000 || Zero

By StxrlxghtBooks

16.9K 376 27

Was 001 truly the first subject? No, he wasn't. There was one before him. 000. She exhibited great power, str... More



463 9 2
By StxrlxghtBooks

I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every moment of it.

Warnings: Mentions of Murder

All actions in this story are fictional and not recommended if you want to stay out of jail.

I killed another. I mean, could you blame me? The man was useless anyways. He couldn't do anything Peter could.

So, I get strapped down to the chair again and go through the shock therapy yet again. It still hurts like hell, but it's almost bearable. When I pass out after I can almost sense Peter's presence. Oh, how I long to see him.

After my recent two murders, I've been put on lockdown. I've been locked in my room, only let out to use the restroom. And they had cut my hair. Luckily it wasn't a shave, but it's up to my shoulders and is a bit of a shag. Not a bad haircut.

I've also been practically chained to the bed. Although, the chains are long enough that I can move about, just not too close to the door where I can get out.

I'm currently leaning against the wall, tossing a ball against the wall to keep me occupied. My chains rattle as I toss the ball each time.

I stop, then look to check the clock. 6:45, dinner time. I wait a few minutes before a young woman walks into the room with my food, scared out of her wits. She's obviously scared of me. I mean if she got close enough I could kill her in an instant. Or I could mess with her mind, convince her to come closer, then slit her throat.

Oh, what lovely ways to think about killing someone. As she slowly places the food tray down at my bedside table I pretend to bite her, causing her to shriek. I chuckle loudly as she leaves the room. This has been my only form of entertainment for the last week. I mean, other than throwing a ball around.

I get out of bed to grab my plate of food. Fried chicken. One of the good ones. I quietly munch on my food as a stare at my blank wall.

I think about Peter. I wonder if he's doing alright, or if he's even alive. I sure do hope he is. I might go on a killing spree if I found out he was dead, might even kill the whole facility.

The door opening pulls me out of my thoughts. Brenner, this ugly bastard. He's nothing but a pussy and a coward.

"Hello, 019." I roll my eyes at him. "I'll be letting you out of your room in two days. Have you thought about what you've done?" He asks me. "Totally." I mutter, shoving a piece of chicken in my mouth. His face is full of disgust as he watches me eat.

"Right, okay." He says as he shifts uncomfortably at my disgusting way of eating. "I'll see you then." He mutters as he leaves. Weirdo.

Those two days passed by slowly. All I did was eat, throw a ball at a fucking wall, and sleep.

Brenner comes back into the room as I toss the ball against the wall. "Good morning, 019." He says cheerfully. I stop throwing the ball and toss him a glare. "Shall I get these cuffs off of you?" He asks. I nod quietly.

He takes a key out of his back pocket and slides it into the keyhole. He unlocks all four of them, I then rub my wrists to bring the feeling back into them. "Go to the rainbow room after you're ready." He states as he closes the door.

After I change I make my way to the rainbow room. As I step in a feel a familiar presence behind me. "Good morning, Y/n." I smile at the sound of his voice, but I have to contain my excitement.

I immediately turn to face him. "Good morning, Peter." His smile is as bright as ever. How I miss his beautiful blue eyes and his neatly combed blonde hair. I just want to launch myself into his arms and kiss him all over.

"Please tell me we're doing training together again." He tilts his head down to look at his shoes. "I'm afraid not. They don't trust us alone together." He explains, causing my heart to drop a bit.

When I hear the door start to open I scurry over to the table so Brenner doesn't see me talking to Peter.

"Good morning, children." He announces. "Good morning, papa." The children respond in their usual monotone voice.

Brenner then guides a new orderly to me. "019, this is Diana. She'll help you with one-on-one training." He explains and the woman looks at me with fear. I smirk up at her. Brenner then starts to walk away. "Play nice." He yells to me. "No promises." I mutter under my breath.

The training goes how it normally does, although this orderly is very tense around me. Once she realizes that I don't seem to "want" to do anything to her she eases up a bit. Then she starts to test me.

She makes these snide remarks throughout the entirety of the training. She teases me and says things along the lines of, 'You too pussy to kill me?' or 'You won't do anything to me.' It starts to set me off and I'm now boiling with anger.

"Hey pussy, catch this." She yells as she throws one of the balls at me that I'm supposed to catch with my telekinesis. When it gets towards me I send it flying towards her head.

She dodges and looks back at me with fear. "You're not so big and tough anymore now, huh?" I asked, advancing on her.

She backs up into a wall and I pin her there. "The only reason I haven't killed you yet is so I can give Brenner false hope." She looks at me confused as I back away.

"See here's the thing about Brenner. He thinks he has everything and everyone under his control, but he doesn't. So what I like to do is to give him hope that he has fixed me, then destroy that hope all over again. Eventually, he'll give in and finally give me what I want." I explain to her.

She looks at me with complete fear. "So here's what I'm gonna do now. I'm gonna kill you, nice and slow, and you're gonna stay quiet. I'll keep your dead body in here for a while until they eventually find it."

She looks disgusting and terrified at the same time. I grab the tape that sits on the table, ripping a piece off. She tries to back away but remembers the wall behind her.

"There's no running." I smirk, placing the tape over her mouth. "Shhh." I take her backup weapon out of her belt and stab her, killing her in the process.

I must've blacked out cause I barely remember anything after that. I tossed her corpse in the corner and covered it up, and had cleaned the blood off my body. I remember quietly slipping out of the room and back to the rainbow room. No one had noticed a thing.

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