BATMAN: Black Mirror Vol. 2

By LadyChronicle

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"The city...she's growing worse. Organized crime doesn't pay anymore. Not when there's an uprising of freaks... More

Night 01: Riches of the Father
Night 02: Fortune Favors the Blood of Old Gotham
Night 03: Ivy League
Night 04: Tally Up Them Nine Lives
Night 05: Seek to Never Find, Ask and the Door Remains Closed
Night 06: Grip
Night 07: Reaper's Requiem
Night 08: Possessed and Obsessed
Night 09: White Rabbit
Night 10: A Darker Knight Still
Night 11: A Demon In the Head, Is A Demon Nonetheless

Final Night: And There Came A Day When Death Met the Sin And Their Fathers

24 1 0
By LadyChronicle

     Bane knew it wouldn't take long before news of his failure reached the ears of his shadowy benefactors. Not that he regretted his decision to follow Ra's Al Ghul, but the ghosts expected something from him and unlike his previous missions, he failed to deliver, so it wasn't a shock when another ghost appeared in front of his men in their hideout. Nothing was said, but it was understood Bane was to be taken to the higher ups of whoever it was controlling the figures in white masks. He and Crane were ushered into a sleek black car with hardly any light reflecting off the windows. The interior inside the car was a charcoal grey that seemed to absorb any passing street lamp lights, casting inside with permanent shadow. Bane felt as if he was riding in the back of a hearse. 

"Where do you think they're taking us?" Crane whispered beside him. Bane said absolutely nothing and focused all his attention on the back of the heads of their escorts. He couldn't see where they were going, but knew judging from the many minutes that passed it was far into the city. The car stopped and the back door opened. Two guards with eyes bright and wide like flashlights dressed in all black and gold armor approached.

     They silently guided Bane through three iron carved doors that lead to a final one made of ivory. All around the perimeter were etched figures in strange postures dancing with creatures that clearly looked like demons. Flying high around them were birds of all shapes and sizes, but most importantly sitting upon a high throne sculpted around the doorknob was the body of a king adorned in his robes of ebony and gold with a crown of pure silver upon the head of an owl. The guards whispered something Bane couldn't make out and the door opened. Behind the door was a massive and polished marble floor that held the weight of a tall room that smelled of dust, incense and secrets. Standing near the entrance were old statues of soldiers wielding ancient swords and shields looking as if they could come to life at any given moment. The room itself curved like a half moon, it's walls all lined with old worldly looking artifacts, books, lit torches and the heads of beasts and men. For a short while, Bane forgot he was still in Gotham.

"Enter Bane. We were just talking about you." greeted a ghost. Situated squarely in the middle of the towering chamber was a long elegant table made of bone (of which bones Bane wasn't sure) decorated solely with silver feathers.

     "Oh my...I never thought there could be such a place right underneath Gotham." Crane gasped.

"This place does not exist Dr. Crane, if you understand my meaning." the ghost waved a hand to the table. Sitting were more strange figures, all of them were wearing feathered masks that resembled the face of different owls. Bane was well aware of cult like behavior and when he was in the presence of such radical people. This was no different than the many "secret" organizations he had helped Ra's destroy for the greater good of the bigger goal.

"We are disappointed with you two." a female voice said.

"We literally gave you a free ticket to use the city as you pleased in order to destroy Batman." said a male voice.

"And all we wanted in return was the corpse of your young assailant."

     "That doesn't sound like much to ask for." Crane commented.

"It isn't Dr. Crane. Tonight was your chance to spill as much blood and horror as your depraved hearts desired, but you have failed us. Batman lives and has the body of the assassin."

"I do not know why you people are so fascinated with the body of a dead child and quite frankly, I don't care. He's of no use to the Bat anymore than a boat without water." Bane folded his arms.

"Then why does Batman still live? You barely did anything according to plan and we want to know why."

"You don't seem to have the scars and markings of battle on you. Tell us, why have you failed so quickly?"

"Speak now, for this is the only time we'll allow any excuses."

Bane despised being talked down to as if he were some ignorant child.

     With Ra's he had garnered respect and recognition within the League, but with these queer people, he chose to remain silent and study them for they were still new to him and he was unaware of what foul powers they might possess. 

"That is a good question--why are we here and not back at the apartment? I had Batman right in my clutches!" Crane looked up in anger.

"There was someone else there. Someone I wasn't expecting." answered Bane.

"Yes...I remember now. All I saw was something green and a flash of black. Next thing I remember was hitting the floor...and everything's a blank, but I do know I had Batman right where I wanted him. What were you doing all that time? Surely it didn't take a brute like you all your strength to take down his pathetic sidekick."

Former member or not, Bane knew to never speak of his master without his permission.

     Whether or not anyone knew Ra's was in Gotham, Bane didn't know, so he took it upon himself to keep their meeting a secret. The Demon moved in the shadows and if he wanted to be successful in destroying Gotham, then it was best no one ever knew when he'd be coming.

"It appears you don't have an answer." said a masked member.

"Or perhaps, he chooses not to answer."

"Leaving us to wonder whether or not you have failed on purpose."

"Whatever your reasoning Bane, you have lost something we desired and worse, you have allowed your failure to bring an outsider to us."

Crane grew anxious and nervous at the sight of the armored guards slowly moving in the corner of his eyes.

     Their footfalls made no sound as they began to encircle the two.

"I get it. You'd rather remain hidden from the rest of the city." he pulled on his own mask. "You don't have to worry about me telling anyone. Who's there for me to tell anyway?"

The leader of the group, a tall slender woman dressed in an expensive looking heather gray skirt suit, stood at the head of the table. Unlike her cohorts, she wore a full white feathered headdress with black holes where her eyes should've been and a white cloak covered her boney shoulders. When she stood, the hall grew silent.

"One last chance." her terse and commanding tone echoed. "Retrieve the boy. Once more, we shall turn our heads at whatever methods you'd choose to kill Batman and all who stand with him. Even if you cannot defeat the Bat, you will bring back the body of the assassin at all costs. Fail us again Bane, and we shall show no mercy in tearing you limb from limb."

"You do not scare me woman." Bane growled.

     The silent guards slithered to and fro. Their hushed voices screeched and hissed about Bane's shoulders and stopped only when the leader raised her hand.

"The only reason you are not scared of us, is because we have been merciful. Thus far, you haven't been shown what true fear really is. Has he, Dr. Crane?"

Crane's laughter came like a hoarse whisper mixed with several other dark voices. 

"This time, I'd like you to take the lead in this operation Dr. Crane." the leader went on. "Perhaps intelligence will prevail where brute force hasn't."

"Indeed I couldn't agree more. In fact, even as we speak I still have quite the grip on Batman's psyche."

The table murmured with curiosity.

     "Oh yes. Just as he thinks he's safe, I've left a little something new creeping through the veins of our caped vigilante. Believe me, if we won't be the ones who kill him, he'll drive one of his precious citizens to do it."

Bane tensed. He wanted to be the one who snuffed out Batman's once honorable heart, but it was clear he was being replaced. So be it. He had his own way of doing things and he didn't want to be hindered by a partner in the first place, but he couldn't stop thinking of what was to become of him since he still owed a debt. He couldn't expect Ra's to get him out of it, but there was no way he was giving up his chance meeting with his former master. He still had plans to defeat Batman and with, or without the ghosts, he was going to do just that. He didn't need, nor want any favors from anyone. 

"Do as you please. I have my own machinations to attend to." he scoffed and turned to leave. He and Crane were taken back to the black car without a fuss. Before the doors closed, voices from every corner of the room whispered: 'pay back what is promised....'

*    *    *    *

     It took another two hours for Eli to fully refocus on his surroundings. He sat on a cold table with only his teacher's cloak covering his bare and tired shoulders. He ran his fingers through his hair. It was dirty and gritty as were his hands. He looked down to his legs. His pants were ripped at the knees and the once beautiful silver lacing through the seams were damaged and blackened. Something in his eye itched. Eli silently scratched and let his mind wander. Where was he? What happened and where--

"My katana. Where is it?" his voice was crackly and dry. He covered himself more and looked around for his most precious blade. He felt his chest and caught a glimpse of the last thing he remembered seeing before everything went blank. He saw fragments of his sword flying through the air. The hilt...Eli looked around for the hilt and found it nowhere. He closed his eyes and wished he remained dead. 

"That's right...I was killed and my sword..." he breathed. Already he felt something was wrong with him. Without his katana Eli felt slow and useless.

     He moved carefully and swung his legs over the table.

"Where the hell am I anyway?" he shrunk into his teacher's cloak.

"You're safe and sound in the Batcave." replied Robin as he appeared from the shadows toting a tray of food and water. At the sound of  the hero's voice, Eli wanted to run and hide. He was ashamed that he was seen in such a pathetic state and worse, he was weaponless and felt genuinely scared. Eli never wanted anyone to see him like this.

"How long?" he shot his eyes down to the ground.

"Hours. You were stabbed through the heart. It stopped beating and you..."

The words were hard for Robin to repeat. Instead he placed the tray down beside Eli and took a seat next to him.

     "What exactly are you?" he asked. The question was one Eli had always been afraid to answer. He was a freak of nature, but was no benefit to nature itself. He was often called the embodiment of Death, but he himself had died multiple times. He was nothing more than a tool for his master, and yet in the past Eli dreamed of wanting to be used for more than just killing. So, what was he? 

"I'm a monster, isn't it obvious?" he sighed. "You've seen my work and have seen me come back from the grave. No normal human being can do that. So, if I'm no mere human, then I'm a freak accident."

Despite the snarky answer, Robin was shocked when he saw tears stream down Eli's cheeks. Dick had seen Eli depressed, moody, angry and even, he thought, happy, but he couldn't recall ever seeing the boy cry genuine tears of sadness. Eli looked like a lost child, confused and very unhappy. He didn't have the usual spark in his eyes, or the fighting spirit he challenged the world with. 

     It felt impossible not to feel anything, but he knew better than to get sucked in over and over again. That was Bruce's problem and the reason he was stuck in this constant "will he, won't he" emotional rollercoaster. 

"Don't you dare tell anyone you saw me crying." Eli violently wiped his eyes. "Say anything and I'll gut you."

"Sure kid. I won't tell, but you have to tell me one thing. What happened? Do you remember anything?"

"I died. Plain and simple."

Robin gave a loud, annoyed sigh and went to the tray of food and water.

"You know what I mean. Who killed you and why?" he asked.

     Eli didn't give an answer. Instead he turned his eyes to the rest of the cave and sunk further into his master's cloak.

"Where's my master?" his question echoed around the cavern.

"You should be more concerned about yourself right now, because I'm sick and tired of us meeting like this. Do you realize the damage and trouble you've caused since you stepped foot in Gotham? I'm not going to keep having this same conversation with you. Either you and your master leave the city and stay out, or the next time we meet, I'm putting an end to this twisted "relationship" of ours." Robin tone was stern and serious. Eli kept his mouth shut, scowling like the child he was at being reprimanded. He never wanted to be stuck with Bruce and Batman. He didn't want to even be in Gotham in the first place. It was all Martha Wayne's idea for Eli to attach himself to her billionaire orphaned son. Eli never wanted a friend, let alone be friends with Bruce, a man who wasn't so bad to be around and really did want to be there for his makeshift family.

     Eli was made comfortable while he lived at Wayne Manor to be honest, but there was clearly something missing. There was no communication. How did Bruce really feel at having a stranger living in his family home? Was Eli really welcomed, or was he just another ghost trapped within the mansion's haunted halls? He looked down to what was left of his katana and sighed. The approaching sound of footsteps ended the conversation.

"Finally you wake." Ra's came forward first. Behind him was the looming dark shadow of Batman. Eli didn't have the power to say anything. He was embarrassed, angry and something he hadn't felt since he was younger.

" broken." he stuttered. 

"By Bane." Ra's finished. There was nothing to read in the boy's face, meaning he felt nothing at the revelation that his master already knew everything.

"What's the big deal? You can just get it fixed." Robin folded his arms.

     A nerve twitched in Eli's forehead. He clenched his sword tighter in his small hand and flung his master's cloak from his shoulders. Angrily, he jumped off the table.

"Al'malak, have I wasted my time teaching you anything?" Ra's' cold voice echoed around the cave. The words pierced through Eli's angry thoughts. At first he didn't want to answer, but he knew his silence would come with punishment.

"No master. I have learned much from you." he kept his head down.

"Then why am I constantly being surprised by you? Since deploying you to Gotham, your performance has been well below par. Perhaps I've been thinking too highly of you and your talents. It's clear you're still not ready for the world."

This time Eli didn't hide his emotional distress and turned hating eyes up at the adults.

"I never wanted to come here in the first place!" he yelled. "Wherever you found me, you should've left me there! I was dead...I wish I stayed that way!"

     He ran further into the cave system and vanished from sight.

"Wow, he was really angry. I've never seen him so emotional before." said Robin astonished. "Why'd he get so upset about a broken sword?"

"It's not just a sword. It means something more to him. He takes it everywhere he goes. Even when I first met him, he held onto it as if it were the last thing in the world. He never wants anyone to touch it, even I can't hold it except for the time he lost it in a fight. Still he tracked it down. It's a memento, isn't it?" Batman looked to his former teacher.

"You are right on all accounts Detective." Ra's kept his eyes down the cave Eli ran into.

"Did you give it to him? Is that why it's so special?" Robin asked.

"No. The blade was given to him by his father."

     There was a stagnant silence. Through all the deaths, destruction and a very painful emotional game of tug-of-war, Bruce could no longer fathom Eli having living, loving parents. In the beginning of their relationship, Bruce thought it was possible, but after everything...the idea of Eli ever having anything resembling a normal life felt impossible. The way he lashed out at his own master was proof enough Ra's wasn't lying and the sword indeed meant something more than just a regular weapon. Batman went to follow down the same cave. As he walked away from the light of his computers, the ghostly image of his younger self ran past him and down into the darkness. He heard echoes of a child's cry through the halls and the soft falls of small feet against the gravel. The cries ended when the corridor opened into a medium sized cavern filled with beams of grey moonlight. Sitting in the back of cavern against the wall silently crying was a broken Eli. He was holding the hilt of his katana to his chest as tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn't hear Batman approaching through his sobs and gasped loudly like the frightened child he was when a shadow blocked out his light.

"Leave me alone." he hastily rubbed his eyes.

     "Pretty hard to do when you're in my caves." Batman stood before the child. Unlike Ra's, Bruce didn't know what to say. There was so much locked away, so many conversations he needed to have with this stranger, but the words couldn't find their way out. It was hard not to see himself crouching against the wall, but he needed to see Eli right now. He needed to see the boy heaving like a pent up animal waiting to strike as he glared at his precious weapon. The blade was replaced with a string of broken pearls and the silence of the cave was filled with the blaring of police sirens and countless voices. Bruce will always remember that night. The fear. The hopelessness. The hatred and darkness...but he also remembered Alfred. He remembered the warmth of having someone kind wrapping their coat over his shoulder and Alfred holding him close. There was still hope. Bruce made it his mission to spread that hope, no matter how long it took him. Eli needed that hope and so Bruce did the one thing that brought him light in his darkest hour: he held the boy close. Eli didn't fight the hug, but he didn't reciprocate it either. He leaned his head against the vigilante's chest and admitted defeat. He was useless without his blade.

     An assassin was meant to be proficient with any and all weapons he or she got their hands on. Only the best had a signature weapon that never broke. For Eli, his katana was to be that signature tool, while having a deeper, personal meaning. Both now, were broken. The embrace felt nice. Eli felt safe like nothing could harm him anymore, but once the hug ended, the pain returned. Eli dropped his broken blade and got up. He was tired of being angry, but once more he was furious and looking to kill the one who left him feeling this way. Bane was a monster and most likely wouldn't be killed so easily. It didn't make things any easier knowing he too was a member of the League, even if his title was 'former'. Bane wouldn't be killed, but the people he knew would be. As Eli left him behind, Batman noticed the hilt on the ground and picked it up. It fit snug and right in the palm of his hand and for the first time, he was able to study Eli's treasure up close. The make of the weapon was Japanese, with all of it's parts stemming from the blade ridge down still intact. Silver leather wrapped around the handle and delicate silver half moons were carved through and around the guard. Just the handle alone was beautiful, so Bruce could only imagine what intricate designs were carved into the blade itself. He turned the weapon upside down and found three symbols etched into the pommel.

     He knew these symbols were Japanese kanji and read them slowly.

"To my son..." he said quietly. A breath caught in his throat. This sword that had killed so many people...that Eli kept closer to him than anything, or anyone in the entire world as far as Bruce knew...was a gift from a parent. How long had Bruce took for granted of Eli being an orphan like him and not once think about the boy ever having parents? Of course. He had to come from somewhere (no matter what frightening legends encircled the boy). He thought about the white baby bat caged upstairs and how frail and small it was. The poor thing had parents as well, but in the end it was too weak to hold on and was ultimately abandoned. Was Eli left behind? Was he too weak in his youth and left to fend for himself? What happened to him and his parents? The mystery thickened and despite not wanting to get deeper involved, Bruce wanted to know more. He took the hilt in hand and made his way through the cave system back to the Batcave. By the time he reached the faint glowing blue lights of his computers, Eli had rejoined Ra's.

"I was just asking Eli why Bane of all people killed him." Robin turned to his partner. 

"A better question is why a former member of the League of Assassins is in Gotham." said Eli.

     "Though, it's not like you two have been doing a good job of keeping the League out of this city." Ra's folded his arms.

"Right, and you've had better luck controlling your goons to stay out of our city." Robin retorted harshly.

"Enough. Eli's brought up an interesting point. Ra's, is Bane here on your behalf?" Batman asked.

"No. I haven't sent for Bane since his untimely exile from the League. Even if I had sent him, do you truly believe I would tell you Detective?"

Batman fell quiet. He was still surrounded by his enemies, no matter if they were working together.

"He has people with him. All armed and all geared for war."

     "If the League didn't send him, someone who's looking to take over the city did. The last thing I remember was going through some of his men and how decked out they were." Eli closed his eyes trying to think. "They're easy to get through their armor's joints, but from the looks of them, they could've been army men."

"Can't be the Arkham crowd. For once they're the least of our problems." said Robin.

"But then there's Crane." Batman went to his computer. "I fought him back at the apartment. Bane can be a problem all by himself, but having him team up with Scarecrow--"

A sharp pain slashed through his temple. His vision blurred for a short moment and returned with the most unusual and vivid clarity.

"Batman? You okay?" Robin noticed.

"I'm fine. Like I was saying, there hasn't been any news of a breakout at Arkham, but Crane's on the street."

     "Someone's paid money to keep the inmate's release silent and you in the dark Detective." 

"Well, they're not doing a good job of hiding, are they?" Batman answered rather aggressively. "Before we moved to Frankie Barnes' apartment, I caught a glimpse of a white ghost like figure shadowing behind us. That wasn't the first time I saw the apparition."

A few clicks of the keyboard and Batman pulled up images from a night Eli would've paid a fortune to forget. Onscreen were CCTV videos of a cramped and narrow space being blocked by a crowd and police.

"The night I went to investigate the murder of Candice Hill, I thought I caught sight of one of them standing above Crime Alley. Another time was behind Wayne Tower. I came face to face with one of these "ghosts" on the same day Pamela Isley transformed into her new persona. The last time I saw them before tonight was at the Zsasz estate. Everything was moving too quickly, but I do remember seeing that white mask. Whoever was wearing it was working alongside Victor and had a hand in kidnapping Eli."

     "For some secret organization or whatever, they've been caught more times than not." Robin looked at the recorded images. "But this doesn't answer the question of who are they and where do they come from...and why Eli's mask is so similar to theirs?"

Out of habit, Eli reached for his face and didn't feel his mask. He never thought about how it looked, only that it was a part of his identity. His mask was identical to the stalkers now that he thought about it. The men who kidnapped him along with Victor had masks that resembled his own, but that didn't mean--

"My mask..." he looked to his master. "The men who took me had masks that looked like mine. What---what's going on master? Am I a part of that group?"

"No dear boy. Your mask and the masks of those who kidnapped you were meant to be similar, on account I am the head of both parties and I am the one who designed both."

Ra's walked over to Batman's computer and with a few swift movements, shut it off.

     "Deactivate any recording technology you're most likely using Batman. After tonight, this shall not be repeated."

Against his better judgement, Batman took out a small remote from one of the many pockets surrounding his utility belt. A simple press and the cave went still and all too quiet.

"I take it you're familiar with the old nursery rhymes?" Ra's looked to Robin.

"Uh, sure."

"Then you've heard the legend of Gotham's most darkest demons."

'Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time,
ruling Gotham from a shadowy perch behind granite and lime.
They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed,
speak not a whispered word of them, 
or they'll send the Talon for your head.'

     The words echoed through the cave like a curse and came back into Batman's ears like someone whispering a secret. Nothing happened, though he was nearly expecting some form of dark creature to come bursting through the cave's walls. Silence prevailed as in the next two minutes, no one moved, or said a word.

"I remember my grandma telling me that rhyme years ago when I was a kid." Robin finally broke the silence. "I remember her telling me that as a ghost story before going to bed. Are you telling us that you're the one behind it?"

The look in Ra's eyes was his usual all-knowing glare. He was ancient. As ancient as Gotham's oldest boogeymen. It didn't surprise Batman that his former teacher was the madman behind most of the terrible things in the world anymore.

"It's just a scary story parents tell their kids so they don't wander out of bed at nights...right? The Court of Owls isn't real."

"They're as real as I am young hero."

     "And you're their creator--" Eli's eyes went wide with understanding.

"Who better to create a beast of many heads, than a demon." Robin looked first to Ra's, then Batman. He found the older man was looking to him as well, silently asking questions Robin didn't have the answers to.

"I am not ashamed of what I created in the beginning of my long life." Ra's walked over to his assassin and placed a heavy and thoughtful hand upon his shoulder. "I am however, ashamed of what they grew to become. In the beginning, I knew I needed more eyes and ears than mine to know all the goings on in this city, as well as others."

"Gotham isn't the only city the Court operates in." Batman's eyes narrowed.

"My owls are everywhere Detective. Though others are more well behaved and obedient than their Gothamite brethren, it is strictly for Gotham's faction I have come to correct. Out of all my informants, the Court in Gotham has grown too big for their britches as the saying goes."

     "I had the rest of the world to tend to and needed people to survey Gotham in my stead. In my place these people were to report to me every social, political and economic change. If there was a new mayor, I would know. The governing parties would exchange hands only after I knew all the information. Any new money that came into the city was to be reported to me and me alone. For a time my watchers, my owls, had done their duties and were faithful to the call of cleansing Gotham and all her sister cities when the time was right."

"Figures the only people you'd get to follow you are cult fanatics." Robin grunted. Ra's ignored the interruption and continued. 

"I went away, entrusting the city to these people to be my eyes. Like many children who can't wait for their parents' departure, I wasn't gone for three years before things began changing. My owls watched, but no longer for me. They silently grew into their own little private army funded by old and new money and in itself, became a completely separate organization. Ran by the top of even the 1%, this faction of my original design became one of the very things I have been fighting. Power, prestige and the complete control of the city is now their main goal."

     Eli's mind went back to the nights he was held captive by Zsasz and the man in the mask. He looked to Batman and saw he was thinking the same. He watched something crawl through Batman's skin, like a nerve traveling under his flesh until it gathered into a solid lump in his fist. Both he and Robin moved to stop him when they realized Batman had grabbed at Ra's throat and slammed him against the computer monitors. 

"Where are you hiding them?!!" he growled into the older man's face. 

"Whoa, easy Batman!" Robin tried his hardest to rip his friend's strong grip from around the other's neck. "We're not going to get anything from him if you kill him!"

The sounds of flapping wings rustled through the cave, seemingly fueling Batman's anger and making him strangle his former teacher even harder. He was breathing hard as if he had lifted something heavy just before striking and swung the old man through the air and planting him into the concrete flooring.

     Eli, still fresh off of his emotions, lunged forward. Though his katana was broken, he still had his trusty dagger and acting solely on instinct, he rushed into Batman, knocking him harshly down to the floor. Both bodies crashed into the computers as they fought for control over the knife. A sharp sensation, the feeling of warm liquid leaking down his wrist and the slippery squelching sounds he heard warned Batman the knife had went through the palm of his hand. Droplets of blood trickled down his wrist and it was only after a few splashes of the sharply metallic liquid spilling into his mouth did Bruce snap back to his senses. 

"Eli..." he called. He sounded confused as if he had just woken from a dream and this change didn't go unnoticed. Eli eased back on his assault, but kept his hand squarely around his dagger. Twisting the blade through Batman's wound on purpose as he pulled out, Eli got up and went to check on his teacher.

"Your just Detective." Ra's leaned on his assassin as he got back up. "While I do share in your frustration, it does not override the fact the Court is here and have been behind many of the high class atrocities Gotham suffers."

   Robin rushed to his partner's side and quickly went to work wrapping Batman's bleeding hand. 

"Damn, and here I thought we had enough to work with. Now you're telling me we have to deal with some ancient cult of Gotham's elite who literally control everything around us?!" the Boy Wonder's eyes narrowed. Deep down he began running names in his head. Names like Falcone, Maroni, Turpin and even...Wayne. As much as he loved Bruce, Dick knew nothing about his parents, or if they were as selfless and noble as their son and friends painted them out to be. After all, it was all their fault Eli had came into their lives. No person, dead or alive and in their right mind would've wanted a killer anywhere near them, or their surviving children. Not unless there was something sinister they were hiding. Seeing that his master was alright, Eli's eyes clouded over in thought. Ra's had created the Court. Members of the Court took him. Tortured and poisoned him. Did Ra's know? There wasn't much the old master didn't know, so to Eli the answer was obvious.

     He looked to the adults and felt sick and claustrophobic. He was lost. Stranded in the middle of a foggy mire, weighed down by so many emotions and voices. He needed a way out. He needed a straight answer. Confused and convinced he was betrayed, the boy ran back down the cave systems. 

"Elijah!" he heard Ra's call after him. Batman and Robin moved to follow, but were instantly pushed back by a heavy swirl of icy wind, black birds and their feathers. The bats, now restless and agitated, screeched and took flight, adding more noise and chaos to the confusion. Eli heard the commotion fading behind him as he began to take flight. A child's fear made his flight pattern clumsy. He crashed into the narrow walls, clawing his way to any direction where he could find the light of the outside world. He felt the brush of an ocean breeze lick his skin and desperately raced to find its source. Eli pushed himself beyond reasoning until he made his way to the mouth of a grey cave filled with water and a monumental, rushing waterfall. He flew upward until he heard the distinct sound of an overhead plane flying by. As soon as Eli saw the sky, he flew as far as his still healing wings could take him.

     He paid no attention to where he was flying from. All he wanted was to be back in the city, surrounded by things and people he recognized. Somewhere to the north he saw the bright amber lights of Gotham calling him. Like a moth to a flame, Eli flew in that direction. He flapped his wings hard, trying to get away from his master and Batman as fast as possible. He had no clear destination in mind, but a place came to mind once Eli recognized where in the city he approached. He flew uptown until he could see the glass and tile rooftop of the Roman's townhouse and crashed head first into one of the downstairs windows. Suited men with guns and knives rushed to the scene, readying to protect their boss.

"What the...oh shit, it's that kid with the freaky wings." one of them noticed.

"Should we tell the boss?"

"Nah, he's in the middle of dinner. He doesn't need to know nuthin'."

Despite their threatening presence, the intruder didn't move.

     He laid, splattered across the Persian carpet like roadkill.

"Fuckin' kid ain't moving. Maybe we should call the boss." 

One of them broke off and ran down the hall to the door leading into the dining room. A quick word to the Roman, and the dining room door slammed open with Carmine Falcone storming to the front of his house. 

"Well, well. Look who's come back home." Carmine sighed. He picked up the teenager and carried him to his office.

"Should we alert the rest of the family?" one of the men asked.

"Tell them to finish dinner. I'll be in my office and I do not want to be disturbed."

*    *    *    *

     Hiding the assassin was a bad idea. One that was surely going to backfire in Carmine's face once his former benefactor found out the boy was staying at his place, but his fatherly side was secretly flattered Eli chose to come back to him. The last time the two saw each other, Eli was the newly acquired orphan of Wayne's and was sure to be living the high life up at the manor. Maybe life with Bruce grew boring. Maybe Eli was back for another job with the criminal kingpin. Either way, Carmine placed guards around in and out of the house for extra measure just in case a certain masked someone came knocking. It was well into the night when Eli began stirring. He had been curled up on the small office couch and had remained there asleep for three hours. His eyes fluttered open to the familiar spicy and sweet scent of bourbon and the smoky aroma of a Cuban cigar.

"Rise slowly. You've been huddled over like that for three hours." spoke a calming voice. Eli's eyes searched the room to find Don Falcone sipping a glass of his favorite drink behind his desk.

"I must admit, I'm surprised you've come back. I haven't sent for an assassin with your employer in a while."

     Stiffly, Eli stretched his arms and legs. He was taken aback when he found a twin glass of brandy sitting on the coffee table before him and judging from the look Carmine gave him, he was expected to drink it. One more bad idea surely couldn't hurt.

"I don't normally give alcohol to children, but from the way you crashed through my window, looking as if you were desperate to get in, I figured a little nip wouldn't be too damaging."

Eli gulped down the brown liquid and coughed. He would never understand how adults could drink anything so bitter and tasted of motor oil. He placed the glass back onto the table and felt the spicy aftertaste coat his throat.

"I...I needed somewhere to go. I needed to get away." he continued coughing.

"Away from what? Wayne? Bruce is a good man, just like his father--"

"Is he? Was Thomas Wayne a good man?"

     The look Falcone gave him was one of sudden understanding and a twinge of fear for something unknown and unseen. 

"I don't understand what you mean." he chose to be vague.

"A long time ago, you told me you'd never lie to me. I know it's been some years since I've last seen you, but I came here hoping that promise is still the same." Eli's eyes glowed in the low light. "I need answers."

In all his years of business, the Roman knew how to feel out endangering situations long before the words were even spoken and right now as he sat in his townhouse, surrounded by his armed men, he felt the dangers of the coming conversation and knew if he spoke on it, not even his house was going to be enough to protect him. He rose from behind his desk and went to take a seat next to Eli on the couch.

"Trust for answers goes two ways son."

     "You don't make any kind of contact for months and now you're expecting me to just talk to you, as if nothing's happened between us. You want something from me, you need to give me something in return."

Eli didn't have anything to bargain with, except himself and his services...though, it was going to be difficult to do anything without his katana. 

"What would you want from me?" he asked. He looked deep into Falcone's face and saw not one trace of yearning for any sexual favors. In that, Eli relaxed a bit knowing his body was in safe enough hands. 

"Information." Falcone reached for Eli's shoulders and manually turned the boy until they were staring face to face. The office door creaked open as a massive woman crossed over the threshold.

     In the low lighting, her head appeared to nearly graze the ceiling and the width of her wide shoulders took up the majority of the space in the room. Eli stared up at the giantess with the glare of someone who had limited patience for surprises.

"You haven't left your office for hours papa. I was just seeing if you needed me for anything." she looked fondly to Falcone. She went to stand behind the older man, blocking out the rest of the light from Eli's face.

"You remember my daughter, Sophia." Falcone said calmly.

"Not really." Eli looked annoyed.

"Yeah, well I remember you little one. Don Falcone went through a lot of trouble with you and your kind--"

"What do you mean "my kind"?" Eli rose from the couch, hands already itching to reach for his dagger.

     "Enough Sophia. You'll have to forgive her. She's never been a huge fan of me working with a boy of your "talents"."

Maybe it was the shot of alcohol coursing through his veins, but Eli felt restless, jittery and short of compassion for any other living creature. He was angry, mind spinning from all his thoughts and his hands empty of his beloved blade. It was as if he were a ball of energy with no direction. He wanted to move. He needed to stay still. He wanted to cause pain and death. He didn't want to do it without his katana. Eli was going out of his mind and it was clear to Falcone something about his former assassin wasn't sitting right.

"Sit down young man." he spoke in his calmly manner. When he saw Eli wasn't responding, he reached for his hand and slowly pulled the boy back down to the couch. 

"Guardami figlio mio." Falcone took Eli by the shoulders once more. The look in Eli's eyes were tense and uncertain. "Why did you crash into my window boy?"

"You said you'd never lie to me. That still stands now, right?"

     Falcone looked to his daughter and pointed her to stand guard at the door.

"Why did you ask me if Thomas Wayne was a good man?"

Eli looked to Sophia and back to her father, unsure that he had any remaining faith in his ability to stay his hand from violence.

"Did you two know each other and if so, how well?"

Eli saw the question brought back memories that flooded Falcone's eyes. His pupils dilated in fondness as he quickly thought about his boyhood with his dear friend. 

"You're treading on very dangerous ground young man." Falcone's composure came back. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone's wanting to get information out of me through you."

"No one sent me." Eli protested.

     "Carmine, I only want to know how well did you know Thomas Wayne. You and him have some of the oldest names in Gotham..."

"And why were you looking into Gotham's old families?" the Roman's commanding tone replaced his softer one.

"Because the old families are attached to the Court of Owls!"

The lights dimmed even lower, casting shadows over everything saved for Eli's burning blue orbs. Something creaked a little too loud in the corner of the office, causing both Falcone and Sophia to tense at the sound.

"Where did you hear that name son?" Carmine tried to sit as calmly as possible, but couldn't stop his hands from twitching.

"It doesn't matter where I've heard it. All I know is the Court is fueled with the old blood of Gotham's elite families."

     "Knowing that....Bruce coming into my life wasn't by couldn't have could be possible the Court--"

"Elijah, the Court of Owls is a myth. A spooky story Gothamites have passed down for generations. They're not real." Falcone tried speaking passively. Nothing intimidated 'The Roman'. Not facing against the GCPD. Not paying off politicians. Not even Batman frightened him much anymore once he got use to the way their business as polar opposites worked. Carmine Falcone feared nothing involving his work, but this wasn't a work meeting and the figure in front of him wasn't Batman. Eli killed people for a living and while Carmine's had plenty of times to be around and threatened by the best of the best, none of them had the boy's unique gifts. The way Eli shot him those cold, almost dead blue eyes sent a chill down Falcone's back, but no matter how hard he would've tried, Eli wasn't going to get his answers from the old man. Not if Carmine could help it. There were plenty of things and people way more terrifying than the little assassin and right now, he was too close to finding out just how dangerous a game he was playing.

     "I knew Thomas well. If the Court were real, he would've never been a part of something like that. He was a good man. One of the best I've ever known. I don't know who's told you about such fairy tales, but rest assured, there's no such thing."

"You said you wouldn't lie to me." Eli could feel his patience waning.

"And I'm keeping my word."

"No, you're not. I saw them. I know the Court is real. I was their prisoner for days. My mask was similar to theirs..."

A thought occurred to Eli.

"That's why you never wanted me to wear it when I was around you. You knew what it looked like. What I looked like...and how could you not know? You're one of, if not, the most powerful man in the entire city, but even you answer to someone. You know the Court of Owls exists."

     Sophia locked the door as her father took the boy in hand and forced him to sit back down. 

"Turn out the lights completely Sophia." Falcone ordered. The giant woman did as she was told and turned out every lamp left on in the room. 

"There are certain things you shouldn't be talking about out loud and in public boy." Carmine lowered his voice to almost a whisper. He cupped the side of Eli's face and brought the child's forehead to his own.

"I'm sorry we couldn't have met again under better circumstances. It really was good seeing you again son." 

"Why does it sound like you're about to do something stupid?" Eli stared into the Don's face. Falcone's eyes were filled with just the right amount of remorse, but also the dark light of obligation. 

     Eli began coughing again, this time harder and more drier than before. He had realized things too late. His eyes cut to the now emptied glass on the table.

" poisoned me?" Eli actually began to tear up. "I said you'd never lie to me."

Carmine felt the life drain from Eli's face as the boy went into a violent coughing fit. His small body heaved as it tried to find air to fill his lungs, ultimately before crashing onto the floor. 

"It's not enough to kill , but I was told a few droplets of a powerful narcotic was just enough to destabilize and sedate you."

Eli had been stupid before, but this was one of his more glorious failures. He squirmed around on the carpet, inching himself closer to the door. This was all a mistake. An emotional and stupid mistake. 

"Please don't fight it. The longer you struggle, the harder the drug has to work." Falcone blocked the way.

     "Let's just get this over with papa. The longer he stays here, the more they'll find out." Sophia took out a pair of gloves from her pocket.

"Mind yourself daughter. At one point I wanted to make this child your adopted brother. I didn't think him and killing should have been a mixture back in the day and while it's been quite a long time since we've seen one another, part of me still believes that. It's only because he's a child that I take no pleasure in this."

The giant woman picked up Eli by his torso and carried him over her shoulder. Sophia was more than willing to be rid of the little freak and all the dangers that surrounded him. Especially since removing him meant her father would be safe from harm.

"Should we take him for a ride? Somewhere far where no one will ever find him? I know some men from Bludhaven who could make this little problem disappear." she carried the body down a flight of stairs.

     "I asked you to mind yourself Sophia." Falcone followed behind.

"But papa, you couldn't have been really thinking of making this "child" a part of the family, were you? Where was he going to fit? Around mama? Around your grandchildren? Surely you weren't expecting me to accept the little weirdo as my brother! You already have two wonderful sons in Alberto and Mario."

"You of all people, are not going to tell me who I can and cannot add to my family Sophia." Carmine grabbed his daughter's arm and roughly spun her around, nearly making her drop Eli from her shoulder and almost falling down the rest of the stairs. 

"I know things have changed, but only because I said they did. Why I wanted the boy is strictly my business and whether you would've liked it or not, he was going to be your younger brother and you would've welcomed him with opened arms if I told you to. Don't you ever forget who I am and dare question me in my own home ever again."

     Carmine reached downstairs before his daughter. He silently stopped her from reaching the bottom floor after he realized his armed guards were nowhere to be found. The house was too quiet. Fearing for the safety of his family, Falcone reached for one of the pistols he made sure to stash in every flowerpot around the house and crept to the end of the hall. The hallways were silent, but his men had vanished. 

"Where the hell is everyone?" Sophia dropped Eli on the landing and went to protect her father.

"Get the boy. Bring him to the front of the house."

"Papa, he's probably the reason for all our men up and disappearing. Should we take that risk?"

One look from her father told Sophia he was tired of her questioning him and she had one last chance to do so before he made her remember why he was called 'The Roman'. She picked up the child and made her way to the front door.

     The carpeted floor creaked with the sounds of footfalls as Falcone followed his daughter through the townhouse. They passed the living room and had nearly made out the door when he abruptly stopped her.

"Papa, why are we stopping?" Sophia looked back nervously.

"The living room."


"Bring him into the living room."

Sophia about-faced and went into the living room. Just hours ago she and her family were sitting in its couches and plush armchairs, laughing, talking and drinking to each others' health. The room had been filled with the sounds of her mother's voice and the laughter of her children playing with their uncle Mario.

     Warm amber light came from the lamps and fireplace. It was a safe, comfortable space filled with love and more importantly, Sophia's entire world. Now the room was dark, dead silent without the lamplight, smells of her mother's food and coffee, or the voices of her children. They were replaced with morphing shadows, a dull grey light flooding through the windows from the city and glowing orbs moving in the corners of the wide room. Sitting on the same couch her mother was just playing with her grandchildren, was a figure dressed in a stark black suit completed with a white mask.

"And here I thought you were going to ignore us." the stranger crossed their legs. 

"Of course not. I was just wondering how far you'd let us go. Now that I see I've kept you waiting, I suppose the test is over." Falcone stood in the doorway. The figure didn't move when the shadows grew closer. Rather, they held out their arms as if waiting to carry something.

"Well? Bring the child to me."

     Sophia looked to her father, then back into the living room. 

"I knew the little brat was going to be trouble." she grumbled under her breath. She passed the body along without a care and went to stand by her dad. 

"Well done Carmine. You have been most helpful to us, which almost makes up for your little meeting with Mr. Wayne."

"How do you know about that?" Carmine's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"We've told you. There's nothing going on in this city that we don't know about. Though we're still uncertain of what you two talked about--"

"Wayne knows nothing. If he suspects anything, he wouldn't have gotten it from me."

"Yes...very well. You've delivered the Reaper to us. For now, you can be forgiven."

     The stranger carried Eli out of the room with the rest of their entourage stalking close behind them. No one should've been commanding Carmine to do anything in his own castle, but he was helpless in handing over Eli. He had to remind himself attachments came and went. There would be another child to catch his interests and who knows. Maybe he'd start an orphanage of his own down the line. The front door closed, but the spirit of the house never went back to normal.

"Sophie, go upstairs and wake you mother and the children."

Panicked, Sophia rushed back up the stairs to the second landing in search of her mother and babies. Ten minutes had passed before Carmine heard the confused voice of his wife and the innocent babbling of his grandchildren. They clamored downstairs, the children running into their grandfather's arms and his wife disoriented from sleep.

"What's going on Carmine? Is everything alright?" his wife, Louisa, cupped his face.

     "Lou, I've decided something. Something important. It's time."

"Time for what papa?" Sophia carried her son in her arms.

"I've been thinking for a long time now. This city's changed and it keeps changing whether I like it or not. The old ways no longer benefit us in a way that can ensure our survival anymore. Suffice it to say, we're at the mercy of powers looking to destroy all that I've built. All that my father and his compatriots built. The Falcone name is one that's integrated into the very fabric of Gotham and in order to ensure the name lives on well after my time, the Falcones must leave Gotham."

Sophia's first reaction was to argue with her father. She didn't want to raise her children in this city anymore than their father, but she was a Gotham girl through and true. This was to be her children's inherited kingdom when they came of age and it was only fair to them that knew their family fought tooth and nail for their title as 'The Roman Empire'.

     "Papa, we can't leave! This...this is our turf. I watched you work yourself to death making a name for yourself and no one has the right to run you out of your kingdom!" Sophia raised her voice. She flinched as her father came upon her, fearing he was going to strike her in front of her children.

"I know sweetheart." Carmine ran a kind hand through his daughter's hair. "I thank you for always being at my side do get things done Sophie, but it's time for this old man retire to a place where the sun actually shines more than it rains. It's time for this family to see clear blue skies and breathe fresh air for once. The 'Empire' cannot continue after my death if we stay here."

Carmine looked into the faces of the people he loved most in the entire world and thought for a small second, Eli could've been one of them. It was nice to know he still had the heart of an honorable man when he thought of adopting the child simply to take him away from a life of crime and provide a home for him, but that time had passed. Eli was with the Court now and should he survive whatever they had in store for him, Carmine silently prayed the boy would forgive him.

     "Come first light, we are leaving Gotham behind and heading for brighter waters." he announced. "Before tonight is over, I want all of your bags packed and ready to leave by the time dawn cracks."

"So early in the morning? Why then?" Louisa asked.

"I'll explain more in the morning. For now, stay calm and go pack."

The Falcone women went back to their rooms, leaving Carmine alone in the hall. He went back into his office and locked the door. The first thing he did was spend a good two hours burning every scrap of paper in his desk. He burned photos, holiday cards and old clothes. He wiped down any and all guns he hid through the office and buried them under the floorboards. After he felt he'd done a satisfactory job, he went through the rest of the house, taking down portraits of his family, cleaning the guns hidden in every plant and placing them in a black plastic bag. He couldn't tell whether or not someone was watching the house, so it was too late to call a cleaning crew from the outside. 

     He used whatever men he had left as helpers to clear the house of any and all evidence someone lived there and made arrangements for not only his trip, but for who was to be his successor over the phone. They cleaned the house down for any signs of DNA, covered the furniture and threw away all leftover food that wasn't good. By the time the first rays of pink light struck the sky, Carmine was exhausted, but pleased his plan was in order. There was just one bit of business he had to finish and then he and his family would be out of this city forever, or at least until it was necessary to return. That bit would be taken cared of before he boarded his plane. As according to his plan, Carmine had made sure his grandchildren and wife were excited to be taking a trip to a well known amusement park situated just outside of Metropolis. The only luggage they packed into the car were obvious snacks and a beach bag stuffed with towels. Inside the women's purses were their passports and every other important paper they'd need to get out of the country. Before locking the door, Carmine talked to his men openly, supposedly ordering them to clean the house and transport their "goods" via trucks as usual.

     Carmine drove his family away from the townhouse and never looked back. The plan was working. They reached the airport in record time and had to only wait a short while before catching their flight. In the minutes he waited, Carmine made one phone call.

"Mr. Wayne please."

The line clicked as the call was passed over.

"Yes? Wayne speaking." came Bruce's voice.

"Listen to me very closely young man, for I'm only going to say this once."

The silence on the other end told Carmine Bruce was listening.

"They have your boy. I have a feeling you know who I'm talking about. They have him."

The call ended.

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