Dreams of Spring (Tamlin x Hy...

By lameezisme

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Book 1.5 - Battle for the High Crown In "Dreams of Spring," Cin and Tamlin set out on a joyous parade to anno... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Eleven

258 16 1
By lameezisme

Cin watched as Tamlin's words quelled the concerns of the fae, reassuring them that he was a leader who could be trusted and relied upon.

Despite their past grievances, the fae were beginning to see Tamlin in a new light, and they were beginning to believe that he might just be the High Lord they needed to lead them forward.

"Do you think I made a mistake by being so honest with them?" Tamlin murmured under his breath as they strode from the dais. He couldn't help but feel vulnerable, fearing that his candidness may have undermined his authority in the eyes of the fae.

Cin paused, considering Tamlin's question carefully. She put herself in the shoes of the fae who had just listened to their High Lord's candid confessions.

"I think it was the right thing to do," she said firmly. "Transparency breeds trust. You gave them the truth, and they saw that you were willing to admit your mistakes and take responsibility for them. It takes strength to be vulnerable, Tamlin. Remember that."

Tamlin nodded thoughtfully, taking in Cin's words. He knew that building trust was not a quick or easy process, but it was a necessary one. He was committed to doing whatever it took to regain the trust of his people, and he was grateful to have Cin by his side as he worked towards that goal.

"Thank you," he said softly, giving her a small smile. "I couldn't do this without you."

Tamlin's tense expression eased as he reached down to take Cin's hand in his own. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Let's get this dinner over with. I'm much more interested in the dessert waiting for us back in our room."

Cin smiled softly at the touch of his lips against her ear, feeling a sense of warmth spread through her at his words.

"Lead the way, High Lord," she said playfully, squeezing his hand in hers.

As Tamlin and Cin made their way toward Lord Bryony's grand home, they were greeted by a long, winding walkway. The path was lined with tall trees that rustled in the cool evening breeze, creating a sense of tranquility and peace. The grand house itself was an imposing structure made of stone, with intricate carvings and ornate balconies that overlooked the sprawling gardens below. Cin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of it all.

"It's beautiful," she murmured, as they made their way up the walkway towards the entrance.

Cin's eyes widened as she took in the opulence of Lord Bryony's home. The grandeur of the exterior was nothing compared to the splendor of the interior. The soaring ceilings, the marble floors, and the intricate tapestries and paintings that adorned the walls all seemed to whisper of the wealth and power that Lord Bryony held.

As they made their way to the dining hall, Cin could not help but be awed by the sight before her. A feast was laid out before them, with a long polished table that gleamed in the soft light. Golden plates and glittering silverware were carefully arranged, and a massive wooden sculpture of a vase of flowers.

Cin fidgeted with the flower crown on her head, grateful that she had used her magic to create a replica and avoid being pestered by the chatty flowers.

The group took their seats, Tamlin and Lord Bryony opting to sit together. Lord Bryony wasted no time in launching into a passionate pitch for Monardo to host the Trade Fair.

"It's the perfect village for it," he argued. "We have the space, the resources, and the eager merchants to make it a success."

In the midst of the conversation, Cin shifted her attention to Vida, Lord Bryony's pregnant wife.

"Lady Vida," she said with a smile, "I can only imagine how thrilled you must be for the little one's arrival."

Lady Vida let out a nervous laugh, her response tinged with a hint of apprehension. "I suppose I'm as excited as I can be," she replied, "but please, call me Vida. No need for formalities here."

"In that case, I must ask for the same courtesy, Vida," Cin said, smiling warmly and giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Though she knew their relationship would have a diplomatic element, she was determined to forge a friendship with Lady Vida anyway. "Is this your first child?" she asked, genuinely interested.

Vida took a sip of water from her silver-rimmed glass before nodding. "Yes, this will be our first child. Although depending on how I fare, it may also be our last."

Her words were tinged with a hint of uncertainty, and Cin could sense the weight of responsibility that came with motherhood.

"Are the healers overwhelmed?" Cin asked, lowering her voice in concern. She hoped her assumption was wrong.

"It's not a matter of being strained, but rather untrained. We only have two novice healers in Monarda," she explained. "The mortality rate among infant Fae is at an all-time low in our village, and perhaps even in the entire court." Her tone was laced with a hint of sorrow and grief.

"This explains why Lady Freda wanted to begin her new project in earnest," Cin admitted, taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "To address this issue, Lady Freda, of Orchis, is collaborating with an emissary from the Day Court to develop medical advancements that could save more lives. Her focus is specifically on reducing infant mortality rates in our villages."

She hoped that their efforts would yield positive results and prevent more families from experiencing the heartbreak of losing a child or losing both the mother and child.

"In an attempt to replenish our numbers? Isn't that what the High Lord is doing by rebuilding his army to keep us safe?" Lady Vida arched an eyebrow in surprise.

Cin nodded in agreement with Lady Vida's observation, then added, "Yes, and while I leave the army to the High Lord, I cannot ignore the need to protect the lives of our people. After all, what good is an army without anyone to defend?"

She took a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing, "Fae mortality rates have always been relatively low due to our long lifespans. However, this does not mean that we should resign ourselves to losing mothers and infants during childbirth. The process of conceiving a child is already fraught with difficulties, and we must do everything we can to reduce the risk of losing them."

"What does Lady Freda have in mind?"

Cin observed the genuine interest that shone in Vida's eyes—a glimmer of hope that had not been there a mere moment before. Lady Freda was someone Vida had only interacted with briefly, and their exchanges had been nothing more than polite pleasantries at a gathering of the village heads. However, Vida's willingness to entertain the possibility of Lady Freda changing the course of nature spoke volumes about all they had already accomplished as a court.

Cin couldn't help but giggle into her hand as she relayed the news. Lady Freda had a grand plan to build what she was calling a "Birthing Palace" in every village, with the first one to be constructed in Orchis as a sort of trial. The Palace would be staffed with healers who lacked magic but had been trained with all of the information Day had recorded on live births. Lady Freda's vision was for pregnant women to be attended to at the Palace for the duration of their pregnancy and three months after the birth. Non-straining activities would be provided to keep them entertained, and when the time came, an assigned healer would guide them through their entire labor.

Lady Freda's ultimate goal was to have a Birthing Palace in each village, so that friends and family could visit and ensure that every mother-to-be was safe and well-cared for.

"This sounds expensive." Vida swallowed hard as the glimmer of hope flickered.

Cin's smile widened as she shared her plan.

"To ensure that every fae has access to proper medical care, I'll be personally subsidizing it," she said with conviction. "No one should have to risk their life or their child's life simply because they can't afford medical care. I understand the pain of losing a mother during childbirth, as I lost my own mother that way. It's a burden that lingers and affects every decision we make. That's why I'm doing this. It's not just about replenishing the fae population, it's about making sure that no child has to grow up without a mother."

Cin's determination was palpable, and she knew that this was a cause worth fighting for.

Vida's shoulders straightened as she spoke, the glimmer of hope in her eyes transforming into a fierce determination. "Count me in," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "I'll donate every coin I can."

Cin lowered her glass of cherry mead, shaking her head in protest. "That's not necessary, Vida. We—"

"They," Vida interrupted, casting a pointed look towards Tamlin and Lord Bryony, "will never truly understand the fear we feel about bringing their children into this world, Cin. But we do. We are the only ones who will ever comprehend the sacrifices we make when we share our bodies with little fae who may or may not pose a threat to our lives. If this Birthing Palace is for us, then it will be funded by us."

"For us, by us." Cin clinked her glass to Vida's.

Cin and Vida spoke all through dinner, delving deep into conversation about the upcoming Lotus Ladies Gathering, discussing Cin's plan and vision for the event, and carefully considering who would be granted entry. Inspired by Iridessa's teachings, Cin aimed to create a space where only women could participate, providing an opportunity for those who had been marginalized by the patriarchy to have their voices heard.

Meanwhile, Tamlin would take to the streets, offering his assistance to anyone who approached him, regardless of gender.

Midway through their meal, as they savored every last bite of the delectable food, Cin noticed a server passing by. The young woman trembled as she struggled to balance a tray of glasses, causing them to clink together in a discordant melody. Cin watched with a pang of empathy, recognizing the fear and uncertainty in the girl's eyes.

"Please forgive Lya's unsteadiness, Cin," Vida apologized, her hand gesturing to the server as she attempted to hide the girl's faltering steps from view. "She's new," Vida explained, clearly embarrassed by the server's clumsiness.

Cin offered a reassuring smile to Vida. "No need to worry, we were all newbies at some point," she said, her chin resting on her hand as she gazed kindly at the server.

Lya kept her eyes fixed on the ground, eager to escape the dining hall. But just before she reached the exit, she glanced up and met Cin's gaze, then turned to look at a vase of sunflowers beside the door.

But as Lya passed them by, the sunflowers turned a soft shade of blue.

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