstructure. Immediately she notices the distinct strong smell of something burning. Savannah eyes widen upon turning around as she sees a great thick cloud of smoke rising from the other side of USS Montana's superstructure. Teams of sailors struggle to put out the stubborn raging fire but at least they've managed to prevent the flames from spreading further. The roar of Montana's main guns snaps Savannah out of her daze. Realizing there is little she could do to help she quickly hops over the side railing and summons her rigging.

Moments later inside Montana's bridge one of the sailors informs Captain James that Savannah has left the ship. Captain James acknowledges the sailor before turning his attention back towards the remaining EU reenactment ships. He manages to glance at a section of the smoke cloud where a ship's silhouette can be seen just in time to see Montana's shells impact. For a moment, James assumes the entire salvo missed until half a second later when a bright orangey yellow glow briefly flashes within the smoke.

"Confirmed hit!" The observation officer calls out.

"Update position of the target then hit 'em again with another HE salvo." James Kent orders.

Another few minutes go by as both the kansen and Midway's second group of planes head towards the remaining copies of EU ships. Once again Captain Joseph orders the combined fleet to cease firing to prevent accidental friendly fire. Due to the smoke screens the TDB pilots struggle to make out their primary targets, the cruisers. Midway's planes proceed to take turns launching their torpedos in wide spreads into the paths of the clouds of smoke. After the last of the TDB Destroyers complete their torpedo runs the kansen move in.

Laffey fires two torpedoes at destroyer as she dashes through the smoke into the reenactment formation. Cleveland opens fire on a wounded cruiser that emerges from its smoke cover to confront her. Enterprise and Hornet maintain distance while using a handful of their remaining planes to spot for the others. Several minutes later Savannah joins the shipgirls as they quickly put down the last of the EU reenactment ships.

"That's the last of them." Hornet informs over the radio.

"Good, Captains what's the status of the few remaining reenactment ships from the other fleet?" Enterprise asks.

"According to Kentucky and my observation officers they appear to be heading away from both us and the Island." Kentucky's XO Samuel Port replies.

"Good work everyone." Joseph comments. "Now that this engagement is over let's figure out a way to destroy that building."

Slowly the American-Japanese combined fleet comes about as their kansen escorts regroup with them. It takes the combined fleet an hour to sail back into visual range of the island.

"The barrier is likely still up." Hornet comments over the radio.

"Duly noted. All mass produced ships prepare to turn to bring us on a parallel course to the island while maintaining line formation. To all kansen, I advise you to not sail to close to us while we're firing." Captain Joseph orders.

After the combined fleet finishes maneuvering into position Joseph gives the order for Captain Ren to fire.

"Captain Ren, you may fire when ready."

"Understood." The Japanese Captain replies.

Moments later Shikishima's main guns fire. Everyone watches as the massive 510mm shells hurl through the air towards their target. However this time, when the shells slam into the invisible barrier, a single punches through. The shell continues on until it strikes the main building.

"Interesting... it appears the barrier has been weakened." Cleveland comments.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's hit it again!" Captain James suggests.

Joseph then orders. "Alright then, all ships fire at will!"

A moment later Cleveland, Savannah, Laffey, and the mass produced ships of the American-Japanese combined fleet unleash every thing they have at the barrier. Hornet & Enterprise recall their scouts and use this time to take inventory of the few remaining planes they have left. Meanwhile the majority of the shells hurled at the Siren facility are stopped by the barrier. However the weakened barrier strains and buckles under the volume of fire causing the occasional shell to continue on towards the buildings. The barrage continues until finally the large central part of the building collapses. As soon as the building is destroyed the scene around the changes back to the calm East Pacific waters.

"Well that was an adventure." Captain Jiro retorts over the fleet radio channel.

"We're lucky that we managed to knock out those battleships relatively quickly. But despite our luck, it seems they still inflicted at least some major damage to us in return. Now let's get moving. The quicker we arrive at San Diego the better." Captain Joseph states.

Captain James then voiced his concern. "Joseph, quick question, where are we? The mirror sea could've spat us out in the Atlantic for all we know."

"Not to worry captains. Usually when you exit a mirror sea you will be in the general area of where you entered. But just in case I'll ask TB." Enterprise reassures.

Before Enterprise could ask a small hologram appears near her and answers over the fleet's radio channel.

"The fleet is currently 1.1 kilometers southeast from where you entered the mirror sea. No major course changes are necessary." The AI Girl reports.

After hearing TB's report Captain Joseph orders the American-Japanese Combined Fleet to continue on towards San Diego.


Date: January 6th, 1944

Location: Near the coast of California

Time: 9:06 am

Early on the morning of the sixth day the tired and worn out Combined Japanese-American fleet approaches its destination. A few minutes later Captain Joseph recalls his fighters that were on patrol after spotting a group of F6F Hellcats pass by the fleet. Soon the coast line appears on the horizon. But as the fleet nears closer to the mainland a large wall comes into view. It appears to be at least forty meters high and spans across in front of the north island in a large semi circle. It immediately puts to shame any architecture the captains had previously seen. Even from a distance the captains and their crew could see several massive gates in the huge wall. As the fleet moves closer one could make out the defense cannons and watch towers mounted along the top of the wall. The Japanese-American combined fleet slows down as they approach the central gate. USS Midway falls in a the end of line behind Kentucky's ship. Soon a voice comes over and open radio channel.

"Unidentified warships, turn back or you will be destroyed." The voice warns.

Several defense cannons on the wall begin taking aim at the combined American-Japanese fleet.

"Don't worry, I'm on it folks." Hornet tiredly announces over the fleet's channel before switching radio channels. "Sierra Delta Whiskey, this is Yellow Jacket requesting permission to enter through gate three. These warships have sent by Commander Jon Willams. Authorization code two, two, seven, six, seven, five."

A few seconds later the voice responds. "Authorization code checks out, welcome back Yellow Jacket. However we weren't informed of any fleets arriving from Papa, Hotel today. Much less a fleet containing Sakuran warships."

"Oh come on!" Hornet mumbles to herself before replying. "I can guarantee you they're not Sakuran. And while our mission is top secret, you should've been informed that a fleet from Hawaii would be arriving today! So either open the gate or if you're picky about it, ask your commander!" The tired EU carrier vents out of frustration.

"One moment." The voice replies.

Meanwhile the San Diego base commander had just sat down at his office desk to relax enjoy his breakfast before beginning his daily tasks when suddenly his desk phone begins to ring. Sighing, Commander Evan Goodwill puts down the plate of bacon & eggs before picking up the phone.

"What is it? I was about to eat breakfast."

"Sorry to bother you sir, however we have a situation at the gate at three. A group of unknown warships is requesting permission to enter the harbor. They claim Commander Jon Willams sent them. Hornet is with them, however I don't trust the Sakuran looking ships within this group. Your decision sir."

Commander Evan quickly turns on his desk computer and goes to check his emails. Sure enough there's an email from Commander Jon that was sent just after midnight. It reads...
Hello old friend,
Sorry to spring this on you last second but there is a group of mass produced warships heading your way. They should be arriving sometime today. Please note that these ship are not from this world. Well rather timeline would be a more appropriate description. Anyways, your men won't recognize them. As for these ships, there is USS Midway CVB-41, USS Montana BB-67, IJN Shikishima (Battleship), IJN Yoshino (Large cruiser), and lastly USS Kentucky BB-66. These ships need to be studied so their equipment, ammunition, guns, & planes can be produced. It's possible that you'll need to prepare conversions for the first four ships. I will send more information on them soon. One last thing to note, the final ship in this group has already been converted into a Kansen, curtesy of an abnormal accident. I won't spoil the most shocking information about Kentucky. Let's just say that you're in for quite the surprise.

Your friend, Commander Jon Willams
Commander Evan sighs again before giving his answer. "Let them in."

Moments later the third gate in the fortress wall slowly opens to let the ships enter one at a time. Captain James estimates that the gate is at least fifty meters wide when fully open as his ship slowly sails through. On the other side he spots two piers running along the north shore of the San Diego bay. Most of the piers are contain mass produced ships and James immediately recognizes a New Mexico class battleship in one of the second group of piers. An Essex class carrier rests in the pier to the super dreadnoughts's right. Several destroyers and destroyer escorts line the first pier. As the battleship captain continues to observe the port, ships several tug boats arrive to guide the Montana, and soon the Yoshino as the large cruiser finishes passing through the gate.

While the tug boats slowly guide his ship through the bay Captain James turns his attention to his right to view the main base. Several large airstrip are on the west side of the base while the main buildings lie further to the north of the island. Just beside the main part of the naval base to the east are eight massive box like structures with gates similar to ones on the wall.

Slowly over the course of an hour and a half the tugs guide the new warships into the strange box like structures. Brooklyn's and Javelins ships are detached from the ships towing them before also being guided towards the boxes. As each ship enters a box like structure the crews could see many Eagle Union marines standing along the side walkways with their rifles at a resting position. After each ship is completely inside the crews hear a thud sound as several massive clamps secure the ships. Then the massive doors of the structures begin to close. It takes a full minute for the doors to close and form a tight seal. After that over the course of five minutes the water is drained away from the inclosed dock. Many of the crew onboard Montana are surprised at how fast the water is drained away. However none of them were prepared for what would happen next.

A woman's voice then announces. "Please secure all lose items before the lift descends. Also please don't stand near the edge of your ship, otherwise you may fall."

After about two minutes an alarm suddenly blares for a few moments. Once the alarm finishes the floor begins to move downward bringing the Montana with it. Captain James Kent can only watch in awe as his ship continues to slowly descend down the massive diagonal elevator shaft. Soon the elevator shaft opens to a large underground room. What appears to be eight dry dock spaces run from the bottom of the lifts to eight large corridors on the opposite side of the room.

(Author's note: This port is similar to the one in Arpeggio of Blue Steel. Hence the picture for reference.)

Soon the seven ships reach the bottom of the lifts and the lift's clamps retract. A moment later each ship is slowly pushed forward by the lift's conveyer belt onto a horizontal track. Once each ship is on the large track the track's clamps secure the warships once more. Large ramps extend to the massive produced warships while Javelin's and Brooklyn's warships are slowly carried towards the tunnel like corridors. Captain James watches as what appears to be teams of corpsmen and a few platoons of marines wait on the piers. From an overhead speaker a voice calls out.

"Please gather your wounded and casualties and bring them to the boarding ramps. Our medical teams will take over from there. Also, would the captains of each warship exit their ships. Proceed across the boarding ramp and please refrain from bringing any of your crew with you."

"Watch the ship for me while I'm gone." James instructs his XO.

"Will do sir."

Cautiously Captain James makes his way to the boarding ramp. The American captain stays to one side of the ramp as he heads down so that he doesn't get in way the medical personnel tending to his wounded sailors. As James reaches the bottom of the ramp one Eagle Union marine steps forward to introduce himself.

"I'm Lieutenant Dan Fort. Please follow me." The soldier instructs.

"Where are we going?" Captain James asks as he begins to follow his marine escort across the pier.

"I've been instructed to bring you to Commander Evan's office. He is quite curious about your arrival."

The lieutenant marine leads the American battleship captain away from the docks. Their trip takes them up several flights of stairs and a few hallways. Upon arriving at Commander Evan's office Dan knocks on the door twice before opening and gestures for James to enter. Sitting behind a large wooden desk is a middle aged man with brown hair, though bits a gray could be seen creeping into his hair lines. He wears a similar white uniform to what Captain James and Captain Joseph have on. Moments after James enters the room the other captains of the Combined American-Japanese fleet along with Kentucky arrive. Commander Evan gets up and comes around his desk as the captains finish filing into his office room. The commander extends his hand to greet his guests. After shaking their hands he welcomes them.

"Welcome to San Diego."

(Author's note: I apologize that it took so long to get this chapter out. Progress over the past seven or so months has been very slow to due to mental health, trying to balance life, rewriting sections of the chapter several times, and a lot of laziness on my part. Despite this chapter being almost 8k words it should've only taken me two to three months to complete. However I hope to get back on track and try to post a chapter at the beginning of each month. Thank you to everyone reading and especially to those who have waited patiently.)

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